New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
29th January 2020
Sam Chapman-Allen (SC)
Breckland Council
Claire Cullens (CC)
Norfolk Community Foundation
David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
Doug Field (DF)
East of England Coop
Pete Joyner (PJ)
Shorthose Russell
Helen Langton (HL)
University of Suffolk
Dominic Keen (DK)
Corrienne Peasgood (CP)
Norwich City College
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
Johnathan Reynolds (JR)
Sandy Ruddock (SR)
Scarlett & Mustard
Alan Waters (AW)
Norwich City Council
Jeanette Wheeler (JW)
Tim Whitley (TW)
Shan Lloyd (SL)
Hannah Grimes
Norfolk County Council
James Allen (JA)
New Anglia LEP - For Item 7
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP - For Item 13
Lisa Roberts (LR)
New Anglia LEP - For Items 8 and 9
Chris Starkie (CS)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (29.01.20)
Local Industrial Strategy - Investment Plan
The tactical pipeline of projects to be produced and reported to the board
The development of the Investment Plan to be reported to the Board on a regular basis
Evaluation Framework
The option of employing someone to carry out evaluations to be investigated
Board Recruitment
Details of job board vacancies to be circulated to Board members for onwards promotion
Welcome from the Chair
Doug Field (DF) welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanks Ali Clabburn (AC) from Liftshare for
hosting the meeting.
Apologies were received from Lindsey Rix, John Griffiths, Steve Oliver and Matthew Hicks.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at
Item 13: January Programme Reports: New Anglia Capital Report: DF declared an interest in Nova
Farina and SupaPass.
Welcome from Liftshare
AC, CEO of Liftshare, welcomed the LEP Board to Liftshare. The Board were provided with a
presentation highlighting the volumes of empty seats in cars when commuting and the
progress that Liftshare are making in working with organisations to fill that excess capacity.
AC noted that commuting was now the highest source of carbon emissions and that Liftshare
had set a target of saving 1bn miles by the end of March 2020 and that this target would be
reached during February.
Liftshare are working with companies to join them to the network to reduce numbers of
journeys thus saving on emissions, reducing costs and freeing up parking all of which has
been proven help with recruitment.
AC was pleased to confirm that Liftshare had been awarded the Queen’s Award for
Enterprise for the second time and the Board congratulated him on the achievement.
Minutes of the last meeting 27th November 2019
Two typing errors were corrected in the attendees’ details.
The minutes were then accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 27th November
Actions from last meeting updated as follows:
Chris Starkie (CS) advised that the outstanding actions relating to Enterprise Zones were
covered in the report which annexes the January Performance Report.
Aims & Objectives for the Year
The Board received an update from CS which reviewed progress and key deliveries over the
past year and identified the key areas the LEP would be focussing on in 2020 under the
headings implement, promote, deliver and strengthen. The presentation also covered the
external drivers which the LEP needs to take into account when planning for the year ahead
which can be grouped under the areas of Brexit, the focus on the North and Midlands, the
devolution white paper and the future funding landscape.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the presentation
• To support the themes identified as areas of focus for 2020
Brexit Impact Report
James Allen (JA) presented the updated Brexit Intelligence report which explores the
implications for Norfolk and Suffolk of the two possible scenarios of a withdrawal agreement
with a trade deal and a no deal situation. It sets out implications and responses for
consideration as part of delivery plans for the Economic Strategy and Local Industrial
JA proposed that a light touch action plan be produced which will be reported back to the
Board on a bi-monthly basis.
Implications and responses to consider have been set out under the consistent headings of
workforce, funding and investment, trade and regulation, the majority of which are consistent
with the implementation plans in place for the Economic Strategy and Local Industrial
Jeanette Wheeler (JW) noted that there was a large gap in the technology developed for the
agri-food industry and that used on large estates around the region and suggested that the
LEP could work with the agritech industry to support the implementation of these innovations
on the ground.
Pete Joyner (PJ) proposed that, due to the size of the issue and the difficulties in influencing
Government policy, the LEP should focus on providing practical support for affected
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) suggested that work was needed in mapping supply chains across
Norfolk & Suffolk to help businesses target and win large contracts by demonstrating local
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To agree that its recommendations are used to influence the implementation plans for the
Economic Strategy and Local Industrial Strategy
Local Industrial Strategy - Investment Plan
Lisa Roberts (LR) presented the Board with the designed version of the Norfolk and Suffolk
Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) employing the Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited branding.
The Board agreed the following amendments:
• Descriptions to be added to all photos for consistency
• Hethel signage to be updated
• Adastral Park to be included as a High Potential Opportunity (HPO)
JW asked that impact publishing the LIS would have. Shan Lloyd (SL) confirmed that it would
ensure Government buy in at a senior level and would provide support when highlighting
projects and targeting investment at a ministerial level.
The Board were asked for approval of the proposed approach and timeline for developing the
Investment Plan.
The Board requested that details of the tactical projects pipeline be included in the plan and
shared with the board as well as the strategic longer term projects.
DF expressed concern that the proposed timescales were too long & asked if priority projects
could be identified and progressed while the consultation continues.
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) confirmed that there was a tactical pipeline which could be slotted
into the timeline immediately.
ACTION: The tactical pipeline of projects to be produced and reported to the board at the
March meeting.
Claire Cullens (CC) advised that the members of the Skills Advisory Panel (SAP) were keen
to be involved and wanted to understand which projects could be included and the right
approach to take when identifying them.
LR confirmed that the investment plan needed to contain both capital and revenue projects
and should include shovel ready projects. They should also include those which are longer
term but have business cases in place should funding be made available.
CS reiterated that this plan was looking at new aspirational projects as much of the pipeline
contained projects which had been around for some time.
