New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
30th January 2019
David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
Doug Field (DF)
East of England Coop
Dominic Keen (DK)
High Growth Robotics
Steve Oliver (SO)
MLM Group
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
Johnathan Reynolds (JR)
Sandy Ruddock (SR)
Scarlett & Mustard
Nikos Savvas (NS)
West Suffolk College
Alan Waters (AW)
Norwich City Council
Jeanette Wheeler (JW)
Tim Whitley (TW)
Helen Langton (HL)
University of Suffolk (For David Richardson)
Shan Lloyd (SL)
Sue Roper (SuR)
Suffolk County Council
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP
Julian Munson (JM)
New Anglia LEP
Chris Starkie (CS)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (30.1.19)
Minutes of the last meeting 23rd November 2018
To provide an update on the Ports and Logistics Group
Aims and Objectives for the Year
Arrange a presentation from the Growth Hub on the support being provided to business
To ensure that Brexit intelligence is distributed to all MPs
LEP Board Diversity Champion
To submit comments on the LEP’s Diversity Policy to DE
Amendments to Committee Terms of Reference
To obtain authorisation in writing from Mark Jeffries that the Board has the legal authority to
amend the Articles of Association
To agree a suitable date for attendance with the Section 151 Officer
To consider the voting rights of deputies at sub-committees
Finance Report
To submit a proposal on consolidating reporting
Welcome from the Chair
Doug Field (DF) welcomed everyone to the meeting including Helen Langton (HL) who was
deputising for David Richardson. DF thanked HL for hosting the board meeting.
Apologies were received from William Nunn, Matthew Hicks, David Richardson, John Griffiths and
Lindsey Rix
Welcome from the University of Suffolk Vice-Chancellor
HL welcomed all board members to the meeting and provided an overview of the progress the
University has made over recent months including becoming a full university with degree powers.
She advised that the future focus will be on recruitment and ensuring the university can offer areas
of distinctiveness to attract students in an era of high competition between universities.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at
DF declared an interest in the investments in Novafarina and Supapass as detailed in the New
Anglia Capital report.
Minutes of the last meeting 23rd November 2018
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 23rd November 2018.
Matters arising & actions
For the LEP team to ensure that links are progressed with other sub-national transport
CS advised that a meeting had been held with England’s Economic Heartland to identify
areas of collaboration.
Jeanette Wheeler (JW) requested an update on the Network Ports and Logistic Group.
To receive a paper on CO2 reductions for consideration of inclusion in the economic
strategy targets
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) advised that a proposal from the UEA to develop a Scoping
Report on the Climate Change Adaptation and Carbon Reduction Strategy for New Anglia
had been submitted for comment.
Aims and Objectives for the Year
Chris Starkie (CS) provided the Board with an overview of the LEP’s priorities for 2019
focussing on the current challenges to delivery and the priority themes for the coming year.
CS also highlighted how the LEP has delivered against its objectives to date identifying key
projects and the positive effect their realisation has had on Norfolk and Suffolk.
CS reviewed the progress being made against targets confirming that progress was being
made in all areas but noted that the LEP was not the only influence on these targets and
that some factors were outside of the LEP’s control.
The presentation also covered the wider economic and political context within which the
LEP is operating and the challenges that it faces at the current time.
CS stressed that the Government has reconfirmed its support for LEPs both in the
development of the Local Industrial Strategies and the Shared Prosperity Fund.
CS advised that, given the current challenges, the Executive team had examined the
Economic Strategy and firmly believed that it remained pertinent and the priorities it
established remained unchanged.
CS advised that the aims and objectives fell into four key areas:
1. Deliver the Economic Strategy - including the Local Industrial Strategy which will
be key to obtaining Government backing for gamechanging projects
2. Promote our Place - progressing the place branding work and making the most of
opportunities to promote Norfolk & Suffolk. The LEP will also develop and
implement a new inward investment strategy to maximise inward investment and
3. Strengthen our Governance - complete implementation of the LEP review, and a
review the LEP’s operating structure to ensure it delivers outstanding results and
value for money
4. Drive Local Growth - The LEP will set, monitor and achieve stretching targets in all
its funded and delivered programmes and will support local businesses and exploit
opportunities as they are identified
CS reiterated that the fundamental approach of the Economic Strategy is still right namely
improving productivity and promoting inclusive growth.
