New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board Meeting
Tuesday 25th June 2019
10.00am to 12.30pm
The Boardroom, University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building,
Neptune Quay, Ipswich, IP4 1QJ
20 mins
Welcome from the Chair
Declarations of Interest
Actions / Minutes from the last meeting
Forward Looking
60 mins
LEP Programme Beneficiaries - Confidential
and discussion
Enterprise Adviser Network
and discussion
10 mins
Governance and Delivery
60 mins
Capital Grant Programme: Institute of Productivity
For Approval
GE Update Report - Confidential
Chief Executive’s Report - Including confidential items
MIPIM Update and Proposal for 2019
For Approval
June Programme Performance Reports
Innovation Board Chair Appointment
For Approval
LEP Operating and HR Policy Updates
For Approval
Board Forward Plan
Any Other Business
Next Meeting: 10.00am - 12.30pm, 23rd July 2019
Venue: Norwich Castle, Norwich
New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Unconfirmed)
23rd May 2019
Claire Cullens (CC)
Norfolk Community Foundation
David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
Doug Field (DF)
East of England Coop
Pete Joyner (PJ)
Shorthose Russell
Dominic Keen (DK)
High Growth Robotics
Johnathan Reynolds (JR)
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
David Richardson (DR)
Lindsey Rix (LR)
Jeanette Wheeler (JW)
David Pomfret (DP)
College of West Anglia
Mike Stonard (MS)
Norwich City Council
Shan Lloyd (SL)
Bethan Hacche (BH)
Vince Muspratt (VM)
Norfolk County Council
Ray Harding (RH)
King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council - For Item 3
Brian Long (BL)
King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council
Nigel Best (NB)
New Anglia LEP - For Item 6
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP
Chris Starkie (CS)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (23.5.19)
Growth Hub Presentation
Growth Hub Annual Review to be submitted to the Board when published
LEP Capital budget 2019/20
The criteria for the Growing Business and Growing Places Funds to be circulated to Board
Welcome from the Chair
Doug Field (DF) welcomed everyone to the meeting including Brian Long and Ray Harding, the
Leader and Chief Executive of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council and thanked them
for hosting the meeting.
DF also welcomed Claire Cullens (CC) and Pete Joyner (PJ) to their first board meeting and David
Pomfret (DP) and Mike Stonard (MS) who were representing Nikos Savvas and Alan Waters
Apologies were received from Steve Oliver, Sandy Ruddock, Nikos Savvas, Tim Whitley, John
Griffiths, Matthew Hicks and Alan Waters.
Welcome from King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council
Ray Harding (RH) welcomed the Board to the meeting and provided an overview of the successful
work going on in the local Enterprise Zone.
He also detailed investments being made to support new retailers such as H&M moving into the
town centre to support the high street. Significant investment has also been made in the market
places and in the Town Hall itself to boost the town centre. To accompany this a programme of
events has been developed to help maintain footfall in the town.
The Council is also investing in housing with 350 of the planned 1000 new homes already built and
work is ongoing to ensure that the new dwellings have all supporting infrastructure in place to build
the desired communities.
RH also updated the meeting on the ongoing work to support the local business community
including tourism which is particularly vital to the area.
RH thanked the LEP for their support in the past and conformed that KLIC was performing well with
tenants expanding within the building as they require more space.
DP provided a brief overview of the work of the College of West Anglia including its focus on the
skills development of the students with the particular aim of ensuring that students are ready for
workplace. Over £50m has been invested including funding from the LEP to improve facilities for
MS asked if a separate company had been set up for the housing construction work. RH advised
that this has not been done so far in order to avoid incurring additional costs and that the work had
been funded internally to date. Sales from one phase have funded the next and this approach has
been very successful.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at
Item 7: Enterprise Zone Accelerator Fund Proposal
PJ and David Richardson (DR) declared and interest in this item
Item 8: LEP Capital Budget 2019/20:
DR declared an interest in this item
Minutes of the last meeting 27th March
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 27th March 2019.
Actions from last meeting updated as follows:
Amendments to Articles of Association
To include details of the term of appointment of the Deputy Chair - Complete
March Performance Reports
To provide details of employment numbers for the agri tech sector - Complete and
included in performance reports.
LEP Board Diversity Champion
Jeanette Wheeler (JW) advised that she had met with David Ellesmere to discuss
the diversity policy and there would be aBoard update shortly.
New Anglia Growth Hub
CS provided the meeting with the background to the Growth Hub presentation and
introduced Nigel Best (NB), Growth Hub Manager, to present to the Board as requested at
the January Board meeting.
NB provided the Board with an overview of the support available to businesses prior to the
establishment of the Growth Hub and detailed the work carried out by the Growth Hub now.
The team is currently undertaking a mapping exercise to establish what support is available
for new and existing businesses to identify where improvements can be made.
NB advised that the Growth Hub is one of the top 3 largest in the country and is working
closely with Government in order to develop closer links. The team provides a wide range
of advice and looks to identify long term support for businesses as well as sources of
funding. The Hub provides a central point of access for all business support providing free
impartial advice and helps to provide access to specialist advice where required. In addition
the Hub now has 2 specific skills advisers funded by BEIS.
The Board was informed that the team will have provided £47m worth of business support
by March 2022 through the Business Growth Programme which covers the Growing
Business Fund, Small Grants Scheme, support for start up companies and the Growth Hub
NB detailed the support currently being provided to companies in advance of Brexit and the
work with government on this issue. When firm plans for Brexit are known the Hub will be
able to provide more detailed support and assist companies with planning.
NB reviewed the current work with companies identified with the potential to scale up and
stressed the importance of identifying new and different ways of working.
Andrew Proctor (AP) asked if support was being provided to those specific sectors identified
by the LEP and how the team’s success was being measured in relation to measures like
NB confirmed that those key sectors were being targeted however the Hub did not have the
capacity to be involved in every sector.
He noted that Government has strict measures against which Growth Hubs have to record
their results however measures such as productivity are being investigated as well as some
of the qualitative measures.
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) asked if the receipt of ERDF funding had caused any issues as
there were limits on what it could be used for as primary agriculture, retail, hospitality and
care sectors are all out of scope.
NB confirmed that this was the case and noted that it was important that the future UKSPF
should not follow the same rules and the LEP should lobby for these changes.
DF asked how feedback was monitored and NB advised that an annual review was carried
Growth Hub Annual Review to be submitted to the Board when published
The Board also requested for more case studies to be highlighted to them.
Lindsey Rix (LR) asked if there were common enquiries and themes and if these had shifted
over time.
NB advised that skills queries were always common often relating to the use of new forms
of media and also enquiries around generic management skills.
LR suggested providing more holistic businesses support such as peer to peer support to
assist managers.
It was noted that many businesses needed advice at an earlier stage to help stay relevant in
changing markets and that this could avoid the need for financial aid at a late date.
NB stressed the importance of supporting those businesses who are keen and willing to
change rather that those who remain with a model which is not working.
CS noted that as part of the LIS work a review of all programmes was being carried out to
ensure the best value for money is being achieved and that this includes the Growth Hub.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the presentation
To receive the Growth Hub Annual Review
Enterprise Zone Accelerator Fund Proposal - Confidential
LEP Capital Budget 2019/20 - Confidential
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) confirmed that the accountable body had reviewed the budget and
was content. She also said that much of the capital spend had already been approved by
the Board.
RW reviewed the key points and noted that the budget was currently overcommitted by £7m
but this was in the expectation of project slippage and that the allocation from Government
doubled in the following year therefore the spend was being planned in advance of the next
funding allocation.
AP asked how the future allocation of grants and loans from the Growing Places Fund would
be allocated. CS advised that this was an open call and projects would be assessed and
funds allocated on an individual basis.
Chris Dashper (CD) confirmed that extra promotion would be done to extend the current
AP asked if projects which have historically been unsuccessful could be included especially
those previously limited by delivery timescales. This was confirmed.
JW asked for further details of the Capital Growth Programme call criteria. CS confirmed
that this had been agreed by the Board and would be amended for each future call in line
with LEP targets and the Economic Strategy.
The criteria for the Growing Business and Growing Places Funds to be circulate to Board
David Ellesmere (DE) asked if the future spend should be brought further forward in case of
future project slippage. CS advised that last year’s spend had been spent in full but it had
not cleared the earlier backlog. DE proposed starting the process much earlier to have the
projects ready as soon as the funding is received from Government
DF asked how the capital budget would be monitored. RW confirmed that reporting would
be back to the Board at programme level.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To approve the capital budget for the 19/20 financial year
To approve the allocation of £1m to New Anglia Capital
To receive the criteria for the Growing Business and Growing Places Funds
Chief Executive’s Report
CS reviewed the report highlighting key areas of interest.
CS updated the Board on the work on the LIS including the engagement events and invited
Board members to the event on 19th June at the John Innes Centre.
Place Branding
The Phase 2 consultants have been approved - Land Communication in Ipswich and Quick
Fire Digital in Norwich.
The launch is currently planned for 26th July at Adastral Park. It was proposed changing it to
launch at the AGM in September. This was agreed.
In his capacity as Chair of the Innovation Board DR asked if bids for the Innovative Projects
Fund could go to the Innovation Board prior to the IAC in order to benefit from its expertise
and experience.
This was agreed by the Board.
DR noted that the LEP Board needed to find a successor to him as Chair of the Innovation
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To change the Place Branding launch date to 25th September to coincide with the AGM
For bids for the Innovative Projects Fund to go to the Innovation Board prior to
submission to the IAC
May Programme Performance Reports including Dashboards
RW reviewed the May reports and asked for questions from the Board.
Dominic Keen (DK) asked if there were any areas on the dashboards causing issue.
RW advised that skills and housing were always areas of concern given that the outputs
were achieved on an ad hoc basis given timing issues.
AP expressed disappointed that the Ely Rail project had not been progressed as expected,
noting this was outside of the LEP’s control.
The Board agreed:
To note the contents of the report
To approve the dashboard
CS reviewed the paper included in the meeting papers and asked for questions from the
Shan Lloyd (SL) noted that businesses were refraining from investment but asked if this was
impacting onto the grants scheme applications.
