Julie White, Primary Care Development Manager, NHS
Where did you go to school? Rothwell Grammar School Leeds
What path did you take to get to your current positon? Varied I took
jobs because they met my personal lifestyle. My first ‘proper’ job was in
banking. I joined the NHS when I moved to Suffolk, I have also worked in
the voluntary sector and educaton where I became involved in apprentceships and that is
what brought me back to the NHS.
What subjects did you study? History, Geography, Biology, French and German
How many jobs have you had, and can you name them? Too many to count!!
Organisatons were NHS, many different job roles, N CRO, Britsh Liver Trust, Otley College
What school subjects link to your career? English because of writng reports etc.
typical day in your current role looks like: Varied no two days are the same. I travel
across the region and natonally which I enjoy. I work with a wide variety of organisatons
and people so good communicaton is vital.
What skills do you use daily, that you learnt at school? Organisaton. t school I took part
in a lot of out of school actvites and took key roles in commitees it was these
organisaton skills that I found most useful throughout my career.
What is the number #1 piece of advice you’ve been given that helped you with your
career choice? Talk to people!!!! s a young person it is ofen scary or intmidatng to talk
to adults but it is crucial at work that you can talk to people and work with them. I would
say every job requires team work and those teams are made up of people of different ages
so you have to be able to get on.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I would like one more promoton before I retre
What is the average salary for this role? £35,000 - £50,000
If you could have done anything differently on your career journey, what would it be? I
built my career to fit in with my lifestyle so I don’t think I would have done anything any
Why do you love your job?
People - my job requires me to work with a whole range of
different people͘ I don’t always agree with them but that is good
because it makes you realise there is always more than one way
to look at anything in life!