New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
23rd July 2019
Claire Cullens (CC)
Norfolk Community Foundation
David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
Doug Field (DF)
East of England Coop
Matthew Hicks (MH)
Suffolk County Council
Pete Joyner (PJ)
Shorthose Russell
Johnathan Reynolds
Lindsey Rix (LR)
Sandy Ruddock (SR)
Scarlett & Mustard
Alan Waters (AW)
Norwich City Council
Jeanette Wheeler (JW)
Tim Whitley (TW)
Graham Plant (GP)
Great Yarmouth Borough Council - For Andrew Proctor
Catherine Richards (CR)
East Norfolk Sixth Form - For Nikos Savvas
Mark Ash (MA)
Suffolk County Council - For Sue Roper
Professor Andrew Lovett
UEA - For Item 6
Paul Winter (PW)
Skills Board Chair - For Item 7
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP
Ellen Goodwin (EG)
New Anglia LEP - For Item 6
Chris Starkie (CS)
New Anglia LEP
Natasha Waller (NW)
New Anglia LEP - For Items 7 and 8
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (23.7.19)
Action Log
Change the status column to “target date”
Climate Change Adaption and Carbon Reduction Action Plan
Distribute the presentation to board members
Apprenticeships Levy Transfer Pool
A business case is required which will be presented at the September meeting
July Programme Performance Reports
A programme summary including performance against targets will be included in future NAC
Welcome from the Chair
Doug Field (DF) welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Jo Warr from Norwich Castle for
DF advised that the agenda would be amended so that Item 7 would come before item 6 as the
Skills Board Chair had to leave the meeting early.
Apologies were received from John Griffiths, Steve Oliver, Andrew Proctor, David Richardson, Sam
Chapman-Allen, Dominic Keen and Nikos Savvas.
Welcome from Norwich Castle
Jo Warr (JWa), Head of Development at Norwich Castle, welcomed the Board to Norwich Castle
and thanked the LEP for their support for the current Gateway to Medieval England Project which
aims to raise the profile of Norwich as a cultural centre.
JWa provided an overview of changes to the castle over the past century and reviewed the plans to
reinstate the Norman floor level and reconfigure the internal layout of the keep to replicate the
original rooms. The new layout will incorporate the British Museum Partnership Gallery which will
be the first permanent British Museum exhibition outside London .
When the project has been completed in the spring of 2021 the new design, along with improved
access to all levels, will allow the castle to host a much wider range of functions as part of the
project’s aim to establish the castle as a state of the art cultural and community venue.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at
Item 11: July Programme Reports: New Anglia Capital Report: DF declared an interest in Nova
Farina and SupaPass.
Minutes of the last meeting 25th June
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 25th June 2019.
Chris Starkie (CS) reviewed the action log. It was agreed to change the status to a date to
provide more detail.
ACTION: Change the status column to “target date”
Skills Delivery Board
Paul Winter (PW), Chair of the Skills Board, addressed the meeting and highlighted key
elements of the report detailing the progress made over the past year notably delivery of
skills plans in additional sectors, reviewing Skills Deal projects and reaffirming the Youth
PW reviewed the process of setting up the new Skills Advisory Panel (SAP) as required by
Government where minor work is required to fulfil the requirements noting that the new
arrangements will require closer links between the LEP Board and the SAP.
DF asked for further details on the Governance requirements of the SAP. PW advised that
the voluntary sector needed to be included and discussions were underway with the
Community Foundations to address this. PW noted that the Board was currently very large
which may need to be addressed to ensure if remains effective.
The meeting discussed the implications of the end of the ESIF funding. CS advised that this
had been guaranteed by Government until the end of 2022 and would be replaced by the
Shared Prosperity Fund the details of which are still unknown.
Alan Waters (AW) noted that skills environment was very crowded which meant that it was
not always clear where companies could obtain support. PW agreed that there were too
many initiatives and that clarification was required.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To approve the transition from a Skills Board to a Skills Advisory Panel as required by
Government and to continue to endorse its activities
Climate Change Adaption and Carbon Reduction Action Plan
Professor Andrew Lovett (AL) addressed the meeting presenting the findings of the scoping
study into CO2 reduction as commissioned by the LEP.
AL advised that the report detailed observed changes in temperature when looking at trends
over two 30 year time periods which take fluctuations into account. It was noted that
Norfolk and Suffolk have experienced a 0.5 degree increase in temperature over summer
months and nearly a 1 degree rise in winter over the two 30 year periods studied.
The study then looked at projected changes based on 4 different pathways representing
different amounts of global surface temperature increase.
AL presented projected changes in temperature and precipitation and also in sea levels
noting that there were significant changes depending on the relevant pathway.
The report noted that there had been a 32% reduction in emission of greenhouse gases
since 2005 largely due to changes in manufacturing and in households but transport
emissions have not reduced by the same amount and consequently now make up a larger
share of CO2 emissions.
