New Anglia Skills Advisory Panel Meeting
23rd September 2021
Via Microsoft Teams
In attendance:
Catherine Richards, East Norfolk 6th Form
Claire Cullens, New Anglia LEP Board and
SAP Chair (CC)
Clarke Willis, Swallow Barns (CW)
Corrienne Peasgood, City College Norwich
David Gartland, Abbeygate 6th Form (DG)
David Pomfret, College of West Anglia
Glen Todd, New Anglia LEP (GT)
Jan Feeney, Norfolk County Council (JF)
Jason Parnell, Steadfast Training (JP)
Julia Nix, DWP (JN)
Karin Porter, Norfolk County Council (KP)
Lucy Walker, ESFA (LW)
Michael Gray, Suffolk County Council (MG)
Natasha Waller, New Anglia LEP (NW)
Nova Fairbank, Norfolk Chamber of
Commerce (NF)
Richard Bridgman, Warren Services (RB)
Seb Gasse, NCC (SG)
Stuart Smith, People with Energy (SS)
Tom Brown, Green Light Trust (TB)
Viv Gillespie, Suffolk New College (VG)
Yvonne Mason, The Mason Trust (YM)
Cate Carmichael, Suffolk County Council
Public Health (CCa)
Ed Shorthouse, New Anglia LEP (ES)
Laraine Moody, West Suffolk College (LM)
Lisa Roberts, New Anglia LEP (LR)
Richard Balls, New Anglia LEP (RBa)
Simon Papworth, New Anglia LEP (SP)
Adrian Orr, Suffolk County Council (AO)
Ben Miller, Independent (BM)
Christine Futter, Norfolk and Suffolk Care
Support (CF)
Chris Gribble, Writers’ Centre Norwich
Cllr Rachel Hood, Suffolk County Council
Cllr Stuart Clancy, Norfolk County Council
Dayle Bayliss, Dayle Bayliss Associates
Guy Hazlehurst, EDF (GH)
Helen Langton (Professor), University of
Suffolk (HL)
Karen Gibson, Norfolk County Council (KG)
Nikos Savvas, West Suffolk College (NS)
Paul Simon, Suffolk Chamber of
Commerce (PS)
Peter Basford, BDO Group (PB)
Richard Self, agricultural representative
Stuart Rimmer, East Coast College (SR)
Tom Humphries, Norfolk County Council
Tracey Cox, ESFA (TC)
Vince Muspratt, Norfolk County Council
Item 1: Welcome and Minutes
Claire Cullens welcomed everyone to the meeting and particularly our guests Lisa Roberts
(New Anglia LEP) and Cate Carmichael (Suffolk County Council Public Health).
The minutes were reviewed and approved. All actions had been followed up.
Item 2: Renewal Plan an overview
CC reminded members of the relevance of the Champion groups and the reason for today’s
workshops. The Renewal Plan is an opportunity to bring stakeholders together to look at the
CC stressed that it isn’t essential to develop new initiatives unless there is a real need. It is
more important to focus and build on what we have.
LR explained that the Renewal Plan is being developed because so much has changed in
recent months including Covid, Brexit and climate change. We need to review and reset our
priorities. The evolving plan will consolidate the Economic Strategy, Local Industrial Strategy
and Restart documents.
It should offer potential for Norfolk and Suffolk at both county and district levels plus
continue to support our 3 strategic opportunities. Skills is integral to this.
Engagement is taking place throughout September, drafting in October and sharing back to
the SAP and others in November.
SP reminded members of some of the key data around skills and employment. He shared
some of the predictions around company failures increasing and thus a further spike in
unemployment. Currently unemployment is not as high as was originally predicted but
government support is likely to be masking the reality.
GVA in Norfolk and Suffolk continues to be a long way below both the UK and regional
averages. There are also far fewer people gaining level 4+ qualifications than the national
average. However, there is still not a high demand for level 4 jobs so the increase needs to
go hand in hand. STEM is also in demand.
Since 2020, the allocation of National Insurance numbers for people from abroad has
dropped significantly.
The posting of green jobs has increased rapidly and wages are rising.
LR explained that there would be a data report underlying the Renewal Plan so evidence will
be widely available for partners. This would be useful for future planning and funding bids.
ACTION: ES to look at tracking GVA/Productivity against different regions historically and if
there are any change in job titles to reflect the new green economy.
Item 3: Workshops Review of objectives
SAP members were split in 3 and reviewed the insights & trends, opportunities, challenges,
aims and actions for each objective. (Notes from each group circulated with minutes).
Item 4: Next Steps
CC expressed the need for us to address the gaps caused by Covid.
ACTION: Skills team to look at how we can drive forward the SAP meetings in the light of the
discussions and will bring to the November meeting.
Item 5: 5% Club
JN introduced SAP members to the 5% club which have the ethos of creating shared
prosperity for learning and earning. They are keen to regionalise their offer and would like
this to happen in Norfolk and Suffolk. This will involve a £500 membership fee and in return
there will be a more thorough auditing and reporting process, benchmarking businesses
against peers.
RB is talking to employers about sponsoring a local offer. YM is researching what local
businesses already working with the 5% club and mapping these again the NCC/ECC Youth
Pledge ESF projects.
There was some discussion around additional bureaucracy, added value and potential impact
on the existing Youth Pledge ESF projects (+ve & -ve).
ACTION: RB & RBa to look to produce a case study for promotion.
Item 6: AOB
RBa alerted members to the series of Clean Growth podcasts that the LEP had produced and
our 10 year birthday celebration video.
Next meeting: November 18th from 10am.