CD confirmed that both size and volume of the grant requests had reduced slightly recently
but this was also a seasonal trend.
The Board agreed:
To note the contents of the report
South East Energy Hub
CS asked for questions from the Board.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To delegate authority to Chris Starkie New Anglia LEP CEO to sign the Accountable
Body agreement for the Greater South East Energy Hub on behalf of the LEP
To delegate authority to Lisa Roberts, Head of Strategy, to represent and make
decisions for the LEP on the Greater South East Hub Board and to Ellen Goodwin,
Infrastructure Manager as Deputy, to operate subject to and within the guidelines and
parameters laid down by the LEP Board.
Board Forward Plan
CS advised that, due to a rescheduled Parliamentary event the June board meeting would
now possibly take place in Ipswich.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the plan
Any Other Business
Next meeting:
Date and time of next meeting:
10.00am - 12.30pm, 25th June 2019
Venue: TBC
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Board Decision Log - Public
Decision Made
Making Body*
LEP Board
The Board made the following decisions:
Enterprise Zone Accelerator Fund Proposal - Confidential
LEP Capital Budget 2019/20 - Confidential
To approve the capital budget for the 19/20 financial year
To approve the allocation of £1m to New Anglia Capital
South East Energy Hub
To delegate authority to Chris Starkie New Anglia LEP CEO to sign the Accountable Body agreement for the Greater South East Energy
Hub on behalf of the LEP
To delegate authority to Lisa Roberts, Head of Strategy, to represent and make decisions for the LEP on the Greater South East Hub
Board and to Ellen Goodwin, Infrastructure Manager as Deputy, to operate subject to and within the guidelines and parameters laid down
by the LEP Board.
The IAC made the following decisions:
Croxton Road Cycle Link
To reallocate £450k from the existing transport scheme towards the delivery of a cycle link within the area
UEA Enterprise Fund Output Metrics
To approve the metrics for the project
The Panel approved the following applications:
Business Fund
Portable Space Limited - agreed to support
Approved Grant - £78,378
Goldwell Manufacturing Services Limited - agreed to support
Approved grant - £40,000
Belle Coachworks Limited - agreed to support
Approved grant - £36,000
HBD Europe Limited - agreed to support
Approved Grant - £52,388
The Panel approved the following applications:
Business Fund
Anglian Plant Limited - agreed to support with conditions
Approved grant - £170,000
LEP Board
The Board Made the following decisions:
Delivery Plan
To approve the Delivery Plan and delegate the authority to the LEP Chief Executive to make minor amendments as required before
2019/2020 Budget
To approve the operating budget for 2019/20
To approve the proposal on financial reporting
Capital Growth Programme Call
* New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board, Investment Appraisal Committee, Growing Business Fund Panel, Remuneration Committee, Audit & Risk Committee
To approve the funding to the following projects:
£440k to Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils- Norfolk & Suffolk Innovation Network
£6.497m to the University of Suffolk- Digital Skills & Innovation Accelerator
£1.6m to Suffolk New College- Digital & Technology Skills Hub
£6.098m to City College Norwich- Digital Technology Factory
To provide an offer of £4.461m to the University of East Anglia’s Institute of Productivity with the condition that the proposal is put back
before the Board for final approval following the completion of further investigation
To approve the Growing Places Fund grant of £200,000 to the National Trust, Releasing the Sutton Hoo Story
Local Assurance Framework
To adopt the 2019 Local Assurance Framework
To adopt the updated Scheme of Delegation
To adopt the updated Accountable Body Agreement
European Structural and Investment Funds Strategy
To approve the contents of the European Investment Strategy Update and recommended its adoption to the New Anglia ESIF Committee
Amendments to the Articles of Association
To approve the following documents
The Articles of Association of New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Limited, amended to reflect the agreed changes to the LEP Board
as a result of the LEP Review
The written resolution to be sent to the LEP’s members to approve the adoption of the new articles
The class consents for each of the three classes of members, consenting to the variation of their class rights through the adoption of the
new Articles of Association
The letter to the company’s auditors informing them of the proposed written resolution
To retain the clause in the Articles of Association not permitting alternate directors
To permit directors to appoint an observer at directors’ meetings who will have no voting rights or form part of the quorum
Not to allow substitutes at Committee level
To amend the Articles of Association to confirm the term of appointment of the Chair as three years
Chief Executive’s Report
To confirm the appointment of Martin Williams to the IAC
To agree to the formation of a Local Industrial Strategy Independent Expert Panel
Growth Deal Project Change Request
To reallocate £415k from the NATS A11 Corridor Package to the NATS City centre Package
The IAC made the following decisions:
Innovative Projects Call Paper - Confidential
To award Innovative Projects funding to the following projects:
Norfolk County Council - Building Supply Chains Capacity - £22,000
Visit East Anglia - Growing the Year-Round Economy - £110,000
Catapult - ORE Offshore Renewable Energy £50,000
To approve that the Innovative Projects Fund becomes an annual rolling programme, with a minimum allocation of £500k each for the 2019
and 2020 calls
GD Funding for Attleborough Virement
The meeting approved the reallocation of £275,000 within the Attleborough Transport package as per the meeting paper.
The Panel approved the following applications:
Business Fund
Kiezenbrink UK Limited - agreed to support
Approved grant - £26,255 awarded under de minimus
* New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board, Investment Appraisal Committee, Growing Business Fund Panel, Remuneration Committee, Audit & Risk Committee
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Tuesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 6
Enterprise Adviser Network
Author: Glen Todd Presenter: Glen Todd
This paper summarises progress made by the New Anglia Enterprise Adviser Network which is
funded jointly by the Careers & Enterprise Company and the LEP against its Grant Agreement
targets set out by the Careers and Enterprise Company. The paper supports the presentation
which Glen Todd, EAN and Careers Hub Manager, will present at the Board meeting which will
further outline the strategic plan and impact of the New Anglia EAN.
For the Board to commit to support the recruitment of Enterprise Advisers by championing the
Network and becoming ambassadors to continue its growth through utilising their own
The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) operate the Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN)
across the country in partnership with the LEPs, recruiting senior business leaders to work
voluntarily with secondary schools and colleges as ‘Enterprise Advisers’ (EAs). EAs work
strategically with senior leaders in schools and colleges, supporting them to develop and
enhance their business engagement plans. The aim, to improve the quality and consistency of
careers, work related & enterprise education delivered to students and to broker activities with
businesses and enterprise providers. The volunteers will bring their wealth of knowledge and
experience of the world of work to help develop a comprehensive action plan for careers
education, fully supporting young people between 11 and 18 years old.
EAs are supported by a team of Enterprise Co-ordinators (ECs), full-time employees of the
network who establish the connections with the businesses and the schools and report to the
Six of the eight ECs have undergone a TUPE process from Norfolk and Suffolk Councils and
joined the LEP from the beginning of December. This has been a challenging process
consisting of a consultation period and then the embedding of the ECs into the LEP. The
remaining two ECs have been recruited since April and May, with the final EC, employed to
service nine additional schools in West Norfolk that are no longer supported by Cambridgeshire
and Peterborough. Of the eight ECs four cover Norfolk and four cover Suffolk. The team of
EC’s are managed by the EAN and Careers Hub Manager. The Careers Hub is comprised of
32 Educational Establishments working to fully meet all Benchmarks by July 2020.
The EAN is run nationally although we have responsibility for the engagement in our LEP area.
Currently the Network is funded via CEC funds which are matched by LEP funding up to August
2020. Future funding from CEC is wrapped up in the Government’s comprehensive spending
review. The LEP’s contribution comes from Enterprise Zone Pot C income.
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of eight guidelines that define the best career
provision in schools and colleges with the network primarily targeted to deliver against BM5
(Encounters with employers and employees) and BM6 (Experiences of workplaces). Please
see appendix 1 for full Gatsby Benchmark descriptions.
Key considerations
Target: Increase the number of schools engaged and increase performance against
Gatsby Benchmarks 5&6.
Please see appendix 2 for targets table.
As can be seen from the table in appendix 2 - at the end of May the EAN is on track to meet
the targets set by the CEC with two further months of delivery.
Currently the EAN has 100 voluntary Enterprise Advisers with 40% coming from large
Currently the Network is engaging with 83 Mainstream and FE Schools as well as 16 SEND
schools and 10 Alternative Provision giving a 76% coverage of the 144 schools across the
region. Areas that we are currently experiencing issues with non-engagement are included in
appendix 3. Some of the reasons for school’s non-engagement are
Changed priorities when OFSTED grading of schools is at Grade 3 (requires
improvement) or 4 (inadequate) and/or drop in academic results resulting in schools
reducing or withdrawing their focus from the network.
Loss/change of Careers Leaders/Advisers as many staff change schools regularly or
private careers advisers’ contracts do not get renewed. Funding in schools has been cut
and careers advisers are often sacrificed to save money.
To drive engagement with the Network the EAN will be utilising the additional stakeholders that
come with being incorporated in to the LEP as well as collaborating closer with other careers
provision such as NEACO and NCS.
To assess Gatsby Benchmark performance a self-assessment tool, Compass, created by the
Careers and Enterprise Company is used termly with the next round of completion to be
finished before the end of the Summer Term (24th of July). To ensure quality and consistency
across the Network Careers Leads utilise the guidance of the Enterprise Coordinators and their
Enterprise Adviser. The Network is also developing a local resource Benchmark toolkit to
support with the achievement of the Benchmarks and as a Best Practice Guide.
Feedback collated by the CEC in the last month of Employers engaged with the EAN has
shown an 87% satisfaction rate with the EAN against a target of 70%. These employers have
said they would recommend the EAN and that it has supported increased engagement for them
with young people.
Conclusion and next steps
The focus for the team over the last year has been the transfer and integration within the LEP
executive and develop the processes needs to achieve the targets in the contract. Excellent
progress has been made which has been recognised by the Careers Enterprise Company.
The EAN is on track to meet its July 2019 targets. However it needs the continued support of
the Board to be able to continue to recruit quality Enterprise Advisers, who can support schools
and colleges across the region to deliver inspiring careers strategies and prepare the young
people of Norfolk and Suffolk with the skills they need for the fast-changing world of work.
