New Anglia Transport Board
Agile to Change
Meeting Note
9.30-11.00am, Monday 30th November 2020 - Virtual Teams meeting
Board attendance:
Ali Calbburn
Andrew Harston
Associated British Ports
Andrew Summers
Transport East
Andy Walker
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
David Cumming
Norfolk County Council
Ellen Goodwin
New Anglia LEP
Graeme Mateer
Suffolk County Council
Cllr Graham Plant
Norfolk County representative
James Bradley
Network Rail
Jonathan Denby
Greater Anglia
Karen Chapman
Suffolk Growth Board
Kerry Allen
Suffolk County Council
Laura Waters
New Anglia LEP
Nova Fairbank
Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
Paul Davey
Hutchison Ports
Paul Martin
First Buses
Cllr Phil Smart
Suffolk district representative
Richard Pace
Norwich Airport
Richard Perkins
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
Steve Oliver
New Anglia LEP
Steve Turner
Connected Places Catapult
Thomas Lawman
Highways England
Cllr Andrew Reid
Suffolk County representative
New Anglia LEP
James Allen
Jamie Burles
Greater Anglia
John Dugmore
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
Jonathan Rudd
New Anglia LEP
Cllr Martin Wilby
Norfolk County representative
Patrick Ladbury
GT Railway
Associated British Ports
Paul Ager
Paul Horne
Suffolk County Council
Simon Amor
Highways England
Minutes and matters arising
The previous minutes were accepted as a true record and all matters covered in the agenda.
Update on data and level of DfT intervention across Norfolk and Suffolk: work ongoing with DfT but transport usage
data across the country has been collected since March 2020 (updated 25 November) showing usage for cars, light
commercial vehicles, HGVs, rail and buses hit their lowest levels in April, increasing somewhat other the summer
months (peak in September) and since second lockdown have decreased again but not to levels seen in March.
Cycling had the reverse pattern with usage peaking in April, remaining above the 100% level until September and in
the latest November figure is now at its lowest level (67%). Data was also shared to the group on Norfolk traffic data,
Liftshare commuter survey findings showing one key change moving forward will be the ongoing demand from
commuters to work flexibly.
Greater Anglia updated that rail usage is much lower than normal and is expected to remain at this level until
restrictions are fully lifted. Do expect an increase in travel over the next 3 weeks for leisure and university students
returning home and customer feedback has been positive. Buses have faired better than rail with higher passenger
levels, but figures are encouragingly higher than the first lockdown.
Norwich airport updated that whilst understanding the government stance on quarantine period it does make the
situation challenging with very low passenger numbers, currently 1 service to Aberdeen and 1 to Amsterdam mainly
for offshore personnel. Do not expect a change until summer 2021. Need test/release alongside other key measures
to increase consumer demand. There has been good lobbying of MPs and traction has been made on the rates
Action: RP to send letter to SO
Action: LW to set up meeting between SO/RP to discuss actions the Board can support.
Transport East circulated final version of decarbonisation report to the Board.
Ely infographic has been completed.
Action: LW to check with HM when this will be circulated to Board members.
Brexit and Covid intelligence
Summary provided on the Brexit and Covid intelligence workstreams and intelligence collected:
Many businesses have been focusing upon recovery and clear guidance from government about the way
forward. Exciting initiatives such as mass vaccination and mass rapid testing are the tools to get us to a more
normal life but rolling this out will still take some time.
Businesses are still to go through the Christmas period and then the quieter start to the new year, before the
business support package tails off.
The Growth Hub has supported thousands of businesses since the pandemic started through their
recovery/growth plans and has worked closely with local authority colleagues. Quite a lot of work has been
focused on high-risk settings and communicating to those workplaces.
At a BEIS update session on 19 November, we were informed that negotiations resumed following an
acknowledgement from both sides of the need for movement. Intensive talks have continued daily, incl.
fisheries, state aid and level playing field.
Close to an agreement in many areas in FTA - goods, services, civil nuclear, aerospace, etc. Text for some of
these has been locked down already. Need enough time to ratify agreement on both sides - long and
complicated on the EU side (but all 3 institutions have discussed how to fast track this). UK ratification
process more agile and can implement using future relationship bill quite quickly.
