New Anglia Investment Appraisal Committee
Meeting Minutes (Unconfirmed)
21st February 2018
Tracie Ashford (TA)
New Anglia LEP
Cllr David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
Doug Field (DF)
East of England Coop
Lindsey Rix (LR)
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP
Iain Dunnett (ID)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from meeting
Capital Growth Programme Verbal Update
CD/ID to review cultural projects
CD to oversee review of Growth Deal projects in May
Terms of Reference
CD to make amendments to Terms of Reference and ensure on website by 28/02/18
ID to bring a dashboard of headline projects to the next meeting
Welcome from the Chair
Lindsey Rix welcomed everyone to the meeting
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at
Declarations relevant to this meeting: None
Minutes of the last meeting
The committee agreed the minutes from the last meeting
Actions from last meeting updated as follows:
CD to circulate new Terms of Reference before next meeting - Complete
Ipswich Malthouse and Winerack
Malthouse - Progress report updated committee on project.
Winerack - Progress report updated committee on project. Contractor RG Carter is on site
and work has started. Scaffolding is expected to be up in March and a ministerial visit is
hoped for the end of March.
The committee agreed that
 ID will continue to manage Malthouse loan arrangements and Winerack drawdown
Capital Growth Programme Verbal Update
Cultural projects have expressed frustration at timescales for decisions on Growth Deal
decisions. DF suggested that the Cultural Board be requested to comment on funding
priorities for cultural projects as part of a process where projects are given a clear
expectation of the funding process timeline. A possible development would be for cultural
projects to be considered for Growing Places Fund grants.
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An overall review of all Growth Deal pipeline projects will be completed in May. Expectation
management is required of projects where by a project is aware of a customer journey when
embarking on a Growth Deal application.
The committee agreed that
 CD/ID to review cultural projects
 CD to oversee review of Growth Deal projects in May
Honingham Food Hub and Snetterton
Honingham - CD has met with and advised project developers on LEP funds. CD to
support further.
Snetterton - Breckland District Council will be seeking a decision on this from the LEP by
April. Further information and a review of the project will be bought to the IAC.
The Committee Agreed that
 CD will continue to support and advise Snetterton and Honingham developments
Terms of Reference (TOR) - Growing Business Fund (GBF) and Investment Appraisal
Committee (IAC)
CD presented the TOR for GBF and explained there were many changes to bring them in
line with the IAC TOR.
The following questions raised were in relation to both TOR documents.
DE said the Terms were not explicit on substitutes to which everyone agreed and the rules
around this must be added to both TOR.
LR asked why both TOR had the same delegated authority of £500,000. It was broadly
agreed that the IAC sets the overall fund size for GBF and the GBF panel works within this
funding boundary.
LR said there needed to be parameters set within the TOR around decision making, with at
least one panel member consistent between the two groups.
DF said there was no reference to a mandatory advisor review in the TOR and this needed
to be added. A list of all advisors is to be circulated to the committee ahead of the next IAC
meeting with details of when they were last reviewed and when the next review is due.
The committee agreed that
 CD to make amendments to Terms of Reference and ensure on website by 28/02/18
 ID said there were two projects he would like to bring to the board in March.
 ID also listed a pipeline projects that are likely to approach the LEP for funding.
 LR and DF would like a draft dashboard of headline projects/fund availability at the
next IAC meeting.
The committee agreed
 ID to bring a dashboard of headline projects to the next meeting
Next meeting:
Wednesday 21st March 2018, 9am - 9.45am
The Jockey Club, Newmarket, Suffolk,
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