New Anglia Innovation Board
Tuesday 12th May 14:00-16:00
By MS Teams
David Carlin
Science Director
Maddie Coupe
Innovation & Sector Manager
New Anglia LEP
Helen Lewis
Director of Research & Innovation Division
University of East Anglia
Julian Munson
Head Enterprise Zones & Innovation
New Anglia LEP
David Parfrey
Executive Chair
Howard Partridge
Regional Manager
Innovate UK
Lisa Perkins
Adastral Park & Research Realisation Director
Johnathan Reynolds (Chair)
Board Member
New Anglia LEP
Katie Snell
Innovation & Sectors Coordinator
New Anglia LEP
Jo Middleton
Economic Strategy and Policy Manager
Norfolk County Council
Simon Cheeseman
Sector Lead, Wave & Tidal Energy
ORE Catapult
Andy Holyland
Regional Manager
ORE Catapult
Rob Bush
Operations Manager
Mark Goodall
All Energy Industry Council
Vimmi Hayes
Economic Development Manager
Suffolk County Council
Prof.Mohammad Dastbaz
Deputy Vice- Chancellor
University of Suffolk
Sarah Steed
Director of Innovation & Engagement
Norwich University of the Arts
David Tait
Hethel Innovation
Julie Schofield
Head of Business Partnerships, Research &
University of East Anglia
Innovation Services
Gurpreet Jagpal
Pro -Vice Chancellor Business &
University of Suffolk
Ian Pease
Business Development Manager
Vince Muspratt
Assistant Director, Growth & Development
Rep. Local Authorities
Prof. Fiona Lettice
Pro-Vice Chancellor
University of East Anglia
Helen Lewis
Director of Research & Innovation Division
University of East Anglia
Alice Reeve
Hethel Innovation Centre
Welcome from the Chair - Introductions, Apologies & Minutes
Johnathan Reynolds (Chair) welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies were noted.
Amendment request to previous minutes originated from Helen Lewis, point 7 to read:
“£20m Low Carbon Innovation Fund 2 is progressing with a good number of applications. Institute of Productivity is
now called Productivity East. The £1m Gateway to Growth which supports SME’s is up and running. The Enterprise
Centre is at capacity with waiting lists for tenancy.” All agreed to request and accepted changes.
Introducing Cefas
David Carlin provided a Cefas update. Cefas teams are working on site with social distancing measures in place.
Some funding was provided by New Anglia LEP for a planned state of the art Marine Science Centre to become the
new Cefas HQ providing office and laboratory space. The demolition of the former Grand Hotel is complete with next
steps in place to connect the two buildings together (existing space and new). Construction work is delayed due to
COVID 19 with a plan to launch the newly renovated facility in 2021. Links provided to members of the Board for
information purposes during the meeting in support of his update:
Q: ORE Catapult - Does Cefas have an Innovation and R&D Budget?
Cefas confirmed a budget is in place. Currently one-year cross government spending settlements are being rolled over
two years. Overseas and commonwealth programmes have been affected by COVID 19. Opportunities will arise, with
activity being re-planned in relation to the overseas programmes. The overseas programmes will support the delivery
of global ocean science with Cefas at the forefront.
Innovation in Energy
All Energy Industry Council (AEIC)
The Innovation Board Chair confirmed that industry councils will be invited to future Innovation Board meetings, as
required,to provide updates and industry context to support the alignment between council and Board.
Mark Goodall, Chair of the AEIC was introduced and provided an update. The AEIC was established approx. 1 year ago
when energy was high profile on the global agenda in relation to energy transition and climate change.
Its purpose is to set the agenda and direction for the energy sector in the region and to align to the Local Industrial
Strategy (LIS) at a national and energy standpoint. It provides clear leadership encouraging collaboration between
industry, government, and education. The Norfolk & Suffolk region is uniquely placed with natural gas, offshore wind
and nuclear resources. The AEIC helps to demonstrate capabilities to national government for inward investment
purposes. COVID 19 impacts every sector within energy currently.
The AEIC works to:
-Communicate and collaborate with other sector groups on innovation.
-Focus on skills encouraging interest, talent, and skills into industry.
-Support key infrastructure projects in driving them forward.
Slides presented detailed the AEIC structure. The AEIC is represented with a mix of public, private, and educational
organisations. The East of England Energy Group (EEEGR), a membership organisation provides secretariat for the
AEIC and to date has organised 3 face to face and 1 online AEIC meeting.
The AEIC has explored projects which are in the process of being scoped out and they align to the LIS and can be
identified as:
-Cohesive Marketing Message.
-Energy Capability Matrix.
-Building on World Class Research.
£50b of infrastructure development could come to Norfolk and Suffolk with half relating to offshore wind.
The Innovation Board Chair confirmed that the Development Consent Order (DCO) process has delayed some
decisions on major projects in the region with offshore wind developers Vattenfall (Norfolk Vanguard project) and
Orsted (Hornsea 3 project), moving to 1st July. Update: Sizewell C DCO application was submitted on 27th May.
