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Growing Business Fund Grant Panel Interim Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
Wednesday, 01 December 2021 | 10.00am - 12.30pm
Held via conference call on Microsoft Teams
Present - Panel
Mike Burrows (MB)
Martin Ince (MI)
Daryl Griffiths (DG)
Dr Sumathi Sundram (SS)
Kathy Atkinson (KA)
In attendance
Allen Hall (AH)
Amanda Castell (AC)
Julie West (JW)
Jason Middleton (JM)
Rose Joy (RJ)
Martin Ince Communications
Burnett, Barker Solicitors
S&V Consultants Limited
Kettle Foods Limited
Finance East
Finance East
New Anglia LEP
New Anglia LEP
New Anglia LEP
Welcome and Introductions
MB welcomed members. Meeting quorate.
Not present on telecon call
Apologies received:
Chris Dashper, New Anglia LEP; Paul Stewart, Center Parcs; Jackie Potter, Micropress Limited;
Dominic Keen, Britbots; Neil Sargent, Finance East; Beverly Davies, Suffolk County Council
Declarations of Interest and GDPR
None declared.
Meeting Minutes: Panel Meeting held on Wednesday, 03 November 2021
Meeting notes approved.
New Applications for Approval (1)
(1) Harford Attachments Limited - Deferred
Local Authority of business - Norwich City Council
£28,283 - GBER
Four new full-time jobs and three part-time jobs to be created
AC provided background information on the grant application. The Panel noted the business had
experienced business interruption insurance’ due to a severe fire. Details outlined and lengthy
discussion took place.
Reservation expressed on the timescale for the application, bearing in mind the approaching GBF
claim deadline. AC reassured the Panel that the business would be able to achieve the timescales in
the application.
Comment was made on the relatively low salaries being offered.
Recommendation: To safeguard the reputation of the LEP, the Panel agreed to defer the
application to the next GBF Panel meeting, subject to AC seeking additional written evidence from
the business. Evidence and update to be sent to JW for submission to LEP Management Board for
review prior to re-submission of the application. AC to provide update to Panel in due course.
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Small Grant Scheme (SGS) | Growth Through Innovation Fund (GTIF) Updates
No update given.
Funding, Updates and Jobs Creation
No update given.
GBF Applications ‘Pipeline
Pipeline changes daily. The Growth Hub have been asked to continue seeking new applicants and
manage expectation accordingly.
Additional GBF Panel meeting: An additional GBF Panel meeting will be held on Wednesday,
15 December 2021. Finance East are hopeful of six applications plus Harford Attachments Limited
being brought to the meeting. The meeting to start at 09.30am to allow additional time to review the
applications being presented.
PR and Marketing
Ongoing. The Panel noted that it was good to see Mirus Aircraft Seating Limited, a recipient of a GBF
award, being featured in the Eastern Daily Press.
Any Other Business
The meeting closed at 10.40am.
Meeting to be held via Microsoft Teams
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 | 09.30am - 12.30pm