JR queried whether the LEP can be smarter at identifying funding opportunities and be more
proactive in employing them. LR confirmed that work is ongoing to identify sources of funding
and will produce a one-page summary of each which can be publicised when opportunities
become available.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To approve the designed version of Norfolk and Suffolk Local Industrial Strategy
• To approve the approach and timetable for developing the Investment Plan and supporting
tools with regular updates provided to the Board
• To receive details of the tactical projects pipeline at the March meeting
Evaluation Framework
LR presented the Board with the revised Evaluation Framework, the programme of evaluation
and the proposed approach to implementing the framework. The proposal includes using a
call-on, call-off list of companies that will provide external, independent support in the evaluation
LR advised that the framework sets out a more robust approach to evaluation and ensures
that it is also embedded at the design stage of projects and programmes.
LR also confirmed that the Enterprise Advisor Network would be evaluated in conjunction with
the Careers Enterprise Company and would focus on the quality and not just the quantity of
the contacts provided.
Helen Langton (HL) queried whether £50k would be enough to complete the evaluations. LR
confirmed that this was based on previous evaluations and that there would be a further ask
of the Board if required.
JR asked of the £50k could be better used strengthening the LEP team by employing
someone to complete the evaluations. LR noted this would lose the independent measure
and queried whether the skill set was available.
ACTION - The option of employing someone to carry out evaluations to be investigated.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To approve the updated Evaluation Framework and programme of evaluation for inclusion
in the 2020 Local Assurance Framework
• To approve the approach of having call-on, call-off list of companies that will provide
external support
• To approve a £50K allocation of the Growth Deal top slice to appoint a company to carry
out an evaluation on three LEP programmes
Board Recruitment
DF presented the Board paper advising that there would be 2 board vacancies over the year
including that of Chair.
David Ellesmere (DE) clarified whether the new Chair was being recruited externally and CS
confirmed that Government requirements dictate that the vacancy for the Chair need to be
advertised externally but that existing private sector board members could apply.
The Board agreed that the advert needs to clarify the required time commitment of the role so
that the expectations are clear to applicants.
ACTION - Adverts to be issued to Board members for onward promotion.
The Board discussed the requirements of specific sectors noting that the key LIS sectors
need to be strengthened as did ensuring the Board had access to relevant financial expertise.
It was noted that the vice-chair vacancy would be available from April and a process would be
in place to fill this role.
HL, JW, DE and PJ volunteered to assist on interviews panels.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report and approve the recruitment packs subject to clarification
of the required time commitments of the roles
• To support and promote the opportunities
• To approve the interview panels for the vacancies
Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference
JW presented the paper highlighting the key findings of the Gender Pay Gap Report noting
that the results were very positive and would be monitored going forwards.
The revised Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference were presented and JW
highlighted the amendment to holding the committee once a year as it only reviews the salary
of the CEO.
DE noted that gender gap was positive that but given the relatively small size of the
organisation changes in personnel could change the results significantly. The Board agreed
that other types of diversity should also be monitored.
SL noted that Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) diversity was also being looked at by
Government and should reflect the makeup of the geographical area.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To agree the revised Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference
Chief Executive’s Report
CS noted some of the highlights of the report and asked for questions from the board.
CS highlighted the request to transfer £4.1m from the Enterprise Zone Accelerator Fund to the
Growing Places Fund (GBF) and explained that this was because there was now insufficient
time to agree and defray funds on any co-investment opportunities before the end of the
Growth Deal in March 2021 but that £4.1m remained unallocated. The LEP is already
engaged with an applicant looking for co-investment of up to £5m and without this transfer there
are insufficient funds in the GPF budget to consider the application.
This was approved by the Board.
CS noted that Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited had received successful coverage as part of an
item on Horecava on Look East and provided an update on the event planned for MPs on 5th
February highlighting infrastructure requirements.
CS confirmed that the Peer Review meeting with the Heart of the South West LEP had
resulted in positive outcomes largely around the sharing of information. A visit to the New
Anglia LEP has been requested which will focus on operational matters.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
To approve the transfer of £4.1m from the Enterprise Zone Accelerator Fund to the
Growing Places Fund
January Programme Performance Reports
RW reviewed the reports for January noting that applications to the Small Grants Scheme are
still progressing well and have not slowed down and confirmed that the ESF bid has been
submitted to extend the Enterprise Advisor Network.
RW advised that the focus in 2020 will be on promoting Enterprise Zones over the next year
and noted that the annexe to the report addressed the outstanding board actions.
Andrew Proctor (AP) reviewed the New Anglia Capital report.
The Board agreed:
• To note the contents of the reports
Quarterly Management Accounts
RW highlighted key items from the report noting that income has been received from Norfolk
and Suffolk County Councils to support the Innovative Projects Fund and the awards have not
been made yet.
Other variations were highlighted as follows:
Wages and salaries - there are variations around the timing of filling vacancies but there are
no current gaps in the team.
Innovative Projects Fund - there is a time lag on the spend.
Grants - It was assumed £30m would be paid by now however this figure is currently at £16m
paid out as claims are awaited.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
Board Forward Plan
CS reviewed the content of the next board meeting and asked for any additional items from
the Board.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the plan
Any Other Business
Tim Whitley (TW) confirmed that, as part of the High Potential Opportunities Scheme,
Adastral Park had hosted an inward investment delegation from Finland which has received
excellent feedback.
CS noted the LEP would be supporting SMEs at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in
Next meeting:
Date and time of next meeting:
10.00am - 12.30pm, 26th February 2020
Venue: Gallery Three, Ipswich Town Hall, Cornhill, Ipswich, IP1 1DH