New Anglia Board Meeting
29th January 2020
Key Points
Aims & Objectives for the Year
The Board received an update from Chris Starkie which received progress and key deliveries over
the past year and identified the key area the LEP would be focussing on in 2020 under the headings
Implement, promote, deliver and strengthen.
Brexit Impact Report
The Board was provided with the updated Brexit Intelligence report which explores the implications
on Norfolk and Suffolk of the two possible scenarios of a withdrawal agreement with a trade deal and
a no deal situation. It sets out implications and responses for consideration as part of delivery plans
for the Economic Strategy and Local Industrial Strategy.
The Board agreed:
To use the recommendations in the report to influence the implementation plans for the Economic
Strategy and Local Industrial Strategy
Local Industrial Strategy - Investment Plan
The Board was presented with the designed version of the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Industrial Strategy
(LIS) employing the Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited branding.
The Board received details the sign off process for the LIS and was asked for approval of the proposed
approach and timeline for developing the Investment Plan.
The Board requested that details of the tactical pipeline be included in the plan and shared with the
board as well as the strategic longer term projects.
The Board approved:
The publication of the designed version of Norfolk and Suffolk Local Industrial Strategy
The approach and timetable to the development of the Investment Plan and supporting tools
Evaluation Framework
The Board was presented with the revised Evaluation Framework and programme of evaluation and
the proposed approach to implementing the framework.
The proposal includes using a call-on, call-off list of companies that will provide external, independent
support in the evaluation process.
The Board agreed:
The proposed updated Evaluation Framework and programme of evaluation
The proposed approach to have a call-on, call-off list of companies that will provide external support
A £50K allocation of the Growth Deal top slice to appoint a company to carry out an evaluation on
three LEP programmes
Board Recruitment
The Chair presented the board with the proposed recruitment process and timeline for the recruitment
of a new chair and another private sector board member and asked for volunteers to form the
recruitment panel.
The Board agreed:
To note the contents of the report and recruitment pack and to support and promote the opportunities
Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference
The Board received and approved the revised Terms of Reference.
The Board also reviewed the Gender Pay Gap Report endorsed by the Remuneration committee.
Further Papers Reviewed
Chief Executives Report (Noted and agreed to switch £4.1m from the Enterprise Zone
Accelerator Fund to the Growing Places Fund)
January Programme Performance Reports (Noted)
Quarterly Management Accounts (Noted)
Board Forward Plan (Noted)