The focus for the team in the coming month will be on driving up quality and considering the
best way to measure impact and share best practice. The team are already working on
developing a toolkit of materials and best practice for each of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks to
support schools and the EAs.
The LEP will work with the two county councils and the CEC to interrogate data and evidence
available on the opportunity areas, the career’s hub and the wider EAN network to explore and
test the impact the different parts of the network are delivering.
Link to the Economic Strategy
Growing the number of Enterprise Advisers and the number of schools that are engaged is one
of the key objectives within the Driving Inclusion and Skills theme in the Economic Strategy.
The EAN is recognised as an important initiative that will strengthen the links between the
business and education community in order to drive young people’s aspiration and work
readiness in line with the requirements of the local economy.
Using Labour Market Information, the EAN highlights and promotes the three key sectors of the
Local Industrial Strategy, Clean Energy, Agri Food and ICT. By July 2020 we are committed to
providing access to an Enterprise Adviser for every secondary school and college across
Norfolk and Suffolk.
To note the content of the report
For the Board to commit to support the recruitment of Enterprise Advisers by
championing the Network and becoming ambassadors to continue its growth.
Appendix 1:
Gatsby Benchmarks Descriptions:
1. A stable careers
Every school and college should have an embedded programme of
career education and guidance that is known and understood by
pupils, parents, teachers and employers.
2. Learning from
Every pupil, and their parents, should have access to good-quality
career and labour
information about future study options and labour market opportunities.
market information
They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of
available information.
3. Addressing the
Pupils have different career guidance needs at different stages.
needs of each pupil
Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs
of each pupil. A school’s careers programme should embed equality
and diversity considerations throughout.
4. Linking curriculum
All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. For example,
learning to careers
STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM
subjects for a wide range of future career paths.
5. Encounters with
Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers
employers and
about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the
workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities
including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.
6. Experiences of
Every pupil should have first-hand experiences* of the workplace
through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help
their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.
7. Encounters with
All pupils should understand the full range of learning opportunities that
further and higher
are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational
routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the
8. Personal guidance
Every pupil should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a
careers adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or
external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level.
Appendix 2: EAN Targets and performance up to May 2019
Targets for
as of May
July 2019
July 2019.
There are
and FE
Signed up to
and FE
the Network
Schools in
Norfolk and
By the end
and FE
of July
2020 all
matched to an
and FE
access to
an EA.
schools fully
BM5 by the
end of July
schools fully
BM6 by the
end of July
Hub Schools
matched to an
EA fully
Hub Schools
matched to an
EA fully
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
This report provides an overview of LEP team activities since the May board, structured around:
1) Programmes
2) Strategy
3) Engagement and promotion
4) Governance, Operations and Finance
The media dashboard is attached as an appendix to the report
The board is asked to note the contents of the report
1) LEP Programmes
Growth Deal
All the new capital projects approved in March 2019 are set to begin shortly, and the
development of legal agreements to enable drawdown of grant are well in hand.
Hempnall Crossroads - The main construction work for the roundabout at the Hempnall
crossroads on the A140 began at the end of May and should be completed by the end of the
year. It is intended to reduce journey times, ease traffic congestion and improve road safety.
Great Yarmouth Flood Defences - Work to improve and update Great Yarmouth Flood
defences will start very shortly, although the Environment Agency may not now claim any of the
£8.2m approved grant before next financial year.
Growth Deal Outputs - Outputs continue to rise slowly against forecasts and agreed targets,
with the number of houses in particular increasing through developments associated with the
Lynnsport Access Road and Bury St. Edmunds Eastern Relief Road. Also, development of new
teaching facilities at both West Suffolk College and East Coast College are proceeding well and
on schedule to conclude in time for the new academic year, which should lead to a substantial
boost to learner numbers.
Enterprise Zone Accelerator Fund - Confidential
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
Growth Programme
The Small Grant Scheme continues to exceed forecast performance and at the end of May 2019,
the grant programme had passed the August 2019 delivery target and is already 38% into the
target for the quarter ending November 2019.
In May 2019 the Growth Hub celebrated its 5th Birthday. These five years included engaging with
more than 8,000 businesses and providing more than 41,000 hours of support.
The LEP has recently approved its 700th business support grant, providing more than £28m of
funding in total to local businesses. The story was covered by a press release and picked up by a
number of local media, including EDP and EADT
The New Anglia LEP CRM continues to be rolled out to our key partners and local district
Growing Places Fund
GPF Loans
The three construction projects with current LEP loans, namely the Winerack and Maltings in
Ipswich and Atex Business Park in Stowmarket, are all progressing well and are due to be
completed in 2019.
Loan Update - Confidential
GPF Grants
The Hold Heritage Centre in Ipswich, which has been awarded a £250k grant by the LEP is now
rising out of the ground with the steel frame and much of the structure visible. Work has started
on the regeneration of Southwold Hospital and Sutton Hoo historic site improvements are due to
be complete by this Summer.
Innovative Projects Fund
Five of the eight projects approved in the 2018 call of the Innovative Projects Fund have now
been issued with their respective Offer Letters. All five projects will submit their first claims by the
end of June 2019. The three further projects were given conditional approval in March of this
year. Of those, NUA is awaiting confirmation of match funding, Start East has been delayed due
to the deferral in decision making on the ERDF programme and Suffolk County Council’s Fit for
Nuclear project is pending a decision on Sizewell C.
NUA’s Creative Interns project has now been completed. The project resulted in 13 of the 14
interns being offered and taking up ongoing work with the host business at the end of the fixed 12-
week period. All of them are still working within Norfolk. This is an excellent result. The total cost
of the scheme was £108,921. New Anglia LEP contribution to the scheme was £66,450 - an
investment that equates to £5,111 per job created. The next development of this scheme for NUA
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
will be to support internships for creative graduates working in other sectors - FinTech will be the
first sector for this work, and NUA is already working with Marsh to design the first roles.
New Anglia Capital - Confidential
Eastern Agritech initiative
Outputs to be delivered by the Eastern Agritech initiative as a result of the New Anglia LEP grant
have now been agreed, including those in the table below. It should be noted that the programme
is predominantly focused on R&D interventions, therefore these targets will be achieved by the
smaller number of business grant awards expected to be made.
To be Achieved by
Jobs created
31 March 2021
Jobs sustained
31 March 2021
Private sector leverage
31 March 2021
When the legal agreement is signed, LEP Funding will then be released in a minimum of two
tranches, subject to evidence of future demand. The initial payment will cover existing accrued
expenditure on projects in the LEP area and the administration of the programme.
Reporting arrangements have been agreed and a programme performance update will be
submitted to the LEP board every 4 months with the next report due to be submitted in October
2) Strategy
Local Industrial Strategy (LIS)
National update
The West Midlands LIS and the Greater Manchester LIS have now been published, and it is our
understanding that there is a wish to publish the four LISs that are within the Oxford
Cambridgeshire arc before summer recess.
Government are expected to publish some guidance on how towns should be represented in LIS
in the coming days.
It is hoped that clarity will be reached soon on the timings for submitting our LIS to government
which will go through an iterative process which includes cross Whitehall group - Local Industrial
Strategy Analytical (LISA) Panel and LIS Implementation Board before being submitted to a
government department write around seeking departments sign off.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
Development of New Anglia LIS
Good progress is being made with the development of the evidence and emerging interventions.
A first draft of the Norfolk and Suffolk LIS will be presented to the Economic Strategy Delivery
Coordinating Board on 8th August. Partners will be engaged and consulted on the draft.
LIS Evidence Base
The quantitative evidence base has now been refreshed and updated, and we are working with
Metro Dynamics to develop a structure, that will inform the narrative of emerging thinking around
interventions, and key themes in the LIS. Over the next few weeks, we will focus on preparations
of the evidence base ahead of the independent expert’s panel meeting, on the 10th July. The
Data Practitioners Group will be meeting following the panel, in order to examine and help to
answer questions that are likely to flow from the independent expert panel’s feedback.
LIS Engagement Sessions
The LEP has led 15 business engagement events across Norfolk and Suffolk to engage with
businesses and academia to help shape the Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) and develop the
interventions that will deliver actions to make businesses grow. These have all been well
attended and extremely positive.
A Partner Summit took place on 11th June bringing together officers from Local Authorities,
Educational establishments, business intermediaries and the Volunteer and Community Sector to
review the evidence base and emerging interventions.
The second Leaders session is on 19th June. The aim of this session is to examine the emerging
ideas and actions which have come out of the engagement events so far and help to develop
them further.
The final session will be held in the autumn to review the draft Local Industrial Strategy and
There are two further business engament session which will take place at the Norfolk show on
27th June and another with the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales
(ICAEW) on 28th June.
Agri-Food LIS and Sector Skills plan event at the Royal Norfolk Show
Clarke Willis has secured the Norfolk Growing Stage on Thursday 27 June at the Royal Norfolk
Show. The LEP is working with Clarke to securing a series of speakers to discuss the Future
Opportunities for the AgriFood Sector.
This will be an interactive session so that we can capture evidence for the Local Industrial
Strategy. Confirmed speakers are Nathan Raines (Poultec), Macauley Carey (Ben Burgess) and
Andrew Fearne (UEA).
Review of LEP Programmes
A review of the LEP programmes is underway to identify the role they can play in the emerging
Local Industrial Strategy and whether they need to be adapted. The review will also identify any
lessons learnt to inform design of new interventions that will deliver the Economic Strategy and
the emerging Local Industrial Strategy.
The findings will be used to inform the evidence base for the emerging Local Industrial Strategy.
