New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 5 February, 10:00-12:00,
Hethel Engineering Centre, Chapman Way, Wymondham Rd, Hethel, NR14 8FB
Welcome from the Chair: Introductions, apologies and minutes
10:00 - 10:10
a) Update from Hethel Innovation
10:10 - 10:20
David Taitt
Discussion Item: Public sector innovation opportunities
10:20 - 10.50
Eliska Cheeseman
Innovation Board Activity Plan Updates:
10:50 - 11:10
Chair, Maddie Coupe,
a) Innovation Forum - proposal for 2020
Julian Munson
b) Innovation Prospectus
c) Global Business Innovation Programme
UKRI and Innovate UK update
Howard Partridge
Future Board Items
11:20 - 11:40
Innovation Board:
11:40 - 12:00
Member update
Dr Ewan Hunter
Chair of Science Development
Madeleine Coupe
Innovation and Sector Manager
New Anglia LEP
Prof. Mohammad Dastbaz
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
University of Suffolk
Prof. Fiona Lettice
Pro-Vice Chancellor
Helen Lewis
Director of Research and Enterprise Division
Julian Munson
Head of Enterprise Zones and Innovation
New Anglia LEP
Jo Middleton
Economic Strategy & Policy Manager
Norfolk County Council
David Parfrey
Executive Chair of Anglia Innovation Partnership
Howard Partridge
Regional Manager
Innovate UK
Lisa Perkins
Managing Director, Research and Innovation
Johnathan Reynolds (Chair)
Board Member
New Anglia LEP
Sarah Steed
Director of Innovation and Engagement
Norwich University of the Arts
David Tait
Hethel Engineering Centre
Katie Snell
Innovation and Sectors Coordinator
New Anglia LEP
Eliska Cheeseman
Innovation Manager
Norfolk County Council
Economic Development Manager
Rep. Orbis Energy
Vimmi Hayes
Vince Muspratt
Assistant Director, Growth & Development
Norfolk County Council
David Carlin
Science Director
Next Meeting: Tuesday 12th May 2020 Cefas, Lowestoft
Board Forward Plan
Forward looking
Governance and
12 May
Cefas, Lowestoft
Strength in Places
All Energy Industry
Corystes Room
Blue Tech/ connected
Innovation Forum
Places Catapult
Innovation Board
ORE Catapult
Delivery Plan
8 September
Norwich Research
Agri-Food Industry
Park, Centrum Building
Innovation Forum
8 December
Digital Tech Industry
Innovation Forum
New Anglia Innovation Board
Tuesday 3rd December, 14:00-16:00
W602 Waterfront Building, University of Suffolk
Dr Ewan Hunt
Science Development Coordinator
Maddie Coupe
Innovation & Sector Manager
New Anglia LEP
Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Maquid
Dean of School Engineering, Arts, Science and
University of Suffolk
Prof. Fiona Lettice
Pro-Vice Chancellor
University of East Anglia
Helen Lewis
Director of Research & Innovation Division
University of East Anglia
Julian Munson
Head Enterprise Zones & Innovation
New Anglia LEP
David Dukes
Economic Development Manager
Rep. Local Authorities
David Parfrey
Executive Chair
Howard Partridge
Regional Manager
Innovate UK
Lisa Perkins
Adastral Park & Research Realisation Director
Johnathan Reynolds (Chair)
Board Member
New Anglia LEP
Katie Snell
Innovation & Sectors Coordinator
New Anglia LEP
Vimmi Hayes
Economic Development Manager
Vince Muspratt
Assistant Director, Growth & Development
Rep. Local Authorities
David Carlin
Science Director
Lisa Roberts
Head of Strategy
New Anglia LEP
Sarah Steed
Director of Innovation & Engagement
Norwich University of the Arts
David Tait
Hethel Innovation
Welcome from the Chair - Introductions, apologies & minutes
Johnathan Reynolds (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the University of Suffolk for
hosting followed by round the table introductions. Katie Snell introduced as new Sectors and Innovation
Apologies were noted as above.