Two county-wide groups have been set up to look at the UK’s exit from the EU - the Suffolk Brexit Task
Group and the Norfolk EU Transition Group with representation from all districts, the respective local
resilience forum and the LEP.
LEP has produced a business script for Growth Hub business advisers and partners engaging with
businesses. This business script builds on the government’s technical notices and guidance for businesses
and offers a local flavour for conversations. This document outlines the practical steps businesses can take
around issues such as employing staff, data protection and e-commerce.
Advisers are using this detailed information to provide businesses with answers on the new immigration
system from January 2021; and for businesses that are importing and/or exporting, guidance on customs
declarations, tariff rates, product markings and trade agreements.
Many businesses are in full survival mode as a result of Covid-19, they are not concentrating on EU exit and
they need to spend yet more resources, that they currently just do not have. They are not looking closely at
their supply chains and whether there is a European connection that needs to be addressed.
In a poll of around 50 East Anglian import and export businesses conducted by MHA Larking Gowen, 8% said
they were fully prepared while 37% answered they were more than half prepared.
In addition, without clarity from Government, as to exactly what businesses have to prepare for, it is very
difficult for them to plan and execute. Businesses have been asked several times to step up their preparations
in the past and nothing happened - businesses have a lack of capacity, resources, and energy to gear up for
the unknown. They need to know what to gear up for specifically.
Board then considered actions it can undertake to support transport and wider sectors as this time:
Move towards improving the testing system to build customer confidence in travelling and as we plan to build back
better in the spring we need to ensure strong messaging that travelling is safe - for example public transport is clean,
reliable and making all relevant safety measures.
Impact on smaller locations, one positive test can currently lead to a large proportion of workforce having to self-
isolate. As the testing system improves need to get people back to work as soon as possible and need to reinforce the
status of key workers.
Focus on encouraging people back to public transport, currently focus on active travel but given the messaging from
Government public transport is seen as unsafe. In the short term as people return to work, we need to give clear
messaging to encourage people to use sustainable transport modes. Need to consider changing travel patterns and
how things such as parking strategy should support this.
Alongside the messages around safety and raising public confidence, need to be clear that changing commuter
patterns to more sustainable modes also has the wider benefits of decarbonising the economy. Liftshare highlighted
that, pre Covid, 80,000 people lift shared on their commute in Norfolk and Suffolk (compared to 8,000 by train and
30,000 who commuted by bus). The impact of reductions in lift sharing on the commute following mixed messaging
around safety from Government will have a significant negative impact on congestion and emissions unless there is
clear communication to raise confidence again. (The average CO2 emissions/passenger km for driving alone = 172g,
lift-sharing = 86g and for bus passengers = 103g)
Transport East support comments on Government messaging and see this as an opportunity to influence DfT with our
key priorities.
Action: New Anglia LEP to produce communications piece on raising the confidence around public transport, lift
sharing and promoting the region.
Action: JD/SO/KC/AS/AC to meet to discuss government messaging, raising confidence in public transport and how
we can secure capital investment in our infrastructure priorities.
Connected Places Catapult New Mobility Technologies
Connected Places Catapult gave a presentation on their role, the catapult network and key workstreams. The CPC is
focussed on local places at varying scales, identifying the challenges for these places and working with SMEs to
provide innovate solutions. These challenges include Covid, Brexit, ageing population, rural mobility and resources to
progress solutions. New Mobility Technology team are here to:
Support the creation of a vibrant intelligent and connected mobility space that meets societies challenges of
today and the future.
Creating new opportunities for innovators, building confidence for buyers
Enabling the increased supply of innovative solutions through a fair, safe and secure operating environment
Projects cover a range of technologies: Ports, active travel, 5G, autonomous vehicles, rail and drones. CPC is starting
to scope an active travel programme and looking to work closely with local authorities.
How can we achieve a balanced approach between public transport and active travel? CPC work with users of both
modes to gain understanding of concerns and challenges, whilst active travel usage has increased public transport will
still be important for longer journeys. Need integrated planning and a demand responsive approach with the current
active travel trajectory considered alongside increasing the uptake of public transport.
Norfolk County Council has received funding from the Government active travel fund, running e-scooter trials and
refreshing walking and cycling strategy so would be very keen to work with CPC on active travel programme.
