New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board Meeting
27th January 2021
Key Points
Presentation from Ian Whitehead, Lane Farm
The board received a presentation from Ian Whitehead, Rebecca Miles and Harry Youngson from Lane Farm
who provided a presentation on their family run pig farm. Over the past 30 years the farm has diversified by
setting up a cutting plant allowing them to produce their own pork products and they have now moved into
cooking and processing their charcuterie products from a larger site.
The LEP’s Agri-Food grant has allowed them to purchase more efficient packaging machines speeding up the
wrapping process, reducing costs and allowing the use of recycled materials.
2021 LEP Strategic Priorities
Chris Starkie presented the board with the strategic priorities for the LEP for 2021 namely focussing on the
Covid -19 Response and Recovery, Norfolk and Suffolk as the Clean Growth Region, strengthening the LEP
and promoting the International Profile & Trade.
To note the content of the presentation and support the priorities identified
Trade and Cooperation Agreement Between the EU and the UK
James Allen presented the board with a summary of the report on the Trade and Cooperation Agreement
struck between the EU and the UK detailing the contents of the deal, potential implications for sectors, potential
economic impact, emerging intelligence and LEP activity.
The Board agreed:
To approve the not the content of the report and presentation
Agri-Food Industry Council Report
Corrienne Peasgood, chair of the Agri-food Council, presented the board with an update on the work of the
Agri-Food Industry Council and reviewed the key objectives:
Supporting business recovery, promoting long term growth and ensuring business resilience.
Explore ways of attracting inward investment to increase the volume and value of food processing within
Norfolk & Suffolk.
Collaborate with partners to realise the collective power as the UK centre for hi-tech, precision agriculture
and food production.
Support the development of a Food Innovation Centre at the Food Enterprise Park to deliver regional
business growth through innovation, productivity and processing.
Develop a world-leading hub for plant and microbial research at the Norwich Research Park.
Understanding, supporting and developing the Clean Growth agenda for the agri-food value chain.
Enabling growth in the New Anglia Agri-food sector through skills development.
CP highlighted some of the concerns which have been raised by businesses regarding the UK leaving the EU
and noted that the full impacts have not yet been seen.
Connected Innovation
Julian Munson presented an update on the LEP’s ‘Connected Innovation’ initiative which is being driven by the
LEP’s Innovation Board and includes a new programme to connect and promote Norfolk and Suffolk’s
Innovation Hubs and the development of an Innovation Prospectus. The 2 year project will provide a more
collaborative approach to innovation across the region and will also support cross sector innovation.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
Further Papers Reviewed
Chief Executive’s Report (Noted)
New Anglia Capital Bi-annual report (Noted)
January Performance Reports (Noted)
Quarterly Management Accounts (Noted) and agreed to move £1m from R&R Scheme to Growing
Business Fund scheme
Board Forward Plan (Noted)