Actions from the previous minutes were discussed as follows:
Action 3 Declaration of Interest forms are to be completed, all reminded. Action 5 Task and Finish Group
not finalised as Terms of Reference has not been set yet. Actions 6, 7, 8 to be carried forward. Action 9
will be discussed within this meeting.
a) Introducing University of Suffolk
Professor Mohamed Abdel-Maquid welcomed the board and went on to say that University of Suffolk is the UK’s
youngest university which covers a broad range of subjects such as Science and Humanities, Health and Sciences,
Fine Arts and Computing. Forming part of the university is The Suffolk Business School which is based at the
Ipswich Waterfront Innovation Centre (IWIC), a new and innovative community impact business school. The
school aims to work closely with the business community bringing students and academics together in order to
drive forward change and innovation and, for example, is currently working with companies in Stowmarket
forming a knowledge transfer partnership via Orbital Media in the new Stowmarket Innovation Lab.
The University of Suffolk has developed several successful collaborations with local businesses for example BT
and the launch of the new Digitech Centre integrating skills and development, supported by the LEP.
Professor Mohamed Abdel- Maquid went on to present a video showing the design and layout concepts of the
new Digitech Centre. The centre will provide teaching and collaborative working space as well as access for the
business community to be part of innovation. It will maximise work with the Tommy Flowers institute and will
see various laboratories such as AI, Data Science, Sustainability and Smart Living labs as well as a Cyber Range
and Digital Forensic Hub. The green areas around the hub will be used for Ecology courses and currently the
architects and stakeholder groups are designing the building including a Meteorology Suit. The Certification
Centre will result in less travel as a local examination centre.
A copy of the presentation can be found here:
Johnathan Reynolds suggested creating a new relationship with the Digitech Centre and the recently launched
Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (managed by ORE Catapult), as they have just finished a funding call on
advanced sensors and IoT networks which would have been of interest to the region’s wider digital sector, and it
would be useful to ensure we introduce the new ORE Catapult role to the digital sector.
Discussion Item: Innovation Prospectus
Julian Munson ran through a presentation and went on to explain the plan for the innovation prospectus.
Activity Plan
The plan sets out high level information based on what the LEP are working on. In relation to the aims and
objectives of the plan there tends be a lot of focus on the hubs and universities and we need to get better at
promoting a joined-up offer. The offer should look at places and spaces with a core focus on the clusters and
where the leading science and research links are.
Norfolk and Suffolk Campaign
The Board then discussed the Norfolk and Suffolk campaign and went onto to say that the audience is varied and
wide which is a challenge. It is key to build conversations with local businesses and government along with
government departments such as BEIS. We need to keep in mind that the Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) focusses
on innovation and how we connect the offer and bring entrepreneurs together. Clear narrative and
communication is important.
The group discussed that the Innovation Prospectus should:
Be an online tool we can all use to promote the offer and build/reflect on innovation in the area.
Include a focus on our research strengths of the universities and research parks.
Map into the sector work of the LIS.
In relation to Places, hubs and infrastructure could have a better focus on the bigger picture and include
what our role is.
We could structure a new programme to invest in companies and grow innovation.
Frame the future based on solid foundations, this is what we have in the region and this is what is coming.
Clearly identify the different audiences and understand how we might interface.
The Board were reminded that a previous action from the last innovation board was to nominate a person who
could help build on the above and that this needs to be given some thought.
The Board felt that media was missing from a regional, national and international perspective in terms of
We need to encourage everyone to champion our place rather than their own company?
Many members of the public do not understand what our buildings, hubs, institutes and organisations do
and who they are, this is an opportunity to help communicate to local communities.
Need to consider what success looks like and what metrics we might use to measure success.
In conclusion it was thought that well-structured and specific campaigns and vehicles will enable us to capitalise
on every opportunity and for multiple audiences and that case studies could be used for example:
Vertical farming which came into Norfolk, multiple companies and organisations encouraged them to move
into the area forming a collaborative approach.
