New Anglia Innovation Board
Tuesday 16
March 14:00-16:00
By MS Teams
David Carlin
Science Director
James Allen
Innovation & Sector Manager
New Anglia LEP
Prof. Fiona Lettice
Pro-Vice Chancellor
University of East Anglia
Julian Munson
Head Enterprise Zones & Innovation
New Anglia LEP
David Parfrey
Executive Chair
Howard Partridge
Regional Manager
Innovate UK
Lisa Perkins
Adastral Park & Research Realisation Director
Johnathan Reynolds (Chair)
Board Member
New Anglia LEP
Katie Snell
Innovation & Sectors Coordinator
New Anglia LEP
Jai Raithatha
Head of Economic Development
Suffolk County Council
Prof.Mohammad Dastbaz
Deputy Vice- Chancellor
University of Suffolk
Sarah Steed
Director of Innovation & Engagement
Norwich University of the Arts
David Tait
Dr Belinda Clarke
Alex Dinsdale
Ian Pease
Jo Middleton
C-J Green
Regional Growth Manager
Business Development Manager
Economic Policy and Strategy Manager
Hethel Innovation
Agri-Tech E
Agri- Tech E
Norfolk County Council
New Anglia LEP
Vince Muspratt
Assistant Director, Growth & Development
Welcome from the Chair Introductions, Apologies & Minutes
- Johnathan Reynolds (Chair) welcomed all to the meeting.
- Apologies were noted.
- Minutes agreed (actions signed off).
- Introduced New Anglia LEP Chair CJ Green to meeting.
New Anglia LEP Chair
CJ joined the New Anglia LEP Board in March 2020, the reason for wanting to be involved in the LEP was due to
how inspiring it is. Confirmed that we are in challenging but exciting times due to people having to think
differently. Another reason for being involved with the LEP is the ability for forums and boards to bring together
connection within our region. The level of execution of activity and the fact that things happen is encouraging.
The Recovery Plan for the region is being developed, a two-stage plan to restart Norfolk and Suffolk recovery
which evolves into the Renew Plan. It was developed with over 700 different individuals and provides analysis of
the sectors we are working in. Stage two will be published in autumn this year. Government has scrapped the
National Industrial Strategy however our Local Industrial Strategy still outlines the same vision and aspirations,
and this remains in place and can be found in Government’s plan for growth. The Renew plan bring all together
focusing on action and will be a core strength of the LEP.
Innovation Norfolk & Suffolk Agri-Food Industry Council and Innovation Priorities for Agri TechE
Belinda Clarke from Agri TechE confirmed that she grew up in Norwich and was very passionate about the
industry and region.
There are many trends and opportunities within the sector which have the ability to harness opportunities from
other sectors. For example, there is the opportunity to understand, and map yields as well as forecasting, along
with nutrition and data opportunities where being able to integrate them into actionable insights is key.
Agri- TechE brings people together as well as the innovation eco system around the Agri-tech industry. Agri-
TechE is an independent, member-led organisation, catalysing innovation in agriculture and horticulture,
national and international in its scope and reach. To pioneer multidisciplinary innovation to enhance the
productivity, efficiency and sustainability of UK agricultural and horticultural research and production. With a
vision for Agri-TechE to be a globally recognised catalyst for UK agri-tech open innovation and entrepreneurship.
Agri- TechE were invited to provide the support to the Norfolk and Suffolk Agri-Food Industry Council which is
made up of 22 members and this involves Agri -TechE colleague, Alex Dinsdale who provides the support to the
LEP. Aligning to the Local Industrial Strategy, the council works to a delivery plan with the aid of subgroups. This
helps to inform the LEP with on the ground challenges. The LEP commissioned Savills to help scope out what the
ambitions and opportunities are for the sector. In addition, an Inward investment Development Plan sits
alongside N&S Unlimited.
Agriculture is open to business and welcomes fresh thinking, the 2021 topics look at advances in breeding,
vertical farming, nutrition, and soils for example. The drivers of innovation have been Brexit and changes to
farm policy which has led to some big challenges around import and export. For example, customs bureaucracy
is causing difficulties for imports, export challenges for eggs, poultry, and fresh produce, in particular seed
potatoes. Brexit has exacerbated existing shipping international difficulties which arose during 2020. Drivers of
agri-innovation (pandemic) provides concerns over availability of plant protection products and other raw
materials, staff, and labour availability throughout the supply chain with a big emphasis on robotics and
automation since pandemic started. In addition, a lack of PPE for food processors, e-commerce demand
outstripping capability, food supply and demand mismatches (data sensor technology for animals and plants to
meet contracts for less wastage) and social distancing and remote working management. The pandemic has
accelerated and highlighted existing challenges. To support this there are new Defra and Innovate UK support
packages in development. The pandemic has accelerated and highlighted the challenges.
Q: to the board, how can we do things better together?
Innovation Board members were invited to consider this point and provide feedback.