CS presented an overview of what would success look like in 12 months time covering 5 key
1. Signing off an ambitious Local Industrial Strategy with Government
2. Launching and starting to see the benefits from the place branding exercise.
3. Maintaining the LEP’s strong reputation with Government for governance and
4. Securing the confidence of the board in the work of the LEP
5. Realising strong progress on the delivery of the Economic Strategy despite
economic and political challenges.
DF thanked CS for the presentation and asked for questions.
The meeting discussed the key role the LEP could play in providing strong leadership during
the current period of uncertainty.
David Ellesmere (DE) asked about how New Anglia performed against other LEPS. CS
agreed that this would be useful and would investigate what data was available on similar
Jennette Wheeler (JW) asked if the LEP had the sufficient resource and capacity required to
deliver against all the areas of work in which it is involved. Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
confirmed that a planning exercise was ongoing to confirm resource against the projects and
that the findings would be brought back to the Board but that both she and CS felt that
resourcing was correct.
JW asked whether the Growth Hub had the sufficient knowledge and resource to support
businesses at this critical time
DF asked if the Growth Hub could present at the Board to present their approach to
business support.
The Board discussed the importance of productivity and how the LEP can contribute to
improvements in this area.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the presentation
To agree with the approach and the continued focus on the delivery of the Economic
To receive performance data on LEPs similar to New Anglia
To receive a presentation from the Growth Hub
Place Branding
Steve Oliver (SO) provided the board with a verbal report on the work carried out to date
with Jacob Bailey on developing the place branding strategy to deliver an umbrella brand.
The Board was advised that research had been carried out from September which included
engagement with over 100 stakeholders and has been followed by detailed discussion
resulting in the brand narrative.
SO confirmed that local authority leaders had been involved in the process and advised that
CMS and Jacob Bailey will be presenting at the February Board to present the brand.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
CS presented the board paper for this standing item.
CS noted that the key area for the LEP was providing support to businesses and the LEP
would look at existing support funds to ascertain if any could be amended to provide more
assistance to companies.
DE asked if MPs were receiving the intelligence provided by LEPs and councils.
CS confirmed that sessions had been held with some MPs but an action would be taken to
ensure this was provided to all.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To ensure that Brexit intelligence is distributed to all MPs
New Anglia LEP Diversity Champion
CS presented the report and advised the board that the appointment of a diversity champion
was recommended as best practice in the LEP review.
CS advised that DE had been approached and agreed to take up the role subject to
ratification to the Board.
DE stated that he would review the LEP’s current diversity policy and asked for feedback
from the board before he reported back in March.
JW noted that there should be clarification on what is internal and external policy and will
provide comments to DE.
SO asked what success the success criteria would be. DE advised that success would be
about more than board gender diversity but also about other areas such as those
businesses receiving funds and LEP staffing.
The Board agreed:
To endorse the appointment of DE as Diversity Champion
To submit comments on the LEP’s Diversity Policy to DE
Election of Deputy Chair
DF presented the paper proposing the appointment of Lindsey Rix (LR) as the Deputy Chair.
It was passed by the Board and agreed that her term as Deputy Chair and as a Board
member will tie in together.
The Board agreed:
To appoint Lindsey Rix as Deputy Chair of the Board
Amendments to Committee Terms of Reference
RW presented the paper formalising the changes to governance agreed at the October
board meeting and updating other relevant documents. These are divided into 4 key areas:
Amendments to Articles of Association - These have been updated to reflect the changes to
the LEP Board membership and the quorum has been amended as a result of these
JW queried whether the Articles of Association need to be amended by Special Resolution
at a General Meeting rather than the Board. CS advised that he had received advice that
the Board could confirm the changes.
The Board agreed to confirm the changes subject to confirmation in writing that they had the
authority to do so without a general meeting.
ACTION: CS to ensure obtain authorisation in writing that the Board has the legal authority
to amend the Articles of Association.
LEP Board Attendance and Deputisation Policy - RW reviewed the changes to the policy and
requested Board approval for the amendments.
Nikos Savvas (NS) queried whether deputies had voting rights. RW confirmed that they do
have the right to vote and would update the policy for clarity.
The Board agreed to the proposed changes.
Investment Appraisal Committee (IAC) - RW advised that, at the request of the chair of the
IAC, it is proposed to expand the membership by one additional private sector member,
independent of the LEP Board, to strengthen the expertise of the committee.
Andrew Proctor (AP) raised the importance of having county representation on the IAC.
This would mean that one of the three local authority representatives would be a county
The Board agreed to both proposed changes.
Audit and Risk Committee - RW asked the Board to approve an amendment to the Terms of
Reference to allow the S151 Officer to delegate authority for attendance at this committee to
a suitable representative.
