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Simon Amor stated that the road could cost around £50m to improve the
Cllr Wilby stated that the A47 Alliance want all of the A47 dualled from the
east coast to the midlands.
Richard Perkins stated there were different views around the inclusion of the
A140 between Norwich and Ipswich in the Strategic Road Network.
ACTION: EG to arrange meeting between LEP, NCC, SCC and Suffolk
Chamber to discuss the A140.
6. Major Road Network
Amin Ahmadnia introduced himself and informed the Board that he had
replaced Karl Murphy. Amin presented to the Board about the Major Road
Network. The Major Road Network is looking at local roads identified in the
Rees Jeffreys Report which proposed a middle tier of roads to help to deliver
a better quality road network. The A12 is now proposed to be included (a
change from the Rees Jeffreys report), the consultation deadline is Monday
March. The MRN is high on Ministers’ agendas and each scheme could
receive between £20-100m which is a substantial amount of money. DfT will
publish guidance in autumn 2018, the funding will come from the VED which
is anticipated to be around £6 billion.
Norfolk County Council, Suffolk County Council and the LEP will all be putting
in a response. Suffolk County Council have included the A12, A140, A1307
and A143.
DfT have offered to meet officers from Transport East.
ACTION: HG to circulate the presentation.
7. Sub national Transport Body
Graeme Mateer updated the Board. It was agreed in December to form
Transport East. Highways authorities, district representatives and LEPs are
invited with Cllr Storey, Cllr Wilby and Dominic Keen from New Anglia LEP
attending. The first meeting is Tuesday 13
March which will involve the
election of a Chairperson. The Forum is considering a MRN response. Moving
forward the Forum is identifying the scale and functions and there needs to be
a clear vision for the east and wider area. There are synergies with the
England’s Economic Heartland. Transport East potentially includes
Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire.
Tracy Jessop explained that although the Forum is non-statutory it is still
recognised by government.
Amin Ahmadnia agreed explaining that the SoS is not interested in them
having statutory status and it does not hinder proceedings.
There needs to be collective agreement on priorities.
Paul Davey stated that where there are STBs they have access to pots of
money, share the cost and can develop schemes. The funding they get is
important and useful.