New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board Meeting
Wednesday 30th October
10.00am to 12.30pm
The Main Auditorium, The Carnegie, Cage Lane,
Thetford, IP24 2EA
10 mins
Welcome from the Chair
Declarations of Interest
Actions / Minutes from the last meeting
Welcome from Cllr Sam Chapman - Allen
Forward Looking
30 mins
Update and
Cambridge - Norwich Tech Corridor
Governance and Delivery
20 mins
Update and
Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited - Next Steps inc Confidential appendix
10 mins
Governance and Delivery
80 mins
Growing Business Fund Large Company Scheme Applications -
For Approval
Equality and Diversity action plan
For Approval
Housing Update including appendices
The Role of the Chair / Chair job description
For Approval
Skills Advisory Panel Chair
For Approval
Chief Executive’s Report including confidential items and appendix
October Programme Performance Reports
Quarterly Management Accounts - Confidential
Board Forward Plan
Any Other Business
New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Unconfirmed)
25th September 2019
Sam Chapman-Allen (SC)
Breckland Council
Claire Cullens (CC)
Norfolk Community Foundation
David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
Doug Field (DF)
East of England Coop
Matthew Hicks (MH)
Suffolk County Council
John Griffiths (JG)
West Suffolk Council
Pete Joyner (PJ)
Shorthose Russell
Dominic Keen (DK)
Helen Langton (HL)
University of Suffolk
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
Johnathan Reynolds (JR)
Nikos Savvas (NS)
West Suffolk College
Alan Waters (AW)
Norwich City Council
Jeanette Wheeler (JW)
Tim Whitley (TW)
Louise Aynsley (LA)
Suffolk County Council
Shan Lloyd (SL)
Josh Fedder (JF)
Jai Raithatha (JaR)
Suffolk County Council
Vince Muspratt (VM)
Norfolk County Council
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP - For Items 8 and 9
Julian Munson (JM)
New Anglia LEP - For Item 5
Lisa Roberts (LiR)
New Anglia LEP - For Item 6
Chris Starkie (CS)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (25.9.19)
Action Log
Enterprise Zones
Details of the overall EZ investment and the funding split to be provided
A confidential update on the stalled sites to be provided to the Board
Local Industrial Strategy
A one page summary of the key points of the LIS to be distributed to board members
Revised foreword to be circulated to board members
Apprenticeship Levy Transfer Pool
To be added to the reporting cycle and included as a major board item along with the skills
CO2 Action Plan to be added to the forward plan
Details of funding streams and relative timescales to be produced
Welcome from the Chair
Doug Field (DF) welcomed everyone to the meeting
Apologies were received from Steve Oliver, Lindsey Rix and Sandy Ruddock
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at
Minutes of the last meeting 23rd July 2019
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 23rd July 2019.
Actions from last meeting updated as follows:
UEA Enterprise Fund - Chris Starkie (CS) reminded board members that there was still a
vacancy on the Enterprise Fund Board. Claire Cullens (CC) and Dominic Keen (DK)
expressed and interest and it was agreed that they would rotate the role between them.
Enterprise Zones
Julian Munson (JM) presented the Board with an update on the Enterprise Zones (EZs).
JM provided high level details of each of the current EZs highlighting the levels of investment
and noting any ongoing issues with the sites.
The board was advised that the development of EZs has provided the dual advantage of
allowing local firms to expand as well as attracting new companies to the area.
DK asked for further details about the tenants occupying the sites and the split between
smaller and larger companies. The board was advised that there was an even split between
business types and that sites and prospective tenants were reviewed on a case by case basis
on application.
Tim Whitley (TW) asked if the total investment could be provided including a public and
private split and also splitting the figures between the Norfolk and Suffolk EZs.
ACTION: Details of the overall investment and the funding split to be provided
David Ellesmere (DE) noted that most Ipswich EZs were very successful and that although
progress had been very slow on the Island Site he felt that steps were now being taken and
would like the site to retain its status.
The Board discussed those sites which were being promoted at MIPIM in October.
Pete Joyner (PJ) asked if there were any requests from prospective tenants which could not
be met. JM advised that there was limited offer available in terms of residential and student
accommodation as most of the sites offered industrial units or offices.
Sam Chapman-Allen (SC) enquired about the stalled sites and what was being done to
progress them.
JM advised that North Norfolk District Council had chosen not to proceed with the Egmere
site. The South Lowestoft site has land ownership issues and work is ongoing to resolve this
with the possibility of transferring the EZ status which is challenging in itself. The Board
asked to be kept updated on the progress of the stalled sites.
ACTION: A confidential update on the stalled sites to be provided to the Board
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report and presentation
To receive updates on the stalled EZ sites and also details of the total investment split by
private / public investment and into Norfolk and Suffolk EZs
Local Industrial Strategy
Lisa Roberts (LiR) provided the Board with the background to the introduction of Local
Industrial Strategies (LIS) and the work undertaken by the LEP to produce the LIS for Norfolk
and Suffolk.
The approach was agreed by the Board in September 2018 and the process has included
extensive collaboration between partners which has included partner summits and 3 leaders’
The updated evidence base, along with these sessions, have highlighted key themes and
emerging interventions. LiR advised that the evidence base has been scrutinised by
Government and the link from evidence to interventions has been praised.
The draft LIS has been issued to partners and the 70 pages of feedback received has been
reviewed and changes incorporated where possible. LiR confirmed that the structure of the
document has been laid down by Government and is not subject to change.
LiR highlighted the key strategic opportunities identified in the LIS and noted that partners
were keen to progress many of the interventions as soon as possible. Work is ongoing to
identify funding sources to support these opportunities.
LiR noted that the inclusion of the digital sector as a unique area of opportunity was originally
challenged by Government and she thanked partners for providing the additional evidence
which supported its inclusion.
LiR provided high level information on the key areas of the LIS.
PJ noted that 3 specific sectors where highlighted and it made sense to concentrate on those
areas of the economy where we are unique but noted that other sectors ie tourism may feel
alienated. LiR agreed and confirmed that a tourism action plan would be produced and
further work would also incorporate the voluntary sector to ensure inclusion.
DE congratulated LiR and her team on the work carried out and noted the limitations imposed
by Government. He asked for amendments to be made to the infrastructure links so that they
noted that investment was required to realise these opportunities. He also asked for
reference to the Cambridge - Ipswich - Norwich triangle to be included.
TW also expressed his support for the work and confirmed that Adastral Pak had been
identified as the leading source of patents in the country. TW noted that the foreword
reinforced the idea of the area being a leading agriculture area and that ICT was not
mentioned. He proposed that the foreword should be revised to make it more cutting
LiR advised that the amendments requested by the Board will be made and the LIS will then
be submitted to Government for review. The exact process for this review be still being
agreed but on completion any amendments will be incorporated.
ACTION: The revised forward is to be circulated to board members
Matthew Hicks (MH) noted that the endorsement process for local authorities had posed
challenges given that the LIS was still being revised during the process.
CS advised that format for the process had been put to chief executives and that both
counties had produced different proposals for endorsement.
Jeanette Wheeler (JW) asked what the key areas of focus would be for the Board and asked
for them to be included in a future report back to the Board.
Helen Langton (HL) reitereated this and asked for a one page summary to be provided to the
Board to ensure that a clear message is communicated.
ACTION: A one page summary of the key points of the LIS to be distributed to board
DF proposed that the Chair and the CEO should have the authority to make minor
amendments to the LIS with any more significant changes being returned to the Board for
The draft LIS was endorsed by the Board who requested to receive a copy of the final version
which will be submitted to Government.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To endorse and sign off the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Industrial Strategy subject to the
amendments agreed at the meeting
To delegate authority to make minor amendments to the LEP Chair and CEO with major
changes to be returned to the LEP Board for approval
To receive the revised Foreword and a one page summary of the key points
Apprenticeships Levy Transfer Pool
CS presented the proposal to the meeting which provides further details of the business case
as requested at the July board meeting.
The meeting discussed the challenges faced in creating and filling apprenticeships.
It was noted that it was important that those businesses using the fund were recognised. The
scheme also needs to be incorporated into the reporting schedule.
ACTION: The Apprenticeship Levy Transfer Pool is to be added to the reporting cycle and
included as a major board item when the skill update is provided
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To endorse the outlined business plan
To endorse a further £60,000 of funds to allow support to continue for an additional year
To receive future reports on the outputs of the scheme
Innovative Projects Fund
Chris Dashper (CD) presented the proposal which requested an annual allocation of £500k to
the programme for 2019/20 and 2020/21 from LEP funds.
The board was advised that, following the successful first call of the Innovative Projects Fund,
local authority partners in Norfolk and Suffolk agreed to match the LEP’s funding allocation
through their respective pooled business rates. This has resulted in a £1.5 million pot being
made available to prospective projects under a 2019/20 call.
It was noted that during the last call the applicants had been local authorities and this time
there would be increased promotion to SMEs to attract more applicants from businesses.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To approve the establishment of the £1.5m Innovative Projects Fund jointly with local
authorities from Norfolk and Suffolk
To approve the new governance arrangement including the Terms of Reference
To approve the launch of a 2019/20 Innovative Projects Fund Call in October 2019
Voluntary and Community Sector
CD presented the paper providing the board an update on the LEP’s Voluntary and
Community Sector Challenge Fund.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
CS reviewed the latest Brexit report and updated the board on the funding being allocated by
Government to support businesses.
It is proposed that, rather than the LEP running extra events for companies, the LEP will
supporting those already being run such as those organised by the Chambers of Commerce.
CS advised that Government has made 3 offers of funding to aid Growth Hubs to provide
various elements of business support but that some funding must be used end by the end of
October therefore the LEP is assessing the benefits of this support to ensure that is is used
CS advised that there has been a slow down in applications to the funding programmes and
the LEP is proposing the establishment of a taskforce to provide support for businesses
facing short term difficulties following Brexit.
Andrew Proctor (AP) expressed concern about the use of public funds to support ailing
businesses and highlighted the challenges in applying criteria to funding requests.
He expressed support for providing advice but not funding. This view was supported by John
Griffiths (JG).
CS proposed bringing further details back to the October board meeting.
JW agreed that this was a difficult area but that the LEP had supported businesses in the past
who faced short term issues.
AP agreed that the funding could be used to provide further capacity to support companies.
DE suggested that the proposed criteria for funding applications be brought to the next board
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To receive details of the funding criteria at the October board meeting
Working Agreement with the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority
CS presented the paper and the agreement which had been drafted by CPCA.
DE asked whether the agreement could be amended and asked for the inclusion of the
development of the East-West Rail link to Ipswich.
JG suggested it was reviewed by the Economic Development Officers to update the
agreement to include local developments.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To approve the agreement subject to the above amendments
Chief Executive’s Report
CS asked for questions from the board on the report.
He updated the board on Kwasi Kwateng’s visit to Lowestoft and confirmed that he had raised
the issue of the impact of wind farms on Suffolk coastal villages.
CS reviewed Appendix A which requested approval of the investment in the Anglia Capital
Group by New Anglia Capital which is a reallocation of existing funds.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
September Programme Performance Reports including Dashboards
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) reviewed the reports for September and highlighted key areas.
RW noted that excellent progress has been made in catching up on the underspend from last
Nikos Savvas (NS) noted that the target for providing homes was 2026 and asked how the
shortfall would be met. CS noted this target was in line with those set by local authorities and
the LEP would work with them to support them meeting the targets.
The Board agreed:
To note the contents of the report
Board Forward Plan
CS reviewed the Forward Plan and asked for requests for additional items.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the plan
Any Other Business
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) asked when the action plan for targeting CO2 reduction will be
ACTION: Action plan to be added to the forward plan - HW
DK asked for details of the various funding streams detailing when each pot will run out.
ACTION: Details of funding stream and their relative timescales to be produced - CD
Next meeting:
Date and time of next meeting:
10.00am - 12.30pm, 30th October 2019
Venue: The Main Auditorium, The Carnegie, Cage Lane, Thetford, IP24 2EA
Actions from New Anglia LEP Board Meetings
Target Date
CO2 Action Plan to be added to the forward plan
Added to Forward Plan Items to be scheduledin Q1 2020.
Details of funding streams and relative timescales to be produced
Included in the October CEO Report
To be added to the reporting cycle and included as a major board item along with the skills
To be included in the Board Forward Plan and PPR reporting cycle for
Apprenticeship Levy Transfer Pool
Local Industrial Strategy
A one page summary of the key points of the LIS to be distributed to board members
Local Industrial Strategy
Revised forward to be circulated to board members
Issued to Board members 8th October
Enterprise Zones
Details of the overall EZ investment and the funding split to be provided
To be provided by November Board meeting
Enterprise Zones
A confidential update on the stalled sites to be provided to the Board
To be provided by November Board meeting
July Programme Performance
A programme summary including performance against targets will be included in future NAC
To be included in the next NAC report in January 2020
GE Update Report
To provide the Board with regular reporting of the pipeline of visits relating to inward
To be included in the next Inward Investment update report
investment and subsequent outcomes
Growth Hub Presentation
Growth Hub Annual review to be circulated to the Board when published
Expected autumn 2019
For the LEP team to ensure that links are progressed with other sub-national transport bodies
Progress will be included in the next infrastructure update in November
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Board Decision Log - Public
Decision Made
Making Body*
LEP Board
The Board made the following decisions:
Local Industrial Strategy
To endorse and sign off the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Industrial Strategy subject to the amendments agreed at the meeting.
