New Anglia LEP Remuneration Committee
2nd March 2021
11.30am - 12.15pm
Via MS Teams
Mark Jeffries (Chair), Andrew Proctor, Jeanette Wheeler, C-J Green, Charley Purves
1. Minutes of the last meeting - Confidential
2. Matters arising
3. Progress of CEO objectives - Confidential
4. CEO Pay Review - Confidential
5. Gender Pay Gap Report - Confidential
6. Review Terms of Reference
7. Any other business
Date and time of next meeting:
February 2022
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
In 2019, New Anglia LEP agreed to review and report on its gender pay gap annually,
despite not being legally required to do so. It was felt that it is a good process to follow to
ascertain our position in terms of gender pay and analyse whether action should be taken.
Appointments to the LEP executive team are made on merit with a rigorous recruitment
process followed. Opportunities for development are open to all members of the team and
we follow a continuous performance management process to ensure all members of the
team can develop and grow within their roles. The LEP also follows a robust equality and
diversity policy to ensure fairness and transparency across all its functions.
The LEP is governed by a non-remunerated board of directors. The LEP board is committed
to achieving equal representation of female board members by 2023 in line with government
requirements. The board are non-remunerated; therefore, they do not influence the statistics
provided within this report.
Overall, the gender pay gap for New Anglia LEP stands at 5.02%, which means that men are
being paid more than women. The LEP are committed to addressing the issues causing this
gap and will look to take action to close it.
New Anglia LEP is an employer voluntarily choosing to carry out Gender Pay Reporting
under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
This involves carrying out calculations that show the difference between the average
earnings of men and women in our organisation; it does not involve publishing individual
employee’s data.
We can use these results to assess:
• the levels of gender equality in our workplace
• the balance of male and female employees at different levels
• how effectively talent is being maximised and rewarded.
This gender pay gap report shows the overall difference in average pay for all men and
women working for New Anglia LEP. It does not compare men and women doing the same
The gender pay gap is different to equal pay, which deals with the pay differences between
men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs, or work of equal value. Legally,
men and women performing equivalent work must be paid the same.
The calculations used follow the requirements set out by government and all employees
deemed to be full paid relevant employees at 5 April 2020 are included.
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
Mean pay gap
Median pay gap
Women’s hourly rate is:
Women’s hourly rate is:
5.02% lower
7.35% lower
As at 5 April 2020, New Anglia LEP employed 54 people, 51 of which are deemed to be
relevant full pay employees. Of the overall team, 37% are male and 63% are female.
Looking specifically at the relevant full pay employees, the mean gender pay gap is 5.02%.
This is the difference between the mean hourly rate of pay for men and women, which is
calculated by adding together all the male and female hourly pay separately and then
dividing by the number of men and women respectively.
The median gender pay gap, the difference between the median hourly rate of pay for men
and women is 7.35%. The median rate of pay is the mid-point of the salary range for men
and women.
The gender pay gap nationally for all employees stands at 15.5% for 2020, down from 17.4%
in 2019, which indicates that New Anglia LEP is one of the lowest. Equally, the local
government sector pay gaps stands at 6.1% for 2019, a reduction of 0.7% from 2018.
New Anglia does not award bonus payments and therefore cannot report on gender pay
bonus gaps.
Employees have been divided into four groups according to their pay band. Those in the
upper quartile are the highest paid, while those in the lower quartile are the lowest paid. The
proportions of male and female full pay relevant employees within the quartile pay bands are
shown below:
Gender diversity in pay quartiles
Male Female
Lower quartile
Lower middle quartile Upper middle quartile
Upper quartile
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
This data shows us that there is a relatively even spread of men and women across the pay
New Anglia has an open recruitment policy with vacancies advertised widely and appoints
on skills and competencies. This ensures that the right person is appointed to the roles
Flexible working is made available to all employees and there are a number of family friendly
policies in place to support all members of the team.
The equality and diversity policy has been strengthened and an action plan has been
developed to roll out across the organisation, including board members. This will provide
better visibility of equality and diversity in recruitment and promotion. Managers have
undertaken equality and diversity training, plus the team have received training on the Public
Sector Equality Duty.