Action: DC/ST to connect on the active travel programme and feedback to the board how a balanced approach
between public transport and active travel can be achieved.
New Anglia LEP Clean Growth Taskforce
Paper shared summarising the role and purpose of the taskforce (February 2020 board paper can be found here on
page 11) and table 1 collates the proposed actions put forward by board members.
Board agreed with action around electrification of rail in East Anglia particularly the opportunity for freight between
Ipswich and Felixstowe. It is estimated that electrification will take 10 years to deliver so we need to ensure we are
prepared for this. The KPMG Decarbonisation report also highlighted the theme on alternative fuels, particularly
relevant for electric vehicles and hydrogen. There is also the DfT Decarbonisation Strategy it would be useful under
item 3 action: JD/SO/KC/AS meeting to also map workstreams so we clear on roles/responsibilities.
Greater Anglia highlighted the new rolling stock and how additional capacity also leads to decarbonisation. We need
to lobby for projects that support both the regional and national recovery. Network Rail supports the view on additional
capacity being a major contributor to decarbonisation and early development has been made on the rail electrification
between Felixstowe/Ipswich with the freight benefits. We need to keep this momentum going and build the message
around improvements in this region creating benefits both the region and nationally.
EDF consulting on Sizewell and it is likely more materials will be transported by rail freight.
Transport East update
Transport East updated on progress made since last board meeting: Secured £425k funding for the remainder of
2020/21 from the DfT for delivery of the Transport Strategy technical work and engagement programme, and COVID-
19 recovery studies, 2 new members of staff in post and consultants have been appointed to work on the TE strategy.
There are three main workstreams within the strategy development are:
1a Non-Transport Outcomes, 1b Three deep dive sessions: International Gateways, Re-energising Coastal and Rural
Communities and Post Covid Economic Recovery, 1c will be looking at a set of future scenarios. With stage 1a almost
complete emerging themes have been identified as
Climate change and adaption
Environmental protection
Carbon reduction
Diverse economy
Digital energy and health
The focus for the next 3 months is delivering the full Strategy engagement programme. This will largely be delivered
between November 2020 and March 2021, aligned with the technical consultants’ work plan. Key elements of this
Focussed 1-to-1 engagement with Forum members and key stakeholders to understand aspirations in detail
Series of thematic, geographic and sectoral workshops to work through issues and identify potential policy
levers, these will include officers, politicians, operators, transport users, charity and representative groups -
for example the Ports roundtable and District council event
Public polling to understand pan-regional public priorities
Expanding our network through trusted third parties, widening awareness and understanding in preparation
for the Strategy consultation in summer 2021
Hosting our annual Transport East summit in early 2021, to ensure our wider partners are fully engaged in the
strategy development.
This work will all be supported and enhanced by the wider Communications and Public Affairs Strategy agreed at the
July meeting to build political advocacy, awareness raising and reputation building.
Action: All to contact AS if they have questions on the strategy development.
Forward plan for 2021 and Any other business
Forward Plan
Paper shared on proposed forward plan for 2021 with the next meeting theme being Local and Coastal: Innovative on-
demand transport solutions and improvements to facilitate local sustainable growth, walking and cycling, recognising
local distinctiveness, and offering access to services and opportunities through digital means.
The table shows the themes for each meeting and the clear alignment with Transport East core themes.
Action: Board agreed 2021 forward plan.
Date of next meeting - March 18th meeting invite will be circulated shortly.
Greater Anglia updated performance levels have been high over the last 8/9 months and also flagged the timetable
consultation for December 2021 is currently live and is open for comments until 12th February 2021.
Suffolk Climate Change emergency plan shared with the Board, which highlights the need to take actions now and
Board members encouraged to read the report.
UK Connectivity Call for Evidence is currently underway and there is an important role for rail freight and Ports in our
Action: TE/LEP to set up meeting between AS/SO/PS/JD to draft response to call for evidence
SO closed the meeting by summarising key discussion points:
Rebuilding confidence and safety around transport regionally and nationally
Importance of wider decarbonisation of transport sector
Link between strategies such as TE and working together to secure investment
Need to bring these key themes forward to Government