Apprenticeships Levy Transfer Pool
To approve the business plan and to endorse a further £60,000 of funds to allow support to continue for an additional year
Innovative Projects Fund
To approve the establishment of the £1.5m Innovative Projects Fund jointly with local authorities from Norfolk and Suffolk
To approve the new governance arrangement including the Terms of Reference
To approve the launch of a 2019/20 Innovative Projects Fund Call in October 2019
Working Agreement with the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority
To approve the agreement subject to the above amendments
The IAC made the following decisions:
Innovative Projects Fund Proposal
To approve the proposal recommending the fund and the call to the LEP Board. To approve the Terms of Reference.
The Panel approved the following applications:
Business Fund
William Morfoot Limited - Agreed to support
Approved Grant: £50,000
Timber Frame Management Limited - Agreed to support
Approved Grant: £35,662
LEP Board
The Board made the following decisions:
Skills Delivery Board
To approve the transition from a Skills Board to a Skills Advisory Panel as required by Government and to continue to endorse its activities
Climate Change Adaption and Carbon Reduction Action Plan
To support the development of an action plan to tackle some of the key findings of the report
Draft Annual Financial Statements
To approve the annual financial statements and audit management letter for signing by the Chair
Apprenticeships Levy Transfer Pool
To approve the £60,000 budget to develop a cost-effective model to support the transfer of apprenticeship levy to SMEs in partnership with
colleagues from Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils
Growing Business Fund: Large Company Grant Programme
To approve the introduction of a GBF Large Company Grant programme
The IAC made the following decisions:
Growing Places Fund Large Company Grant Request (Confidential)
To approve a grant of £379,318 subject to approval of the capital grant programme by the board, provision of a suitable State Aid statement by
the applicant and evidence of confirmation by the parent company that the company would remain in Norwich.
* New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board, Investment Appraisal Committee, Growing Business Fund Panel, Remuneration Committee, Audit & Risk Committee
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 6
Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor
Author and presenter: Linn Clabburn
The paper gives an overview and update on the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor (CNTC)
initiative. The initiative aims to drive investment, high-value job creation, productivity, business
growth and cluster creation by working across three strategic deliverables; Reputation and
Promotion, Clusters and Assets and Infrastructure.
The Board is asked to continue supporting the CNTC with an allocation of £62k for the financial
year 2020/21 and to agree to work with corridor partners to secure their future commitment to
the project.
The Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor is a partnership between Norfolk, Suffolk and
Cambridgeshire County Councils; Norwich City Council; Broadland, South Norfolk, Breckland
and West Suffolk District Councils and New Anglia LEP with the ultimate aim of driving
investment, high-value job creation, productivity, business growth and cluster creation across
the Tech Corridor area.
The 2018 feasibility study by Cambridge Econometrics recommended that the Tech Corridor
initiative should aim to grow a knowledge-led, technology driven economy across the Corridor
area by creating the ‘right’ conditions for existing tech companies, attract additional tech
businesses and strengthen connections and collaboration within the Corridor. The study
identified Agri-food/Agri-tech/Food science; Life sciences, Med-tech and Pharmaceuticals;
Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Materials; IT, AI, Robotics, Sensors, and Big Data
as strong sectors which the Tech Corridor should continue to build on. It concluded that a
knowledge-led ‘technology corridor’ with connected, complementing technology clusters has
the potential to house an additional 46,000 additional people, 26,000 additional jobs, create
value of an additional £2.75bn to the economy and increase average salaries by £1,300 per
annum by 2036.
Based on the work by Cambridge Econometrics, the CNTC partnership agreed a vision for the
Tech Corridor area to be;
“Internationally recognised as a top-tier destination for technology firms looking to establish,
grow and cluster, for highly skilled workers looking for a rewarding career with a strong purpose
and a rich quality of life, and for businesses and investors seeking the next high-value,
sustainable opportunity”.
Key Considerations
As of September 2018, a public-private Delivery Board and a small Operational Team (2.5 FTE)
is working to accelerate the delivery plan agreed by the CNTC Partnership. The delivery plan
has three strategic deliverables; 1. Reputation and Promotion; 2. Clusters and Assets; and 3.
Infrastructure. These deliverables are achieved through a three-stage strategy to; a. build
credibility, gain buy-in and support from internal and external stakeholders; b. clearly define the
Tech Corridor’s offer and identify key ‘customers’ and; c. bring the Tech Corridor offer to market
and raise demand from internal and external ‘customers’. In the past 12-18 months, the Tech
Corridor team has used the three-stage strategy to accelerate delivery across all three
deliverables. A selection of the Tech Corridor’s key activities and outputs in the past 12 months
are summarised below.
1. Strategic Deliverable - Reputation and Promotion
Goal: To raise the profile of the Tech Corridor to be recognised as a leader in high value, tech-
driven economic and societal growth in order to attract tech businesses and skilled workforce,
investors and government and provide a respected voice in the tech conversation.
Key activities and outputs to date
Tech Corridor Recognition and Network - The Tech Corridor is the only sector agnostic
platform that aims to connect Norwich, Cambridge and surrounding towns and villages into
one network and providing a ‘front door’ for collaboration. As such, the Tech Corridor plays
an important role in creating connections, drive collaborations and support value chains
across the region. In the 2019 Tech Nation Report, James Patron, MD at the Bradfield
Centre in Cambridge highlighted the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor as a “key enabler
for collaboration”. With team members based across the Corridor, the initiative is
successfully promoting Norfolk and Suffolk and their opportunities within the Cambridge
business ecosystem - evidenced through several relationships and collaborations brokered
by the Tech Corridor team.
Tech Corridor Ambassador Programme - The Ambassador Programme is the main way
for private sector stakeholders to engage with the Tech Corridor initiative. The programme
has received strong buy-in and partnerships with businesses and individuals across the
Corridor including corporates including Astra Zeneca and Lotus and organisations such as
Cambridge Cleantech and Hethel Innovation. The Ambassador Network currently has 97
Tech Corridor Profile - The Tech Corridor profile has grown significantly over the past 12
months with features on BBC and ITV, inclusion in Tech Nation 2019 report, Cambridge
and Peterborough and New Anglia LEP Local Industrial Strategies. The Tech Corridor has
developed a video series in collaboration with the UEA and the EDP called ‘The Disruptors’
which shines a light on innovative businesses in the region and helps promote clustering
opportunities in the Corridor.
2. Strategic Deliverable - Clusters and Assets
Goal: To connect, enhance and sweat our existing assets and clusters to drive collaboration,
knowledge-sharing, innovation, commercialisation and regional supply chain development to
ultimately drive business growth and expansion in the Corridor and attract new businesses to
our clusters.
Key activities and outputs to date
Building Partnerships with key Stakeholders - As a sector agnostic initiative, stretching
across a large geography, the Tech Corridor is actively building relationships with sector-
specific organisations such as Tech East, Agritech East, OneNucleus, Cambridge Wireless,
etc. Rather than duplicating the work of these organisations, the Tech Corridor aims to bring
organisations together across traditional sectors and geographies to collaborate, innovate
and share knowledge. Relationships with the London Stansted Cambridge Consortium and
the Cam-Mk-Ox Arc have also been developed with the aim of collaborating to attract
investment and supporting growth.
Knowledge sharing, collaboration and regional value chain building - the Tech
Corridor has organised a range of events in the last 12 months to support collaboration,
innovation and regional supply chain building. Events such as the UN Sustainable
Development Goals Innovation Challenge at West Suffolk College on the 8th October is an
example of how the Tech Corridor brought together regional businesses, students,
academics, research institutes such as the Welding Institute and organisations including
Hethel Innovation and Cambridge Wireless to work together. Over 200 businesses have
engaged in a range of events or benefitted from introductions to large corporates and
potential collaboration partners.
The East of England Investment Catalyst - the Investment Catalyst was initiated by the
Tech Corridor and is a collaboration between the Tech Corridor, Barclays, Price Bailey,
UEA, InvestEast, Anglia Capital Group and New Anglia LEP to help a small number of high-
growth companies in the Tech Corridor to access investors and raise investment rounds of
£1m+ to grow and scale. 11 companies are currently going through a programme of
masterclasses to do a showcase on the 26th November in London. The Investment Catalyst
also aims to promote the region as a location for private investors to engage with and to
build partnerships with private sector investors. Strategic partnerships with national VCs
such as Cambridge Innovation Capital, Aster Capital, Foresight Ventures (managers of the
£100m East of England Investment Fund) have been developed to date as part of the
Investment Catalyst.
3. Strategic Deliverable - Infrastructure
Goal: To create and enable inclusive growth by providing joined-up physical and digital
infrastructure, space for businesses to grow and cluster and attractive propositions for
Key activities and achievements to date
Tech Corridor Spatial Growth Vision - To enable more targeted promotion of sites and
opportunities, the Delivery Board commissioned a spatial growth vision with renowned
masterplanners Perkins + Will. The data-driven spatial growth vision is due in December
2019 and will be used to identify and promote key investment and clustering opportunities
and provide basis for further inward investment activities.
SETI - The Tech Corridor are working closely with the UEA (project lead) and partners to
develop a bid and identify funding opportunities for SETI (Smart Emerging Technologies
Institute), a proposed high-speed data-loop connecting the NRP, BT at Adastral Park,
Cambridge Science Park and Essex University. The project has the potential to be a game-
changer for the whole region as a national asset for Big Data which could be used to
underpin all the priority sectors within the Corridor.
Investment in Tech Corridor Sites - Promotional materials for individual sites within the
Corridor has been developed and for the Snetterton site, the additional promotional work
has generated a 5x increase in the number of enquiries according to Breckland District
The Tech Corridor was set up using a combination of contributions from the New Anglia LEP,
the Local Authority partners and Business Rates Pool to deliver outputs over a 2-20 year
period. The intention is for the project to run continuously, beyond the initial 2-year period to
deliver the expected outputs.
Negotiations are beginning with partners towards extending their contributions beyond the
current end date of September 2020.
We are seeking board approval to continue the LEP’s commitment of £62k per annum for the
2020/21 financial year, as our current commitment runs until March 31st 2020.
Link to the Economic Strategy and Local Industrial Strategy
The Tech Corridor is identified as a ‘Priority Place’ in the Economic Strategy and the strategic
deliverables have been developed to align and deliver components of the Economic Strategy
and Local Industrial Strategy for Norfolk and Suffolk.
Within the Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) framework, the Tech Corridor initiative will support
delivery of the foundations of productivity with a focus on; Ideas - supporting collaboration
between businesses within the Corridor and making links outside the Corridor; Infrastructure -
developing a roadmap for sustainable, inclusive development and economic growth in the
Corridor; Businesses Environment - enhancing the business environment through a range of
activities such as the East of England Investment Catalyst. The Tech Corridor is also well
placed to support the delivery of strategic projects identified in the LIS, including the SETI
project where work is already underway.
Next Steps
The current delivery plan for the Tech Corridor stretches until September 2020 and three-year
outline plan for the Corridor initiative sets key activities until end of 2021 includes key activities
across the Strategic Deliverables:
Strategic Deliverable - Reputation and Promotion
Targeted Sector Promotion - working in collaboration with Norfolk and Suffolk
Unlimited (NSU), the Tech Corridor is continuing to develop joined-up, sector-specific
propositions for businesses and investors to promote proactively through a range of
media. As an initial opportunity the Tech Corridor, in collaboration with OneNucleus, the
London Stansted Cambridge Consortium and NSU, will develop a joined-up offer and
presence at the 2019 Gensis conference in London in December.
International Partnerships - as part of raising the Tech Corridor profile internationally,
the Tech Corridor team is continuing to develop strategic partnerships with regions,
organisations and investors in locations such as Amsterdam, Scandinavia and Canada.
Strategic Deliverable - Clusters and Assets
East of England Investment Catalyst - following the final showcase in London on the
26th November the aim is for the East of England Investment Catalyst to be a
reoccurring programme that will host a showcase once or twice per year.
‘Network with a purpose’ events programme - following the successful delivery of
collaboration and innovation events to bring businesses and stakeholders from across
the Tech Corridor together, a programme of events will continue in partnership with a
range of organisations in the Corridor. The events link SMEs in the Corridor with other
businesses, academics, students and corporates to build regional value chains and
‘network with a purpose.
Cluster Building Innovative Projects Fund bid - In collaboration with Broadland
District Council, the Tech Corridor is developing a bid to fund a programme to support
the development of advanced engineering and manufacturing clusters across the
Corridor. The project includes an innovative ‘talent sharing’ platform that can be rolled
out across all sectors in the Corridor.