Where appropriate, LEP Programmes will be adapted/evolved to increase the outcomes and/or
align with the Local Industrial Strategy.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
Economic & Social Research Council (ERSC) - NALEP & UEA joint research project
A small amount of funding has been secured for UEA through ERSC to provide some support on
developing the evidence for the LIS. It has been agreed that Prof. Andrew Fearne, Value Chain
Management and his team will carry out targeted research looking to develop a deeper
understanding of the specific opportunities within the agri-food strategic opportunity. They will be
seeking to identify a range of interventions and actions from a global as well as national context,
and seek to validate them against the specific challenges and circumstances of Norfolk and
Suffolk. The overall aim being to uncover potential ‘ready-made’ interventions, we could then
include in our LIS. Andrew shared his initial findings with the FDA Board on 11th June. A final
report will be ready by the end of June.
Other strategy team activity
CO2 scoping report
UEA is well underway in scoping environmental metrics including climate change and emissions
data as part of the ongoing monitoring of the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy. They are
currently developing a technical report, high-level executive summary and evidence workbook for
discussion and further consideration at the July Board meeting.
There is significant potential for this work to feed into the LEP’s work plus also work on climate
change being undertaken by a number of our local authorities.
European Social Investment Funds (ESIF)
The LEP attended the LEP meeting at the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local
Government, meeting with the three Government departments responsible for our EU
programmes - MHCLG, DWP and Defra - and colleagues from the Cambridgeshire and
Peterborough Combined Authority and Herts LEP to hear programme updates and share
EAFRD - A £30m extra pot will be made available later this year under business
development and tourism. The call is expected to open in September with a January 2020
deadline for EoIs and July 2020 for full applications. This isn’t ‘official’ yet but we have been
given permission to inform our networks that this is coming.
ERDF - Any projects which submit an EOI in the next round of Calls are likely to be front of
the queue for national reserve funds even if our allocation is spent. The LEP is working with
partners to be proactive in developing project ideas.
ESF - DfE are keen not to disadvantage under-committed LEPs in the reserve Fund further
information on this is expected in July. Project extensions can only be considered if they tie
into a general Call - The LEP is looking at this in relation to those projects which have
expressed an interest in extending.
The LEP is planning a European Social Fund celebration and evaluation event on 16th July
at Thetford Town Council. The aim of the event is to raise awareness of the projects that are
happening in Norfolk and Suffolk and share best practice and identify lessons learnt which
will be fed back into future project development.
Industrial Strategy - Sector Deals
The All Energy Industry Council will meet for the first official meeting on 27th June and one of the
items on the agenda will be a discussion around a sub-group to support the delivery of the
Offshore Wind Sector Deal and Nuclear Sector Deal.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
Offshore Wind Sector Deal
The LEP attended the Southern North Sea Conference held at the Royal Norfolk Showground on
15-16th May, where several sessions were dedicated to the delivery of the Offshore Wind Sector
Nuclear Sector Deal
The LEP attended a meeting with BEIS on 5th June, also attended by Nuclear AMRC and Heart
of the South West LEP, to discuss next steps for the supply chain programme that was assessed
by BEIS and returned for improvements.
The programme will require the backing of the Nuclear Industry Councils’ Winning UK Business
group to secure Government’s approval.
Food and Drink Sector Deal
DEFRA has updated the LEP with the latest outline of emerging proposals for the Food and Drink
Sector Deal:
Innovation - increase the uptake of automation among food and drink businesses
Exports - recruit in-market specialism in trade policy in key markets for food and drink
exports and building a market research unit to provide market and sector intelligence
Engineering Skills - support investments in innovation and automation by upskilling the
existing workforce, investing in food engineering apprenticeships and providing industry
placements for T-Levels.
Community Grants - LIFT Launch
Norfolk Community Learning Services were awarded the European Social Fund (ESF)
Community Grants contract worth over £800K. They will distribute funding of up to £20,000 per
project that support people to engage with an accessible but structured learning programme
aimed at boosting their confidence and skills. The aim should be to help people into or closer to
employment or more formal learning and skills provision. The LEP executive were involved with
the Norfolk (James Allen) and Suffolk (Natasha Waller) launch events and have a place on the
Board that decides which projects can be funded.
The LEP will attend the LIFT Community Grants Board meeting on 27th June, following the
launch in mid-May.
The LEP will also be attending Suffolk Growth Programme Board’s Social Value workshop on 2nd
The LEP attended the Suffolk Brexit Task Group meeting on 6th June, where it was confirmed
that the two Brexit Business Advisors have been appointed by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce to
cover all businesses across Suffolk.
King’s Lynn Business Week
The LEP has been asked to be involved in the activities that are taking place w/c 30th September,
particularly from a skills focus. This fits in well with us starting to interact with the West Norfolk
schools through the Enterprise Adviser Network. There are plans to invite the College of West
Anglia and local schools into the town to meet businesses so that they can see what local
opportunities are available to them.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
Transport Board - 21 May and 4 September
The LEP Transport Board met on 21 May and considered the ‘Agile to Change’ theme of the
Integrated Transport Strategy. The meeting heard from DfT and the Connected Places Catapult
on the ‘Future of Mobility’ Grand Challenge as well as Liftshare on the necessary behaviour and
cultural change needed to facilitate such future mobility opportunities. The next meeting will be
held on 4 September and will focus on the ‘Regional Connectivity and Our Priority Places’ theme
of the Strategy.
Roads Investment Strategy
The LEP will be attending a rescheduled A47 Alliance lobbying meeting in Westminster on 25
June to highlight the need for further investment in the A47 as well the importance of the delivery
of currently committed schemes. It has also recently pushed the case for improving the A14 as
part of the second Roads Investment Strategy and will be attending the rescheduled A14
Strategy Board to help push the case further once a date has been finalised.
Transport East - 12 June
The latest meeting of Transport East took place on 12 June. The meeting considered future
working arrangements and resourcing as well as the Regional Evidence Base for the developing
Transport Strategy. Finally the meeting considered the importance of environmental
sustainability in its ongoing work. An extraordinary meeting is being scheduled for early July to
sign off the Forum’s prioritisation for DfT submission on Large Local Major and Major Road
Network schemes.
LEP Housing Conference - 11 July
The LEP is holding Housing Conference on 11 July working with the Housing and Finance
Institute, the Building Growth Group and the Suffolk Growth Programme Board. Invitations have
been sent and the programme is being finalised. There has been an overwhelming response to
conference as a result we have expanded the capacity of the event from 100 to 140 attendees.
3) Engagement
This section covers engagement activity with local stakeholders, including local authorities, local
businesses and MPs. It also covers activity with Government and our wider international activity.
The Communications and Engagement Dashboard is included as Appendix A to this report.
Place Branding Update
The contract for Phase 2 of the place branding activity was awarded to Land Communication and
Quickfire Digital following an open procurement process. They are specialist agencies with
experience in the fields of economic development, place marketing and development of bespoke
digital platforms and work has already commenced.
A Project Steering Group has now met twice and oversees the development of phase 2 activity,
led by New Anglia LEP. Work has started on the development of a new promotional website to
enhance and promote the Norfolk and Suffolk investment offer. Filming has also taken place
around Ipswich/Martlesham, Norwich (including Norwich Research Park) and Great Yarmouth to
focus on our specific areas of capability and sector strengths around ICT/Digital, Clean Energy
and Agri-Food/Life Sciences.
The Steering Group have also helped identify specific businesses for video case studies of
successful companies that have chosen Norfolk and Suffolk to relocate and/or expand their
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
Although the brand identity and name is still confidential, representatives from the LEP have
attended various stakeholder and sector group meetings to highlight and talk through the aims,
objectives and forward timeline, in particular emphasising the important aim of engaging
companies and strengthening the business ambassador activity to help raise the profile of the
area more proactively going forward.
Plans are now progressing for the official launch of the new Norfolk and Suffolk campaign to take
place at Kesgrave Hall on 25th September with other national/European events in the pipeline.
Invest East ERDF Programme
The first Investment Readiness Showcase from the Invest East ERDF programme took place on
Wednesday 12 June 2019. Hosted at The Assembly House in Norwich, an audience of over 80
people including investors, specialist mentors and other stakeholders were presented with
investment pitches from Norfolk and Suffolk companies who have recently completed the four
month investment readiness programme.
24 companies took part in the intensive programme and the showcase presented the most
promising investment opportunities developed by participants. Recruitment for the next
programme taking place in the Autumn is already underway and over two thirds of places are
filled. In addition to one to one support from investment readiness advisers, workshops and
masterclasses, companies can also access specialist support from a pool of mentors (potential
mentors welcome).
Invest East is a 3-year partnership programme, part funded by ERDF, involving New Anglia LEP,
Growth Hub, UEA, Suffolk County Council and Norfolk County Council to promote and attract
new business investment into the area and support SMEs to scale up and invest.
Deepening Norfolk & Suffolk's trade relations - visit by Dutch Ambassador
The LEP is supporting a visit to the region by His Excellency Simon Smits, the Dutch
Ambassador to the UK.
Officials from Drenthe province are due to participate, taking further the relations established in
the MoU, signed in September 2018.
The Ambassador will visit the Royal Norfolk Show on Wednesday June 26th, at the invitation of
the RNAA, meeting both Dutch and local UK businesses of interest at a business breakfast co-
hosted by Norfolk County Council and the Chambers of Commerce and supported by LEP and
local partners.
Following a presentation to the Countess of Wessex, the delegation will enjoy viewing the local
Food & Drink Hub as well as key commercial and agricultural exhibition, followed by a dinner with
civic leaders and local partners.
On June 27th 2019 the Ambassador will visit Norwich Research Park.
The day will include presentations by the world renowned Institutes on Norwich Research Park
as an exemplar of Norfolk & Suffolk’s assets enabling international investment, exporting and
The objectives of the visit are to:
Highlight the trade opportunities in the Agri-Food, Life Sciences and ICT sectors,
overlapping with the contribution to the Industrial Strategy (e.g. the agenda of ageing well,
which is also a part of the Drenthe MoU).
Strengthen trade with a close European neighbour by taking the UK/Norfolk & Suffolk and
Dutch trade further.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 9 - Chief Executive’s Report
Author: Chris Starkie
Promote the world-leading Research and Innovation around Food, Health and the
Microbiome, Genomics, Med-tech, Agri-tech and Industrial biotech and ICT.
Develop work with the Department for International Trade (DIT) to communicate the
Norfolk and Suffolk offer to the World.
