New Anglia Board Meeting
20th May 2020
Key Points
LEP Response to COVID-19
The Board received a report updating them on the work being carried out by the LEP to support
businesses during the current crisis.
It was confirmed that applications to the Resilience and Recovery Scheme had been received with
the first application processed and funds paid out within 10 days. 3 grants have now been made with
25-30 further applications in various stages.
The vacancies page on the LEP website has proved successful with 2000 views in the first week in
May. Work is ongoing to improve the functionality of the pages.
The PPE database has 300 suppliers registered of which just under 50% are local companies and
around 190 users from the healthcare sector. In the next phase it will be opened up to businesses to
provide access to products assisting them in getting employees back into the workplace.
Restart and Rebuild - Covid-19 Economic Recovery Plan
The Board received details of the proposed approach to building a plan for the economic recovery of
Norfolk and Suffolk. The plan will be drawn up and managed in collaboration with local partners and
will start with a 12 month tactical Restart plan providing practical support to businesses which will be
followed by a 3-5 year strategic Rebuild plan.
The timeline for producing the Restart plan is aggressive with a consultation taking place over the
next few weeks with the aim of signing it off at the June board meeting.
The Board agreed:
• To endorse the proposed approach to building an Economic Recovery Plan.
Growing Places Fund - Food Innovation Centre Investment - Confidential
LEP Capital Budget 20/21- Confidential
The Board received the 2020/21 capital budget for approval.
The Board agreed:
• To approve the 20/21 capital budget
Investment Appraisal Committee Chair, Vice Chair and Membership
The nominations of David Ellesmere and Dominic Keen for the roles of Chair and Vice Chair of the
Investment Appraisal Committee were approved by the Board.
Nominations were requested from private sector board members for the current vacancy on the IAC.
Further Papers Reviewed
• Continuing Business Report (Noted)
• Quarterly Management Accounts (Noted)
• May Performance Reports (Noted and Growth Deal Dashboard approved)
• Board Forward Plan (Noted)