Strategic Deliverable - Infrastructure
Targeted Promotion of Tech Corridor locations - following the development of the
Spatial Growth Vision for the Tech Corridor, the report form the foundation for targeted
promotion and marketing of the Tech Corridor and clusters. The Tech Corridor are
exploring opportunities to work with the LEP and partners to present the Growth Vision
at MIPIM Cannes 2020. In addition, the Growth Vision will be used in communication
with funding bodies and as a foundation to develop a ‘red carpet’ treatment for
SETI - the technical feasibility study for the SETI project has been completed and the
coming months will see the partners come together to develop the SETI ‘offer’ in terms
of potential job creation, etc. In 2020, the Tech Corridor team envisage working with the
SETI partners to identify funding opportunities and lobby for investment in SETI.
The Board is asked to continue supporting the CNTC by agreeing an allocation of £62k for the
financial year 2020/21 and to agree to work with corridor partners to secure their future
commitment to the project.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 7
Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Authors: Hayley Mace and Julian Munson Presenter: Julian Munson
This paper provides an update on the Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited place branding to help
coordinate and amplify our Offer to the World and bring together our world-class inward
investment, business location and skills offer. The new brand was successfully launched at a
high-profile business event on 25th September.
Accompanying this paper is confidential Appendix 1 which recommends the creation of a
pooled inward investment service, Invest Norfolk and Suffolk.
The Board is asked to note progress to date and endorse the forward plan of activity.
The LEP Board agreed and signed off the new umbrella brand ‘Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited’ in
February 2019 with approval to proceed with phase 2 which included the development of a new
web platform and promotional website, videos, business case studies and investment
prospectus which have all been completed.
A high-profile business launch of Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited took place at Kesgrave Hall near
Ipswich on 25th September attracting over 120 delegates from across the area with senior
representation from industry, education and Government.
With the event chaired by Doug Field, the line-up of high-profile speakers included Phil
Popham, CEO of Lotus and Kieran Miles, CEO of Duco clothing. Although very different
businesses and operating in different sectors, both firms presented their exciting plans for
growth and future investment and importantly their commitment to the region and support for
the Norfolk & Suffolk campaign.
LEP Board member Jeanette Wheeler presented on the background to developing the new
brand and our new international proposition and put out a call for business ambassadors to
help us promote the area and attract new business and talent.
A video message from James Cartlidge, Member of Parliament for South Suffolk, confirmed his
commitment to the campaign and stressed the importance of coming together to promote the
region and the UK as a while to attract global interest and investment to help boost local
employment opportunities.
Overall the launch event was very well received with much positive feedback from partners and
businesses. Around 65 business leaders have since contacted the LEP to sign up to become
official brand ambassadors and to work with us and partners to help raise the profile of the area
nationally and internationally.
There has also been much positive engagement via social media. The Twitter account has 160
followers and tweets have received 41,500 impressions (the number of times users saw our
tweets) with an average of 24 engagements a day (likes, retweets etc).
The Linkedin page is very active, with 265 followers who are regularly sharing and commenting
on our posts. Posts have received 24,200 impressions (likes, comments, shares) and the most
shared posts have been around our presence at MIPIM UK.
The website has received over 5,875 visits since the launch, with most people visiting the
Invest and Sector Opportunities pages. The news pages are regularly updated with relevant
Forward Plan of Activity
Events Programme
A programme of events (local, national and international) is now underway to showcase the
brand and our investment opportunity across our key sectors and priority locations.
For example, the new investment prospectus, video and website -
- were profiled at Offshore Energy in Amsterdam in early October.
The brand also featured on our exhibition materials for MIPIM UK in London on the 14/15
October, which included an investors brunch seminar with 45 attendees.
MIPIM UK provided an opportunity to highlight the new brand, talk about our key growth sectors
and showcase key development sites (Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor, A14 Global Trade
Corridor, All Energy Coast and King’s Lynn Enterprise Zone, Ipswich and Norwich).
A number of promising leads are already being followed up from the event.
Other trade events focused on food and drink and ICT sectors are also being planned.
Developing a network of ambassadors
Brand advocacy is vital to our success. It is important that local partners and businesses ‘buy
in’ to our message, understand our ambitions and help us to promote it.
Through launch attendees, subsequent networking events and engagement on social media, a
network of 65 ambassadors has already been set up. We will continue to grow this network,
focusing on getting business leaders involved.
Hayley Mace has spoken at events in Norwich and King’s Lynn to promote the new brand and
to encourage businesses to become more involved. She spoke to 35 Cambridge Norwich Tech
Corridor ambassadors about the new brand, its development and its message for tech
businesses. It was very well received and nine businesses who attended have since signed up
to support the Unlimited ambassador campaign.
Ambassadors have been encouraged to engage with us on social media, use our collateral
(logo, prospectus, website) to help promote their own businesses, share their success stories
with us and to join us at networking breakfasts which are being arranged for early December.
We will use these events to update on our plans for 2020 and to showcase interesting projects
- we will be hosting at the International Aviation Academy Norwich and at the Malthouse in
Ipswich. Over 25 ambassadors have already signed up to attend.
We will continue to track and measure the level of engagement and develop a strategy for
regional advocacy and engagement (in addition to the inward investment strategy and business
location/sector campaign activity).
The LEP executive is also deploying some additional resourcing for a short term period in the
current financial year, working with the Head of Communications, to maintain the campaign’s
momentum - to help drive local engagement with our business intermediaries (Chambers etc),
business networks and ambassadors to promote the brand, as well as building a stronger
presence on social media.
Development of the inward investment website and commercial property system
It is critical that we translate greater awareness of our area into concrete leads and then
investment. Work is under way to develop the next phase of the new Norfolk and Suffolk
Unlimited website and online systems. This will include an enhanced report building feature to
allow visitors to create their own PDF document using statistics and information from the site to
create a bespoke brochure with tailored information about Norfolk and Suffolk.
We have also negotiated access to the Estates Gazette property database, which will populate
the website map with live information about available commercial property and development
sites with interactive search functionality. We plan for this phase of work to be live in early
This work is being led by the Head of Enterprise Zones and Innovation and will provide an
enhanced service to new and expanding businesses seeking new premises and commercial
sites which includes the Enterprise Zone sites across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Creation of a new digital marketing platform
The next phase also includes the creation of a new digital campaign platform enabling the LEP
and partners to develop bespoke proactive campaigns relating to specific sectors and locations
and then target potential investors. A level of integration with the LEP/Growth Hub CRM system
will also enable leads and enquiries to be captured and tracked more effectively with the ability
to measure outcomes in a more coordinated way.
This activity overall is being led by the LEP (Head of Enterprise Zones and Innovation and
Head of Communications) in partnership with Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils as part of
the Invest East initiative and is therefore part funded by ERDF European funds and will enable
a more proactive and targeted approach to marketing and generating new inward investment
Creation of a single inward investment team
Proposals to develop a joined-up, more cohesive Norfolk/Suffolk wide inward investment team
are progressing with the LEP working in partnership with the County Councils.
The initial concept of a ‘single agency model’ for inward investment was agreed as an action in
the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy and supported by the LEP Board. This will help
deliver a more effective and proactive service for promoting the area and attracting new
investment leads. More detail on this can be found in the confidential appendix 1.
Overall timeline and key milestones
Governance and Resourcing
A place brand steering group, bringing together public and private sector partners, has been in
place during the development of the new brand and will continue to meet. This includes
representation from County and District Local Authorities, LEP and Chambers of Commerce.
The steering group is chaired by the Head of Enterprise Zones and Innovation.
As outlined in the accompanying appendix a new board will be created to oversee the pooled
inward investment service, including its business plan and KPIs. This will replace the existing
LEP inward investment and trade board.
The Board is asked to note progress to date and endorse the forward plan of activity.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 9
Equality and Diversity Action Plan
Author: Charley Purves
Presenter: Rosanne Wijnberg
This paper provides a summary of activity since January 2019 on the diversity agenda and sets
out the actions to be taken over the next twelve months.
The board is requested to endorse the Equality and Diversity Action Plan.
The board appointed David Ellesmere as the Diversity Champion for the board in January 2019
and accepted that part of the remit would be to accept an annual report on progress and
consider improvements.
The Diversity Champion will assess the diversity progress of the LEP board itself, as well as the
executive team and the boards and sub-committees that feed into the main LEP board. New
Anglia LEP is committed to ensuring that at least a third of its main Board members are female
by 2020 and that there is equal representation by 2023. However, equality and diversity is
about more than just a gender balance. It is about ensuring that the community the LEP is
working for and landscape of Norfolk and Suffolk are fully represented.
Following wider board input, the Equality and Diversity Policy has been further developed and
strengthened, and an external facing Equality and Diversity Statement has been created which
can be accessed on our website
Key Considerations
Three areas have been identified as priority areas of activity:
Recruitment and membership
Ensuring that our recruitment processes are open and transparent, and no particular
group are precluded from applying. That the boards and sub-committees are
representative of the local communities.
Decision making
Providing the rights skills and knowledge for the boards and sub-committees to make
decisions and recommendations without discrimination or bias.
Ensure that opportunities for employees and prospective employees of the LEP are
accessible and all reasonable adjustments are made where practicable to remove any
substantial disadvantages.
Next Steps
The executive team are undertaking a review of current membership of boards and sub-
committees as well as an internal survey in order to benchmark statistics.
Over the next twelve months, it is proposed that the following actions take place:
Equality and Diversity training to be arranged for board members within a board meeting
to cover responsibilities including the public sector duty and provision of goods and
services, types of discrimination and unconscious bias.
Equality and Diversity training to be rolled out to the LEP executive team.
Review of recruitment practice for boards and committees as well as workforce and a
review of the work experience offer including internships.
Women in Business dinners hosted by Jeanette Wheeler to engage female business
leaders in the work of the LEP and create a pool of future candidates.
Review and update the criteria used for grant and loan funding decisions to ensure
equality, diversity and inclusion are taken into consideration.
Produce an action plan addressing further issues for the following twelve months.
Further progress reports, with statistical evidence, will be brought to the board on an annual
The board is requested to endorse the Equality and Diversity Action Plan.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 10
Housing Update
Author and presenter: Ellen Goodwin
This paper summarises the work of the LEP on the housing agenda and recommends
actions for the LEP to support SMEs housebuilders as a key element in achieving the
140,000 home target in the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy.
It also summarises the work of our construction sector group, Building Growth Group and
proposes a reconstitution to align with progress on this agenda since its inception almost five
years ago.
The Board are asked to:
Agree in principle the commissioning of a research piece to identify construction and
housebuilding SME activity in Norfolk and Suffolk, identifying barriers and what can
be done about them with the view of diversifying the industry in the longer-term. The
brief for this work will be developed with partners;
Delegate authority to the Chief Executive to commission the above research once an
brief with partners has been agreed; and
Agree the reconstitution of the Building Growth Group to align with the Norfolk and
Suffolk Economic Strategy, the Local Industrial Strategy and the outputs of the
Housing Conference. The overarching theme of the group will be clean growth.
Housing White Paper - Fixing our broken housing market
The Government’s White Paper focuses on planning for the right homes in the right places;
building homes faster; diversifying the market and helping people now.
Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy
The Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy recognises the importance of housing as an
economic driver and enabler and sets a target to deliver 140,000 new homes across the
area by 2036. The Strategy commits to building the right kind of housing and commercial
space where it is needed and highlights the need for coordinated investment in housing and
infrastructure that people and businesses need. It also looks to deliver a smoother planning
system and explore innovative approaches to funding and financing.
At the last Board meeting Chris Starkie noted that the housing target in the Economic
Strategy was in line with those set by local authorities and the LEP would continue to work
with them to support them in their delivery.
The Board last received an annual update on the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy
housing target in February 2019. It showed that during 2017/18 housing completions in
Norfolk and Suffolk totalled 4,900 compared to an Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) figure
of 6,978 new homes.
The challenge to meet OAN is part of a wider domestic trend, where supply has not met
demand in the housing market for a number of years. However, Local Plan allocations and
permissions data do indicate that there could be quite a substantial upswing in housing
completions to 2021.
Given the historic delivery against OAN, the target in the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic
Strategy is considered ambitious. With the growth in the housing market also reliant on
wider economic conditions such as low interest rates and the wide availability of credit short-
term economic uncertainty could reduce demand for housing which would in-turn impact
completion figures.
The Local Industrial Strategy
The Local Industrial Strategy highlights the housing delivery challenge but recognises the
upswing in Local Plan allocations and planning permissions. It also focusses on the
importance of forward funding infrastructure to unlock growth and the commitment from
partners to quality design, integrated infrastructure and the sustainability agenda.
What are we already doing?
Local Authorities
District and Borough Councils are responsible for planning and determining future
development at the local level. This means that they are responsible for developing Local
Plans as well as development management. In addition, local authorities are also
designated housing authorities.
Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council are working with
Norfolk County Council through the Greater Norwich Development Partnership to develop a
Joint Local Plan for the Greater Norwich area.
The majority of local authorities in Norfolk and Suffolk, including the two County Councils,
have also set up their own Housing Companies responsible for housing delivery. Although
the scale of delivery of these companies is generally still quite small compared to overall
delivery rates, there is potential for significant growth.
Housing Associations
Housing Associations in England are independent companies established for the purpose of
providing low-cost social/affordable housing for people in housing need on a non-profit-
making basis. There are a number of Housing Associations active in Norfolk and Suffolk.