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (ORE Catapult)
Simon Cheeseman provided an introduction. The Catapult network is one of 8 Catapults each with a different sector
focus, set up to develop and retain high value skills and job creation in the industry.
Slides presented to the Board provided examples of the Catapults.
The ORE Catapult’s focus is offshore renewables, an independent national organisation with an HQ in Glasgow. It
provides support to government, OEM’s and the supply chain on innovative technology looking to reduce costs. The
Catapult has regional offices in Newcastle, Fife and Lowestoft (for example) which brings the catapult to businesses to
help them to get ideas and concepts ready for deployment.
Zero Net targets are at the forefront resulting in renewables becoming competitive. National offshore wind targets
have changed to 40GW by 2040 and 75GW by 2050 resulting the need for different levels of thinking including the
approach to infrastructure, the national view and best practice.
Supporting slides provided information on the types of renewables supported by the Catapult explaining that the rate
of growth in renewables was significant with much work to come through SME’s.
The ORE Catapult provides support in Products and Services such as:
- Test and validation services.
- Operational Performance.
- Research and Disruptive Innovation.
The Catapult are working on next generation technologies with developers to understand the challenges as well as
R&D future technologies such as floating wind, 20GW turbines and energy system integration with underpinning
research. The Catapult has an office in China to help support with exports and also provides free benchmarking and
leadership reports along with project initiatives to help stimulate SME’s.
Andy Holyland provided an update. A regional presence enables the ORE Catapult to understand regional strengths
and shapes how to move forward and reach industry strategy goals. It is looking to link with universities and
innovation hubs to understand the links, this is also an objective which supports the work of the AEIC and research
The ORE Catapult plays a role in helping to optimise and build on infrastructure demands both on and offshore with
next generation technology as a key driver. Floating offshore wind is a high growth area which the ORE Catapult leads
A slide presented showed some of the key projects and activities being worked on:
Fit4OR a New Anglia LEP supported programme which focuses on business excellence, getting businesses fit for
offshore renewables. The programme will help to boost recovery post COVID -19 and will improve business
expertise and knowledge in their industry.
Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence at Grimsby (accessible to all).
Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence
Tidal stream Industry enerGisErpRoject(TIGER)
System Performance, Availability & Reliability Trend Analysis (SPARTA)
E-Grid -Electrical Testing Platform (Emulator)
Cavendish Challenge -Use of existing infrastructure to hydrogen
Milford Haven Energy Kingdom -FEED project to identify an investible, local, hydrogen-based energy system
Energy Systems Integration Centre of Excellence (ESICOE) which will support consumption, energy generation,
transmission and what can be done now and for future projects. Looks at new technology including hygrogen. It is
a concept being developed to meet Zero Net targets, one which the AEIC will feed into.
Q: from Hethel- Interested in ESICOE - can this be explored further with Hethel to see how entrants can get into this
Yes, many SME’s do not realise the cross-sector opportunities available to them.
Discussion on integration and alignment
Q: to Mark Goodall at AEIC - how best can we strengthen link between innovation board and AEIC?
Through the AEIC Research Subgroup who will be collaborating with the Innovation Board and via ORE Catapult who
leads this group. Other sectors will be collaborated with, the ICT sector and Skills.
The Innovation Board Chair confirmed that Ian Pease from OrbisEnergy also sits on Innovation Board and shares an
office with Andy Holyland which is a helpful collaboration.
Q: to Mark at AEIC- ref the Delivery Plan and support post COVID 19 - how can we work together to help SME’s at this
time and identify the gaps as to what is missing?
The recent AEIC meeting focused on COVID 19 and how it can support SMES and this will feed into recovery plans.
Simon Cheeseman, ORE Catapult confirmed that a lot of work has been done to look at how SME’s can be supported.
This feedback (already submitted to government) can be provided to the AEIC members and Innovation board. Good
website examples of support can be found on BEIS, DIT and Export for example which will help with the New Anglia
LEP Recovery Plan.
ORE Catapult
Introduction to
Presentation_NALEP N&S AEIC.pptx
Information from ORE Catapult on how businesses have been supported and
Simon Cheeseman
website links
Innovation Board Delivery Plan Updates
Innovative Projects Fund
Status; closed in December last year with 38 competitive projects. The supporting Board paper provides information
on successful projects. This information is confidential. One of the successful projects, The Innovation Mentoring
Scheme, provides access to mentors for businesses applying for innovation funding and grants. Press releases will be
shared to the Innovation Board so that the profile can be raised further by the Board. Roberta Wilner from Norfolk
County Council and Julie Schofield from the UEA to engage on the programme.
Connected Innovation
Innovation Prospectus work been delayed due to COVID 19. An online tool and hard copy will showcase innovation
with capabilities of each of the centres included. Work on connecting up innovation assets and hubs is progressing
working with Tech East and the Digital Tech Industry Council. BT (Lisa Perkins) is the link between the Industry Council
and Innovation Board for this work. Good progress made and will be in touch to get input from IB members.
Delivery Plan
The plan is a live document and lists some of the behind the scenes detail. Written prior to COVID 19 it will require
review and to be renewed with emphasis on economic recovery. It scopes out the work of the Innovation Board and
looks ahead to the next couple of years. As a live WIP document it can be updated throughout.