Cefas statistics, they have a lot of content which could be used appropriately.
David Dukes suggested “Innovation of the week” as something that could be run across Norfolk buildings under
the local authorities e.g. libraries, and possibly within Suffolk also.
JM/MC to have a discussion with the Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited team on campaign and promotion ideas to
align Innovation Prospectus with the place-based branding. Members of the board would be interested in
inputting into the communications message.
A copy of the New Anglia LEP slides can be found here:
2019-12-03 Full
Innovation Board Pr
LEP to have a discussion with the LEP Communications team ascertain how to
Maddie Coupe, Katie
best promote Norfolk and Suffolk, a joined-up approach. To be shared with
Snell and Julian Munson
the Board for their involvement.
Innovation Board Activity Plan
Maddie Coupe, New Anglia LEP gave an update on the Innovation Board Activity Plan and this included the
Innovative Projects fund
The deadline for the Innovative Projects Fund (worth 1.5m) is the 20th December 2020. The fund aligns with the
economic strategy and has seen a huge amount of interest and potential applications which are very
competitive. We should be able to provide a separate paper with an update on this before the next Innovation
Board meeting (should all be processed in time).
The LEP can help with advice should anyone have any bids coming through the programme.
David Dukes confirmed that in addition, the NCC Programmes Team are also available to help.
Innovation Sprint
The innovation Sprint is facilitated by AVIVA and looks at the challenges to innovation and identifies the gaps
and how businesses can grow. It focusses on collaborative working between companies and how they can help
solve issues. The next steps on this is for the LEP to meet with AVIVA to discuss how this can be rolled out. By
the next board meeting we should have a proposal.
Professor Fiona Lettice confirmed that students can assist with this sprint if required.
Johnathan Reynolds mentioned that a software has been used at energy events recently to aid one to one
business meetings. It is a simple effective tool which could be used for LEP events and helps companies match
together. It is called B2 Match.
Lisa Perkins asked if a task group could come up with challenges and then link this to the campaign. BT could
help. Other suggestions from the group were “Strength in Places Fund” which could incorporate some of the
work and “Cefas Seafood Innovation Fund” based on market challenges.
Johnathan Reynolds suggested a separate session based on opportunity innovation funding and that local
government could present.
InnovateUK Conference
The InnovateUK Conference is taking place on the 4th March 2020 at Norwich Research Park (NRP). Exhibitors
have been lined up and speakers are in the process of being confirmed. It was suggested that the Innovation
Board can help to share the message of the event especially in relation to save the date.
Howard Partridge confirmed that we are looking for companies on the innovation curve, who are keen to
innovate but perhaps don’t know how. The morning session will see Equipmake present with a focus on
engineering or agri-tech in the afternoon.
On the same morning there will be a Breakfast session where New Anglia LEP and NRP will speak to attendees
from Norfolk and Suffolk. The LEP hopes to potentially launch the R&D Programme.
Links to National Bodies: ORE Catapult
We are keen to build stronger relationships with national bodies. We don’t have a physical base for many of the
catapults and perhaps there needs to be more of a structured base. With this in mind, we are sponsoring the
ORE Catapult post working at OrbisEnergy and building relationships with clusters and research institutes and
universities. If this regional model works, it could be something we look at with ORE Catapult for other areas like
Perhaps an area to explore would be Clean Growth Catapults within a separate discussion.
BT has a relationship with Catapults e.g. Connected Places Catapult, Hethel Engineering Centre has a relationship
with the Manufacturing ORE Catapult. NCC has a relationship with MTC in Coventry. The LEP Innovation Team
has a relationship with all of these Catapults as well as the Nuclear Catapult and important that this activity is
pulled together under the Innovation Board.
