All Energy Industry Council
9th October 2019
EEEGR, Great Yarmouth
In attendance:
Belinda Ikazoboh - Shell
Chris Starkie - New Anglia LEP
Johnathan Reynolds - Opergy/ New Anglia LEP
Konstantinos Chalvatzis - UEA
Mark Goodall (Chair) - Aker Solutions
Michael Gray - Suffolk County Council
Nikos Savvas - West Suffolk College
Paul Wood - East Suffolk Council
Sheila Oxtoby - Great Yarmouth Borough Council (David Glayson represented)
Stuart Rimmer - East Coast College
Stuart Smith - People with Energy
Vince Muspratt - Norfolk County Council
Andrew Harston - Associated British Ports
Andy Paine - Vattenfall
Bill Cattanach - Oil and Gas Authority
Graham Hacon - 3sun
Jim Crawford - EDF
Julian Munson - New Anglia LEP
Martin Dronfield - James Fisher Marine Services
Maxine Narburgh - Greater South East Energy Hub
Patrick Phelan - Energy Business Catalyst
Richard Goffin - Peel Ports
Shan Lloyd - BEIS
Simon Gray - East of England Energy Group
Victoria Sinclair - Scottish Power Renewables (dialled-in)
Exec Attendees:
Madeleine Coupe - New Anglia LEP
Philippa Warren - East of England Energy Group
Welcome from the Chair
Mark Goodall (MG) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Introductions round the table including the news that Belinda Ikazoboh would be leaving, but that
a Shell replacement would be keen to take her place on the group.
Recap of the last meeting and Terms of Reference
Group review of the ToR. Madeleine Coupe to send out final version to group. Group generally
MC to
happy with the high-level overview, but more detail required once projects and actions have been
agreed for delivery.
TOR for
Local Industrial Strategy (LIS)
Chris Starkie (CS) reminded the group that the LIS had now been written and was signed in Sept
by the LEP Board. The LIS was developed to sit within the national strategy framework and
focuses on Clean Energy, Agri-food and ICT/Digital.
We need to look at where the commonalities are between the different sector deals and Vision
2035 - we are well placed to lead the way on energy use, production & distribution.
MG identified that some of the region is already working collaboratively rather than competing
and with our good mix of trade, academia, local authorities and industry we could be the hub to
coordinate this. But to do this effectively we need a role description for each stakeholder to map
out what we all bring and identify whether there are any gaps. From this it will be clearer how we
allocate workstreams, avoid duplication, deliver to KPI’s and access funding.
Workshop Session
The group broke out into the 4 task areas to discuss:
A. Types of interventions needed across the 5 foundations (business environment, ideas,
infrastructure, people and place)
B. Expertise our region can provide in the transition to a clean growth economy.
C. Cross-over opportunities with agri-food, ICT/digital and other sectors.
D. Our USP beyond having Gas, Wind and Nuclear - what are our differentiators that make
us stand out from the crowd?
Summary of Idea Generation
Key themes included:
PW to
A. Types of interventions needed across the 5 foundations (business environment,
key and
ideas, infrastructure, people and place) - Led by MC
we need a common narrative, perhaps a charter identifying us as a centre of excellence, we
could be world leaders in the future of energy, can we represent the supply chain in an all-
ideas with
energy matrix, Can we foster relationships and successes with Academia, potential for a
shared energy workforce, need to build on the Energy Skills Foundation Programme, can
communities benefit from being in an energy region in a meaningful way (£), is there a role
for this council to back major projects, how can we consolidate and share resources for
onshore energy distribution?
B. Expertise our region can provide in the transition to a clean growth economy - Led
by SR
The expertise is in our DNA and is multi-generational, we can’t overcome our geography
despite the political situation - need to remember Europe, we should be shouting about
being world-class with confidence, can we lobby via NALEP and get our message heard
within government, there are a lot of stakeholders doing their ‘bit’ but how is this successfully
communicated to make a difference, we need to gain inter-sectoral regional trust, research
and knowledge needs to be world-class and not be fast followers, can we attract the major
HQs and decision makers into the region, lets create a skills legacy and successful
sustainable supply chain here.
C. Cross-over opportunities with agri-food, ICT/digital and other sectors - Led by JR
Let’s identify what currently exists and what new infrastructure and research is needed to
access new opportunities, Desalination and brine could be a huge opportunity for chemicals,
batteries (Dyson/Vattenfall), Fishing and ICT - e-auctions and autonomy, AI and all sectors,
automotive industry is going to be a massive opportunity including batteries, materials,
design, SNS Data Observatory, transport and the need for improved fuels and logistics, can
we integrate ports and infrastructure to help streamline the supply chain, where can we
influence the tourism sector including workforce mobility.
D. Our USP beyond having Gas, Wind and Nuclear - what are our differentiators that
make us stand out from the crowd? - Led by PW
- how do we make these cross-sectoral, transferable and international - skills
passport, one pool of skilled personnel to contract from, not just the energy products, but the
bi-products including tooling, one man’s waste…., regional marketing needs to be consistent
with a clear message (tag) ‘Eastern Generator’, do we need a regional champion, app for
regional grid statistics, energy incentive for businesses in region Free Energy Enterprise
Zone FEEZ, are there missing stakeholders in AEIC UKPN, BBL, Interconnector, National
Grid, map of regions energy including onshore as a marketing tool that could link to a
capability matrix, demonstrable stats to back up our energy statements, publicise UEA and
support them in world-class research with potential to help facilitate/trial.
Meeting Summary and AOB
MG addressed the room and summarised the session. He went on to add let’s make sure our
industry makes a difference and be part of some good news. If we can make it relevant to the
man on the street, the children of today and industry leaders alike then we will have succeeded.
Perhaps we should have a charter to sign up to, once some key projects are agreed?
The group went on to discuss that we need to make our region more attractive - we currently
don’t have any of the major HQs in our region, but we need to play to our strengths, our marketing
needs to be clear and consistent to promote the sub-industries that are here and are thriving.
Date of next meeting 19th December, 1:30pm, Energy Skills Centre, East Coast College, Lowestoft,
Room F105b.