Innovation Market Place/Innovation Forum
Events planned have been postponed but work continues to scope out the events. The
Innovation Forum Finance event could be aligned with the Mentoring Programme.
An Innovation Meets O&M event could align with Energy meets Digital. (Andy Holyland can help to provide more
information on this).
Funding Papers
SME’s should explore these further and promote where appropriate.
Roberta Wilner from NCC to make contact with Julie Schofield at the UEA on the
Jo Middleton
Mentoring Project.
Provide feedback on Delivery Plan
All Board Members
Provide information on Innovation Meets O&M event to Katie Snell
Andy Holyland
Share funding details to SME’s
All Board Members
Provide feedback by email to team (Maddie, Julian, Katie) via email on Delivery Plan
All Board Members
UKRI and Innovate UK Update
SME’s applying for grants must ensure they read the manual and submit their application by the set deadline. In some
cases, companies have asked for more money within their application and have been disappointed.
The £1.25bn Support Package was announced by Government on the 20th pril, 750m will be targeted at SME’s.
No timescales can be provided against this package for SME’s to date. Companies working on projects relating to
COVID 19 can see details of what is available on the UKRI website. Other funding calls are open - SMART, Digital Heat,
Digital Pollution for example.
BSI, the UK National Standards body has published Publicly Available Specification (PAS) Responsible Innovation -
Guide. Sponsored by Innovate UK, it is the first national framework to help organisations to work through the
demands of innovating in a responsible manner and demonstrating best practice.
Outstanding Actions: N/A
Future Board Items
The forward plan suggests an additional Innovation Board meeting in July with two items on the agenda:
- Recovery and the role of innovation, how we restart and rebuild the local economy.
- Clean Growth, lessons learnt and behavioural change around technology.
The government’s national response will be reviewed also.
Doodle Poll July Innovation Board dates to Board members
Katie Snell
Innovation Board Member Update
Focusing on crisis challenges. No further comments.
Challenges on how to deliver rest of academic year however we have created online platforms with positive feedback
from students. Looking ahead, we will see a digital approach. Hopeful that project work with BT at Adastral Park can
continue. Conversion Masters in AI and Data Sciences course has been developed with delivery set for January 2021.
Funding is still available along with 10K loans, we are working with business partners on a CPD Centre and are looking
at the next round for Institutes of Technologies (IOT). This is a second wave for regions who didn’t receive funding in
last round. “We are together business” campaign has been promoted. Help to encourage businesses to take up the
Continue to work on a number of COVID-19 programmes, quadrant testing, PPE Visors, laboratories, and facilities for
training. Working to develop 3D printing and ventilator parts, masks and to provide childcare through the UEA Sports
Park. All delivery is online, and plans are being put in place for re-opening the campus with priority areas such as
science and laboratories. Constraints and challenges are being faced regarding international recruitment and impacts
on the university and economy. UEA joined the Civic University Agreement, on a civic basis with collaboration on
COVID 19 and strategy document work.
Working with New Anglia LEP on the recovery plan with a subgroup to understand issues the authorities have and in
addition worked on the PPE workstream in relation to suppliers and data.
There is a 6-lane testing facility at the Centrum within the car park. A collaborative model approach has been used
and well thought out in relation to COVID 19. Positive shared experiences with contacts have been built on due to
COVID 19 within the region. Have gone through a time of great crisis with much learnt about innovation, well-being,
how we treat people and not the norm of regulations and rules. Positive opportunities can come out of COVID -19-
not to go back to “normal” but with something new and better for all. MS Teams has worked well, perhaps there is
less emphasis on transport links and other priorities have changed.
Conversations are being had with the US supply chain for offshore wind which is positive. Requesting a call to action
of the Innovation Board - interested to receive input as to what the regions key messages are (to promote our energy
sector offer). This will be fed into the East of England Energy Zone (EEEZ) Delivery Group.
Working online currently and on curriculum for September. Unsure what to expect in terms of numbers and looking at
how we can get students back accessing media labs and campus. Working with the Creative Industries Group which
has been badly hit by the pandemic. Positives are that the games and media businesses doing very well. Working on
recovery plans, capacity, pivot (diversification) and active reconnection to other sectors in the economy.
Growing innovation Martlesham which now has 143 companies on site. Continue to grow despite the crisis and
working with companies to help. PPE for the region activity is at 10330 face shields delivered so far.
Helping businesses by deferring rent by 3 months. Discussions with Lotus for new land development opportunity.
Focus on the recovery stage, much learning for core services at present. Want to hold onto the positives that have
been learnt. A number of enquiries are coming through in relation to inward investment and innovation centres.
New Anglia LEP
Regional recovery plan is being developed, and we are working with organisations and sector groups to input into
them. There are three response stages:
-Money to support companies via the Local Authorities.
-Business Resilience and Recovery where we are assisting businesses who want to diversify.
-Restart and Rebuild phase working with businesses to do this with a joined-up approach across all organisations.