Norfolk Enterprise Festival
The LEP and the Growth Hub are sponsoring the second Norfolk Enterprise Festival which takes
place in the grounds of Hoveton Hall near Wroxham on Saturday July 13th.
The festival will feature more than 20 speakers including entrepreneurs talking about their
business experiences and it will also include a Dragons Den style angel investment pitching
event with £10,000 of business support up for grabs.
There will also be a Bright Sparks ideas tent where students will get the chance to pitch their
nascent business idea.
The Growth Hub will also be holding one to one sessions for businesses wanting advice on
growing their business.
The festival is aimed at families and there will be a programme of fun activities for children as
well as live music and a wide selection of food and drink.
Tickets for the festival can be booked at:
British Business Bank
Chris Starkie met the new regional director of the British Business Bank, Paul Sullivan, to discuss
the role the BBB is making in Norfolk and Suffolk and to look at ways the LEP can work more
closely with the bank.
4) Governance, Operations and Finance
This section provides an update for the board on any key operational matters as well as a
headline summary of the LEP’s core finances.
The LEP is reporting consolidated accounts on a quarterly basis. The first quarter figures will be
April 19 - June 19 and included in the July board paper. There are no extraordinary or
unexpected costs to report to May. The LEP received its core funding of £0.5m and £24.6m
Growth Deal funding on the 30 April.
The second year £200,000 capacity funding has yet to be received but is anticipated. This is the
funding to help assist with the implementation of the LEP review and development of our Local
Industrial Strategy.
The LEP’s on-site audit is now complete and is with Price Bailey for partner review. The audit &
risk committee are meeting on 1 July 2019 to review the annual financial statements. Subject to
this review the accounts will be recommended to the LEP board for approval in July.
The board is asked to note the contents of the report
Appendix A
Communications &
Engagement May 2019
This dashboard shows outcomes and impact of communication during April 2019
through owned media - the information which we control and issue ourselves - and
earned media (third-party outlets). (*Refers to pre-GDPR numbers)
Owned media - social media and e-newsletters
April 19
May 19
May 18
Number of Twitter followers
7,765 (up
(up 75)
Number of clicked links per month
Average Twitter engagements per day
(likes, retweets etc.)
Number of impressions (number of times
users saw our tweet)
Number of LinkedIn company page
754 (up50)
825 (up83)
E-newsletter: open rate
E-newsletter: click-through rate
Earned media - coverage achieved through third-party outlets
May 18
May 19
Coverage of our press releases in target media list
(EDP, EADT, Lynn News, Ipswich Star, Bury Free
Press, BBC, ITV)
Average coverage achieved per press release
3.2 articles
3 articles
Top Tweet
The top tweet covers gaining
evidence around the Local Industrial
Strategy. Getting 4,348 Impressions
Another top tweet was the Energy
Agenda and industry council, this
tweet received 4,173 impressions
but also 136 engagements
Media coverage
We have had great coverage across
paper, online and interviews.
Coverage including the Unilever
and Condimentum confirm long-
term partnership, Hempnall
roundabout, the launch of the All
Energy industry Council and the
Norwich in 90.
Chris was also interviewed on the
politics show on 19 May.
Public Engagements
The board and executive team
attended 40 (6 out of region)
engagements during the past
This month we also held 4 Local
Industrial Strategy events across
Norfolk & Suffolk including attending
the Suffolk Show where we
engaged with a number of
Google Anaylstics
In the last month we had 15,701
unique page views with the top
pages being the home page,
careers, our team and small grant
People spend an average of
1minute 39 seconds on the site.
We had 34.1% number of returning
visitors and 65.9% new visitors.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Tuesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 10
MIPIM UK Update and Proposal for 2019
Author: Julian Munson Presenter: Julian Munson
This paper presents an update on progress since attendance at the MIPIM UK event in October
2018 and outlines proposals for MIPIM UK 2019.
The Board is asked to note the contents of the report and endorse the proposal.
Norfolk and Suffolk has been promoted over the past 3 years at MIPIM UK, the Country’s
largest property and investors exhibition.
The main overall aims and objectives have been;
Raising awareness of Norfolk and Suffolk’s ‘Offer to the World’ (profiling the inward
investment and business location offer)
Securing investment and development interest in key sites and places (lead generation)
Relationship building with key decision makers (and intermediaries) in the property and
investment market nationally and internationally.
In 2018 significant space was taken for a dedicated exhibition stand at MIPIM UK at Olympia in
London with our stand branded as ‘The East’.
The strategy last year was around having a more coordinated offer and effective approach to
engagement and overall stronger impact in terms of promoting our offer. It was broadly
accepted that this was achieved.
A total of 38 investment sites, strategically selected to maximise growth potential across Norfolk
and Suffolk, were showcased at the expo including growth areas Great Yarmouth and
Lowestoft, King’s Lynn, Ipswich, Norwich, and the A11 and A14 corridors.
New Anglia LEP hosted a business reception at the event with key-note speakers including Sir
Edward Lister, Chairman of Homes England and John Howard, developer of the Winerack in
Ipswich speaking to an audience of potential developers/investors.
MIPIM UK 2018 - Impact and Outcomes
Over 125 leads were secured including interest from overseas delegates. All enquiries have
been followed up by the LEP and Local Authority partners who attended and supported the
event across the two days. For the first time a Smartsheet system was used with enquiries
logged centrally by LEP and LA colleagues. The key outcomes are summarised below:
General outcomes;
Higher profile of and awareness of the commercial and housing development
opportunities across Norfolk and Suffolk
A more cohesive, partnership approach to promoting the area for inward investment
Stronger relationship with intermediaries such as Department for International Trade
Greater understanding of positioning and messaging of ‘competitor’ regions to better
inform future marketing activity for Norfolk and Suffolk
Specific outcomes (since MIPIM UK 2018);
New Anglia LEP hosted meeting at NRP with intermediary consultant who represents
developers/investors with an interest in low carbon commercial and residential
development. Introduction made to NRP agent with follow up meeting being arranged.
New Anglia LEP arranged a follow up meeting with an infrastructure consultancy
interested in potential involvement in major infrastructure projects. Head of EZ and
Infrastructure Manager engaged.
Site visit to South Norfolk by a London based fund management arm of an Australian
owned capital group.
Relationship with Chancerygate, one of the UKs largest industrial developers,
progressed (from initial contact at MIPIM UK in 2017). Site visits were arranged during
2017/18 with visits hosted by Norwich City Council and GYBC. The outcome is that
Chancerygate have acquired two sites for a total of £4.7 million to speculatively
develop 36 grade-A units totalled 259,000 sq ft as part of the company’s nationwide
expansion strategy. The two sites are Futura Park in Ipswich (a Space to Innovate EZ
site with 19 units proposed) and the Allied Bakery site at Northern Industrial Estate in
Norwich (17 units proposed). The investment into Norwich was facilitated by Norwich
City Council. For Futura Park, Chancerygate made initial contact with agent and
landowner directly. There has been regular contact by the LEP with Chancerygate to
help progress relations and identify other potential sites for future investment.
Follow up site visits by potential investors/developers to Great Yarmouth and Norwich
have been reported by Local Authorities as a direct result of leads generated in 2018
Developer/investor visit to Great Yarmouth and as a result a bid to acquire a significant,
vacant unit in the town centre (in progress)
Interest from a major pub chain about possible site locations in Suffolk
Low level discussions with a couple of hotel developers
Low level discussions with a couple of specialist residential developers
Discussions with a potential specialist tech space developer
Ongoing discussions with regeneration consultants engaging Local Authorities to
showcase work delivered elsewhere for town centre regeneration projects
Introductions between Homes England and specific LAs made e.g. Norwich City Council
Interviews undertaken with 49 delegates (UK and international) at MIPIM UK 2018 by
branding agency to gain feedback on East brand, messaging and perceptions which
then helped influence the development of the new Norfolk and Suffolk place branding.
Assessment of value and impact
Feedback from Local Authorities involved in MIPIM 2018 has been generally positive overall.
Those LA officers that have been more proactive since the event that have reported more
positive outcomes to date though, in terms of follow up contact with potential investors and
developers and hosting visits to the region. It is important to note that the lead times involved
from initial contact to investment decision can typically span several months or even years.
The LEP has critically assessed the previous format and approach however and concluded that
a change of approach is required, particularly as the exhibition stand costs last year were
significant. It has been therefore timely that the organisers of MIPIM UK 2019 have dramatically
transformed its format and cost for 2019. This presents an opportunity for a more targeted
approach for building relationships and more value for money with the proposal outlined below.
Proposal for MIPIM UK 2019 - 14-15 October 2019
Objective: To launch the new ‘Norfolk and Suffolk’ Campaign in London (following the ‘local
launch’ in September) and present a clear proposition around immediate investment
opportunities to targeted UK and international audiences
Background: MIPIM UK 2019 is moving to a new venue (Old Billingsgate, London) and with a
revised format. As a result, the cost to the exhibitors is much lower than previous years with
smaller exhibition stand options (‘information pods’) and with a greater focus on corporate
hospitality options such as breakfast and lunch sessions. This new format offers a stronger
engagement approach (targeted and personalised) and is in line with our strategic approach.
On discussion with the MIPIM organisers, the proposal for MIPIM UK 2019 recommended by
New Anglia LEP for 2019 has three main elements and is outlined as follows:
Gold level sponsorship - involves an Information Pod, a number of access passes
and evening passes to Gala dinner, profile on MIPIM website, hanging banner, full page
advert, conference session sponsor and a speaker opportunity.
Breakfast hospitality sponsor - involves the opportunity to promote and host a
Norfolk and Suffolk breakfast reception at the venue inviting up to 50 people (potential
developers, investors and intermediaries)
Table at the gala dinner on day 2 - Opportunity to invite a select number of targeted
VIPs with 10 seats available
The overall cost is: £23,990 plus vat (£28,788). Note: this excludes cost of accommodation
and travel for LEP representatives and excludes cost of design work and additional literature.
