New Anglia Board Meeting
26th February 2020
Key Points
Establishment of Clean Growth Taskforce and Action Plan
The Board receive a proposal detailing the recommended steps to developing a clean growth action plan
including the establishment of a Clean Growth Taskforce which would take the lead in developing further the plan
working with partners across Norfolk and Suffolk and embedding clean growth into the LEP infrastructure.
The Board agreed:
• To the establishment of the Clean Growth Taskforce and its terms of reference
• To endorse the draft action plan and agree the steps outlined in the report to develop it further
• To note the LEP team Environmental policy and action plan
Development of Tourism Sector Action Plan
The Board was presented with a proposal for developing a Tourism Action Plan to identify interventions which
will raise productivity and value of the sector and position the region to secure Government investment. The
tourism sector in Norfolk and Suffolk is the second largest by employment and the plain aims to identify key
actions which will enable the sector to raise productivity through developing a year-round visitor economy, skills
development, adoption of new technology, infrastructure development and access to business support.
The Board agreed:
• To endorse the proposal to develop a Tourism Action Plan
• To approve the timeline and approach
Investment Plan Pipeline - Confidential
As requested at the January board meeting the Board received details of the tactical projects pipeline
together with an additional list covering the LEP’s major infrastructure priorities and details which covers
projects seeking funding from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF).
The Board agreed:
• To endorse the project pipeline accompanying this report
Governance - Reporting from Sub-Boards
The Board received details of the proposed approach to reporting from sub-groups to ensure that the LEP
Board are kept up to date with their activities to maintain their focus on the priorities identified in the NSES and
The proposed approach to reporting ensures that the LEP Board are kept up to date with the activities of the
sub-boards and industry councils and will receive reports from them twice a year.
The Board agreed:
• To approve the proposed reporting cycle and report template
Election of Deputy Chair
The Board received details of the proposed approach for filling the role of deputy chair after Lindsey Rix stands
down from the LEP board from the start of April 2020.
The Board agreed:
• To begin the process of appointing a deputy chair and to submit nominations to the Chair
Chief Executive’s Report
The Board reviewed the Chief Executive’s report providing an overview of activities since the January board.
The CEO provided further information about the ongoing freeports consultation and the interest in applications
in Norfolk and Suffolk and also advised that the Government has announced a second wave of bids to host an
Institute of Technology (IoT). The Board discussed the previous bid and the LEP’s involvement in the next
round of applications.
The Board agreed:
• To receive a paper on freeports at a future board meeting
• To provide support to all partners in compiling applications to host an IoT
Further Papers Reviewed
• February Programme Performance Reports and Economic Dashboards (Noted and approved)
• Board Forward Plan (Noted)
The February LEP Board Papers can be found via the link below: