Ellen Goodwin, Infrastructure Manager, New nglia LEP
Where did you go to school? Queen’s School, Wisbech and
Neale Wade Community College, March
What path did you take to get to your current positon? I joined
Norfolk County Council back in 2008 as a planning analyst. My degree in Meteorology had
sparked the interest of the recruiter who decided I’d had an analytc mindset! I worked in
that role for 3 or 4 years before being promoted to a project manager because of my strong
organisatonal skills. I also worked for a natonal associaton focussed on ‘place’ which gave
me access to strategic leaders in this field and took me all over the country. I then took on
a role for the Greater Norwich Growth Board, a partnership of Local uthorites and the
New nglia LEP looking at delivering infrastructure to support growth in and around the
Norwich area.
What subjects did you study? Maths, Physics and Geography at
-level, Meteorology at
Degree and Climatology at Masters
How many jobs have you had, and can you name them? 3 in retail, 2 at Norfolk County
Council, 1 at the ssociaton of Directors for the Environment, Economy, Planning and
Transport, 1 at the Greater Norwich Growth Board and 1 at the New nglia LEP.
What school subjects link to your career? Maths - analytcal skills and statstcs͖
Geography - focus on place and social impact͖ English - report writng and communicatng
with colleagues/partners. Presentaton skills͖ Science - understanding complex things ͖ IT -
using computers on a daily basis͖ rt - understanding how to communicate visually
typical day in your current role looks like: I usually get to work about 8.30 but it de-
pends on whether I’m travelling anywhere in partcular, sometmes may day can start
around 7.00. I’ll respond to some emails and then usually setle down to read a report or
some informaton that I need to digest to help inform my work. I usually have 3 or 4
meetngs a day, some are internal with colleagues, others are with partners who are inter-
ested in improving the economic prospects of Norfolk and Suffolk through infrastructure
improvements. Ofen these meetngs will be with colleagues from outside the region as
connectvity is critcal to my role. I may need to present complex informaton to colleagues
or Board members so that they can make critcal decisions.
Ellen Goodwin, Infrastructure Manager, New nglia LEP
What is the number #1 piece of advice you’ve been given that
helped you with your career choice? Consider your strengths
and weaknesses but also where you want to be/want you want
from your career. Combine the two with a want to learn and you can’t go far wrong!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Maybe in my boss’ job!
What is the average salary for this role? £45,000 per year
If you could have done anything differently on your career journey, what would it be? Be
more confident in my abilites/talents. You don’t need to know everything at the start but
you do need to be enthusiastc and willing to learn. We never stop growing!
Why do you love your job?
I am trusted and respected for my opinion and my knowledge and I
have the freedom to be the master of my own destny͘ I have a good
support structure in place and I know I can always seek advice when I
need it͘ I feel like I have the power to really make a difference and I
aim to do so in an economic, social and environmentally sustainable