These too have the potential to deliver more social housing as well as open market housing
in the longer term.
New Anglia LEP
Whilst not directly responsible for planning or housing delivery, the LEP is supporting
housing growth in a number of ways.
The LEP continues to influence national housing policy through the LEP Network and its
strong relationship with Homes England, Government (MHCLG) and others. The Network
offers the opportunity to share intelligence and look at best practise from across the country,
enabling us the opportunity to test pilots with the view of accelerating housing delivery and
rolling out where successful.
The LEP will continue to work with the Housing and Finance Institute to engage MPs in the
housing delivery debate. It will also continue to engage with How Should Norfolk Grow,
Suffolk Design and other initiatives as appropriate to help accelerate the delivery of high-
quality, sustainable homes across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The LEP will continue to ensure the link between economic growth and housing is well
understood. It will do this through initiatives such as Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited as well as
the Economic Strategy and the Local Industrial Strategy.
The LEP will continue to boost its evidence around housing need and delivery. We will
continue to develop more granular housing sub-metrics to better understand need, demand
and affordability and share data across the area.
The LEP already uses its Growth Deal and the Growing Places Fund to unlock housing
sites. Growth Deal has helped to unlock 476 new homes to date while the Growing Places
Fund has helped to deliver a further 468 new homes to date.
Building Growth sector group
Much of the LEP’s activity on housing is driven by its Building Growth Sector Group. The
group which brings together partners from the private, public and voluntary sectors and has
been active for almost five years.
It has focused mainly on four key stakeholder objectives to date based on initial stakeholder
feedback: housing, planning, skills and utilities. Since its inception it has also considered
place and innovation. While some of these work strands have progressed well it is vital that
the Group remains adaptable into the future as priorities change.
One of the ways in which the Building Growth Group has already considered its ongoing
work programme was through the Housing Conference entitled “Quantity, Quality and
Affordability: how do we deliver the sustainable homes we need?” More details of this event
can be found below.
Housing conference - 11 July 2019
Working with the Housing Finance Institute and Suffolk Growth Programme Board a housing
conference focussed on quantity, quality and affordability took place at Wherstead Park on
11 July 2019.
The overview of the conference report which can be found at Appendix A describes the
event as:
“A well-attended event that used both traditional conference approaches (e.g. keynote
speeches / sector overviews) combined with panel sessions and the use of technology to
enable greater audience participation. The interest in this event was overwhelming with the
mix of public and private sector being 41%/59% respectively. It proved how passionately the
whole sector feels about the housing agenda and working collaboratively to find innovative
solutions to the challenges we face in Norfolk and Suffolk. Overall the event provided a
positive, productive and thought-provoking debate.”
Barriers and issues identified at the housing conference
The following next steps were agreed as tangible next steps from the housing conference:
Consider the climate change challenge including more environmental and modern
methods of construction, sustainable materials and smart technology
Develop and promote the construction skills offer through new or expanded skills
academy/ies to broaden sector appeal
Develop a Norfolk and Suffolk developer forum with planners to help develop
relationships, smoother planning and promote better design in Norfolk and Suffolk
Consider how to boost housebuilding capacity and diversity be encouraging new
entrants to the market including SMEs
Consider how we further promote the sector through initiatives such as Norfolk and
Suffolk Unlimited
Engage MPs in the ongoing housing delivery debate to establish if there are any
legislative changes that could further boost housing delivery
Building Growth Group to consider its governance and re-structure accordingly, re-
engaging members with refreshed terms of reference and work programme
The Building Growth Group and partners will need to continue to consider how we deliver on
these as part of the ongoing thinking on the housing agenda.
What the LEP will do next
We will further strengthen our role as a facilitator to bring together local authority (including
housing companies), government, private sector partners (developers, contractors,
landowners etc.) and Housing Associations to assemble information and think more
strategically and commercially about accelerating housing delivery over a wider than LPA
geography, focussed on Priority Place. This will be done through a re-constituted Building
Growth Group as described below.
We will work with the Housing Finance Institute to deliver a Westminster summit for MPs.
The timing for this event will be considered to ensure maximum impact.
We recommend commissioning a short research piece to identify SME construction and
housebuilding activity in Norfolk and Suffolk, identifying barriers and what can be done about
them with the view of diversifying the industry in the longer-term. The brief for this work will
be developed with partners.
Supporting SMEs is a key priority for the LEP and a lack of SME players in the
housebuilding sector has been identified as a gap in the marketplace. But we need to
understand in much greater detail the challenges being faced by these companies and what
would help support their growth.
As a result of this work, we would hold events to attract new entrants and to support the
supply chains using both the New Anglia Growth Hub and the Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited
brand. Funding for this work can be accommodate by existing budgets.
We could decide to use our programmes to further focus on accelerating housing delivery
including possible site acquisition and servicing. However, we would need to better
understand what is holding delivery back as infrastructure/ site development funding/ finance
is likely to not be the only reason explaining slower than needed delivery.
It is proposed that the Building Growth Group reconstitute itself to overcome some of the
barriers and capture some of the opportunities identified by this paper as well as any new
ones which come forward.
It is proposed that clean growth will be the overarching theme of Building Growth Group and
that the supporting work strands will be as follows:
People, including skills to increase the number and diversity of people entering the
industry and ensuring they have the right skills to deliver at scale and of a high quality,
sustainable design
Funding and finance, tasked with looking at the innovative ways of funding and financing
clean growth developments in Norfolk and Suffolk
Design and Innovation, working with Suffolk Growth Programme Board and the
Innovation Board to champion and promote quality and the use of new, more
sustainable materials. This work strand would also consider the deployment of
innovative delivery methods at scale
Land pipeline, to ensure sufficient and appropriate land is available, allocated and
appropriately consented to encourage sustainable growth
The Board are asked to:
Agree in principle the commissioning of a research piece to identify construction and
housebuilding SME activity in Norfolk and Suffolk, identifying barriers and what can
be done about them with the view of diversifying the industry in the longer-term. The
brief for this work will be developed with partners;
Delegate authority to the Chief Executive to commission the above research once a
brief with partners has been agreed; and
agree the reconstitution of the Building Growth Group to align with the Norfolk and
Suffolk Economic Strategy, the Local Industrial Strategy and the outputs of the
Housing Conference. The overarching theme of the group will be clean growth.
Appendix A - housing conference report
Appendix B - housing data
APPENDIX A - Housing Conference Report
Quality, quantity or affordability?
How do we deliver the sustainable homes we need?
Thursday, 11 July 2019: 10am - 4pm
The Atrium, Wherstead Park, Ipswich, IP9 2BJ
A well-attended event that used both traditional conference approaches (e.g. keynote
speeches / sector overviews) combined with panel sessions and the use of technology to
enable greater audience participation. The interest in this event was overwhelming with the
mix of public and private sector being 41%/59% respectively. It proved how passionately the
whole sector feels about the housing agenda and working collaboratively to find innovative
solutions to the challenges we face in Norfolk and Suffolk. Overall the event provided a
positive, productive and thought-provoking debate.
Summary of conference sessions
Introduction: Doug Field
Doug Field welcomed people to the event and challenged people to think about the
challenge we face in Norfolk and Suffolk to delivering 140,000 new homes by 2036. He
stated that a home is more than bricks and mortar and that it was imperative that we build
the right homes in the right place and in a way that is environmentally sustainable,
something that is particularly important given the clean growth challenge we all face.
Keynote: Tony Pidgley
The conference then heard from Tony Pidgley of Berkley Homes. Tony stressed the
importance of planning for people and building communities ahead of profit. He noted the
criticality of communication and a collaborative culture. Finally, he challenged policy makers
to be flexible in their approach in order to achieve the ambitions we all agree are needed.
CITB announcement: Sarah Beale
Sarah Beale, CITB launched a £17.8m fund for an additional 20 ‘hubs’ to support onsite
training opportunities. She stated that attracting people to the industry was a difficult with
access to training not always easy. Industry engagement also proves challenging. Sarah
also highlighted that there would be a shortage of 170,000 workers by 2023 and outlined
CITB’s six initiative responses. She stressed the importance of innovative methods.
Building Skills Panel - Saul Humphrey, Sarah Beale (CITB), Tom Oliver (Ilke Homes) and
Nikos Savvas (West Suffolk College)
Saul Humphrey introduced the skills panel and the members. Key points:
Agreement from panel members that construction skills courses need to ensure
participants are site ready - not just the technical skills but the behaviours that are
needed on a site. Ilke Homes highlighted they look for wider skill sets e.g. ability to
work as part of team etc. 85% of Ilke workforce have no particular construction skills
on appointment...
Apprenticeships need to deliver better outcomes for both the participant and industry.
How can we make the levy more flexible to encourage greater take up?
Industry is currently quite fragmented, we need to make it more inclusive,
overcoming the perceptions that many have about the industry. Move away from
traditional view and promote higher skills levels, e.g. increasing use of technology in
construction; move towards sustainable methods and new materials; reflect on skills
needs on a project by project basis
Improving skills requires new entrants and new/more tutors. Need to look at
encouraging more assessors into the industry but have to address wage levels for
tutors, look at greater college/employer collaboration to deliver skills training and
increase course to industry retention rates (currently 15% of those on courses enter
the industry)
Key questions from the audience:
1. Aren’t creativity, design, place and deep sustainability key to changing the culture of
this industry to attract and keep people?
2. There is a huge demand across all sectors for civil engineers and designers.
However, businesses are still going bust, why is this still happening?
3. How will CITB, employers and trainers collaborate to address housing’s contribution
to CO2 emissions in light of the government’s commitment to net zero by 2050?
4. What else can the industry do to help particularly smaller businesses to take on more
apprentices? Businesses find the current process too complicated
5. How can we support subcontractors in recruiting new entry roles when they
predominantly rely on self-employed gangs who are paid on piece work and quality?
Embedding Quality Panel - Wayne Hemmingway (Hemingway Design), Chris Lamb (Design
South East), Mark Chapman (Taylor Wimpey), Andrew Dobson (Crest Nicholson), Ed Gilder
(Badger Building), Stuart McAdam (Persimmon Homes) and Will Vote (Rose Builders)
Wayne Hemingway introduced the Panel session and members. Highlighted the fact that
Panel represented 3 of the UK’s national housebuilders (Taylor Wimpey, Crest Nicholson
and Persimmon Homes) and recognised the strength of the conference in securing 5
housebuilders to jointly discuss design and quality issues.
Key points to note:
Communities at the heart of change
FTSE index has fewer housebuilders currently than at any time
Rate of delivery between large housebuilders/smaller firms is roughly the same (100
homes per site per annum) - larger housebuilders just have more sites. But given
c.£28 million is needed to deliver 100 homes per annum (company’s investment)
where are SME builders/developers meant to get this money given the current
position of the banks/lending market?
Need to address the issue of land value and the impact the cost of land has on the
design/quality of homes
Need to define what we mean by high quality early in the process and stick to it…
quality means different things to different people (e.g. an architect, a customer, a
local authority, a community). This must be recognised alongside the market forces
that mean different products are needed for different budgets.
Need to engage with communities early in the process: three-way conversations
between housebuilders/communities/local authorities
Need to address what can be covered in legislation and whether Government has an
appetite to introduce national design standards as a ‘level playing field’ for
developers. Agreement that environmental agenda is likely to drive this legislation
forward more quickly in the coming months/years.
Key questions from the audience:
1. We build the smallest expensive low-quality homes in Europe. How do developers
up their game to build homes not units?
2. Should there be more pressure on housebuilders to do more to ensure improved
quality of construction? Often and press on poor quality construction
3. When will developers embrace environmental sustainability and see that it can be a
selling point rather than an unnecessary cost to development?
4. Industry and planners aren’t trusted by communities. What could we do to develop
and embed that trust?
5. To embed true environmental quality in and industry that is inherently profit driven do
we need legislation and tighter conditions locally?
6. How do we get mainstream contractors building homes in areas of dire need but
where the market doesn’t support viability?
Strategic Context and Key Housing Issues: Natalie Elphicke
Natalie Elphicke of the Housing and Finance Institute laid out the strategic context and key
housing issues from her perspective. She highlighted the significant progress made by all
since the 2008 crash with regard to delivery but stressed that the 300,000 new homes p.a.
was a huge challenge moving forward. Natalie referenced the constantly changing market
and the importance of flexibility and adaptability. Finally, she stated that investment from
across the public and private sector and commitment at the national and local level will help
boost delivery further.
Attracting Investment Panel: how partnership working can boost housing and infrastructure
delivery? Pete Gladwell (Legal and General), Richard Bacon (MP for South Norfolk), Ben
Denton (Legal & General), Natalie Elphicke (HFI) and Paul Kitson (Homes England)
Pete Gladwell introduced the session and the panel members. Key points:
Investment models currently focus on subsidising demand, need to balance these
with approaches to subsidising supply
Greater emphasis needed on boosting funding for infrastructure (upfront in some
cases) and address viability issues
Agreement that greater partnership working is needed to deliver the homes - local
authorities could be more involved, e.g. direct deliver, use of public land, role for
strategic planning, reducing risk. Critical to understand local specifics
Greater mix of investment models needed, e.g. serviced plots for self-build (Dutch
model); use of patient capital; mix of finance for build costs / running costs (e.g.
building homes that cost nothing to heat); longer term landowner legacy culture
Key questions from the audience:
1. The last time that 300,000 new homes were built in this country Council’s built a good
percentage of them. Shouldn’t government get Council’s building again at scale?