A copy of the New Anglia LEP slides can be found here:
2019-12-03 Full
Innovation Board Pr
a) Obtain Innovative Projects Fund update for the board
Maddie Coupe/Katie Snell
b) Provide an outline proposal on the Innovation Sprint with AVIVA for the
Maddie Coupe
c) Share Save the Dates (when in receipt) for the InnovateUK Conference
Innovation Board
Industry Councils - Links to innovation board
Maddie Coupe went on to say that the Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) identifies three key sectors- ICT Digital, Agri-
Tech and Energy and that three councils have been set up with the purpose of driving forward the ambitions of
the strategy.
The board were shown slides which explained how the councils sit within the structure of the LEP and referred
to the skills board and how this is tasked at looking at skills across all the sectors. Each council is a strategic
forum of people from the private and public sectors, educational institutes, industry groups and government
Consultations were carried out prior to the setup of the councils with a two-way relationship with the LEP on
challenges and barriers in the sectors. The role of the council is to the fill gaps and not duplicate activity with a
link to other thematic groups.
Energy Industry Council
The Energy Industry Council is most advanced with a link to the Innovation Board as Johnathan Reynolds sits as
the Energy Lead. All the key lead companies in the sector are represented in the council.
There are interventions outlined in LIS and the LEP ensures we link the councils back to these interventions with
a future deep dive planned to see what the councils are doing to work to them.
Next Steps
The Energy Industry Council has set out a base on skills, supply chain, innovation with a one voice approach.
They will be mapped back to LIS and ES to ensure alignment.
Digital Tech Industry Council
The Digital Tech Industry Council is linked to the Innovation Board by Fiona Lettice at the UEA and Lisa Perkins
from BT. It is chaired by Neil Miles of Inawisdom. The Terms of Reference has been drafted and the second
meeting happened last week.
Agri-Food Industry Council
The Agri-food Industry Council is chaired by Doug Field with a second meeting set for the 10th December.
Jonathan Clarke from John Innes Centre leads on innovation for the Agri-food sector connecting with David
Parfrey from the Norwich Research Park regularly. The Terms of Reference is currently in consultation.
Delivery plans are being made for the Councils and Innovation Board currently. A question to the board was how
can we ensure that the councils and the innovation board work closely together and engage?
An open discussion inviting them to the Innovation Board and to help them to refine their plans.
Opportunity for this group to meet all the boards together and seek out the gaps.
Priorities for the Energy Council are like the ICT Digital sector. Join up the three voices of those three
councils to make one voice.
Actions: 03rd December 2019
Discussion with the LEP Communications team ascertain how to best promote
Maddie Coupe/Julian
Norfolk and Suffolk. To be shared with the Board for their involvement.
Munson/Katie Snell
a) Obtain Innovative Projects Fund update for the board
Maddie Coupe/Katie Snell
b) Provide an outline proposal on the Innovation Sprint with AVIVA for the
Maddie Coupe
c) Share Save the Dates (when in receipt) for the InnovateUK Conference
Innovation Board
Outstanding Actions: 24th September 2019
Send details of any organisations keen to be involved with the new task &
Innovation Board members
finish group to Madeleine Coupe
Distribute draft TORs of the new task & finish group to assist organisation
Madeleine Coupe
identification for action no.5
Circulate work done so far to map grant scheme awards
Madeleine Coupe
Nominate a contact within each organisation to support new mentorship
Innovation Board members
Future Board Items
The reverse of the agenda shows a forward plan of the future board meetings. Centrum, BT and Cefas confirmed
they are happy to host future meetings.
Innovation Board
BT - Lisa Perkins
Innovation Martlesham continues to grow and now sees a total of 132 companies. They are looking for
investment for the site. They have had some useful conversations with innovation labs at Stowmarket with a
potential AI Festival. They are the top patentor for AI which is something to shout about. A potential AI festival is
on the cards for March 2020. This could be promoted at the InnovateUK event in March. New Anglia LEP
confirmed that they would be happy to assist with this.
NRP - David Parfrey
Continue to grow, currently full and doing some more renovation work currently and in need of more space.
Some interesting agri-food research projects under development at NRP involving new strains of bananas and
coffee, as examples.
