New Anglia Board Meeting
30th October 2019
Key Points
Cambridge - Norwich Tech Corridor
The Board received an update on the Cambridge-Norwich Tech Corridor including the work carried out to date
and next phase of the project.
The Board agreed:
To continue supporting the CNTC by agreeing an allocation of £62k
Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
The Board was provided with details of the future plans for promoting the new brand and heard that over 60
brand ambassadors had signed up to assist in this work.
The Board received a proposal to combine the inward investment teams of the LEP, NCC and SCC to create a
single team - Invest Norfolk and Suffolk, which would create a single inward investment strategy.
The Board agreed:
To endorse the forward plan of activity for the development of the Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited Brand
To support the establishment of the new team and the creation of a new post of head of inward investment
Growing Business Fund Large Company Scheme Applications - Confidential
Housing Update
The Board received a report summarising the work of the LEP on the housing agenda and recommending
activities to support SMEs in achieving targets for house building.
The Board agreed:
To commission a research piece to identify construction and housebuilding SME activity in Norfolk and
Suffolk including barriers to construction
Skills Advisory Chair Panel
The Board was advised that Paul Winter was retiring from his role as chair and that nominations were required
for a new chair, ideally from the existing Board.
The Board agreed:
To approve the Skills Advisory Panel Terms of Reference
To approve the proposal that a LEP Board member takes on responsibility for chairing the SAP and seek
nominations for the role of chair from the board or to externally advertise if there are no internal candidates
Any Other Business
The Board was advised that Nikos Savvas would be stepping down at the end of 2019 and was thanked for his
commitment and contribution to the LEP during his time as a board member.
Further Papers Reviewed
Equality and Diversity Action Plan (Endorsed)
Brexit (Noted)
The Role of the Chair / Chair job description (Endorsed)
The Chief Executive’s Report (Noted)
October Programme Performance Reports (Noted)
Quarterly Management Accounts (Noted)
Board Forward Plan (Noted)