The cost to the LEP (excluding travel and accommodation) is expected to be in the region of
£15,000 including VAT (from existing available budget) if sponsorship from Local Authorities
can be agreed and there is some allocation of costs against the ERDF Invest East project. Note
this is significantly lower cost than MIPIM UK 2018.
It is proposed that the Norfolk and Suffolk promotion for MIPIM 2019 is focused on a very small
number of site development/investment propositions (up to 5 sites that are available
immediately for investment/development) rather than a long list of sites that have varying lead
times and greater uncertainty. The relevant District/Borough/City Councils with those specific
site investment opportunities may also consider some level of funding support towards the cost
of MIPIM UK (subject to further discussion/agreement).
That this proposal, covering approach, format and costings for MIPIM UK 2019, outlined above,
is supported.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Tuesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 11
June Programme Performance Reports
Author: Programme leads
Presenter: Rosanne Wijnberg
The following reports follow for review by the LEP Board this month:
Enterprise Zones: Julian Munson (confidential)
Enterprise Adviser Network : Glen Todd
Agritech: Rosanne Wijnberg (update included in CEO report)
The board is asked to:
Note the PPR reports
Enterprise Adviser Network and Careers Hub
Programme Overview - What is the Enterprise Adviser Network and Careers Hub.
The Enterprise Adviser Network was created and commissioned by the Careers and Enterprise Company which in turn was commissioned by the Department for Education.
The Enterprise Adviser Network consists of eight Enterprise Coordinators and one Enterprise Adviser Manager.
The New Anglia Enterprise Adviser Network is accountable to the LEP Board with direct input from the Skills Board.
With current funding from the Careers and Enterprise Company along with match funding from the LEP the EAN Network and Careers Hub will currently run until August 2020.
• Enterprise Advisers are Senior Business Volunteers recruited to support schools with assisting pupils to experience the work place and have meaningful encounters with employers
• The Careers Hub comprises 32 schools across East Anglia with the aim of all schools achieving all eight Gatsby Benchmarks by Aug 2020. Please see appendix 1 for description of the Benchmarks.
What is the overall Programme Status?
Meeting the contract approved Careers and Enterprise Grant Claim which is 50% of the running costs and resources for the EAN.
On track to meet its targets for the end of July 2019 and August 2020.
The Programme is performing well in terms of delivery with new schools and EA's being brought in to the Network.
What are our key updates?
• 67 Mainstream and FE Institutes to be matched to an EA by the end of July 2019
• 50% of matched schools to be fully achieving BM5 by the end of July 2019
• 45% of matched schools to be fully achieving BM6 by the end of July 2019
What is our financial position?
Financials (£)
2019 -
2018 - 2019
Qtr. 1
Qtr. 2
Qtr. 3 (Sep -
Qtr. 4 (Jan -
Qtr. 1 (Apr
Qtr. 2 (Jul -Qtr. 3 (Sep - Dec)
Qtr. 4 (Jan -
- Jun)
CEC Grant Claim
LEP Costs
Funding claims to the CEC are made quarterly.
CEC pay 50% of the EAN and contribute 100% of the Careers Hub Manager Salary. One of the Enterprise Coordinators works 50% of the time on the Lowestoft Rising Project
and 50% of his cost is covered by this LR Project
Target -
End of
Target -
Outputs - To July 2019.
July 2019
May 2019
July 2020
Mainstream and FE Schools Signed up to the Network
By the end of June we will meet this target.
Currently we have 8 EA's pending that will ensure
Mainstream and FE Schools matched to an EA
we meet our matched target.
Matched schools fully achieving BM5 by end of July 2019
On track to meet.
Matched schools fully achieving BM6 by end of July 2019
On track to meet.
Hub Schools matched to an EA fully achieving BM5
On track to meet.
Hub Schools matched to an EA fully achieving BM6
On track to meet.
What is the project status?
Green →
EAN Network
Green →
The EAN Network is delivering well and is on track to meet its revised CEC targets.
Careers Hub
Green →
The Careers Hub is on track to meet its targets.
What are the next steps?
• The recruitment of Quality EA's is the priority for the coming months to ensure they are able to deliver meaningful strategic guidance.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Tuesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 12
New Anglia Innovation Board
Author: Madeleine Coupe Presenter: Julian Munson
This paper sets out the refreshed governance arrangements and activity plan for the New
Anglia Innovation Board since the tier two review was completed in November 2018.
The Board is invited to:
Note the contents of the report
Thank David for his contribution over the past 3 years
Nominate his successor from the LEP Board
Approve the Innovation Board’s Terms of Reference (Appendix A)
The Innovation Board was set up in 2015 to provide a focus for decision making and leadership
regarding innovation strategy, programme and project development. Since its inception, it has
championed a number of initiatives including the Government Science and Innovation Audits
and building strategic relationships with national organisations such as Innovate UK and the
Smart Specialisation Hub.
As an important foundation of productivity, innovation is at the centre of the Government’s
Industrial Strategy and a key focus within the Economic Strategy and Local Industrial Strategy.
Given this increasing focus, in November 2018 the LEP Board endorsed the continued role of
the Innovation Board and approved a review into its Terms of Reference, membership and
New Anglia Innovation Board
At their meeting in February, the Innovation Board approved a new membership, structure,
purpose and set of workstreams. The Board’s Terms of Reference have been updated to reflect
the changes and will shortly be adopted by the group, subject to the LEP Board’s endorsement.
The Terms of reference are appended at Appendix 1.
Membership: membership of the Innovation Forum has been extended and now
includes representatives from three universities (University of East Anglia, University of
Suffolk and Norwich University of the Arts), five innovation hubs (CEFAS, Hethel,
Norwich Research Park, Adastral Park and Orbis Energy) as well as an observer from
Innovate UK.
Structure: the Innovation Board approved the proposal to set up an Innovation Forum,
a bi-annual facilitated session which brings together regional partners to discuss key
issues and opportunities. The Forum will provide wider engagement and constructive
feedback to the Innovation Board helping to set the strategic objectives and focus. The
first Forum will take place on 17th June at the John Innes Centre and support the Ideas
Foundation of the Local Industrial Strategy.
Purpose: The Innovation Board has formalised its purpose. It will maintain strategic
focus and thought leadership in innovation, on behalf of the main LEP Board and
support the delivery of innovation activity outlined in the Economic Strategy & Local
Industrial Strategy. It has agreed a set of high-level strategic objectives:
Norfolk and Suffolk are recognised as a centre for pioneering ideas, meeting the
challenges we face globally;
Science and innovation are net contributors to the Norfolk and Suffolk economy;
A highly skilled workforce equipped with the skills necessary to access the
techniques and business practices needed for innovation;
Existing assets continue to strengthen and develop into a pan-regional innovation
Workstreams: In order to successfully deliver on the strategic objectives, a set of
workstreams have been defined with activity plans for each in development:
Evidence Base: develop the evidence we have about innovation activity and its
contribution to Norfolk and Suffolk economy.
Strategic Projects: improve the innovation infrastructure in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Investment in innovation: Increase public and private investment in innovation.
Skills for innovation: Assist and develop the best talent for delivering innovation at
the scientific, technical and business levels.
Cluster Development: support a range of coordinated activities which create-grow-
develop-sustain innovation capacity.
Community Building: catalyse collaborations and consortia for innovation
Role of Chair: The Innovation Board’s governance states that the Board must be
chaired by a member of the main LEP Board. Professor David Richardson, who has
chaired the Innovation Board since it was formed in 2015 will be stepping down. The
Board are invited to thank David for his contribution over the past few years and
nominate his successor.
The Board is invited to:
Note the contents of the report
Thank David for his contribution over the past 3 years
Nominate his successor from the LEP Board
Approve the Innovation Board’s Terms of Reference
Appendix A
New Anglia LEP Innovation Board
Terms of Reference
Draft for Discussion - May 2019
To maintain strategic focus and thought leadership in innovation, on behalf of the main LEP
Board and to support the delivery of innovation activity outlined in the Economic Strategy &
Local Industrial Strategy
Strategic Objectives
The Innovation Board has four ambitions for growth, which relate to the Economic Strategy
for Norfolk and Suffolk:
Norfolk and Suffolk are recognised as a centre for pioneering ideas, meeting the
challenges we face globally
Science and innovation are net contributors to the Norfolk and Suffolk economy
A highly skilled workforce equipped with the skills necessary to access the techniques
and business practices needed for innovation
Existing assets continue to strengthen and develop into a pan-regional innovation
The Innovation Board is a formal Sub-Board of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
The Innovation Board will:
Provide the leadership to ensure all partners make their contribution to delivering on
the high-level ambitions
Consider the ‘big picture’, providing strategic direction to the LEP Executive on
matters relating to innovation
Drive and coordinate activity which delivers the strategic objectives
Support the development of the Local Industrial Strategy, identifying actions and
interventions and best practice for the Ideas foundation of productivity
Stimulate greater levels of collaboration between university and businesses in the
Assess policies, projects and programmes of investment linked to innovation
regionally, nationally and internationally, providing guidance to the LEP on how they
relate Norfolk and Suffolk’s innovation assets and skills, and identifying any gaps in
Work with and challenge other initiatives to provide input from an innovation
perspective, such as the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor, New Anglia LEP
Develop links to other areas with similar capabilities nationally and internationally and
help to instigate constructive collaboration
Champion and provide input into strategic projects and game changing opportunities
Commission task and finish groups where appropriate and where no other sub-board
or committee can fulfil the task.
Connect to and collaborate with regional and national stakeholders that play a role in
delivering innovation, continuing to identify gaps and opportunities.
Membership and Appointment
The Innovation Board will be chaired by a member of the LEP Board and will consist of the
leaders of the five main Innovation hubs and universities in Norfolk and Suffolk:
Adastral Park
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)
Hethel Innovation Centre
Orbis Energy
Norwich Research Park
University of East Anglia
University of Suffolk
Norwich University of the Arts
A representative from Innovate UK will attend Board meetings as an observer.
The board will be supported by the LEP executive.
Board membership will be for a period of three years initially, with an option to be re-
appointed. No more than a third of the board will stand down on an annual basis. Board
members will be responsible for attending at least three meetings a year. Members failing to
take part in at least three successive meetings will have their membership revoked. If unable
to attend, Board members are only able to nominate a substitute with prior agreement from
the Chair, and by exception only.