2. Are Homes England going to provide true leadership in providing the finance needed
to deliver housing in areas of need where viability challenges the market?
3. Do you think CIL is working? Is it actually delivering?
4. Why can’t the government make utility companies join in more strategic
conversations around infrastructure rather than the old-fashioned approach site by
5. Building societies and the OBR agree that help to buy has added around £12,500 to
the price of a home. Has it been worth it?
6. The brownfield register is a great planning incentive, but the sites aren’t delivered.
Why isn’t Government offering a financial incentive?
Conference summary: Chris Starkie
Chris Starkie, New Anglia LEP summed up the day’s events and reiterated the need to
improve, streamline and speed up housing delivery across Norfolk and Suffolk in the coming
years, making sure we have the right homes in the right place and that they are built to a
high sustainable quality
APPENDIX B - Housing data
Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy: 140,000 new homes by 2036 target
Fig. 1 Housebuilding and affordability
' %! (%
* *
* $
NOTE: Proxy metrics (used below) are leading indicators used to informally track quarterly trajectory and context - actual progress of ES indicators
will be officially reported annually (Feb)
Housing delivery continued a strong trend, building on the progress since previous Q
Although still somewhat below the OAN targets, this trajectory is encouraging
It has not been possible to provide a specific update on the affordability ratio this Q
There was a slight dip in median salaries advertised, so its unlikely much has shifted
Fig. 2 - number of housing units started, completed (data not available for 18-19) and those granted
detailed planning permission in England (data for 18-19 based on pro-rata information from 3 Qs)
SOURCE: Glenigan/HBF and HMCLG live tables 208 and 120
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 11
Author: James Allen Presenter: Chris Starkie
This report provides an update on the latest activity undertaken by the LEP ahead of the UK’s
anticipated departure date from the EU on 31st October 2019.
The Board is asked to note the contents of the report.
Building on the previously agreed approach on Brexit, the LEP has now received funding
through a series of government pots to assist with Brexit preparedness, Brexit intelligence and
Growth Hub support. New Anglia LEP has been awarded the following:
£59.5k for Brexit preparations to be used by the end of March.
£28k on Brexit intelligence to be used by the end of March.
£31.5k until the end of March for additional staffing resource in the Growth Hub.
To co-ordinate this activity and lead the LEP’s work on Brexit, James Allen began a new role as
Brexit Manager at the end of September until the end of March 2020. This work will cover
increasing Brexit intelligence, overseeing consultant support setting out potential Brexit
impacts, evolve the business support proposition and setting up the Brexit task force.
The first two elements of funding from Government are being used to cover James Allen’s role,
also provide some budget for additional consultancy work, events, promotion and an update to
the LEP website to bolster information we can provide about Brexit.
The third element of funding from Government is being used to fund two additional adviser
roles for the Growth Hub. These will be funded from the new BEIS funding as temporary roles
until 31st March 2020. A funding application to extend the Growth Hub programme via ERDF
funding is due to be considered at the end of November. If this is successful, these new short-
term roles would be extended in duration in line with an expansion to the Growth Hub and
Small Grants programme as a whole.
Brexit preparations
To assist with business preparedness for Brexit, government departments have held a number
of events across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Staff from the LEP and Growth Hub have assisted with setting these events up and promoting
them to businesses. Further discussions are ongoing with departments to assess whether there
is appetite for additional events in the region.
A Brexit Business Readiness event took place in Ipswich on 8th October supporting 67
businesses to prepare for a no deal Brexit around issues such as employing EU nationals,
importing, exporting, data protection and taxation.
A series of ‘Get Ready for Brexit’ events have been held across the region by the Department
for International Trade including Bury St Edmunds (26th September), Norwich (1st October) and
Thetford (17th October) with 69 businesses attending the first two sessions.
An online Brexit Business Readiness event took place on 17th October giving businesses the
opportunity to hear from several government departments.
At the NAEDOG meeting on 9th October, the LEP Executive updated EDOs on the approach
taken to prepare businesses for Brexit and gather intelligence.
Brexit Intelligence
The LEP and Growth Hub now submit a new weekly intelligence report into central government.
This work is being coordinated with other LEPs and Growth Hubs in the Oxford to Cambridge
Arc cluster. Where intelligence requires escalation, the LEP will raise with MPs to contact
specific government departments.
Following the government’s temporary tariff regime announcement mid-October, the LEP
Executive has worked with local MPs and regional stakeholders to set out the potential impacts
of the proposed tariff rates for imports and exports for agri-food businesses to government.
The intelligence gathered to date has been submitted from across all sectors of the economy.
Latest trends from the reports include stockpiling across various sectors, impacts on intra-EU
and UK-EU chartered flights, cost of freight, cost of tariffs, exchange rate fluctuations,
uncertainty for removal businesses operating in Europe and client apprehension in EU Member
LEP Programmes
The LEP recognises the need to flex programmes, rather than create a specific fund allocation
for Brexit.
Following the discussion at the last board meeting, the LEP executive is proposing to assess
the impact will be on Norfolk and Suffolk and whether government announces new schemes
that we might want to align LEP programmes to.
In order to better assess the impact of Brexit on Norfolk and Suffolk’s key sectors, the LEP has
circulated a tender for consultants to prepare an updated assessment, building on the 2017
potential implications of Brexit for Norfolk and Suffolk report produced by Metro Dynamics.
Given the huge amount of additional information produced by Government in the past year, it
will be possible to be much more precise about the impact.
In addition to setting out what the impacts would be for Norfolk and Suffolk, consultants will be
asked to prepare a list of companies most likely to be affected.
Brexit Task Force
The New Anglia LEP Brexit Task Force has been initially established as an officer group
consisting of Chief Executive Chris Starkie, Head of Communications Hayley Mace,
Programmes Manager Jason Middleton, Growth Hub Manager Nigel Best and Brexit Manager
James Allen.
This has enabled the LEP to coordinate Brexit-related activity internally and ensure that
externally we are speaking with one voice. The key areas of focus for the Task Force are
preparing businesses, gathering intelligence, LEP programmes and liaising with government
about financial support they might provide for business.
The membership of this group will be ramped up to include external partners to mobilise activity
as and when it is required.
The Board is asked to note the contents of the report.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 12
Role of the Chair
Author: Charley Purves
Presenter: Rosanne Wijnberg
A job description for the role of the LEP Chair has been developed to strengthen our
governance by ensuring transparency and accountability, and to support future recruitment to
this position. A job description to support the role of the LEP Vice-Chair will be developed as a
next step.
The board is asked to
endorse the job description for the Role of the Chair, attached Appendix A
delegate authority to the Chair to approve the job description for the Role of the Vice-
The National Local Growth Assurance Framework states that LEPs should publish the roles
and responsibilities of Chairs to ensure transparency and accountability. The LEP is also
expected to openly advertise when recruiting to the role of LEP Chair. On reviewing how this is
done elsewhere, it was felt that the best way of supporting and documenting this was by way of
a job description.
Key Considerations
The job description for the LEP Chair has been developed with input from the LEP Chair. The
job description can be found at Appendix A.
Having the role of the chair documented in this way ensures that stakeholders and potential
funding applicants understand the remit of the Chair, and it provides guidance to potential
applicants when recruiting to the position of Chair in the future.
Next Steps
Once the role of the LEP Chair is confirmed, this will be referenced in our Local Assurance
Framework and published on the LEP website.
The board is asked to
endorse the job description for the Role of the Chair as attached
delegate authority to the Chair to approve the job description for the Role of the Vice
Appendix A
Job title:
Chair of the Board
Main purpose:
To collaborate with the Board, Chief Executive (CEO) and Chief
Operating Officer (COO) to enable economic growth across Norfolk
and Suffolk. To work with partners and stakeholders to ensure a
cohesive approach.
Key relationships: The CEO & COO, the LEP Board, LEP Executive Team, local
authorities, universities and colleges in New Anglia, business
leaders and business organisations, sector groups, the LEP
Network, Westminster and Whitehall.
It’s the excellent collaboration and efforts of the LEP, its Board, its people and its numerous
volunteers and stakeholders and in particular its public sector partners which make New
Anglia LEP a leading force for change. We work hard to be inclusive to bring to bear the skill,
talents and resources of all those interested in driving growth in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Key Responsibilities:
Provide clarity of purpose to ensure the Board is effective in setting and
implementing the organisations direction and strategy.
To take chair at board and Annual General Meetings. This will involve working with
the Chief Executive to determine the order of the agenda; ensuring the board
receives accurate, timely and clear information; keeping track of the contribution of
individual directors and ensuring that they are all involved in discussions and
decision-making. At all meetings the Chair should direct discussions to a consensus
view and sum up discussions so that everyone understands what has been agreed.
Support the Chief Executive to fulfil the organisations potential.
Create the environment for a high performing board team.
Ensure that New Anglia LEP and the Board comply with the published Local
Assurance Framework.
Support the development of the effective and inclusive private public sector partnership
to achieve practical outcomes with a consensual approach.
Promote and inspire confidence in the wider business community and our partners by
demonstrating an understanding of the economy, the area and our stakeholders to
support and attract business growth.
Represent New Anglia LEP to the outside world, in meetings with business and public
sector partners including Government Ministers, and the media.
Support the recruitment of board members, Chief Executive and Chief Operating
Officer, and provide support for the induction of those recruited.
Champion diversity and inclusion, for recruitment, membership and decision making.
Uphold the high standards set out in the LEP’s Standards of Conducts Policy.
Person Specification:
A senior business leader with a least three years in a board level role.
A successful individual with good standing in the business community.
Is making a difference to the New Anglia business economy now.
Experienced stakeholder management, including building public and private sector
partnerships at local and/or regional or national level.
Experience of chairing meetings seeking balanced and informed decisions.
Experience of managing corporate governance and codes of conduct.
A considered approach to problem solving and able to demonstrate sound judgement.
Understands drivers of business growth and economic environment.
Has the interests of the New Anglia business community and Norfolk and Suffolk’s
economy at heart.
Excellent communication and listening skills.
Good team player.
Reliable, effective and efficient.
Strong influencer and persuader.
Ability to devote the time to fulfil the role.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 13
Skills Advisory Panel Chair
Author: Natasha Waller. Presenter: Chris Starkie
At the LEP Board in July 2019 it was agreed to convert the Skills Board to a Skills Advisory
Panel in line with government requirements. At the September Skills Advisory Panel meeting,
Paul Winter, Chair of the panel, announced that he was stepping down. This paper provides a
proposal for a new Chair in line with the guidance set out for Local Enterprise Partnerships.
To approve the Skills Advisory Panel Terms of Reference.
To formally acknowledge the work of Paul Winter as Chair of the Skills Board
To approve the proposal that a current LEP board member takes on additional
responsibility for chairing the Skills Advisory Panel as recommended by Government.
To seek nominations for the role of Skills Advisory Panel chair from the board or to
externally advertise if there are no candidates from the LEP board
At the first meeting of the Skills Advisory Panel in September a revised version of the Skills
Board Terms of Reference were reviewed and amendments suggested in anticipation of
bringing them to the LEP Board for approval.
The Chair of the Skills Board has been independent of the LEP Board in recent years. When
the Skills Advisory Panel guidance was issued in December 2018, it stated:
‘We expect the chair of the Skills Advisory Panel to be a member of the strategic MCA or LEP
board, to ensure that the Skills Advisory Panel advice is reflected in strategic board
discussions. We expect the arrangements for the chair’s term to be in line with the
arrangements for the LEP board’s chair’
Key Considerations
With the transition of the Skills Board to the Skills Advisory Panel, it was a timely opportunity to
review the terms of reference and ensure they are fit for purpose. Amendments have been
made to make them more robust and also to outline a set of expectations for the membership
as we are keen for this to be active panel. These can be reviewed in the annex to this paper.
Paul Winter also made the decision to stand down as Chair at this meeting. He had been in this
position for over two years and felt that it was timely to allow a new Chair to make the next set
of developments.
Amongst the achievements of the Skills Board while Paul has been Chair include:
- Developing the vision of Skills Board/Skills Advisory Panel
- Endorsing the vast majority of the sector skills plans
- Overseeing the allocation of funds for Skills Deals
- Expanding the private sector membership of the Skills Board
- Supporting the initial development of the Skills Advisory Panel
- Championing our Youth Pledge ambitions
Now that we need to seek a new Chair, we would now like to bring this role in line with the
stated guidance. Therefore, a member of the LEP Board will also become the Chair of the Skills
Advisory Panel. We are also happy to consider forthcoming Board members as we anticipate
them starting late 2019/early 2020.
Whilst the Government’s SAP guidance does not state that the board member needs to be a
private sector member of the LEP board - it is an existing requirement of the LEP Skills Board’s
terms of reference and therefore reflected in the SAP’s proposed terms of reference.