We are also committed to developing our team with a focus on formal external and internal
training plans. Our continuous performance management process has been reviewed and
strengthen, plus further training for managers has been introduced.
The results show that New Anglia LEP is in a good position with a low mean and median
gender pay gap, however work is needed to ensure this is reduced further still.
This report has been prepared by the HR team of the LEP executive and has been reviewed
by the leadership team and the Remuneration Committee.
Mark Jeffries, Chair
Remuneration Committee
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
Aims and objectives
• There should be a formal and transparent procedure for developing policy
on executive remuneration.
1. Membership
The Board shall appoint an Independent Committee Chair, who shall
serve for maximum five-year term.
The Committee shall be made up of at least three members, including
the Independent Committee Chair. No Board Member who is an
employee of the LEP or who has left the LEP’s employment within three
years, or a spouse or partner of such employee, shall serve on the
Two members of the Committee shall be appointed by and from the
members of the New Anglia LEP Board.
The Committee is authorised to co-opt the Chair of the LEP as a
Committee Member (if not already appointed) for the purposes of
facilitating the annual performance review process in respect of the
Chief Executive Officer.
Only members of the Remuneration Committee have the right to attend
Remuneration Committee meetings. However, other individuals and
external advisers may be invited to attend for all or part of any meeting
as and when appropriate.
Appointments to the Committee shall be reviewed annually by the
2. Quorum
2.1. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 3. A duly
convened meeting of the Committee at which a quorum is present shall
be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and
discretions vested in or exercisable by the committee.
3. Meetings
3.1. The Committee shall meet at least once a year and at such other times
as the chair of the Committee shall require.
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3.2. Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue,
time and date together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall be
forwarded to each member of the committee, any other person required
to attend no later than one week before the date of the meeting.
Supporting papers shall be sent to committee members and to other
attendees as appropriate, at the same time.
4. Minutes of Meetings
4.1. Minutes of Committee meetings shall be circulated promptly to the Chair
and, once agreed, to all members of the Board.
5. Duties
The Committee shall:
Determine and agree with the Board the framework or broad policy for
the remuneration of the executive team, as it is designated to consider.
In determining such policy, take into account all factors which it deems
necessary. The objective of such policy shall be to ensure that members
of the executive team are provided with appropriate incentives to
encourage enhanced performance and are, in a fair and responsible
manner, rewarded for their individual contributions to the success of the
Approve the design of, and determine targets for, any performance
related pay schemes operated by the LEP and approve the total annual
payments made under such schemes.
Ensure that contractual terms on termination, and any payments made,
are fair to the individual, and the LEP.
Review the outcomes of the performance review process in respect of
the Chief Executive Officer and any other executives appointed from
time to time.
Within the terms of the agreed policy make recommendations to take to
the Board regarding the total individual remuneration package of the
Chief Executive Officer and any other senior executive officers or
employees who may be appointed from time to time, including bonuses
and incentive payments.
In determining such packages and arrangements, give due regard to any
relevant legal requirements;
Review and note annually the remuneration trends across the public and
private sectors.
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5.9. Oversee any significant changes in employee benefits structures
throughout the LEP.
5.10. Be exclusively responsible for establishing the selection criteria,
selecting, appointing and setting the terms of reference for any
remuneration consultants who advise the Committee and to obtain
reliable, up-to-date information about remuneration in other LEPs and
comparative businesses. The Committee shall have full authority to
commission any reports or surveys which it deems necessary to help it
fulfil its obligations within budgetary constraints.
6. Reporting Responsibilities
6.1. The Committee Chair shall report formally to the Board on its
proceedings after each meeting on all matters within its duties and
6.2. The Committee shall make whatever recommendations to the Board it
deems appropriate on any area within its remit where action or
improvement is needed.
7. Other
7.1. The Board shall, at least once a year, review the performance of the
Remuneration Committee, constitution and terms of reference to ensure
it is operating at maximum effectiveness.
8. Authority
8.1. The Committee is authorised by the Board to seek any information it
requires from any employee of the LEP, in order to perform its duties.
8.2. In connection with its duties the Committee is authorised by the Board
to obtain, at the LEP’s expense, any outside legal or other professional
advice, within budgetary constraints.
April 2017
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