2021 and succeeded in reducing HGVs on local roads at peak times by about 30%. Have
increased amount of materials that can be delivered to site by rail and sea by 60%.
Residual issues that need considering – focus on biodiversity considering location. Our
strategy is to avoid, limit, mitigate and compensate for any impact on the local
environment. Section 106 is being negotiated and a comprehensive environment fund will
form part of the 106 agreement.
Have acquired 800 hectare estate (almost same size as RSPB Minsmere) to help mitigate
environmental impact and will establish an independent environment trust to manage it.
Focus on re-wilding and increasing biodiversity net gain by more than 10%.
We understand concerns of RSPB but we are working to mitigate any impact early on –
including wetland habitat creation before project starts.
Next steps: Government discussions continue but its commitment to 1GW of new nuclear
remains and to enter discussions on funding of Sizewell C. Positive engagement with
minister and government. But TM stressed need for urgency and that building could start
in 2022 if clearance is given soon. Proceeding as if it will because 2500 people registered
on supply chain portal. Aim to deliver local workforce: focus on up-skilling and levelling up.
TM announced JR will join team to help with engagement on workforce development.
Timetable. Section 106 Agreement under discussion with local authorities.
Next six monthly examination of the DCO application will be underway. Two preliminary
meetings in March and April before 6 month timetable starts. Planning Inspectorate will
have 3 months after examination to make recommendations to Secretary of State who will
have 3 months to announce decision. If all goes to plan (including agreement on funding
model) building should start in 2022.
Webinars for supply chain development are running. East of England MoU agreed on levels
of investment in the region – the broader six counties not just Norfolk & Suffolk. Aim is to
ensure region benefits from this infrastructure project. Looking for signatures from
business leaders to support application.
Net Zero Leiston vision launched this week. Surveys and focus groups with local
community to follow. Looking to link with accommodation strategy of housing workers in
local accommodation so helping to revitalise local community.
Supported Freeport East bid and hydrogen hub.
Overall Sizewell C’s ask from AEIC and NALEP is to continue support but make it louder and
emphasise urgency. There is 58% support for the project in East Suffolk (27% opposition).
Offshore Wind / OWIC – Andy Paine (AP)
AP was going to talk about Crown Estate Seabed Leasing Round 4 but reflected on
Vanguard consent issues instead. Vanguard up for Judicial Review regarding cable route.
The Judge quashed Vanguard consent. Judicial Review focused on process not merits of
the project and concluded Secretary of State had not considered impact of development
and was inconsistent with BEIS policy. Pressure on BEIS to re-determine consent speedily
but to get it right. AP asked whether AEIC could provide a letter of support for the
Vanguard project encouraging BEIS to approve it speedily.
MG has no objections to AEIC providing letter of support and proposed submitting one
speedily, stressing urgency and importance of project.
JM said NALEP could also provide letter of support.
AP stressed need for projects with approval to go ahead if investors were going to remain