Benjamin De Tarrier, viva, Customer Service Manager
Where did you go to school? North Walsham High School
What path did you take to get to your current positon? Started
in the travel industry as a travel agent, then moved into financial
services and worked for 2 other larger insurers before joining
What subjects did you study? Leisure & Tourism, Sports Science and Business Studies
How many jobs have you had, and can you name them? Car park atendant, Travel gent,
Travel Rep, Insurance Claims Handler, Customer Service dviser, Team Leader, Customer
Service Manager
What school subjects link to your career? Business Studies and IT
typical day in your current role looks like: catch up with the Operatonal Leaders who
report to me͖ making sure all the teams are ok and that we are servicing customer de-
mands as efficiently and effectvely as possible. Then typically a day of meetngs or catch
ups helping to develop staff to fulfil their potental. I also like to spend tme with the teams
to understand what I can do to make their jobs easier, creatng a culture of open and hon-
est conversaton and customer centricity. Everyone should enjoy going to work.
What skills do you use daily, that you learnt at school? How to communicate effectvely
and how to plan and prioritse my day. Probably the most important one͖ at school when I
didn’t know something I would ask for help. This is no different in your chosen career, I
don’t always have all the answers, but I know it’s fine to ask my colleagues for help, sup-
port and guidance.
What is the number #1 piece of advice you’ve been given that helped you with your
career choice? This came from my dad, always treat people how you would like to be treat-
ed and never ask someone to do something you’re not prepared to do yourself.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? t viva, stll looking to learn, hopefully running an
even larger business and making more money for my children so they have optons when
they are older.
What is the average salary for this role? £45k
Benjamin De Tarrier, viva, Customer Service Manager
If you could have done anything differently on your career jour-
ney, what would it be? Nothing. I used to think it was bad not
knowing where I was heading, but it’s a good thing to try differ-
ent roles in different sectors and find what your passionate
Why do you love your job?
I love my job because every day I see people progress, develop and
move around the business and find what their calling is͘ I also love my
job for the freedom it gives me when I need it, I can work from home
if I need to which means I can take my children to school and pick
them up which is priceless͘ I also know that hard work pays off, and
this means when my children are older, they will have optons around
what they want to do such as travelling or university͘ They are my pur-
pose of why I work hard everyday and it really does help that I love my
job too!