New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
23rd May 2019
Claire Cullens (CC)
Norfolk Community Foundation
David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
Doug Field (DF)
East of England Coop
Pete Joyner (PJ)
Shorthose Russell
Dominic Keen (DK)
High Growth Robotics
Johnathan Reynolds (JR)
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
David Richardson (DR)
Lindsey Rix (LR)
Jeanette Wheeler (JW)
David Pomfret (DP)
College of West Anglia
Mike Stonard (MS)
Norwich City Council
Shan Lloyd (SL)
Bethan Hacche (BH)
Vince Muspratt (VM)
Norfolk County Council
Ray Harding (RH)
King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council - For Item 3
Brian Long (BL)
King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council
Nigel Best (NB)
New Anglia LEP - For Item 6
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP
Chris Starkie (CS)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (23.5.19)
Growth Hub Presentation
Growth Hub Annual Review to be submitted to the Board when published
LEP Capital budget 2019/20
The criteria for the Growing Business and Growing Places Funds to be circulated to Board
Welcome from the Chair
Doug Field (DF) welcomed everyone to the meeting including Brian Long and Ray Harding, the
Leader and Chief Executive of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council and thanked them
for hosting the meeting.
DF also welcomed Claire Cullens (CC) and Pete Joyner (PJ) to their first board meeting and David
Pomfret (DP) and Mike Stonard (MS) who were representing Nikos Savvas and Alan Waters
Apologies were received from Steve Oliver, Sandy Ruddock, Nikos Savvas, Tim Whitley, John
Griffiths, Matthew Hicks and Alan Waters.
Welcome from King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council
Ray Harding (RH) welcomed the Board to the meeting and provided an overview of the successful
work going on in the local Enterprise Zone.
He also detailed investments being made to support new retailers such as H&M moving into the
town centre to support the high street. Significant investment has also been made in the market
places and in the Town Hall itself to boost the town centre. To accompany this a programme of
events has been developed to help maintain footfall in the town.
The Council is also investing in housing with 350 of the planned 1000 new homes already built and
work is ongoing to ensure that the new dwellings have all supporting infrastructure in place to build
the desired communities.
RH also updated the meeting on the ongoing work to support the local business community
including tourism which is particularly vital to the area.
RH thanked the LEP for their support in the past and conformed that KLIC was performing well with
tenants expanding within the building as they require more space.
DP provided a brief overview of the work of the College of West Anglia including its focus on the
skills development of the students with the particular aim of ensuring that students are ready for
workplace. Over £50m has been invested including funding from the LEP to improve facilities for
MS asked if a separate company had been set up for the housing construction work. RH advised
that this has not been done so far in order to avoid incurring additional costs and that the work had
been funded internally to date. Sales from one phase have funded the next and this approach has
been very successful.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at
Item 7: Enterprise Zone Accelerator Fund Proposal
PJ and David Richardson (DR) declared and interest in this item
Item 8: LEP Capital Budget 2019/20:
DR declared an interest in this item
Minutes of the last meeting 27th March
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 27th March 2019.
Actions from last meeting updated as follows:
Amendments to Articles of Association
To include details of the term of appointment of the Deputy Chair - Complete
March Performance Reports
To provide details of employment numbers for the agri tech sector - Complete and
included in performance reports.
LEP Board Diversity Champion
Jeanette Wheeler (JW) advised that she had met with David Ellesmere to discuss
the diversity policy and there would be aBoard update shortly.
New Anglia Growth Hub
CS provided the meeting with the background to the Growth Hub presentation and
introduced Nigel Best (NB), Growth Hub Manager, to present to the Board as requested at
the January Board meeting.
NB provided the Board with an overview of the support available to businesses prior to the
establishment of the Growth Hub and detailed the work carried out by the Growth Hub now.
The team is currently undertaking a mapping exercise to establish what support is available
for new and existing businesses to identify where improvements can be made.
NB advised that the Growth Hub is one of the top 3 largest in the country and is working
closely with Government in order to develop closer links. The team provides a wide range
of advice and looks to identify long term support for businesses as well as sources of
funding. The Hub provides a central point of access for all business support providing free
impartial advice and helps to provide access to specialist advice where required. In addition
the Hub now has 2 specific skills advisers funded by BEIS.
The Board was informed that the team will have provided £47m worth of business support
by March 2022 through the Business Growth Programme which covers the Growing
Business Fund, Small Grants Scheme, support for start up companies and the Growth Hub
NB detailed the support currently being provided to companies in advance of Brexit and the
work with government on this issue. When firm plans for Brexit are known the Hub will be
able to provide more detailed support and assist companies with planning.
NB reviewed the current work with companies identified with the potential to scale up and
stressed the importance of identifying new and different ways of working.
Andrew Proctor (AP) asked if support was being provided to those specific sectors identified
by the LEP and how the team’s success was being measured in relation to measures like
NB confirmed that those key sectors were being targeted however the Hub did not have the
capacity to be involved in every sector.
He noted that Government has strict measures against which Growth Hubs have to record
their results however measures such as productivity are being investigated as well as some
of the qualitative measures.
