Continue to build evidence to support the inclusion of A47 junction improvements capacity
improvements and dualling in RIS 2
Increased engagement and sharing
of evidence, particularly with DfT
and MPs, building on the success of
previous A47 Alliance campaign,
emphasising growth potential
Positive announcements regarding
the A47 in RIS 2
If successful: Engage with Highways
England to ensure delivery
Continue to build evidence to support the inclusion of junction improvement schemes on the A11
Cambridge-Norwich growth corridor in RIS 2
Increased engagement and sharing
of evidence, particularly with DfT
and MPs, emphasising growth
Positive announcements regarding
the A11 in RIS 2
If successful: Engage with Highways
England to ensure delivery
Continue to build evidence to support the inclusion of capacity and junction improvement schemes
and whole route technology on the A12 south of Ipswich in RIS 2
Increased engagement and sharing
of evidence, particularly with DfT
and MPs, emphasising growth
Positive announcements regarding
the A12 in RIS 2
If successful: Engage with Highways
England to ensure delivery
Work with Transport East, the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority and the Wider
South East groups to see improvements to/from the East including but not limited to M11, M1, M6,
A1, A428, A421, A120 included in RIS 2
Develop relationships and actively
engage in Transport East’s work
Positive announcements on key
strategic connections to/from the
East in RIS 2
If successful: Engage with Highways
England to ensure delivery
Theme: Connecting the East, Accessing the World/
Local and Coastal
High Level Objective: Ensuring a better connected rail network to London, Cambridge,
Peterborough and the rest of the country that is resilient to future changes, through the delivery of
schemes like Felixstowe to Nuneaton and the North (F2N) and the Eastern Section of East West
Rail (to leverage the benefits from investment in the Oxford – Cambridge – Milton Keynes arc), key
upgrades such as Trowse Bridge, Ely Area Enhancements, Haughley junction, loops south of
Colchester, the introduction of digital signalling as well as improved regional route journey times
through infrastructure upgrades by strengthening relationships with Network Rail, franchise
operators and potential third party funders.
Support community rail partnerships for rural and coastal branch lines to identify capacity and
station improvements (including parking) and differentiate individual offers, to promote to a wide
audience and encourage use and provide evidence for possible service expansion.
What does success look like?
What is the output of the activity
for 2018/19
What is the output of the activity
for 2019/20
What is the output of the activity
for 2020/21
Deliver a resilient and integrated rail network with improved journey times and capacity to increase
Commitment to Haughley delivery
Ely area OBC complete
Engage partners to find solutions
for Trowse
GEML SOBC started and
stakeholders engaged
Engage in EW Rail consortium
Engage franchise operators
regarding commitments
Haughley work programmed
Ely area design ongoing
GEML SOBC complete and
lobbying for investment begun
Evidence to support EW Rail
Eastern section
Community Rail Partnerships
engaged to understand
Haughley under construction
Commitment to Ely area delivery
Shorter journey times on GEML
and investment advanced
Commitment to EW Rail Eastern
section in overall programme
LONGER TERM: digital signalling
and electrification