New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
20th June 2018
Doug Field (DF)
East of England Coop
John Griffiths (JG)
St Edmundsbury Borough Council
Matthew Hicks (MH)
Suffolk County Council
Steve Oliver (SO)
MLM Group
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
William Nunn (WN)
Breckland District Council
David Richardson (DR)
Alan Waters (AW)
Norwich City Council
Jeanette Wheeler (JW)
Lindsey Rix (LR)
In Attendance:
Corrienne Peasgood (CP)
Norwich City College (For Nikos Savvas)
Warren Ralls (RaW)
LEP Network (Guest)
Vince Muspratt (VM)
Norfolk County Council
Sue Roper (SuR)
Suffolk County Council
Shan Lloyd (SL)
Paul Winter (PW)
Skills Board (For Item 9)
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP (For Item 12)
Hayley Mace (HM)
New Anglia LEP (For Item 7)
Julian Munson (JM)
New Anglia LEP (For Item 8)
Lisa Roberts (LiR)
New Anglia LEP (For Item 9)
Chris Starkie (CS)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (20.06.18)
Welcome from the Chair
Doug Field (DF) welcomed everyone to the meeting including Corrienne Peasgood deputising for Nikos
Savvas and Warren Ralls from the LEP Network. DF also welcomed new Board members Matthew Hicks
and William Nunn.
Apologies were received from: Nikos Savvas, Sandy Ruddock, Dominic Keen, Johnathan Reynolds,
David Ellesmere and Tim Whitley.
In Memorium
The meeting held a minute’s silence in memory of Cllr Cliff Jordan who passed away earlier in the month.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at .
Item 12: Honingham Thorpe Food Enterprise Park - Jeanette Wheeler
Introduction - David Richardson
David Richardson (DR) gave the meeting a presentation on the UEA providing details of the wide range
of activities carried out at the university including environmental studies, clean energy, digital skills and
DR also provided details on the network partners engaged with the UEA and the ongoing work to bring
together the private and public sectors in development projects.
Minutes of the last meeting 23rd May 2018
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 23rd May.
Actions from last meeting updated as follows:
Item 6 Enterprise Zones
To receive further information on the make up of jobs on EZs and the rationale for companies
moving into the zones. Work is ongoing and will be presented back at the September Board
Place Branding
Hayley Mace (HM) presented the paper on Place Branding which outlined plans for further
development of a single place brand for Norfolk and Suffolk (currently branded as The East).
HM proposed tendering for a branding agency to progress the work to develop the brand
messages, the visual identity and to carry out testing of the Brand as it is developed. The Board
was asked to agree funding of £50,000 for the first stage of brand development and also to agree
the timeline of activity.
The Board was asked to note proposals for the second stage of work, which included the creation
and implementation of a set of marketing tools likely to include an online portal. The second stage
of work will be funded, in part, by the successful ERDF Invest East bid.
Chris Starkie (CS) noted that this will not replace any established brand but will complement
existing more local or sectoral brands.
The meeting discussed the importance of having an overarching brand but noted that it was
important to have a clear picture of existing brands so that their clarity and positioning was not
Steve Oliver (SO) stressed that the current picture of multiple brands was not sufficiently clear
but these would be brought together under one brand with a clear communications strategy.
Jeanette Wheeler (JW) noted there were other similar brands across the country which sat
above other sub-brands without confusion.
HM confirmed that she had researched the costs from agencies and other similar work already
carried out nationally and by other LEPS and that the £50k requested was competitive.
Matthew Hicks (MH) asked for more detail on the costs of the 2nd stage of the work.
Julian Munson (JM) advised that the ERDF funded Invest East project would include funding
for this work and £148,000 would be allocated to the second phase which included marketing
and events.
Alan Waters (AW) asked whether there would be any review points included along the process.
HM confirmed that this could be built into the tender brief.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To agree funding of £50,000 for the first stage of brand development
• To agree the timeline of activity.
Inward Investment
JM provided the Board with a presentation on the Inward Investment Strategy.
It was highlighted that the strategy did not just cover investment from overseas but also
domestic companies investing in the region, the expansion of existing companies and also the
retention of businesses already operating in the region.
JM described the progress made since the last Board paper in 2017, ongoing work and details
of overseas investment in eastern counties over the past year.
JM also reviewed the proposed delivery model stressing that the strategy needed to include the
varied offers available from the region including systems, services, science and technology and
skills and talent. Board members were updated on current work aimed at building international
relations across the world including that centred on the Guangdong province in China.
The meeting was advised that the £1.8m ERDF Invest East project would be starting in
September 2018. This will focus on how investment leads are drawn into the local area and
providing specific support enabling a business to develop its investment proposal.