Nominations are therefore sought from existing and future Board members. This would enable
the board to ratify an appointment at its next board meeting (November).
If an appropriate Board member cannot be found, then it is proposed we would formally
advertise for a non-LEP Board individual. Recruitment would follow the process for the
recruitment of LEP board members with a sub-panel of the LEP board interviewing candidates
and making recommendations back to the LEP board.
If this was the approach taken then the post could be advertised during November, with
interviews to conducted in mid-December and early January for an appointment to be ratified at
January’s LEP board.
The Skills Advisory Panel meets six times a year and has strong support from the LEP Skills
Manager and officers from both Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils. This includes secretariat.
The Chair supports the development of the future plan for the Skills Advisory Panel and steers
the agenda for each meeting in consultation with the officers.
Panel members are highly engaged and will regularly attend events on behalf of the Chair as
Panel members will appreciate greater links with the LEP Board and to raise the importance of
skills in order to drive the economy. It is widely acknowledged that lack of the appropriate skills
are the biggest concern of businesses as they are a barrier to growth.
In the event that a non-LEP board member is appointed as chair of the Skills Advisory Panel, it
is proposed that the chair attends the LEP board twice a year as an observer with skills on the
LEP board agenda.
Link to the Economic Strategy and Local Industrial Strategy
Inclusion and Skills is a clear theme in the Economic Strategy and the People Chapter in the
Local Industrial Strategy outlines how vital skills and employment are for our region. Our
delivery plan and game changing ideas rely on the correct skills being available and appropriate
provision being available in the region.
To approve the Skills Advisory Panel Terms of Reference
To formally acknowledge the work of Paul Winter as Chair of the Skills Board
To approve the proposal that a current LEP Board member takes on additional
responsibility for chairing the Skills Advisory Panel as recommended by Government.
To seek nominations for the role of Skills Board chair from the board or to externally
advertise if there are no candidates from the LEP board
New Anglia LEP Skills Advisory Panel
Terms of Reference
Revised October 2019
The Skills Advisory Panel exists to support the growth of an inclusive economy with a highly
skilled workforce where skills and employment provision meets business need and the
aspirations of individuals. It oversees the development of a skills and employment system to
help enable business growth and enhance the employment and progression prospects for
individuals working and living in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Role of the Panel
The Skills Advisory Panels aim to bring together local employers and skills providers to pool
knowledge on skills and labour market needs, and to work together to understand and
address key local challenges. This includes both immediate needs and challenges and
looking at what is required to help local areas adapt to future labour market changes and to
grasp future opportunities. This will help colleges, universities and other providers deliver the
skills required by employers, now and in the future.
The Panel provides the collective leadership and a strategic steer for skills and employment
activity across Norfolk and Suffolk to deliver on this objective.
The Skills Advisory Panel:
provides a strategic steer for the LEP Board on the employment and skills agenda
develops and supports key skills and employment interventions with clear focus
areas to ensure post-16 educational outcomes meet business needs in the New
Anglia LEP region
lobbies to achieve required freedoms, flexibilities and resources and raise the profile
of the New Anglia LEP region
collaborates proactively to identify barriers and opportunities in delivering these key
galvanises the wider employer base to be involved in skills development
provides analytical evidence, evaluation and subsequent coordination across the
skills system in line with key strategies such as the Economic Strategy for Norfolk
and Suffolk & Local Industrial Strategy
The Skills Advisory Panel is chaired by a member of the Panel representing the private
The Skills Advisory Panel Chair is either a member of the LEP Board or reports directly to
the LEP Board through attendance at Board meetings at least every 6 months where a
formal report is given, subject to the ongoing focus of the LEP Board.
If a vote is required on any matter it will be decided on a simple majority with the Chair
having the casting vote.
The Panel will determine the frequency and timing of meetings according to the programme
of work required. It is anticipated that there will be 6 meetings each year.
Wherever possible the Skills Advisory Panel uses SMART targets to drive the delivery of key
A separate ‘Expectations’ document lays out anticipated conduct or panel members. This is
expected to be adhered to (see appendix).
Managing Conflicts of Interest
Members of the Panel will be asked to complete an annual declaration of their interests
(based on a financial year) which will be held on record.
At the beginning of each meeting Members are also required to declare to the Chair any
conflicts of interest specifically pertaining to the agenda items to be discussed.
The membership of the Skills Advisory Panel will be reviewed at a frequency of at least
every three years and as agreed by the Panel itself. Each review will lead to Private and
Voluntary Sector Skills Advisory Panel Members either being reappointed or relinquishing
their membership of the Panel.
A member can only stand for a maximum of two terms (six years).
Relinquish of membership should take place in writing to the Skills Panel Chair for members
other than the Chair. The Chair should write to the LEP Board Chair. A period of three
months notice is expected by the members to allow a suitable hand over period.
The outgoing Chair is expected to brief the new Chair. They will also be supported by the
Vice Chair when this position is filled.
At least half the Skills Advisory Panel members should represent the interests of private
sector businesses. This includes members from a range of sectors and business
types/sizes, and location.
It is expected that members attend meetings regularly. If members attendance drops below
50% in a 12 month period then the Panel Chair and LEP Skills Manager will consult with the
member as to whether their continuation on the panel is appropriate. (This does not apply to
the Post-16 Principals who attend on rotation as documented below).
Panel Chair - This representation will be an active member of the Private Sector in Norfolk
and/or Suffolk. (Voting member)
Panel Vice Chair (optional) - This representation will be an active member of the Private
Sector in Norfolk and/or Suffolk. (Voting member) The Vice Chair (or another panel member)
will stand in for the Panel Chair when they are absent from Skills Advisory Panel meetings.
Private Sector - At least nine representatives drawn from across Suffolk and Norfolk and
ensuring a spread of representation of our key sectors and varying sizes of employers.
Members are selected through an open call for nominations and a process agreed by the
Panel. In addition, both the Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of Small Businesses
are invited to nominate representatives. (Voting member)
Post 16 and Further Education - A maximum of 5 representatives are expected to attend
each Panel meeting comprising of 4 Post-16 Principals and a representative for independent
(private or VCS post-16 provider). Members are selected by the Norfolk and Suffolk
Principals Group and the New Anglia Learning Providers Group respectively.
Higher Education - 1 representative. Nominated by the three HEIs within Norfolk and
Suffolk. (Voting member)
Voluntary Sector - 1 representative who will convey the views of the sector in Norfolk and
Suffolk plus equally relay information from the Skills Advisory Panel to the sector. (Voting
Local Authorities - 1 Councillor each from Suffolk and Norfolk County Council. Nominated
by the respective authorities. (Voting members)
Enterprise Advisor Network Manager - 1 representation (Non-voting member)
Job Centre Plus - DWP District Manager. (Voting member)
Government Agencies - support for the Panel provided by Government departments such
as the Education Skills Funding Agency and BEIS. (Non-voting member)
LEP - Skills Manager and Enterprise Advisor Manager. These are non-voting members.
Quoram - It is expected that at least 5 panel members from the private sector and voluntary
sector membership should be present where votes are required.
Officer Support - support for the Panel is provided from the LEP Executive Team, Suffolk
County Council and Norfolk County Council. Officers are non-voting members. No more than
two representatives from each council are expected at each meeting unless by invitation.
Secretariat - this will be provided by the LEP with support from NCC/SCC where needed
Links to other skills groups - It is expected that members are likely to sit on task and
finish groups set up to look at certain interest areas from that come out of discussions at the
Skills Advisory Panels. In addition, there are other groups linked formally to the LEP or
through invitation. Details of these are found on the LEP website.
The Chair’s role is not necessarily filled by the existing Vice Chair at the end of their term.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Advisory Panel
Member Agreement
The Skills Advisory Panel exists to support the growth of an inclusive economy with a highly
skilled workforce where skills and employment provision meets business need and the
aspirations of individuals. The Skills Advisory Panel aims to bring together local employers
and skills providers to pool knowledge on skills and labour market needs, and to work
together to understand and address key local challenges.
As a member of the Skills Advisory Panel I understand that I have a duty of care to always
work in the best interests of the industry, sector or community of interest which I represent, a
duty of loyalty to put the good of the region first and avoid any conflicts of interest and a duty
to be faithful to the central goals of the panel and follow its governing arrangements.
Expectations of Members
In order to effectively fulfil my role as a Skills Advisory Panel member, I will endeavour to:
fully prepare for, attend and participate in panel meetings, sub-group meetings and
any related special events
strive to keep abreast of all relevant trends, issues and skills policy developments to
enable informed discussions at each meeting.
represent a wide industry area or community of interests - not only my own individual
report back to the panel from any associated group or forum that I am linked or
assigned to
provide accurate information in a declaration of interests form and abstain from any
decision in which I may have a conflict of interest.
fully engage in panel discussions and, where relevant to my specialism, volunteer to
take a lead for the panel on certain areas of work.
take collective responsibility for decisions made by the Skills Advisory Panel.
represent the Panel in a positive and supportive manner at all times
work collaboratively with staff and other panel members as partners towards the
achievement of our goals.
strictly maintain the confidentiality of all privileged or sensitive information provided to
me to safeguard the reputation and integrity of the Panel, as well as the privacy rights
of individuals connected to the Panel.
If I do not or am unable to fulfil these commitments, I understand that this may trigger a
discussion with the Panel Chair to determine my suitability for continuing as a Skills
Advisory Panel member.
Expectations of Panel Support
In turn I expect the Skills Advisory Panel secretariat and supporting officers (provided by the
LEP Executive Team with support from Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils) to:
provide an induction meeting to all panel members that request one
provide agendas, papers and reports that provide members with an understanding of
the performance of the skills and employment system in Norfolk and Suffolk and the
strategic objectives of the panel
regular policy updates between skills advisory panel meetings
respond to panel requests
update a simple dataset of key skills indicators on a regular basis
circulate LEP related skills and employment news before it is published
highlight opportunities to develop solutions (funding pots etc.)
provide a clear forward plan for skills advisory panel meetings
work with me in good faith towards achievement of our goals
If the support provided does not fulfil these expectations, I can call on the Panel Chair to
discuss the suitability of the level of support provided.
I certify by my signature that I understand the expectations outlined above and that I will do
my best to fulfil them as a member of the Skills Advisory Panel.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
This report provides an overview of LEP team activities since the September board, structured
1) Programmes
2) Strategy
3) Engagement and promotion
4) Governance, Operations and Finance
The media dashboard is attached as an appendix to the report
The board is asked to note the contents of the report
1) LEP Programmes
Growth Deal
A number of projects within the Capital Growth Programme have, or are nearing, completion. The
Bacton to Walcott sand-scaping which is designed to protect local homes and businesses as well
as the Bacton Gas Terminal complex was completed in late September (£1.08m award). The
new roundabout at Hempnall is now in use by traffic on the A140 (£0.651m award), and both the
STEM Innovation Campus at West Suffolk College (£7m award) and the Energy Skills &
Engineering Centre at East Coast College (£10m award) are now open.
The grant agreement with the Environment Agency to enable the drawdown of approved grant for
the refurbishment of flood defences in Great Yarmouth is now in place, and work is well
underway, although the bulk of our £8.2m grant award will not be employed until 2020.
Grant Agreements with City College Norwich (£6.098m), the University of East Anglia (£4.461m),
Suffolk New College (£1.6m) and University of Suffolk (£6.497m) have been completed, with
either final preparations or works already underway. All new facilities are expected to be
completed for use during the 2020-21 Academic Year.
There has been a short delay to work on the power upgrade for the Snetterton Employment Area
(£2.65m award) following a proposed 30% cost increase from UK Power Network. This has been
negotiated down and will be met through contingency funds and a small additional contribution
from the Local Authority. All planning approvals are in place and site lease agreed, so delivery
should begin shortly.
The Anglia Programme Board, chaired by the DfT, has agreed funding and dedicated resources
for Network Rail to start its review of the Ely Area Rail Capacity Enhancement programme
initiated by an affordability challenge from the previous Transport Secretary and Rail Minister.
This has introduced significant delay to the development work partly funded by New Anglia
(£3.3m award). This review is intended to look at short term improvements costing no more than
£200m, although its findings are planned to be integrated with a revised Strategic Outline
Business Case for a single investment decision for continued development early next year.
Growth Programme
Despite a reduction in the approval and payments of the Small Grant Scheme over the summer,
we are now seeing an increase in the number and value of projects, with just under £90,000 of
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
projects in the pipeline. The rate of project payments has also seen a slight increase and we
anticipate that we will remain ahead of our cumulative spend profile, by at least £500,000.
The application guidance, paperwork and processes for the Innovation, Research and
Development Grant Scheme has now been finalised and sent to MHCLG for their approval. We
still anticipate that the scheme will start in December 2019, and we have over thirty projects in
the pipeline, that we will start to run through the application process in November. This scheme
will complement the small grants scheme by providing grants to businesses investing in
innovation, research and development.
