Kirsten Featherston, viva, Learning Operatons Consultant
Where did you go to school? cle High School and Paston College
What path did you take to get to your current positon? fer studying my
-levels I started viva as a Motor Claims Handler. fer 3 years, I took a
Tap into Talent into the central Learning and Development team securing a full-tme role.
What subjects did you study? GCSE English, Maths, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History, IT,
rt, German and Geography.
-level Photography, Psychology, Government & Politcs and English Language & Literature.
How many jobs have you had, and can you name them? Two companies, three jobs! Roys
of Wroxham, part-tme shop assistant and viva, Motor Claims Handler and Learning Oper-
atons Consultant.
What school subjects link to your career? IT, Maths and English
typical day in your current role looks like: Every day is different! typical day is made
up of reportng, authorising professional qualificatons, managing team mailboxes, booking
rooms, setng up coaching sessions, assigning coaches to sessions, updatng records, mar-
ketng emails, general support to individuals and external learning team and much more!
What skills do you use daily, that you learnt at school? English, Maths, IT and Psychology
What is the number #1 piece of advice you’ve been given that helped you with your
career choice? “You can be anything you want to be, always work towards that dream”
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Stll working at viva!
What is the average salary for this role? £17-31k
If you could have done anything differently on your career journey, what would it be? I
don’t have any regrets and am proud of where I am now. If I could change one thing it
would be to have moved to another area within viva sooner and have more experience of
the company.
Why do you love your job?
Every day is different with new challenges and learnings, it’s never
boring͘ Helping people develop within their own career is something
I’m proud to be involved with͘ The people I work with are all so pas-
sionate about making a positve difference within the company and
make the days brighter with their support͘ The variety of my day is
what gets me into work every day with a smile͘