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) asked if the receipt of ERDF funding had caused any issues as
there were limits on what it could be used for as primary agriculture, retail, hospitality and
care sectors are all out of scope.
NB confirmed that this was the case and noted that it was important that the future UKSPF
should not follow the same rules and the LEP should lobby for these changes.
DF asked how feedback was monitored and NB advised that an annual review was carried
Growth Hub Annual Review to be submitted to the Board when published
The Board also requested for more case studies to be highlighted to them.
Lindsey Rix (LR) asked if there were common enquiries and themes and if these had shifted
over time.
NB advised that skills queries were always common often relating to the use of new forms
of media and also enquiries around generic management skills.
LR suggested providing more holistic businesses support such as peer to peer support to
assist managers.
It was noted that many businesses needed advice at an earlier stage to help stay relevant in
changing markets and that this could avoid the need for financial aid at a late date.
NB stressed the importance of supporting those businesses who are keen and willing to
change rather that those who remain with a model which is not working.
CS noted that as part of the LIS work a review of all programmes was being carried out to
ensure the best value for money is being achieved and that this includes the Growth Hub.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the presentation
• To receive the Growth Hub Annual Review
Enterprise Zone Accelerator Fund Proposal - Confidential
LEP Capital Budget 2019/20 - Confidential
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) confirmed that the accountable body had reviewed the budget and
was content. She also said that much of the capital spend had already been approved by
the Board.
RW reviewed the key points and noted that the budget was currently overcommitted by £7m
but this was in the expectation of project slippage and that the allocation from Government
doubled in the following year therefore the spend was being planned in advance of the next
funding allocation.
AP asked how the future allocation of grants and loans from the Growing Places Fund would
be allocated. CS advised that this was an open call and projects would be assessed and
funds allocated on an individual basis.
Chris Dashper (CD) confirmed that extra promotion would be done to extend the current
AP asked if projects which have historically been unsuccessful could be included especially
those previously limited by delivery timescales. This was confirmed.
JW asked for further details of the Capital Growth Programme call criteria. CS confirmed
that this had been agreed by the Board and would be amended for each future call in line
with LEP targets and the Economic Strategy.
The criteria for the Growing Business and Growing Places Funds to be circulate to Board
David Ellesmere (DE) asked if the future spend should be brought further forward in case of
future project slippage. CS advised that last year’s spend had been spent in full but it had
not cleared the earlier backlog. DE proposed starting the process much earlier to have the
projects ready as soon as the funding is received from Government
DF asked how the capital budget would be monitored. RW confirmed that reporting would
be back to the Board at programme level.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To approve the capital budget for the 19/20 financial year
• To approve the allocation of £1m to New Anglia Capital
• To receive the criteria for the Growing Business and Growing Places Funds
Chief Executive’s Report
CS reviewed the report highlighting key areas of interest.
CS updated the Board on the work on the LIS including the engagement events and invited
Board members to the event on 19th June at the John Innes Centre.
Place Branding
The Phase 2 consultants have been approved - Land Communication in Ipswich and Quick
Fire Digital in Norwich.
The launch is currently planned for 26th July at Adastral Park. It was proposed changing it to
launch at the AGM in September. This was agreed.
In his capacity as Chair of the Innovation Board DR asked if bids for the Innovative Projects
Fund could go to the Innovation Board prior to the IAC in order to benefit from its expertise
and experience.
This was agreed by the Board.
DR noted that the LEP Board needed to find a successor to him as Chair of the Innovation
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To change the Place Branding launch date to 25th September to coincide with the AGM
• For bids for the Innovative Projects Fund to go to the Innovation Board prior to
submission to the IAC
May Programme Performance Reports including Dashboards
RW reviewed the May reports and asked for questions from the Board.
Dominic Keen (DK) asked if there were any areas on the dashboards causing issue.
RW advised that skills and housing were always areas of concern given that the outputs
were achieved on an ad hoc basis given timing issues.
AP expressed disappointed that the Ely Rail project had not been progressed as expected,
noting this was outside of the LEP’s control.
The Board agreed:
• To note the contents of the report
• To approve the dashboard
CS reviewed the paper included in the meeting papers and asked for questions from the
Shan Lloyd (SL) noted that businesses were refraining from investment but asked if this was
impacting onto the grants scheme applications.
CD confirmed that both size and volume of the grant requests had reduced slightly recently
but this was also a seasonal trend.
The Board agreed:
• To note the contents of the report
South East Energy Hub
CS asked for questions from the Board.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To delegate authority to Chris Starkie New Anglia LEP CEO to sign the Accountable
Body agreement for the Greater South East Energy Hub on behalf of the LEP
• To delegate authority to Lisa Roberts, Head of Strategy, to represent and make
decisions for the LEP on the Greater South East Hub Board and to Ellen Goodwin,
Infrastructure Manager as Deputy, to operate subject to and within the guidelines and
parameters laid down by the LEP Board.
Board Forward Plan
CS advised that, due to a rescheduled Parliamentary event the June board meeting would
now possibly take place in Ipswich.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the plan
Any Other Business
Next meeting:
Date and time of next meeting:
10.00am - 12.30pm, 25th June 2019
Venue: TBC