Regina Ellis, Head of Proposals, Wates Constructon, London
Where did you go to school? Czech Republic
What path did you take to get to your current positon? I started as a
recepƟonist and followed in the footsteps of the sales people I
supported. I was totally mesmerised by their ability to talk to their
customers and solve problems.
What subjects did you study? I took levels in History, Philosophy, English and Czech
How many jobs have you had, and can you name them? This is my 14th permanent job. I
love change!
What school subjects link to your career? I really enjoyed studying literature and story-
wriƟng, which is exactly what I do now for living. Bidding and tendering for work is nothing
more than being able to tell a good story.
typical day in your current role looks like: Receiving a compeƟƟve tender that I read to
make sure it’s in line with our business plan͖ allocaƟng jobs to my team who all posses
different skills (from admin, bid wriƟng and desktop publishing to social media and digital
platorm design)͖ supporƟng my bosses with their future strategy agendas͖ preparing
presentaƟons and solving problems.
What skills do you use daily, that you learnt at school? Working in a team. Nobody can
win anything alone. Giving and getng feedback.
What is the number #1 piece of advice you’ve been given that helped you with your ca-
reer choice? Never give up! Which is what my boss told me when I quesƟoned myself. This
is why I signed up to Open University and worked very hard to prove that I can do so much
more than being an administrator. I now have a Master’s degree in Business dministraƟon
and currently studying for another - Master of Science in MarkeƟng.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? On the senior execuƟve board. Only the sky is my
Regina Ellis, Head of Proposals, Wates Constructon, London
What is the average salary for this role? £70 - 120k
If you could have done anything differently on your career journey, what would it be? I
would be more paƟent. Everything has its Ɵme so rushing into things does not always work
Why do you love your job?
I love the company, it’s culture and the variety my job offers͘ One day I
can be working with our project directors on the building site, the next
I am speaking to potental clients͘ It’s never the same and I am never
in one office for long͘ I love the fact I am empowered, and my line
manager believes in me͘