o Providing agile and responsive training provision for key sectors – working in
partnership with businesses, developing innovative training courses, able to meet the
emerging needs of the New Anglia economy
o Equipping young people for success - unlocking the abilities, confidence and potential
of young people, equipping this future generation with the technical skills, digital,
entrepreneurship and problem-solving capabilities for further and higher education
o Tackling barriers to employment - Developing opportunities for vulnerable and
disadvantaged groups to develop the skills required to enter, re-enter or transfer
employment to benefit from productive careers in our technical sectors
One project team has been set up under each objective and each has established 2 areas of
delivery on which to focus. The groups also challenge the SAP to maintain strategic focus to
ensure that long term aims remain relevant and emerging needs are fed back to the SAP.
CC advised that the pandemic has had some impact on deliverables but significant progress
has also been made on delivery as detailed it the report. Focus is currently on providing
lifelong skills and development in keys sectors.
CC noted that the skills data set was published in January 2021 and identified the need for
more people qualifying in the sectors identified in the Local Industrial Strategy. LEP activites
support this area as the LEP has invested in the STEM Centre and the Digitech Centre and
also in supporting apprenticeships.
Corrienne Peasgood (CP) noted that the Agrifood Industry council had raised the issue of the
current difficulty in recruiting in all areas and this should be fed back into the next SAP
meeting to highlight skills shortages. There was also the opportunity to work with the DWP on
this issue.
Jeanette Wheer (JW) noted that the current trend to work virtually opens up opportinites but
also means that local jobs are open to wider competition.
HL confirmed that there is still an issue around salaries in the region as the earning power is
not as strong as elsewhere
Alan Waters (AW) noted the the deadline for applying for settled status was approaching and
this could act as a deterrent for some to move to the area. The impact of this needs to be
The board thanked Claire for work as chair of the SAP.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
Samantha Vinyard-Jones (SVJ) manager of the New Anglia Growth Hub provided the board
with an overview of the work of the Growth Hub including the support which has been provided
to businesses during the pandemic.
SVJ noted the the Growth Hub works with a wide range of businesses and sectors across the
region from one person start ups to large scale plants.
SVJ advsed that the volume and nature of contacts had changed during the pandemic and the
response had been adapted accordingly including the use of the regularly updated script,
woking closely with districts to help businesses in findng grants, directing calls via Teams,
helpng businesses supply and find PPE and delivering workshops and training virtually. The
Growth Hub took 16,000 incoming calls from businesses during the pandemic.
Support with the EU transition is also being provided with advisors in place at the Suffolk
Chamber, intelligence shared with the LEP for reporting to Governments and referrals being
made to the DIT regarding exports.