My Journey
Student to Apprentice
This is Lucie, who was recently a college student, just like you.
In September 2019, Lucie joined Morgan Sindall as an Apprentice Site
Manager a er attending the University Technical College Norfolk
(UTCN). She is now on rotation as part of her degree.
Lucie, on her work experience with Morgan Sindall:
“Being here really shows you what a job is like in the real world.
Someone can talk to you about it, but you have no idea what you are
interested in until you do it. I wanted to do construction, but it's
actually shown me how much I'm interested in the structural aspects.
I feel like work experience helps you get a foot in the door with
companies and gives you a better chance. Also, it's an opportunity to
show the company what you are like and the passion you have.
Because of doing work experience, I already have an apprenticeship
lined up, which means I can focus on my A-Levels, get the grades I
need, and then transition to employment smoothly.”
Helen Clements,
Community Investment Advisor at Morgan Sindall:
“Lucie dedicated her time o from College to secure a rotational
work experience placement between a contractor and a design
What is a Site Manager?
agency to help her career, but the lack of variety and
A Site Manager is required to
o ce-based work didn't suit her passion.
supervise and direct operations
I worked closely with UTCN to get Lucie on board with Morgan
within a building project. They
Sindall, and she was able to spend 5 weeks with the company
ensure work is completed safely,
rotating around a variety of roles on a large-scale construction
on time, and within the allocated
project in Lowesto
budget allowance.
Employer comment:
A final word from Lucie...
“It was through a mock interview that Lucie
“Work experience at Morgan Sindall has been great.
met Helen, and was introduced to the
Compared to other placements, I have a lot more
opportunity with Morgan Sindall. A er
variety. Di erent people are giving me time each
completing her placement with us, we o ered
week, and that commitment from them has been
Lucie an apprenticeship before the end of her
really important. My end goal is to go to where there
course, which allowed her to focus on her
have been natural disasters and help re-build
exams. Lucie believes that her peers should
communities. I'm in this for the long term and I want
definitely consider work experience.”
to make a di erence.”
Talented people are key to our success
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