The Board agreed to the proposed change.
It was noted that it had been raised at the LEP Review that the Section 151 Officer should
attend the LEP Board once a year.
ACTION: To agree a suitable date for attendance with the Section 151 Officer.
NS queried whether deputies on sub-committees have voting rights.
RW advised that this will be considered further and brought back to the Board.
ACTION: To consider the voting rights of deputies at sub-committees
New Anglia Capital (NAC) - DF advised that Kevin Horne had left the Board and asked for
suggestions for nominations to be submitted to Chris Dashper (CD).
Dominic Keen expressed his interest in joining the NAC Board.
The board agreed to nominate Dominic Keen to the NAC board.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To agree the proposed changes to the Articles of Association subject to confirmation
in writing that they had the authority to do so.
To agree to the two proposed changes to the IAC Terms of Reference.
To agree to the proposed change to the Audit and Risk Committee Terms of
To receive clarification on the voting rights of deputies at LEP sub-committees.
To nominate Dominic Keen to the NAC Board
Chief Executive’s Report
CS presented his report to the Board and asked for questions.
CS advised that there had been significant interest in the recent project calls and noted that
discussions have been held with local authorities regarding the possibility of expanding the
Innovative Projects Fund.
Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN) - CS advised that the TUPE transfer had been completed
however one of the team members is seriously ill in hospital. The LEP team are providing
pastoral care for his family and the EAN team. DF asked for the best wishes of the Board to
be passed on.
Offshore Wind Sector - CS provided an update on work to promote the offshore sector
including the production of a prospectus detailing the collective approach to the Offshore
Winder Sector Deal which was being presented to Clare Perry, the Energy Minister.
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) endorsed the prospectus and noted that on-shore energy also
needed the same focus.
JW asked for further information on the economic shocks detailed in the report.
CS advised that Heatrae Sadia was consolidating at a larger plant in the Midlands and the
decision to close was a management one due to spare capacity at the other plant.
The Board was advised that Phillips Avent was also consolidating its operating sites.
The LEP was working with the management team to offer support to staff.
Agritech - CS advised that discussions with the Combined Authority have been ongoing but
there is still no definitive date on when ministers will make a decision on the release of
The board was recommended to set a deadline of March 31st for continued participation in the
Eastern Agri Tech programme. If funds are not released by March 31st by Government, the
£1m allocated should be deallocated and a fresh proposal for its use brought to the board.
This was agreed by the Board.
Board Recruitment - The Board was advised that 15 applications have been received.
CS & RW have carried out an initial review and will make recommendations as to which
candidates to interview. The recommendations for board appointments will made at the
February board meeting.
NWES - CS updated the meeting on recent news reports concerning NWES and confirmed
that the LEP had carried out due diligence on the loan for the KLIC and that the loan had
been repaid on time.
A sale has been agreed on Rouen House where the LEP had agreed not to implement the
clawback clause on its grant subject to the building continuing with the same use as an
enterprise centre.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To set a deadline of March 31st for continued participation in the Eastern Agritech
programme. If funds are not released by March 31st by Government, the £1m allocated
will be deallocated and a fresh proposal for its use brought to the board.
January Programme Performance Reports
RW reviewed the performance reports and updated the meeting as on the following:
Business Growth Programme - The programme was now rated green as funding had been
secured and targets restructured.
NWES delivery is rated as red due to the delays to delivery. NWES is producing a plan to
address the delays and an additional partner has been engaged to help deliver programmes
to start ups to fill the shortfall.
Enterprise Zones - these are long term projects. Job numbers realised are lagging behind
target and this will be monitored. Julian Munson (JM) noted that there is often a lag
between realising floor space and achieving the relevant job numbers.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the reports
Finance Report
RW reviewed the finance report and clarified how finances were reported as requested at
the last Board meeting.
RW suggested bringing back a proposal on consolidating reported to the March board
Core Finances - RW reviewed the reports noting key variances.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To receive a proposal on consolidating reporting
Board Forward Plan
CS reviewed the Forward Plan and asked for suggestions for agenda items from the Board.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the plan
Any Other Business
The Board held a private session to discuss Item 17
Remuneration Committee Update - Confidential
DF provided an update on discussions held at the last committee meeting in December and
asked Board members for their comments.
The findings of the Remuneration Committee were endorsed by the Board.
Next meeting:
Date and time of next meeting:
10.00am - 12.30pm, 27th February 2019
Venue: The Ideas Factory, Cavendish House, St Andrews St, Norwich NR2 4AEV