In line with LEP policy, Board members are not able to nominate a substitute if unavailable
to attend the meeting.
Board members, including co-opted members, or additional observers, are selected by
nomination; at least two Board members and the Chair are required to nominate a Board
member or observer and final decisions will be made by a majority vote of the Board.
Decisions will be based on how well nominated individuals can represent their sector and on
ensuring a balance of representation across the Board by geography, size of businesses
and sector. Decisions on co-opted members, observers and working party membership will
be based on the specialist advice, knowledge and networks required.
The Board may co-opt up to three specialist advisors to support specific project development
and delivery.
The Board may invite observers from other LEP groups or interested parties, on a reciprocal
basis and for a fixed period of time.
If a vote is required on any matter it will be decided on a simple majority with the chair
person having the casting vote.
Operations and reporting
The LEP will provide secretariat support for the Innovation Board. Minutes will be circulated
and published in the LEP website no later than two weeks after the meeting has taken place.
The Board will determine the frequency and timing of meetings according to the programme
of work required.
Attendance of non-members at meetings
Members of the LEP executive team, sub-boards and committees may also be invited to
attend meetings where appropriate.
Delegated Authority
Can hold other groups - including Task and Finish groups - to account. It has the authority
to task a sub-board, group or committee to deliver action within the deliver plan.
Innovation Forum
The Innovation Board will convene an open Innovation Forum bi-annually to bring together
regional partners.
The Forum will provide wider engagement and constructive feedback to the Innovation
Board helping to set the strategic objectives and focus.
Managing Conflicts of Interest
Members of the Board are all representatives of their industry sector or community of
interests and have a responsibility to act on behalf of their wider constituency at all times in
relation to the work of the LEP Innovation Board.
Members of the board will be asked to complete an annual declaration of their interests
which will be held in a register at the LEP office and members will be asked at the beginning
of each meeting to declare any conflicts of interest pertaining to the agenda items to be
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Tuesday 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 13
Operating and HR Policies
Author: Charley Purves Presenter: Rosanne Wijnberg
The LEP executive has been developing and updating the overall policies and procedures for
the staffing team, which has included the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
Alongside this, the board Diversity Champion, David Ellesmere and Jeanette Wheeler have
updated the Equality and Diversity Policy in line with Government requests and a need to
strengthen our statement for all LEP activities. Appended to this report are the two policies that
require board approval.
The board is asked to note the content of this report and endorse the Modern Slavery and
Human Trafficking Statement and the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy and Statement.
Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain organisations to develop a slavery
and human trafficking statement each year. The slavery and human trafficking statement
should set out what steps an organisation has taken to ensure modern slavery is not taking
place in their business or supply chains.
There are certain elements which should be included, with the statement being approved and
signed by the directors, then published in a prominent place on the website. Any commercial
organisation in any sector, which supplies goods or services, and carries on a business in the
UK with a turnover of over £36m, must produce a slavery and human trafficking statement for
each financial year.
The LEP has developed its statement in line with guidance and recommendations from
government and can be found at Appendix A.
The recent government review of New Anglia Assurance Framework has highlighted the
requirement for LEPs to commit to equal gender representation at board level. This requirement
has been incorporated into the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy. This policy has been
strengthened and updated, as well as a statement added to cover equality for all LEP activities.
The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy and Statement can be found at Appendix B.
The board is asked to:
Note the content of this report
Endorse the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Endorse the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy and Statement
Appendix A
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Financial Year 2018/2019
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and
sets out the steps that New Anglia LEP has taken to ensure that slavery and human
trafficking are not taking place within its supply chains or in any part of its business. This
statement covers the financial period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.
We recognise that we have a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human
New Anglia LEP is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its
corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human
Organisational Structure and Supply Chains
This statement covers the activities of New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership. Based in
Norwich, with an office in Ipswich, and is a company limited by guarantee. With a non-
executive board of 18 and an executive team of 55 people, we work closely with local
authorities and local businesses to drive growth and enterprise across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Relevant Policies
New Anglia operates the following policies that describe its approach to the identification of
modern slavery risks and steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its
Whistleblowing Policy - the organisation encourages all its workers, customers and
other business partners to report any concerns related to the direct activities, or the
supply chains of, the organisation. This includes any circumstances that may give
rise to an enhanced risk of slavery or human trafficking. The organisation's
whistleblowing procedure is designed to make it easy for workers to make
disclosures, without fear of retaliation.
Standards of Conduct Policy - the organisation's standards make clear to employees
and board members the actions and behaviour expected of them when representing
the organisation. The organisation strives to maintain the highest standards of
employee and board member conduct and ethical behaviour when operating abroad
and managing its supply chain.
Legal Working Policy - the LEP takes appropriate steps to ensure the people it
employs are working legally and to ensure the organisation is working within the law.
Checks are carried out on all applicants employed to confirm they are legally allowed
to work in the UK, with checks on appearance of the individuals, dates supplied and
genuine documentation.
April 2019
Appendix A
Risk Assessment and Due Diligence
We maintain a principal risk register which is reviewed monthly by the Management
Committee. This risk register is used to identify areas of concern and to agree mitigating
We work closely with our supply chain and build long-standing relationships in order to
further reduce risk. We expect our suppliers to adhere to the requirements of the Modern
Slavery Act 2015 and act to identify and prevent slavery or human trafficking in their own
supply chains.
Training and Awareness
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking
in our supply chains and our business we provide guidance and training to our staff. We
encourage employee engagement, communication and the ability of an employee to raise
concerns or grievances.
Board Approval
This statement has been approved by the board of directors, who will review and update it
Chairman’s signature:
Chairman’s name:
Doug Field
April 2019
Appendix B
Workforce Equal Opportunities
and Diversity Policy
Employees, Volunteers, Contractors, Secondees & Board Members
This policy sets out New Anglia’s commitment to equality and diversity in the workplace and
across its panels, committees, programmes and on its Board of Directors. A separate policy
exists to explain and promote New Anglia's commitment to equality and diversity in the work
it does in the New Anglia LEP area and the programmes it runs.
Equality is enabling opportunity, access, participation and contribution on a fair and equal
footing, creating a level playing field and ensuring that different groups are not
disadvantaged or discriminated against when accessing employment, volunteering or
participating in New Anglia programmes, panels and on its Board of Directors. Diversity is
about the individual, understanding that each of us is different and making sure we respect
and celebrate the variety of backgrounds, perspectives, values, and beliefs.
The LEP actively encourages the employment, promotion and training of employees and
potential employees from all sectors of the community and values the different skills, ideas
and opinions that a diverse workforce can offer.
Policy Aims
This policy aims to:
set out the LEP’s approach to equal opportunities and the avoidance of discrimination
in the workplace
support the elimination of unlawful discrimination in employment and the workplace
promote equality of opportunity and diversity in employment and the LEP workplace
ensure that those working or volunteering with the LEP are clear about the LEP’s
commitment to equal opportunities and diversity
explain the relevant procedures the LEP will implement in relation to equal
opportunities management.
Our Policy
New Anglia LEP is committed to promoting equal opportunities and diversity in employment
and in the extended workplace which it operates. It aims to ensure and where possible
advance equal treatment of employees and applicants for jobs, offices and voluntary
positions on its panels, boards and programmes. Equality and diversity considerations will
underpin recruitment and selection, promotion, pay and benefits and training and
The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful to discriminate against people because of any of
the nine ‘protected characteristics’. This extends to direct or indirect discrimination and
harassment because of:
disability (including mental health)
gender reassignment
marriage and civil partnership
pregnancy and maternity
race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality or national origin)
religion or belief (including philosophical belief)
sexual orientation
May 2019
Appendix B
All employees, officers, volunteers, secondees and contractors of the LEP must not
unlawfully discriminate against or harass other people in the course of their work for
the LEP, including current and former employees, job applicants and officers.
All employees and officers at all levels are encouraged to act fairly and appropriately and
prevent and report unlawful discrimination and harassment.
Our Procedures
Recruitment and Promotion
The LEP will aim to ensure that advertisements for posts give sufficiently clear and accurate
information to enable potential applicants to assess their own suitability for the post. Job
descriptions and specifications for posts will include requirements that are necessary and
justifiable for the effective performance of the job.
The LEP reserves the right to recognise merit and reward individuals with promotion in a fair
manner. All employees will be considered on their merits (with reasonable adjustments
made where required) for career development and promotion with equal opportunities for all.
Information about vacant posts will be as widely disseminated as is practicable in order to
encourage a diverse response and reach as many sectors of the community as is possible.
Vacancies will also be circulated internally.
Candidate selection will be conducted against defined criteria and will focus on the
applicant’s suitability for the job. Where it is necessary to ask questions relating to personal
circumstances, these will be related purely to job requirements and asked of all candidates.
No questions in relation to health will be asked of the applicant prior to a job offer being
made. However, candidates and employees are encouraged to be clear when they require
help or assistance or adjustments to be made to enable them to interview or be assessed
fairly for a post or a promotion and also expressly make clear what help or adjustments they
might need to carry out any of the requirements of a post or position. The LEP will
endeavour to comply with its legal obligations under the disability discrimination provisions of
the Equality Act and welcomes applicants with disabilities.
The LEP will not unlawfully discriminate because of any protected characteristics in the
allocation of duties between employees employed at any level with comparable job
The LEP will put in place any reasonably practicable measures and/or adjustments within
the workplace for those employees who become disabled during employment or for disabled
appointees. Staff who become disabled are encouraged to inform the LEP about their
condition so appropriate support can be given. All employees are encouraged to discuss
their career prospects, training needs and any reasonable adjustments required on a regular
basis with their manager.
Requests for part-time work or other types of flexible working can and should be made
without fear and part-time and fixed-term staff shall be treated no less favourably than
comparable full-time or permanent members of the workforce.
Pregnant employees or those on maternity leave or returning from maternity leave will not be
subject to unlawful discrimination. Reference should be made to the LEP Maternity Policy
and other ‘family friendly’ policies for information about the rights and responsibilities related
to pregnant employees and parents.