Belinda added the interest of talking to other industry councils to see how the clean growth objective can be
David Carlin Cefas
Working with the UEA Cefas are looking at the opportunity for a marine science showcase at the end of this year
aligning the event with the royal opening of the new Cefas laboratory. Timing wise currently unsure when the
opening will happen, perhaps late summer. Have been working with Julian and Katie from New Anglia LEP on
this with further discussion to take place.
The Aqua Tech Marine Science Campus for Lowestoft is starting to develop and pick up traction. The concept of
the campus came from the redevelopment of the Cefas site which was funded by the LEP and Defra. Building
work has now completed. It evolved into the idea of a campus for the whole of Lowestoft, a networked campus
for marine and coastal sciences which includes the Skills Centre, OrbisEnergy, ABP port facilities and
accommodation. A network of real assets.
We have a unique opportunity to develop academic, industry and government partnership, to fill a clear gap for
the majority of the North Sea Coast and become a national and international centre of excellence for sustainable
management of the marine environment. To develop enhanced, home grown expertise as the UK becomes an
independent coastal state. Additionally, to play a nationally leading role in delivering a green (blue) recovery and
create significant connectivity with existing research, innovation, and regional investment. Could also benefit
from additional student income for Lowestoft with accommodation, living costs and entertainment spend.
We have some existing assets such as Cefas, offshore energy, OrbisEnergy, port facilities, historic fishing industry
and Sizewell. We have made a huge amount of progress quite quickly around partnerships with the likes of the
UEA, UoS, SunRISE SIPF bid, Plymouth University, Cefas and East Suffolk Council. Potential partners could include
OrbisEnergy, Hethel, Adastral Park, NRP, EEEGR, EDF and others.
At present the Academic MoU is being drafted. Three positive meetings held with academic partners. Defra and
Peter Aldous MP are both supportive. East Suffolk Council including the project as a key element of the
regeneration strategy and included in the successful Lowestoft Towns Fund bid. Engagement with industry
including coastal partnership, EEEGR and OrbisEnergy. Discussed with ABP as part of wider port master planning.
Engaged with Julian Munson around including this on LEP Investment Plan.
There is an unused former department store on London Road North in Lowestoft which could be the centre for
teaching and student support connecting the facilities. In the process for developing the TiP full business case
and the USP for the marine science campus. Establishing a steering group to develop project concept and
inform the business case. Further plans to engage with other central government departments e.g. Defra, BEIS,
DfE; and further engage with innovation sector establish business need.
Questions from the Board to Belinda Clarke -Agri TechE
Q: What is the most exciting thing for us in this region?
The intense and highly productive food production, an opportunity where this region can lead the world. How
we can harness innovation of landowners and practice where we can move the dial and drive net zero. We have
innovative farm businesses in this country and a lot of potential, to exploit those progressive attitudes and
demonstrate leadership globally. Opportunity to show the world how we can produce better.
Q: How much focus is given to off farming impacts? Production processes that look at vehicle sizes for example
(from net zero perspective).
There is focus on this area, machinery is getting smaller now, and is becoming lighter and autonomous.
Q: Are there any communication challenges which you might find you need to solve? B2B, business to consumer
for example?
Yes, it is a challenge and work is being done by some to improve this but more should be done. NFU are looking
at this challenge for example.
Q: There is a wealth of history and future in agritech, engineering, ai, energy and climate. There is opportunity
for joining the dots between all of these things (environment/feeding the world) in a much more holistic way.
Just need commitment to put them together. Perhaps we need to think of a new way to bring all of this
technology and science, knowledge together to bring something much bigger and better?
Agree, there are lots of conversations about join up. But you can end up with something too big, due to
individual challenges. Otherwise overall do agree. We should think about conversation with combined
authorities in Lincoln too providing regional narrative helping to bring it together.
A Network of the clean growth catapults which together are hunting for capital investment support.
Innovation Board Member Updates
Working out what income will be for next financial year. Neil Hornby started as new Chief Executive
recently. Grappling with what new normal looks like. Mark Pendlington is in practice their Chair.
University of Suffolk:
Going ahead with establishment of integrated care academy hope it will be ready by next March.
Fingers are crossed over the IoT decision.
Productivity East little bit behind schedule with Covid, Brexit and snow delays. Handover March/April
time with May start for facilities to be used hopeful for an official launch in September.
April is date they expect to hear more about SUNRiSE bid.
Launched Climate UEA in February hope to do a lot more as we move towards COP26.
Built expertise across testing PCR, LFT and working with NHS on LAMP testing.
Community Renewal Fund bids by 18 June putting in place process to invite bids from a range of
partners including FE/HE/VCSE/etc. Looking at feasibility studies for green infrastructure and green skills
Levelling Up Fund Round 1 bids by 18 June, with further future rounds.
Echoed Covid work across NRP.
Seeing shift from office to lab space.
Doing some quick capacity growth for space.
Number of projects moving through various stages of realisation including hotel (talking to potential
development partners) and another build. Could do with capital funding right now as they are creating
jobs left, right and centre but need capital to create space. Fast-growing businesses e.g., Tropic
Bioscience 3 years ago they had 6 people, now past 100.
See much more use of hot desking environment in normal working times.