The meeting was advised that the national average for CO2 emissions was 5.4 tonnes per
person with both Norfolk and Suffolk slightly above this level. It was noted that to abide by
levels stated in the Paris Agreement this needed to reduce significantly to 1.7 tonnes per
The data was presented split by local authority with variations reflecting the make-up of the
area. It also identified the 37 highest emitters which make up 22% of emissions.
LA advised that the study had identified key priorities where changes could be made and
where the LEP could provide support.
Domestically - adaptation of building stock to improve energy efficiency and develop
heating alternatives for off-gas areas.
Transport - increase public transport and use of electric vehicles with the associated
requirement for more charging points.
Agriculture - improved water management and enhanced carbon sequestration such as
tree planting schemes or improved cultivation processes
Energy - improved efficiency as demand increases along with enhanced distribution and
Tim Whitley (TW) asked if the study provided a breakdown of transport by vehicle type as
this would assist in identifying which interventions would target the highest emitters. AL
advised that this is not currently part of the study and would require further research.
The meeting noted that the changes could not just be achieved by the LEP alone and
partners would need to work together to achieve the reductions. National policy will also
play a key role.
The Board discussed the issues around bringing in offshore power.
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) advised that the SE energy hub was in the very early stages of
looking at an offshore energy grid and this was vital to the development of the offshore
energy sector. Matthew Hicks (MH) confirmed that 30% of the UK’s energy came ashore
at Sizewell but that development was being done on a piecemeal basis will a lack of
connectivity between projects.
Lindsey Rix (LR) suggested that the LEP could support those companies looking to become
carbon neutral.
David Ellesmere (DE) proposed targeting support for the largest emitters and also for the
LEP to coordinate purchasing requirements related to CO2 reduction in order to provide
increased buying power.
JR noted that the findings of the scoping report needed to be considered in every decision
the Board made and the LEP needed to identify those gamechanger projects which support
CO2 reduction and identify gamechanger projects and carbon offsetting ideas.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report and presentation
• To support the development of an action plan to tackle some of the key findings of the
• To receive the presentation
In order to ensure the Annual Accounts were signed off it was agreed that Item 12 would be
addressed before Item 8.
Draft Annual Financial Statements - Confidential
RW confirmed that the accounts had been reviewed by the Audit & Risk Committee on 1st
July and changes agreed that the meeting have been made.
DF noted that the LEP now employed over 50 people and proposed discussing with CS how
HR could be monitored going forward.
The Board agreed:
• To note the contents of the report
• To approve the annual financial statements and audit management letter for signing by
the Chair
Apprenticeships Levy Transfer Pool
CS presented the proposal to the meeting providing the background to the issues facing
apprenticeship schemes and the proposal to make the funds available for apprenticeships.
The LEP will act as a promoter of the scheme and work with SMEs to ensure they have the
tools and equipment in place to utilise it. CS advised that Aviva has already signed up and
other large companies are being approached
CS confirmed that the scheme will need ongoing funding and a meeting with county
representatives will take place in August to progress the business case. A more detailed
plan will be presented at the September Board.
DE proposed that, if successful, the scheme could be expanded and if there is sufficient
demand for specific training this could be used to request additional courses locally.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To approve the £60,000 budget to develop a cost-effective model to support the transfer
of apprenticeship levy to SMEs in partnership with colleagues from Norfolk and Suffolk
County Councils
• To receive a business case at the September board meeting
Growing Business Fund: Large Company Grant Programme
Chris Dashper (CD) reviewed the proposal which has already been approved by the IAC
noting that one application has already been received and approved by the IAC subject to
Board approval of the programme.
Jeanette Wheeler (JW) confirmed that this programme would help the Growing Business
Fund Panel where it has been challenging to make applications meet the criteria required for
the other funds.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To approve the introduction of a GBF Large Company Grant programme
MH left the meeting
Chief Executive’s Report
CS highlighted key items in the report and asked for questions.
LIS - Further strategies have now been published. New Anglia will publish its LIS in October
having been brought forward to the 2nd wave.
Place Branding - This will be launched at the AGM and the invitation will go out this week to
approximately 300 businesses and partners.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
July Programme Performance Reports
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) reviewed the reports for July.
Business Growth Programme - The Programme is on track to meet its spend target and
new activity for the next three years is being finalised. The process of seeking additional
ERDF funding to extend the Small Grants Scheme for a further year has begun.
New Anglia Capital- CD reviewed the report and asked for questions from the Board.
DF asked for details of the split between NAC and private funding. CD advised that overall
NAC has invested 40% of funds to the 60% provided by private funding. This is against a
target of a 50/50 split.
DF requested the inclusion of a summary highlighting progress against targets.
ACTION: The summary from the NAC Board report will be included in future NAC
programme reports.
The Board agreed:
• To note the contents of the report
Management Accounts - Confidential
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
Board Forward Plan
CS reviewed the Forward Plan and asked for requests for additional items.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the plan
Any Other Business
JW proposed bringing younger entrepreneurs to a future Board meeting to engage them in
the work of the LEP.
Next meeting:
Date and time of next meeting:
10.00am - 12.30pm, 25th September 2019
Venue: The Mess, Kesgrave Hall, Ipswich.