May 2019
Appendix B
This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment and it may be
amended at any time.
Board and Sub-Committees
New Anglia is committed to ensuring a diverse representation on our Board and Sub-
Committees and panels which reflects the local business community. Selection for the Board
and any Sub-Committee or panel will be in line with our Assurance Framework and Articles
of Association.
The LEP is expected by Government to ensure that at least a third of its main Board
members are female by 2020 and that there is equal representation by 2023. The LEP
has no formal control over the appointment of its public sector Board members who sit as a
result of democratic elections as leaders of various councils or in their capacity as leaders of
further or higher education institutions. However, the LEP is committed to endeavouring to
do all it reasonably and legally is able to do to meet Government expectations in this regard.
Board member vacancies are advertised widely and Board members are appointed on the
basis of their skills, knowledge (including sector knowledge and representation) and their
Sub-Committee member selection and panel membership is based on the skills, knowledge
and experience required for the relevant role/post.
Visitors and Suppliers
Employees must not discriminate against any of visitors or suppliers. Equally, the LEP
expects visitors and suppliers not to discriminate against employees and the LEP will take
appropriate action against any visitor or supplier found to have done so.
Employee Rights and Responsibilities
Employees have the right not to experience unlawful discrimination in the workplace. They
have a responsibility to understand this policy and help the LEP implement it.
All employees have a duty not to discriminate against each other and not to help anyone else
do so. Staff who are uncomfortable with another employee's behaviour are encouraged,
where they feel able to, to ask them to stop and explain that they are uncomfortable with the
All staff, volunteers, secondees and contractors are encouraged to report any concerns
relating to unlawful discrimination in accordance with this policy.
All managers should lead by example and set an appropriate standard of behaviour.
When Discrimination Arises - reporting concerns
If an employee, officer, secondee, volunteer or contractor believes they may have been
discriminated against or harassed, they should advise the LEP without delay. They can
speak informally or write to their line manager (where there is one) or with HR or the Chief
Operating Officer as appropriate.
If an employee wishes to make a more formal complaint of discrimination or harassment
they are encouraged to raise the matter in writing through the Grievance Policy.
Employees who make allegations of discrimination or harassment in good faith will not be
victimised or treated less favourably as a result. However, false allegations of a breach of
this policy which are found to have been made in bad faith may be dealt with under the
Disciplinary Policy.
May 2019
Appendix B
Dealing with allegations of unlawful discrimination
Allegations of potential breaches of this policy will be treated seriously. The LEP will conduct
a reasonable and proportionate investigation into allegations of discrimination and
harassment. Confidentiality will be respected so far as possible but those alleged to be
responsible for any discriminatory or harassing behaviour will usually need to be given the
opportunity to reply to any allegations and for due process to be followed before decisions
can be made.
If, after investigation, it is decided an employee is found on balance to have acted in an
unlawfully discriminatory manner they may be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including dismissal. This applies to the most senior levels of management as well as to all
other employees.
Contractors, volunteers and officers who are determined after reasonable investigation to
have breached this policy or acted in a discriminatory way may be informed that their
services are no longer required and may be asked to step down from any board, sub-
committee or panel or other position they hold within the LEP sphere of influence.
Secondees can expect their employer to be informed of any allegations of concerned which
will then be dealt with by the employer accordingly.
Records of equal opportunities matters will be retained and kept confidential so far as
possible save that statistics which cannot be attributed to any named individual will be
shared with the Board and others where appropriate including to monitor the LEP’s progress
on promoting and sustaining equal opportunities and diversity.
The Board of the New Anglia LEP has overall accountability for the effective operation of this
policy and for ensuring the LEP fulfils its role in addressing diversity issues by promotion of
this policy and delivering equality of opportunity. The Chief Operating Officer of the LEP is
the lead officer responsible for the day to day operation and implementation of this policy.
Every individual working for the LEP has a responsibility for their own behaviour and
ensuring that they participate in the promotion of equality and diversity within the
Monitoring and Reporting
The Board will receive an annual report detailing the LEP’s progress on promoting and
sustaining equal opportunities and diversity over the past year and will agree an action plan
for how this can be further improved over the next year.
May 2019
Appendix B
Appendix 1
Definitions/explanations of what constitutes unlawful discrimination;
Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favourably than another
person because of a protected characteristic.
Indirect discrimination occurs where a policy, provision, rule or practice at work applies to
everyone but has a disproportionate impact on people with a protected characteristic
which cannot be justified as a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
Harassment is unlawful if it is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature or related to another
protected characteristic which has the purpose or effect of violating dignity or creating
a hostile, intimidating, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
Victimisation is retaliation or bad treatment because the person has performed a
protected act. A protected act includes bringing proceedings under the Equality Act,
giving evidence in connection with such proceedings and making an allegation that a
person has contravened the Equality Act.
Associative discrimination is discrimination against a person because they have an
association with someone with a particular protected characteristic.
Perceptive discrimination is discrimination against a person because the discriminator
thinks the person possesses a protected characteristic, even if they do not in fact do so.
Discrimination arising from a disability is where a person with a disability is treated
unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of the person’s disability.
The duty to make reasonable adjustments arises when a provision criterion or practice of
an employer puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to
persons who are not so disabled. Such adjustments or steps are aimed at avoiding that
May 2019
Appendix B
Equal Opportunities and Diversity STATEMENT
Relating to the activities of the New Anglia LEP
Diversity and equality issues impact everyone in the New Anglia area and we are committed to
promoting and supporting equality and diversity in the services provided and the work
undertaken by the LEP. Accordingly, equality and diversity are important considerations in all
of our activities.
The New Anglia LEP aims to drive inclusive business growth in partnership with businesses,
local authority partners and education institutions. In doing so New Anglia LEP will endeavour
not to do anything that constitutes discrimination, harassment or victimisation in exercising its
Equality is enabling opportunity, access, participation and contribution on a fair and equal
footing, creating a level playing field and ensuring that different groups are not disadvantaged
when accessing employment, volunteering or participating in public life in the New Anglia area.
Diversity is about the individual, understanding that each of us is different and making sure we
respect and celebrate the variety of backgrounds, perspectives, values, and beliefs.
New Anglia and its Board will engage with its stakeholders and endeavour to be as inclusive
and transparent in its communications as possible and will actively work to ensure that our
service provision is appropriately accessible to all constituencies in the LEP area.
We will also endeavour to meet our obligations under the Public Services Social Value Act
2012, which requires people who commission, or buy, public services to consider securing
added economic, social, environmental and well-being benefits for their local area. We will
work with our partners to ensure that project development, commissioning and tendering
procedures support the principles of advancing equality of opportunity between people in our
target groups and advancing the elimination of unlawful discrimination, harassment and
The LEP is expected by Government to ensure that at least a third of its main Board members
are female by 2020 and that there is equal representation by 2023. The LEP has no formal
control over the appointment of its public sector Board members who sit as a result of
democratic elections as leaders of various councils or in their capacity as leaders of further or
higher education institutions. However, the LEP is committed to endeavouring to do all it
reasonably and legally is able to do to meet Government expectations in this regard. Board
member vacancies are advertised widely and Board members are appointed on the basis of
their skills, knowledge (including sector knowledge and representation) and their ability.
Any person who feels they have been discriminated against or wishes to report any concerns
in relation to equality, diversity or discrimination in respect of the LEP and its services,
functions or activities should write to the Chief Operating Officer, Rosanne Wijnberg;
email: [email protected].
May 2019
New Anglia LEP Board Forward Plan - 2019
Forward Looking
Governance & Delivery
30th January
The Innovation Centre,
Aims and Objectives for the Year
Election of deputy chair
University of Suffolk
Place Branding update
New Anglia LEP Diversity Champion
Amendments to Committee Terms of Reference
Growth Programme and Enterprise Zones Performance Report
NAC Bi-Annual Report
Remuneration Committee Update
27th February
The Ideas Factory,
Place Branding in Norfolk & Suffolk presentation
Private Sector Board Appointments
Norwich University of the
Economic and Programme Dashboards
Local Industrial Strategy
Growth Deal Performance Report
All Energy Industry Council
27th March
Birketts Solicitors,
Delivery Plan
2019/2020 Budget
ESIF strategy amendments
Capital Growth Programme Call
LEP Local Assurance Framework
Amendments to Articles of Association
Enterprise Zones and Agritech Performance Reports
No Board Meeting
23rd May
King’s Lynn Town Hall
Growth Hub
Growth Programme and Growth Deal Performance Reports
Economic and Programme Dashboards
EZ Norwich Research Park Proposal
Capital Budget 19/20
South East Energy Hub
25th June
University of Suffolk,
LEP Programme Beneficiaries
GE Update Report
Ipswich, Suffolk
Enterprise Advisor Network
MIPIM Update and Proposal for 2019
Agritech, Enterprise Zones and EAN Performance Reports
Innovation Board Chair Appointment
LEP Operating and HR Policy Updates
23rd July
Norwich Castle, Norfolk
Climate Change Adaptation and Carbon Reduction Strategy
Draft accounts
Skills Sector Update
Pipeline Call
Growth Programme Performance Report
NAC Bi-Annual Report
Finance Report
No Board Meeting
25th September
Kesgrave Hall, Suffolk
Enterprise Zone Update
Enterprise Zones Performance Report
Economic and Programme Dashboards
Growth Deal Performance Report
25th September
Kesgrave Hall, Suffolk
New Anglia LEP AGM
30th October
Growth Programme Performance Report
Cambridge - Norwich Tech Corridor Update
Agritech Report
Finance Report
27th November
Adastral Park,
Local Industrial Strategy Sign Off
Economic and Programme Dashboards
Inward Investment Plan
Growth Deal Performance Report
No Board Meeting
Standing Items
Local Industrial Strategy
Place Branding
Chief Executive’s Report including updates on
o Programmes
o Strategy
o Engagement and promotion
o Governance, Operations and Finance
Board Forward Plan
Items to be Scheduled
UK Shared Prosperity Fund
Industry Councils
Innovative Funding