1700 tickets for AI festival. 41,000 twitter impressions. Reached a global audience.
Followed by virtual British Science Week last week. Hugely successful. Collaboration across the region.
8,000 entries to the week (some of those are classes behind that so significant visibility again).
Next week is Tommy Flowers Network academia and business coming together.
Innovation Martlesham is growing despite Covid challenges. 152 IM companies.
DigiTech Centre progressing nicely another amazing collaboration. Choosing launch date so we can all
make the most of it.
Wants to have a similar event as AI festival when we can all get together on robotics (one form or
another) would be great to link up with Industry 4.0; AgriTechE; energy onshore and offshore; etc.
Brings together all comparative advantages. UEA mentioned they have agri robotics project with Lincoln
and others.
Back to full operation now. Everyone back on campus. Hybrid model for the future now some aspects
of virtual teaching that are just better. Thinking more about what the campus needs to be about moving
Doing work around vertical farming.
Covid recovery plan creative unlimited project. 11 workshops. Started last week with last one before
Christmas. 150 attendees at first workshop. Creating a community for them through MeetUp.
Started programme with computing school at UEA.
Games and animation seeing fantastic growth (students wanting to study, business growth, start-ups
doing well and graduate success).
New Vice-Chancellor starting on 1
Orbis Energy:
Occupancy has remained resilient 3 lettable office spaces available and seen growth in virtual
Tenants are using building different to 12 months ago, more of a flexible, hybrid approach.
Seen a new physical tenant construction company wanted a space in Lowestoft due to Sizewell.
Set up a small group comprising smaller innovation spaces in Suffolk made up of Orbis, Innovation
Martlesham, IWIC, DigiTech, EpiCentre Haverhill, Stowmarket Innovation Labs, etc. Looking at virtual
collaboration to facilitate hybrid working environment. Network will link into the Connected Innovation
Hethel Innovation:
Business community surprisingly resilient Hethel and Scottow just over 90% occupancy.
Companies are operating, growing and paying rent.
Significant reduction in demand for office space, but increased demand for light, industrial usage space
repurposing space as a result.
Many tenants looking to grow business 5.8 acres of land acquired and approval from NCC cabinet to
move forward with Hethel phase four with new build and significant capacity.
Capital expansion on Scottow site.
Working with likes of Bury St Edmunds and King’s Lynn over Hethel model.
No priority areas identified in levelling up funds so will see how successful they are with bids.
Bus Strategy all about net zero and innovative bus models.
Gull Wing crossing development starting next month.
Flexible working for staff so they can work wherever they like. So will look at way buildings are used.
More than one eye on the budget to 2024 particular focus on innovation, AI and machine learning for
some services.
Worked with BT on home to school transport project rolling out very soon.
Hoping to hear at the end of this month on the joint £6m innovation bid with NCC around flood
mitigation capturing and using for agriculture, etc.
UKRI and Innovate UK Update
550 registrations for Innovate East event which ran 2-3 March online, 385 turned up for some or all of it that is
70% turnout which is double what a physical event would be. Two thirds were SMEs, half were micro businesses.
Few from other parts of UK and some oversees so a far reach. One third of the attendees were female which is
progress. Event recording available soon, chance to promote it for further reach. Press releases around the
event. As a result of the event, the grants coaching project run by NCC has seen an uptick from the event. Agri
TechE received one member from the event.
Other updates:
Review of R&D tax credits interesting.
Innovation Strategy in the summer as part of the Build Back Better plans. Innovate UK and UKRI will take
direction from that.
Lots on infrastructure, skills, lifelong learning and making UK best ecosystem in the world.
Horizon Europe €95.5bn – need to make the most of this huge opportunity that we can still access.
Agenda Items
Verbal update from JM; Number one priority for this year is strengthening relationship between industry
councils and innovation board and linking in with new and emerging opportunities from government. Need to be
joined up as a region.
Connected innovation project is part of this, which is now fully funded and joins up all innovation centres across
Norfolk and Suffolk. Positive that existing Suffolk network is there. Can elevate to Norfolk and Suffolk level. In
process of employing coordinator and TechEast will lead on events activity.
Innovation prospectus is the icing on the cake shines a spotlight on innovation in N&S. Amplifies messages on
all of the innovations across hubs and centres and showcases expertise. Copy at the moment is exec summary
and the more detailed version will be online soon.
Helen Lewis said she has a stat to send across for the Innovation Prospectus and JM confirmed that there was
still time to make any last minutes changes this week. Connecting innovation forums does this include those
that do not have physical presence e.g. Norfolk Network (do not have physical presence)? Can look who else we
might want to bring in from ecosystem.
HL to send amendments to KS
Helen Lewis UEA
Future Board Items Priorities for 2021
Lowestoft Marine Science Campus
AI Festival
Clean Growth:
Johnathan asked for volunteers for the Clean Growth Task Force (TF), having ruled himself out as Chair.
Jo Middleton asked about two upper tier LAs on TF given two counties initiating clean growth projects.
Johnathan suggested bringing together all districts and boroughs in a separate group in addition to the
two upper tier LAs on the TF.