The meeting discussed the importance of producing a strategy under a single brand. AP noted
that the joint working with partners needed to be highlighted within the strategy and CS
confirmed that it was based on a collaborative approach.
DR noted the importance of making the right first impression when establishing links with
Guandong and that many businesses already have such links with the province and these
could be built on and steered by the LEP.
The Board agreed:
• To endorse the approach and development of the Inward Investment and International
Strategic Framework set out in the paper
• To support the launch and activity of the Invest East ERDF business support / inward
investment project
• To approve the investigation of a suitable inward investment agency delivery model
• To consult with the county councils on a pilot project to advance relations with Guangdong
province in China
Paul Winter (PW) presented the Board with an update on the work of the Skills Board over the
past year and the challenges faced by the region in relation to skills.
He reviewed the Skills Board vision and delivery steps which form part of the Economic Strategy
Delivery Plan and reiterated the four ‘key messages’ of the Skills Board which Board members
were requested to support and champion.
The importance of lobbying Government was stressed and DF confirmed that this issue had
been raised at the LEP Network meeting with the Prime Minister.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To endorse the Skills Board vision and delivery steps
• To champion the ‘key messages’ of the Skills Board.
Enterprise Adviser Network
CS presented the paper on the Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN) highlighting the bid to host a
careers hub, the progress made by the EAN and the recommendation to bring the programme
within the LEP.
Board members were advised that the EAN has encountered challenges in recruiting enterprise
advisers, the churn of staff within schools and commitment from schools following the initial
expression of interest.
Corrienne Peasgood (CP) asked whether there was any link between those schools who have
not engaged and those who have received initiatives and funding from elsewhere. CS felt that
the biggest influence on engagement was the approach of the Headteachers as not all saw the
benefit of engagement with the EAN.
MH noted that there were many similar schemes which could make the options for schools
confusing. CS replied that this approach was designed to clarify this for schools.
The Board agreed:
• To approve further 12 months funding for the EAN at a value of £135,000
• To endorse the development of the Careers Hub and the integration of its management
with the EAN
Local Energy Strategy
Lisa Roberts (LiR) presented the paper on the Local Energy Strategy to the Board.
The Board was advised that responses have been requested by 6th July however the deadline
will be extended to allow local Authorities to complete their endorsement processes.
90 applications have been received for the role of Regional Hub Manager with New Anglia LEP
being part of the interview panel.
The Board agreed:
• To endorse the Local Energy Strategy
• To agree the next steps regarding the Strategy’s Delivery Plan
Capital Growth Programme - Honingham Thorpe Food Enterprise Park - Confidential
The Board agreed:
• For the executive team to develop a supplementary paper for the IAC to review
• For the recommendation from the IAC to then be considered by the full board by written
Revenues Funding Framework
CS presented the paper produced on the proposed revenue funding framework for Pot C
SO asked whether there were established Governance criteria for the call for innovative
projects from external partners.
CS advised that these would be included in the framework which would be developed before
being presented to the IAC.
The Board agreed:
• To approve the allocation of £135,000 set aside in Pot C for core LEP costs to fund the
Enterprise Adviser Network for 18/19
• To approve the allocation of £100,000 from Pot C towards the LEP projects budget for
• To approve the allocation of £500,000 from Pot C towards the call for innovative projects
from external partners which will help deliver the Economic Strategy
Growth Deal Quarterly Dashboard
CD reviewed the paper and the quarterly dashboard for submission to Government.
AW asked whether a further breakdown of the details of the jobs created was available.
CD confirmed that they were all FTEs but further work would be required to ascertain the
quality of jobs provided.
CS advised that this dashboard was as set out as per Government requirements however this
detail would be built into the ongoing development of BPRs which would be presented after the
SO queried the delivery of housing which appeared to be behind target. CD confirmed that
outputs were delivered on an ad hoc basis as developments were completed and so figures
would increase on completion.
The Board agreed:
• To endorse the dashboard
Chief Executive’s Report
CS asked the Board for any questions on his report.
DF updated the meeting on the meeting of LEP Chairs with the Prime Minister on 19th June
where the PM had expressed support for the work of LEPs across the country. DF thanked
Warren Ralls for organising the event.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
Finance Report
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) reviewed the finance report and asked for questions from the Board.
As the July LEP Board has been cancelled it was proposed that the Annual Accounts would be
issued electronically for approval by email in July.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the report
• To receive the Annual Statements via email for approval following the recommendation
of the Audit and Risk Committee.
Board Forward Plan
CS reviewed the items to be covered at the September Board.
The Board agreed:
• To note the content of the plan
Any Other Business
John Griffiths (JG) asked whether substitutes can attend the IAC as well as the Board.
Next meeting:
Date and time of next meeting:
10.00am - 12.30pm, 19th September 2018
Venue: The Aviation Academy, Norwich