Prof. Fiona Lettice
Currently has a pot of money to support student innovation projects with a key research theme focus on climate
and creative writing and health for next year. Looking to raise their reputation for the region for certain areas.
Cefas- Dr Ewan Hunter
Cefas has moved into its new laboratories which is a complete game changer for Cefas. All are welcome for a
Local Authorities Rep - David Dukes
There is a lot of knowledge on vertical farming and technology locally, with a new company setting up in the
region growing mainly leaf crops and the supply chain are extremely innovative Each facility will employ 35
people per unit.
UOS - Prof. Mohamed- Abdel - Maquid
There is a bid to offer students master courses in computing which is coming on the 10th January.
New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 5 February, 10:00-12:00,
Hethel Engineering Centre, Chapman Way, Wymondham Rd, Hethel, NR14 8FB
Agenda Item 3a
Activity Plan: Proposal for 2020/21 Innovation Forum Programme
Authors: Katie Snell
This paper provides an update on the Innovation Forum and outlines the proposed plan for
2020 in terms of the Innovation Forum’s activity.
The Innovation Forum forms part of the Innovation Board’s activity plan with the main
purpose bringing together regional partners to discuss key issues and opportunities. With an
ongoing series of themed facilitated workshops, it seeks to provide one voice to shape the
future innovation priorities in line with the Board’s activities.
The last Innovation Forum took place on 17 June 2019, titled Opportunities in Innovation.
With over 35 people in attendance, the event focussed on the current innovation landscape
and asked participants to identify what is needed to unlock the region’s potential.
The feedback received from the first meeting acknowledged the need to:
Focus on knowledge exchange across all sectors
Build capacity to bid for Innovate UK funds as a consortium
Engage with universities and research institutes to facilitate greater levels of
collaboration between research and industry
At the same time, there is a requirement to join up and connect activity across the LIS
strategic opportunity areas of agri-food, energy and ICT/digital in the context of innovation.
Proposal for 2020/21
Building on the feedback from the first Forum a proposal for 2020/21 has been developed.
A total of 4 forums two of which are full workshop sessions led by an external facilitator (F)
and two of which are smaller ancillary events on a more focussed theme (A).
The suggested timetable is as follows:
Q1 Digital and Clean Energy (F)
Q2 Public Sector Opportunities (A)
Q3 Agri-Food, Aquatec and Clean Energy (F)
Q4 Innovation Support (A)
Q1: Digital and Clean Energy and Q3: Agri-Food, Aquatec and Clean Energy
Workshops to consider the current innovation profiles, develop areas of shared purpose,
opportunities and define challenges and/ or project ideas which could be taken forward in a
more ‘hack-style’ event. Agri-Food and Aquatec combined will provide an interesting
dynamic with discussions on innovative onshore and offshore technologies.
Q2 Public Sector Opportunities
A Public Sector Opportunities event will encourage the Forum to explore current innovation
and public service delivery within our region and opportunities for the private sector to
Q4 Innovation Support
The Innovation Support event will focus on the current support available and how this will
enable the region to develop and grow innovation and research.
All the events will highlight the Industrial Strategy’s four UK Grand Challenges (below) which
will provide better awareness, consideration as well as be an instigator for stimulating
discussions on innovation and research capabilities.
Grand Challenges
AI & Data Economy
We will put the UK at the forefront of the artificial intelligence and
data revolution
Future of Mobility
We will become a world leader in the way people, goods and
services move
Clean Growth
We will maximise the advantages for UK industry from the global
shift to clean growth
Ageing Society
We will harness the power of innovation to help meet the needs of
an ageing society
The Board is asked to:
Note the contents of the paper
Provide any feedback or ideas on developing the Innovation Forum
Suggest any topics or speakers which could form part of the programme
New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 5 February, 10:00-12:00,
Hethel Engineering Centre, Chapman Way, Wymondham Rd, Hethel, NR14 8FB
Agenda Item 3b
Activity Plan: Innovation Prospectus Update
Authors: Julian Munson, Madeleine Coupe
This paper provides the proposed approach to developing an Innovation Prospectus and
The Innovation Prospectus is a key deliverable for the Innovation Board. It supports the
Local Industrial Strategy intervention to:
introduce a new joined-up offer and programme of activity that will stimulate collaboration
and innovation which includes connecting up innovation centres and assets opening up
access which encourages cross sector collaboration’.
