Meeting Note
In attendance:
Dayle Bayliss Dayle Bayliss Ltd. (Skills Advisory Panel)
Genevieve Christie Firstlight Festival
Ali Clabburn Liftshare (Transport Board)
Nigel Davies Muntons
Viv Gillespie Suffolk New College (FE Principals)
Ellen Goodwin New Anglia LEP
Lorraine Gore Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk
(Norfolk Climate Change Partnership)
Pete Joyner Shorthose Russell (LEP Board Member and Chair)
Jill Korwin West Suffolk Council (Suffolk Climate Change,
Environment and Energy Board)
Andrew Lovett UEA
Jack Raven EDF Energy
Johnathan Reynolds Opergy (Innovation Board)
Lisa Roberts New Anglia LEP
Julia Pyke EDF Energy
Nikos Savvas West Suffolk College (FE Principals)
1. Welcome and introductions
Pete Joyner welcomed the members of the Clean Growth Taskforce and set the scene
from his perspective. He outlined his high-level thoughts with regard to what the
Taskforce ought to focus on: leadership and collaboration, promoting Norfolk & Suffolk
as a clean growth region and clean recovery.
Lisa Roberts went on to outline why Norfolk and Suffolk was the UKs Clean Growth
Region and the approach the New Anglia LEP is currently taking to developing the
Economic Renewal Plan for Norfolk and Suffolk for which Clean Growth is a golden
2. The scale of the opportunity
Andrew Lovett outlined the scale of the opportunity in terms of greenhouse gas emission
reductions between 2005 and 2019, the sectoral breakdown and how proportionally how
things have changed over the same period and the significant point source emitters
across the area.
JR asked AL about the sectoral breakdown and the greater influence of transport over
time and in Norfolk and Suffolk and asked his view on carbon budgets versus
Norfolk and Suffolk Clean Growth Taskforce
10am, Tuesday 20
July 2021 Teams
emissions. AL suggested both emissions and carbon budgets are important to consider.
LG asked about the point source emitters. AL highlighted that many of the point source
emitters were from the agricultural and energy sectors.
3. A shared ambition?
Lisa Roberts outlined thinking with respect to developing a shared ambition and asked
the Taskforce what clean growth meant to them. In summary comments included:
The importance of succinct and clear messaging:
o Does clean growth do this? Could net zero or climate positive be a better
phrase/approach to take?
o The importance of the UNs sustainability goals although it was recognised
that sustainability means different things to different people.
o The importance of place as part of Norfolk and Suffolks USP.
Clean growth helps to deliver net zero but both are important:
o Water, energy and just transition were highlighted as areas that needed to
be considered alongside net zero in order to deliver clean and inclusive
growth in Norfolk and Suffolk.
o The importance of carbon credits and using the supply chain to deliver
with offsetting being the last resort.
ACTION refine the clean growth narrative based on the work of the Local
Industrial Strategy. Any ambition and any associated impact indicators need to
be based on evidence.
ACTION Taskforce members to highlight their approach to net zero and clean
growth as part of the forward plan of the Taskforce.
4. The initial focus of the Taskforce
Lisa Roberts and Ellen Goodwin outlined the initial key areas for the Taskforce that have
already begun and the focus for the first six months:
Leadership and collaboration
o Input to the Business Learning Month starting 22 September
o Co-create a wider stakeholder event in early 2022 to build momentum
Evidence and impact
o Refine clean growth messaging and ambition ahead of next meeting as
o Feed into the Economic Renewal Plan over the coming months
o Workforce of the future
Oversee Decarbonisation Academy business case development
ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review
o Sustainable Connectivity
Engage with the development of the Alternative Fuel Strategy and
ensure it meets both the needs of private & public sector by the end
of the year
o Supporting Business to Net Zero
Ensure programme spend by the end of March 2022 (if successful)
Comments from the Taskforce included:
Need to consider how Norfolk and Suffolk lead the way as the Clean Growth
region what are our opportunities to influence? How do we engage MPs?
Importance of adding value and consistency Suffolk public sector approach
achieves this in part.
This agenda binds industry together in a way that has not happened previously
cross sector opportunities holistic and whole life approach including supply
chain critical.
ACTION map whos doing what across the area. Refer to previous initiatives to
learn lessons to feed into future work. Need to understand how it all fits
5. Terms of reference
The Taskforce referred to the Terms of Reference and queried whether industry
representation was sufficient. It was noted that the Taskforce did not want to duplicate
the effort of other groups nor become too unwieldy. The LEPs Industry Councils will be
engaged as part of the Renewal Plan process in September.
ACTION review membership and reach of Taskforce
AGREED the Board agreed the terms of reference subject to the membership
review described above. The terms of reference also need to refer to declarations
of interest and substitutions.
6. Any other business
DONM not a Monday or Tuesday. Doodle poll to be circulated.