Growing Business Fund
The performance of the Growing Business Fund continues to reflect the current uncertainty in the
business community. However, as with the Small Grant Scheme, we are seeing a slight increase
in the number and value of pipeline applications, with fourteen potential projects of just over
£1.3m under development. A number of these projects are in the region of £200,000 which we
haven’t seen for a number of months and represent a significant change in the value of
applications coming forward. These applications are also linked to other LEP projects such as
moving onto Enterprise Zones.
UEA Enterprise Fund - £250,000 LEP investment
The Service Level Agreement between New Anglia LEP and the UEA has been sent for
approval. A drinks reception to re-launch/celebrate the UEA Enterprise Fund will take place in
London on 6th November 2019. Representation on the decision panel will comprise one LEP
Board member, either Dominic Keen or Clare Cullens and Chris Starkie from the LEP Executive.
Growing Places Fund
The GPF was strongly promoted to potential developers and investors at this years MIPIM
Property Show in London in mid-October. Attendance at this event in recent years has assisted
in building good partnerships and in profiling the investments made through the GPF
LEP Innovative Projects Fund
2018 Call of the Innovative Projects Fund - £500,000.
5 projects under this call will be submitting their first or second claims for funding and
respective monitoring reports imminently.
To date £6,580 has been claimed. Whilst this is behind schedule, there will be catch up in
later claims.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
2019 Call of the Innovative Projects Fund (Norfolk & Suffolk) - £1.5million.
The 2019 Call of the Innovative Projects Fund was launched on Monday 7th October.
24 enquiries have been received to date.
Information relating to the call has been shared through local media, with Local
Authorities, the New Anglia Growth Hub and Social Media platforms.
The guidance document is available via the New Anglia LEP Website.
Eastern Agri tech Initiative
A delivery contract with Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority CPCA has now been
agreed and signed, on the understanding that we are funding the continuation of the Initiative
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
with £1m for applications in the New Anglia region. CPCA are matching this with £4m for their
area and the project will be marketed and managed by CPCA. A regular operational delivery
meeting including CPCA and New Anglia has been introduced and the next panel meeting is
October 2019 to consider applications for funding. A marketing campaign will promote the
Ipswich Vision
The Ipswich Vision Board has now reorganised its delivery by the formation of an Operations
Group to support the strategic Board. This group is chaired by Chris Starkie and will enable a
stronger focus around the delivery of a number of priority projects for the town to support
regeneration, transport improvements, inward investment and the visitor economy.
ORE Catapult
The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult post of Regional Innovation Manager has been
readvertised and once a successful candidate has been recruited they will be based in Orbis
Energy in Lowestoft and will work closely with partners and across the offshore energy supply
2) Strategy
Norfolk and Suffolk Local Industrial Strategy
The Local Industrial Strategy was submitted to government on 15th October following the
changes made requested by the LEP Board at the September Board meeting. It has been
confirmed that the Norfolk and Suffolk LIS has been chosen to be one of two that is reviewed at
the LIS Implementation Board on 5th November. This means the government sign off process has
started, and all departments will now review and make comments. Ours has been chosen to
proceed from 6 that are at the same stage. However, we are still waiting for confirmation on the
process going forward. Either way the Norfolk and Suffolk profile is being raised within Whitehall
which is great progress.
Offshore Wind Sector Deal
The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership launched its first funding calls on 7th October with up to
£400,000 grant funding available for offshore wind supply chain improvement projects.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
Nuclear Sector Deal
The strategic case and nuclear places elements have been submitted to BEIS. The partners
behind this bid are now waiting on feedback from government officials building towards a final
submission with firm support from across industry and government.
Norfolk and Suffolk All Energy Industry Council
The second meeting of the All Energy Industry Council met earlier in the month in Great
Yarmouth. The council is one of three developed by the LEP to support the implementation of the
Local Industrial Strategy and brings together key partners from the public, private and education
A large part of the meeting was devoted to a workshop where council members were invited to
consider their priorities and areas of focus for the council, as well as opportunities for
collaboration and delivery. The council is run by EEEGR on behalf of the LEP.
LEP Programme of Evaluation
The LEP Executive is in the process of developing a LEP-wide programme of evaluation. Whilst
recognising that there are pockets of good practice happening on evaluation within the LEP, the
purpose of this programme is to enable a consistent and joined up approach to evaluation,
ensuring that evaluation outcomes are fed back into future strategy development. The evaluation
programme brings together all the LEP’s programmes and projects and provides the LEP
Executive with a clear understanding of what will be evaluated, when evaluation will take place
and who is responsible for leading the evaluation.
Apprenticeship Levy Transfer
The launch of our new apprenticeship levey transfer pool took place at the Suffolk Skills and
Careers Festival on October 16th at Trinity Park.
We have recruited an Apprenticeship Levy Sharing Coordinator who will start at the beginning of
This role will work with partners to identify businesses which want to take part in levy sharing and
will match them with one another and potential apprenticeship providers.
We are in regular contact with the Education and Skills Funding Agency Key Account Manager
for our region and he has advised us on what approach we should take. He will support us with
raising the profile and supporting the stakeholders involved.
We have also had some other conversations with levy payers and non-levy payers who are keen
to engage.
Suffolk Skills and Careers Festival
The LEP had two stands at this event showcasing careers in the region supported by the
Enterprise Adviser Team and the AgriFood sector plus wider supply chain and linked sectors.
Over 4000 young people were in attendance and supported the Festival team to ensure they
have a good range of employers.
A planning meeting for the next Norfolk event has taken place later and further ones planned.
Hannah Colledge, one of the LEP’s Enterprise Coordinators is also supporting them with their
SEND offer to the festival as everyone is keen to support this group appropriately.
Sizewell C
EDF hosted a meeting for college and university principals/senior leaders plus interested
stakeholders. They updated us on their plans for the site, the skills required, employment
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
projections and options to recruit in our area for the current Hinkley build. The build will offer
major opportunities to the area and they are keen to provide a legacy to all residents.
Transport East - 21 October
The Transport East meeting scheduled for 11 September was rescheduled for 21 October, with
Dominic Keen representing the LEP. The Board will consider the developing role of the Body
including its Transport Strategy. It will also consider a carbon inquiry and how to improve
engagement moving forward. The Sub-National Transport Body will be present the Highways UK
conference on the 6 and 7 November. Transport East’s annual summit is due to take place on
11 December.
LEP Transport Board - 19 November
The next LEP Transport Board will take place on 19 November and will focus on the Connecting
the East, Accessing the World theme of the Integrated Transport Strategy.
A47 Alliance - 27 September
The last meeting of the A47 Alliance took place on 27 September. The Alliance remain
concerned regarding the delivery timescales of Highways England’s committed Roads
Investment Strategy schemes: North Tuddenham to Easton dualling, Thickthorn junction, Blofield
to Burlingham dualling and Great Yarmouth junctions.
Transforming Cities - 16 October
The LEP is a member of the Transforming Cities Joint Committee for Norwich, represented by
Pete Joyner. Norwich is one of 12 cities bidding for £1.2bn to transform transport to boost modal
shift and social inclusion. The committee on 16 October considered the programme being put
forward to DfT for considerations. Norwich has also been invited to bid for Future Mobility Zone
Ely Taskforce - 20 September
The LEP attended the latest meeting of the Ely Taskforce which discussed how we might deliver
the scheme using a programme approach. A fuller update will be provided at November’s board
Great Eastern Mainline (GEML) Taskforce
Work on the evidence refresh for the Great Eastern Main Line is continuing. The project board
considered the first draft of a technical web-tag compliant Strategic Outline Business Case at its
meeting on 9th October. The business case has passed its first hurdle - the Anglia Programme
Board, chaired by the DfT, approved the request for the business case to enter into the Rail
Network Enhancement Process at its meeting on 7th October.
The next key governance milestone is approval from the Definition Board to enable Network Rail
to carry out additional work on the rail enhancements, including prioritisation, timetabling and
costs, for inclusion in the business case. It is expected that the business case will be finalised in
the Spring. It will then be subject to Network Rail and Government’s assurance processes before
returning to the Anglia Programme Board for approval.
The refresh of the wider economic benefits study (originally published in 2014) is well underway,
and the first draft of the Study is expected towards the end of October for review by the Project
Board. The final version will be incorporated into the business case.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
Following Priti Patel MP’s promotion to Home Secretary, she has taken the decision to stand
down as chair of the Taskforce, although she is continuing to take an active interest. A new chair
will be announced as soon as this has been agreed.
East-West Rail Consortium - 28 October
The last East-West Rail Consortium meeting took place on 17 September. On 28 October the
Eastern section Board will consider how to better promote necessary improvements on the line
between Ipswich and Cambridge and Norwich and Cambridge,
Maritime Cluster Development Lunch - 24 October
The LEP is working with Maritime UK to explore the possibility of a Norfolk and Suffolk maritime
cluster. An initial meeting was held in Great Yarmouth on 24 October
Wider infrastructure
Greater South East Energy Hub - 18 October
The latest meeting of the Hub was held on 18 October. The agenda covered gird constraints
plus other potential uses for its consultancy budget. It also considered a wider session involving
local representatives due to take place on 29 November.
Integrated investment in flooding - 27 November
As a result of a meeting with the Rt Hon Therese Coffey which Doug Field attended, Coastal
Partnerships East is holding a session in last November to consider how to consider how we
might integrated flooding investment in the longer term
European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF)
ERDF. The remaining Calls under the New Anglia allocation of the ERDF programme closed on
30th September. There is £2.3m available for business support projects and £6.9m for innovation
projects. There were a number of applications under these Calls, several of them supported
through project development by the LEP team. Applications will be reviewed by the ESIF
Programme Committee on 11 November, for local strategic fit and value for money. We are
developing ideas for the National Reserve Calls which will open in late 2019 or early next year.
ESF. A new £2m Sector Skills Development Call was launched on 12 September, and is
expected to be fully subscribed with a number of projects in development. The LEP team is
supporting applicants to develop their projects, and working with colleagues in Norfolk and
Suffolk County Councils to try to ensure that projects support our key sectors. A Call for
£800,000 for projects which engage SMEs more effectively with careers activity in local schools
will be launched at the end of October and we are exploring the potential for accessing this
EAFRD. A National Reserve Fund of around £30m will be made available this autumn, for rural
projects under food processing, business development and tourism themes.
3) Engagement
This section covers engagement activity with local stakeholders, including local authorities, local
businesses and MPs. It also covers activity with Government and our wider international activity.
The Communications and Engagement Dashboard is included as Appendix A to this report.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
LEP Network
Doug Field and Chris Starkie have continued to engage proactively with the LEP Network. Doug
participated in a session for LEP chairs looking at the future shape and role of the network.
Mark Livesey, deputy CEO from Cheshire and Warrington LEP has now been appointed director
of the network, following the departure of the previous director. Mark Bretton, chair of Herts LEP
has taken over as chair of the LEP Network management board.
LEPs are being encouraged to form regional groupings, with New Anglia LEP partnered with
LEPs in the Oxford to Cambs Arc. These are Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Business
Board, Bucks LEP, Oxfordshire LEP and South East Midlands LEP.
Place Branding Update
A full update on our place branding work is included as Item 7.
MIPIM UK 2019 - 14-15 October 2019 - Update
A range of commercial development opportunities was promoted at MIPIM UK launched under
the new Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited branding. New Anglia LEP along with partners attended the
2-day event at Old Billingsgate in London and attracted a range of enquiries which are recorded
on a Smartsheet system and are actively followed up. Our exhibition pod showcased six key sites
being promoted which were Nar Ouse Enterprise Zone (King’s Lynn), Snetterton Heath
(Breckland), Norwich Research Park (South Norfolk/Norwich), North Quay/Conge (Great
Yarmouth), Hornbill Business Park Enterprise Zone site (Beccles) and Western Way (Bury St
The event also involved the LEP hosting a business brunch which attracted 45 attendees
interested in hearing more about Norfolk and Suffolk and in particular the investment potential of
Norwich and Ipswich which are forecast to be in the UK’s top 10 growth locations. Doug Field
provided an introduction to the area and presented the new brand campaign. George Dickens,
Development Director of Chancerygate, one of the UK’s largest developers, presented their new
developments planned for Futura Park Enterprise Zone site in Ipswich and Diamond Point in
Norwich and gave a developers perspective on the opportunities in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Leads from the event are now being compiled onto Smartsheet to be allocated to our local
authority colleagues for follow-up.
Offshore wind investment boost for Lowestoft
ScottishPower Renewables has opened a flagship Operations and Maintenance (O&M) building
on the outer harbour in Lowestoft to service the East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm. The new
O&M base is part of a £25 million investment made by the company into the Port of Lowestoft
and will support the day to day operations and maintenance providing jobs for up to 100 full time
employees for the 30-year lifespan of the wind farm.
The new base was officially launched on 18th October by Peter Aldous MP and Charlie Jordan,
Renewables Project Director for East Anglia ONE. The event was well attended by senior
delegates from industry and Government including representatives from New Anglia LEP, Local
Authorities and EEEGR.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 14 - Chief Executive’s Report
Key diary dates
The LEP is involved in a number of key launches and events over the next few months.
Listed below are some of the key events planned.
