New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board Meeting
21st July 2020
Key Points
LEP Response to COVID-19
The Board received an update on the work being carried out during the current crisis and was advised that, following
the launch of the Economic Recovery Restart Plan on 30 June, the team is now focusing on delivery of those actions
and interventions to support businesses and the local economy.
It was noted that the Business Resilience & Recovery Fund continues to be popular with £1.3m awarded to date
covering a wide range of businesses and a healthy pipeline is in place.
The Board was also advised that the LEP completed the submission to the Getting Building Fund detailing the
allocation of £32.1m for Norfolk and Suffolk capital projects.
An initial meeting has been held with key partners and a Job Support programme is being established which will be
launched at the end of July. Work is also being carried out to identify and engage with companies with large
numbers on furlough which are at risk of making redundancies.
Visitor Economy Recovery Plan
The Board was presented with the Visitor Economy Recovery Plan for Norfolk and Suffolk for endorsement.
The Recovery Plan has been produced by the LEP team in partnership with Visit East of England as well as Local
Authorities, Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs) and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).
The plan provides clear actions for Norfolk and Suffolk partners to help visitor economy businesses and other
organisations to restart following the lock down, and measures to mitigate the severe economic downturn we are facing.
The Board agreed:
• To endorse the Economic Recovery Restart Plan
Large Company Grant Application - Confidential
Apprenticeship Levy Transfer Scheme
The Board received an update on the Apprenticeship Levy Transfer scheme which has been operating since December
To date 37 transfers have taken place to date, with a further 11 in the pipeline pending recruitment with a total monetary
value of over £300k.
The Board was advised that the pandemic has significantly reduced the numbers of apprenticeships available and
there are concerns that some of those on furlough will be made redundant. The coordinator will therefore also be
supporting redundant/at risk apprentices and working with stakeholders to rebuild apprenticeship numbers and
advocate their value to the business community.
The Board agreed to the recommendations in the paper.
LEP Capital Budget 2020/21 - Confidential
Further Papers Reviewed
• Continuing Business Report (Noted)
• July Performance Report (Noted)
• Q1 2020 Management Accounts (Noted)
• Board Forward Plan (Noted)