My Journey
Labourer to Apprentice
This is Cam, who had previously been working as a site labourer for
1½ years.
In September 2019, Cam joined Morgan Sindall as a trainee Site
Manager a er wanting to further his career, and is currently studying
part time a BSc (Hons) in Construction Management.
Cam, commenting on his journey with Morgan Sindall:
“I was first introduced to Morgan Sindall through meeting Peter
Whitmore (Managing Director for Morgan Sindall Construction
East) whilst playing at Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club. We got
talking and I expressed an interest in pursuing a career in the
construction industry. He made me aware of the application
process and put me in touch with Chris Travers (Operations
Director for Morgan Sindall Construction East) to find out more
about the opportunities available.
I had an ‘informal chat’ with Chris Travers where he provided
brilliant advice and perspective of the business as a whole,
breaking it down more specifically to define my own goals. This
was when I first realised the success of the company and that
Morgan Sindall’s aims matched my own ambitions.”
What is a Site Manager?
Peter Whitmore, Managing Director
A Site Manager is required to
for Morgan Sindall Construction East:
supervise and direct operations
within a building project. They
“Cam has made a great start to his career in Morgan Sindall. Both
ensure work is completed safely,
Chris and myself were both struck by his enthusiasm and drive to
on time, and within the allocated
take on a management role and we both agreed we could see
budget allowance.
excellent potential in him.”
Employer comment:
A final word from Cam...
“We believe the construction industry is an
“My experience with Morgan Sindall so far has been
exciting and vibrant place to work and are
absolutely mesmerising. The team have been so
looking for similar minded individuals to join
welcoming and friendly. I have learnt so much
the Eastern Business for 2020.”
already and wake up ecstatic to learn more! The
professionalism of the company has ensured me that
it looks a er all employees and is certainly the
company for me. Personally, I can’t see anyone not
enjoying their time at Morgan Sindall.”
Talented people are key to our success
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