12 November - East Coast College Skills Centre official launch
22 November - Offshore Wind Week conference Orbis Energy - Chris Starkie speaking
4 and 5 December - Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited ambassador breakfasts
6 December - West Suffolk College STEM centre official launch
20 December - Innovative Projects Fund call closes
13-16 January 2020 - Horecava in Amsterdam
Q4 (early 2020) - launch of LEP’s Growth Through Innovation fund (name TBC)
3-7 February 2020 - National Apprenticeship Week
13 February 2020 - Norfolk Farming Conference - Doug Field speaking
3 March 2020 - Innovation stakeholders dinner
4 March 2020 - Innovation stakeholders conference
April 2020 - Announcement of successful Innovative Projects Fund schemes
July 2020 - expected completion of building work on new CEFAS headquarters
4) Governance, Operations and Finance
This section provides an update for the board on any key operational matters as well as a
headline summary of the LEP’s core finances.
Mid-Year Review
The LEP Review recommended that Government should strengthen its assurance process by
introducing a mid-year review of LEPs. Our meeting was held on the 19th September and we
have received the notes from that discussion. This review was not scored.
We are now working on the requirements for the Annual Performance Review, which will be
In addition to these performance reviews we are in discussion about a process of Peer Review,
to enable the sharing of best practice.
Management accounts for the first six months to 30 September 2019 can be viewed under
agenda item 16. As previously agreed, these reflect the LEP’s consolidated position and include
both core and programmes.
The LEP’s annual financial statements were adopted at the September annual general meeting
and have now been filed at Companies House. They are also published on our website.
The board is asked to note the contents of the report
Appendix A
Communications &
Engagement September 2019
This dashboard sets out the outcomes and impact of communication during
September 2019 through owned media - the information which we control and issue
ourselves - and earned media (third-party outlets). (*Refers to pre-GDPR numbers)
Owned media - social media channels and e-newsletters
Sept 2018
Aug 2019
Sept 2019
New Anglia LEP
Number of Twitter followers
Number of clicked links per month
Average Twitter engagements per
day (likes, retweets etc.)
Number of impressions (number of
times users saw our tweet)
Number of LinkedIn followers
E-newsletter: open rate
E-newsletter: click-through rate
Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Number of Twitter followers
Number of clicks per month
Average Twitter engagements per
day (likes, retweets etc.)
Number of impressions (number of
times users saw our tweet)
Number of LinkedIn followers
Earned media - coverage achieved through third-party outlets
Sept 2018
Sept 2019
Coverage of our press releases in target media list
(EDP, EADT, Lynn News, Ipswich Star, Bury Free
Press, BBC, ITV)
Top Tweet - New Anglia LEP
Our top tweet signposted people to our
latest Brexit business advice, including
new Government leaflets about importing,
exporting and other issues.
This earned 5,670 impressions, including
13 engagements.
Top Tweet - Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
On September 25, we launched Norfolk &
Suffolk Unlimited - a new place brand for
the region. This has its own website
( and
Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.
Our tweet unveiling the brand and
campaign earned 3,699 impressions.
Media coverage - New Anglia LEP
A success story for our Enterprise Adviser
Network was picked up by the Ipswich
Star. Two former students from One Sixth
Form College in Ipswich landed dream
jobs after taking part in one of its
mentoring schemes.
The unveiling of our new place brand
Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited was covered
by the EDP and EADT.
BBC News Online reported the re-opening
of Great Yarmouth’s Venetian Waterways,
which was part funded by the LEP. The
story was also covered by the Daily Mail
Online, EDP and Great Yarmouth Mercury.
Plans by Chinese company Wolong LDG
to increase manufacturing output at its
Lawrence Scott factory in Norwich
attracted coverage on the China Daily
Public engagements
The LEP was represented at more than 40
events around and outside the region
during September.
This included the launch of new trains
between Norwich and Great Yarmouth, a
roundtable with Kwasi Kwarteng MP in
Lowestoft, a Howes Percival landowner
seminar in Norwich and a logistics supply
chain event in Ipswich.
Google Analytics - New Anglia LEP website
In September, the LEP
website had 17,874
page views (up 3,266
on the previous
month), with the top
pages being careers,
our team and small
grants scheme.
People spent an
average of 1 minute 46
seconds on the site
(up seven seconds).
Of those visiting our
site, 67.2% were new
visitors (down 1.2%)
and 32.8% were
returning (up 1.7%).
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 30th October 2019
Agenda Item 15
October Programme Performance Reports
Author: Programme leads
Presenter: Rosanne Wijnberg
The following reports follow for review by the LEP Board this month:
Business Growth Programme: Jason Middleton
Agritech: Julie West
The board is asked to:
Note the PPR reports
Business Growth Programme Performance Report - August 2019
Programme Overview - What is the Business Growth Programme?
The New nglia Business Growth Programme is the LEP’s flagship business support programme and comprises three main elements:
• New nglia Growth Hub (GH), offering free and impartial advice to individuals and businesses as well as signposting them to a range of additional support͘
• New nglia Small Grant Scheme (SGS), providing grants between £1,000 and £25,000 to SMEs to enable growth, increased productivity and job creation͘
• Start-up and Early Stage Support Programme, providing specialist support to help people set up a successful new business - delivered by partners NWES and Menta͘
The Programme was developed following a review of business support in 2013, overseen by the LEP Board.
Programme years run from September to August, however, the data is presented as the financial year, April to March.
All elements of the Programme were built into the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Plan, with funding for the current programme coming from BEIS and ERDF funding.
What is the overall Programme Status?
On track to meet the spend profile for the period to the end of August 2021.
On track to meet its outputs for the period to the end of August 2021.
The Programme is performing well in terms of delivery with new activity for the next three years being finalised.
What are our key updates?
• The Programme has committed sufficent SGS applications to enable us to draw down all the private sector match funding needed until the end of February 2021
• The Programme is placing a greater emphasis on targeting SMEs with High Growth potential, providing 'bespoke' support to unlock economic growth more effectively͘
• We've submitted a £1͘1m pplication to MHCLG to extend the GH (incl͘ employing two more Business
dvisers) & SGS for another three months (to end of Nov'21)͘
What is our financial position?
Financials (£ million)
Profile Spend
Actual Spend
Remaining Spend
2019/2020 Expenditure Profile (£5.925 million)
Forecast and
Actual Spend
£ Millions
Quarterly Forecast
Quarterly Spend
What is our contribution to the Economic Strategy?
Claimed to end
Outputs - Cumulative from September 2015 to August 2021
of August 2019
Number of approved grants
On track to meet target
Businesses receiving ‘in-depth’ support - more than 12 hours
On track to meet target
Businesses start-ups supported
On track to meet target
Value of grants received by businesses
On track to meet target
Private investment provided by businesses
On track to meet target
Employment increase in supported businesses
On track to meet target
Businesses introducing new products
Target exceeded
Businesses receiving Information/Diagnostic/Brokerage
On track to meet target
What is the project status?
Green →
Growth Hub
Green →
The Growth Hub is delivering well and making good progress with regards to its targets
Small Grant Scheme
Green →
The Scheme is awarding grants ahead of its profile and is currently three months ahead of its claim profile
Start-Up (Nwes)
Green →
Nwes are meeting their targets and we continue to work with Nwes and other partners to mitigate against wider Nwes risks.
Start-Up (Menta)
Green →
Menta are performing above their agreed target and we are working with them to develop their delivery capacity
What are the next steps?
• The 'Scale-Up New nglia' Programme is now leading to an increased focus in on SMEs , with the fourth Scale Up event held on the 8th October
• Proactive marketing is leading to a greater level of engagement with businesses, with support provided through the Scale Up and Compliance Partnership websites͘
• We continue to hold monthly meeting with Nwes to mitigate against the risks and to ensure that the programmes performance and financial profile remain on track͘
• Working with partners, we are seeking additional funding for the continuation of the Programme until November 2021͘
• We are currently on Q2 2019 claim which covers the period July to Sep 2019͘ The claim data will be confirmed in the next report͘
Eastern Agri-Tech Initiative Performance Report - August 2019
Programme Overview - What is the Eastern Agri tech Initiative?
Launched in April 2013, as a partnership between CPCA and New Anglia: initially £3.2m fund with a further £2.5m to support technology advances in food, drink and agriculture.
An R & D grant of 50% up to maximum of £60,000, and a growth grant at 25% up to £150,000, to support SMEs. The fund is managed by CPCA on behalf of New Anglia LEP.
Between April 2019 to March 2021, we have allocated £1m of Growth Deal funding towards the Initiative, with CPCA dedicating £4m for their area.
The fund is accessed through the New Anglia Growth Hub and the Project Manager based at CPCA; due diligence is currently subject to procurement.
What is the overall Programme Status?
We currently have £419,701 worth of commitments for approved projects and £57k management costs.
Based on applications approved, the fund will require a major marketing campaign to promote.
We currently only have six pipeline projects within our area.
What are our key updates?
We are working with partners to increase the pipeline of applications coming forward for support.
CPCA has revised the operational terms of the initiative to elect a new chairman and reinstated review meetings and formalised project management information provided.
What is our financial position?
Financials (£ million)
Profile Spend
Actual Spend
Remaining Spend
2019/2020 Expenditure Profile
Quarterly Forecast
Quarterly Spend
What is our contribution to the Economic Strategy?
Actual to end
Change since
Outputs April 2019 to March 2021
of August 2019
last Report
Value of grants approved R&D
Marketing campaign required
Value of Private sector match
At 50% intervention rate
Value of Growth Grant
Exceeded target due to large projects approved
Value of private sector match approved
At 25% intervention rate
Number of New Jobs to be Created
Mainly created by the Growth grant
Value of grants claimed
There are seven project claims outstanding
Private sector match funding drawn down
Number of New Jobs Created
What is the project status?
Contract with CPCA to be signed in September and meetings continue to agree joint marketing, monitoring and operational issues.
50% of the fund is in hand to be paid Oct 19 and second 50% expected by year end. Management costs to deliver the project agreed at £57k leaving £942,122 for grants
What are the next steps?
Revision to guidance and governance is being undertaken, with more robust contract management requested by New Anglia LEP.
To develop a joint regional marketing campaign with CPCA to promote the initiative widely especially across Norfolk and Suffolk.
To develop a number of up to date case studies to promote the initiative.
New Anglia LEP Board Forward Plan - 2019
Forward Looking
Governance & Delivery
30th January
The Innovation Centre,
Aims and Objectives for the Year
Election of deputy chair
University of Suffolk
Place Branding update
New Anglia LEP Diversity Champion
Amendments to Committee Terms of Reference
Growth Programme, EZ Performance Reports, NAC Bi-Annual Report
Remuneration Committee Update
27th February
The Ideas Factory,
Place Branding in Norfolk & Suffolk presentation
Private Sector Board Appointments
Norwich University of the
Local Industrial Strategy
Economic and Programme Dashboards
All Energy Industry Council
Growth Deal Performance Report
27th March
Birketts Solicitors,
Delivery Plan
2019/2020 Budget
ESIF strategy amendments
Capital Growth Programme Call
LEP Local Assurance Framework / Amendments to Articles of Association
Enterprise Zones and Agritech Performance Reports
No Board Meeting
23rd May
King’s Lynn Town Hall
Growth Hub
Growth Programme and Growth Deal Performance Reports
Economic and Programme Dashboards
EZ Norwich Research Park Proposal
Capital Budget 19/20
South East Energy Hub
25th June
University of Suffolk,
LEP Programme Beneficiaries
GE Update Report
Ipswich, Suffolk
Enterprise Advisor Network
MIPIM Update and Proposal for 2019
Agritech, Enterprise Zones and EAN Performance Reports
Innovation Board Chair Appointment
LEP Operating and HR Policy Updates
23rd July
Norwich Castle, Norfolk
Climate Change Adaptation and Carbon Reduction Strategy
Apprenticeships Virtual Levy Share Pool
Skills Board Update
Growing Business Fund Large Company Scheme
Growth Programme Performance Report / NAC Bi-Annual Report
Finance Report including Accounts
No Board Meeting
25th September
Kesgrave Hall, Suffolk
Enterprise Zone Update
Local Industrial Strategy Sign Off
Apprenticeships Virtual Levy Share Pool
Voluntary and Community Sector
Enterprise Zones, Growth Deal Performance Reports, Dashboards
Innovative Projects Fund
Working Agreement with CCGP
25th September
Kesgrave Hall, Suffolk
New Anglia LEP AGM
30th October
Cambridge - Norwich Tech Corridor Update
Housing Update
Growth Programme and Agritech Performance Reports
Quarterly Finance Report
The Role of the Chair / Chair job description
Equality and Diversity action plan
Skills Advisory Panel Board Chair Appointment
Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited Next Steps
GBF Large Company Applications
27th November
Adastral Park,
Economic and Programme Dashboards
Growth Deal Performance Report
Standing Items
Local Industrial Strategy
Place Branding
Chief Executive’s Report including updates on
o Programmes
o Strategy
o Engagement and promotion
o Governance, Operations and Finance
Board Forward Plan
Items to be Scheduled - 2020
CO2 Action Plan
Industry Councils
LEP Beneficiaries
Tourism Action Plan
EAN Update and future
GDF / GBF / GPF update
Economic Strategy Update