The prospectus will support this by mapping and highlighting the existing centres of science,
research and innovation across Norfolk and Suffolk, as well as the clusters of innovative
activity that are developing across the region. This also links in and builds on the work
underway with the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor activity, which is helping to profile the
tech entrepreneurs, innovators and disrupters across the area.
A proposal for the prospectus was discussed at the previous Innovation Board meeting with
the following feedback. The prospectus must:
Include a focus on our research strengths of the universities and research parks.
Align to the sector work of the LIS.
Look to an exciting, innovative future which is based on a tradition of innovation in
Norfolk and Suffolk.
Clearly identify the different audiences and understand how we might interface with
Encourage everyone to champion Norfolk and Suffolk.
Enable members of the public to have greater awareness of the innovation hubs,
institutes and organisations and take pride in the region.
Proposed Innovation Prospectus and Campaign
Building on the feedback from the Innovation Board members, as well as discussions with
the LEP Communications Team, the following proposal has been developed.
Agreed Aim & Objectives
The overall aim is to pull together a strong, cohesive narrative around science, research and
innovation in the region using the new Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited branding. The prospectus
aims to:
Profile the key innovation assets across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Promote a joined-up offer of innovation spaces and places in key locations.
Profile innovation clusters and leading science and research.
Highlight the regional talent and network of entrepreneurs and innovators.
Raise awareness of Norfolk and Suffolk as an innovative region, aligning with Norfolk
& Suffolk Unlimited campaign.
Help promote and develop a culture of innovation.
Success Criteria:
For the project to be successful, the prospectus must meet the following criteria:
Consensus on a new collaborative approach in order to make a step-change for the
It is ‘owned’ and endorsed by all partners and clearly defines the role that partners
can play in promoting the region.
Places the sector in Norfolk and Suffolk in a prime position to secure government
funding, influence policy and harness opportunities
Key audience
Objective/ Key Message
Government /
Norfolk and Suffolk are helping to deliver
Printed prospectus sent to
the national Industrial Strategy’s
Ministers, Government
aspiration to be the ‘world’s most
departments. Success
innovative economy’, driving forward the
stories and examples of
Grand Challenges, in particular Clean
Regional business and innovation
Social media campaign with
business and
stakeholders are aware of the
links to the online
capabilities, support and market
prospectus. Links to content
opportunities available across the
which can be shared.
innovation landscape. They have access
to content which they can share to
support the promotion of the region.
Members of the public in Norfolk and
Social media campaign with
Suffolk have greater awareness and a
short films, interactive map,
sense of pride in the region’s innovation
success stories
capabilities and the contribution they
make to solving global challenges.
Young people
Highlight opportunities that are available
Social media campaign with
in Norfolk Suffolk in highly innovative
short films.
companies and research organisations.
Norfolk and Suffolk have a mature and
Social media campaign with
collaborative innovation ecosystem.
short films, interactive map,
Businesses benefit from interesting cross
success stories. Links to the
sector market opportunities, world class
online prospectus with more
research capabilities and support to
detailed information.
global science
establish and grow a business.
and innovation
In order to effectively engage with diverse audiences as defined above, a two-stage process
is proposed. Firstly, a print and digital ‘prospectus’ will be developed and hosted on the
Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited website. Digital content including short films, success stories and
interactive map will be created and shared to drive people to the online prospectus. Digital
content can be shared and amplified by partner organisations, building on and
supplementing existing content such as the Cambridge-Norwich Tech Corridor’s Disruptors
Key areas of focus
Ministerial foreword
Showcasing innovation and research (past and present)
Developing tomorrow’s talent
Profiling innovative places and spaces (innovation hubs)
Driving world-class innovation (case studies)
Financing innovation
Next Steps and Timeline
Project Phase
Q4 2019/20
Communications plan developed.
