My Journey
Student to Apprentice
This is Frazer, who was recently a High School student, just like you.
In September 2019, Frazer joined Morgan Sindall as an Apprentice
Quantity Surveyor and is now learning the profession as part of his
Frazer, commenting on his journey with Morgan Sindall:
“A er meeting with Helen I learnt more about the construction
industry and the careers which are available. This meeting then
allowed me to spend a day on a £16 million project, where I was
able to shadow a senior Quantity Surveyor, developing my interest
in Quantity Surveying.
Helen then supported me through the application process, telling
me how to apply and gave me some helpful tips regarding my CV. I
got an interview and was successful! I am currently on a £11.6
million project, learning under a senior QS three days a week, and
for the other two I am studying at Anglia Ruskin University, working
towards a degree.”
Helen Clements,
Community Investment Advisor at Morgan Sindall:
“I met Frazer in November 2018 at a ‘Next Steps’ event and
talked to him about our Degree Level Apprenticeships that were
What is a
being advertised. He said he was good at maths and I suggested
Quantity Surveyor (QS)?
that he did a placement with us to find out more about the
A QS is a construction industry
industry. I organised for him to spend a day at one of our projects
professional that calculates the
in December to find out more about being a QS. A er this, I
amount of materials needed for
explained the process on how to apply and supported Frazer with
building work, and how much
some tips for his CV. He was successful at interview and joined us
they will cost.
this September (2019) as an Apprentice Quantity Surveyor.”
Employer comment:
A final word from Frazer...
“Morgan Sindall support schools through
“I thoroughly enjoy working for Morgan Sindall,
various educational engagement activities to
every day presents a new challenge and I cannot
help inspire the next generation, and hopefully
wait to further my career with them. I would
find some of our future talent. It’s great that
recommend to everyone at looking into degree
an opportunity talking to Frazer has led to him
apprenticeships as it not only allows you to earn
joining our business, and we look forward to
while studying but it allows you to learn by physically
supporting him through his apprenticeship and
doing it which you cannot achieve by being a
continued career with us.”
full-time student.”
Talented people are key to our success
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