LEP communications team and partner
organisations/ innovation hubs comms
officers to support.
Tender written for external
Comms group to sign off tender and
consultant. Consultant contracted.
tender published on Contacts Finder.
Q1 2020/21
Develop the innovation
May: Innovation Board to see first draft
prospectus (print and digital
of Prospectus
format), working with each of the
Innovation Board members and
other key stakeholders where
Digital campaign plan developed
Comms group to support and amplify
including content development.
Q2 2020/21
Produce and launch innovation
Sept: Innovation Board to review
campaign to promote key assets,
process and agree next steps.
innovation activity and case
The Board is asked to:
Acknowledge the approach, next steps and timeline and provide feedback if required.
New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 5 February, 10:00-12:00,
Hethel Engineering Centre, Chapman Way, Wymondham Rd, Hethel, NR14 8FB
Agenda Item 3c
For Information: Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP)
Authors: Madeleine Coupe
This paper provides information on Innovate UK’s Global Business Innovation Programme
The Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP) is a fully funded Innovate UK
programme delivered by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). GBIP is designed to help high
growth, innovative companies find partners, build collaborations and explore R&D and
innovation opportunities globally.
A cohort of innovative companies are chosen to participate in the GBIP through a
competitive process. Successful companies are fully supported and funded to participate in
the programme. Each GBIP targets a specific market opportunity and country.
A GBIP comprises of three stages:
Preparing for the market - the cohort are briefed by sector and market experts,
including being advised on the cultural aspects of conducting business in the target
country, intellectual property protection etc.
Visiting the market - participants attend pre-arranged meetings and activities
Exploiting the market opportunity - participating companies are given bespoke 1-
2-1 support from an adviser to help develop and implement an action plan.
Businesses in the 2019 programme report significant business benefits from participating
including expanding into a new market and developing personal relationships with
businesses. Many of the GBIP participants succeed in developing collaborative projects with
overseas partners or securing contracts.
Participation by Norfolk and Suffolk Businesses
Several GBIPs took place in 2019 relevant to Norfolk and Suffolk’s sectoral and innovation
strengths, including offshore wind, immersive tech and smart energy (see appendix 1 for a
list of completed GBIPs). However, we are aware that Norfolk and Suffolk businesses are
underrepresented. The list of GBIPs for 2020 is due to be announced shortly, and once the
sectors have been announced a more proactive approach to promoting the opportunities to
businesses needs to be taken.
The Board is asked to:
Note the contents of the paper
Promote the opportunity to participate in GBIP to networks once 2020 programme is
Appendix 1
Previous Global Innovation Programmes
Australia - Agri-Tech and Satellite applications
Canada - Advanced Manufacturing
Canada - Agritech
Canada - Artificial Intelligence
Canada - Autonomous Vehicles
China - Agritech
China - Offshore Wind
China - Audience of the Future
China - Precision Medicine
Denmark - Big Science Business Forum
India - Immersive Tech
India - Manufacturing and Circular Economy
India - Future Cities - Deadline for applications
Ireland - Agrifood
Israel - AI
- Materials for batteries / automotive battery technologies
Israel - Cybersecurity
Japan - Smart Energy
Japan - Cell and Gene Therapy
Netherlands - AI & Robotics
Singapore - Urban Living
Singapore - Digital Economy & Next Generation Services
South Korea - Advanced Materials
South Korea - Internet of Things
South Korea - Advanced Materials
South Korea - Advanced Materials for Mobility
South Korea - Immersive tech / Internet of Things
South Korea - Digital Health
Switzerland - Pharmaceutical Technologies
USA - Digital Health
USA - Smart Energy
USA - Artificial Intelligence
USA - Offshore Wind
USA - Space
USA - Graphene
USA - Audience of the Future