New Anglia Investment Appraisal Committee
Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
5th June 2019 (Teleconference)
Committee Members
Lindsey Rix (LR)
Martin Williams (MW)
Alan Waters (AW)
Norwich City Council
Dominic Keen (DK)
High Growth Robotics
David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
In Attendance
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP
Iain Dunnett (ID)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Virements: Process for managing virements to be confirmed
Housing: IAC to receive a future paper detailing the LEP’s approach to housing developments
GPF Loan
Contact MSF to agree a repayment plan for review at the next IAC
Contact DK to discuss options on repayments
Welcome from the Chair
Lindsey Rix (LR) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Tim Whitley and John Griffiths
Declarations of Interest
Minutes of previous meetings (27 March 2019 (4.1), 4 April 2019 (4.2), 15 April 2019 (4.3)
These were approved by the meeting.
Growing Places Fund Horizon Paper (Confidential)
Iain Dunnett (ID) reviewed the GPF Horizon Paper and noted that the Winerack, the Apex and the
Maltings were all on schedule and will make the return payments on time.
Growing Places Fund Programme Performance Report (Confidential)
Growing Places Fund RAG rating
The meeting reviewed the performance report as included in the papers.
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AW confirmed that the new data provided was very useful and asked if further job data could be included
to provide more detail of those jobs created such as pay rates and the full-time/part-time split as
information on the quality of jobs created would assist in targeting future funding.
ID confirmed that this could be included.
CD advised that an evaluation of all programmes was being carried out as part of the preparation for the
LIS which could include this level of detail to assist in assessing impacts of programmes.
RAG Rating - ID noted that the number of quality loan applications coming into the LEP had slowed.
Growing Business Fund Programme Performance Report (Confidential)
Growing Business Fund RAG rating
Small Grants Scheme Approvals
CD advised that the fund continues to progress well but confirmed that this fund has also seen a slow
down in applications which could also be a seasonal lull.
The Small Grants Scheme (SGS) continues to be buoyant and an additional £500,000 will be requested
from ERDF to top up the current programme, whilst a further request is planned for later in the year for an
additional year of delivery taking the programme up to August 2022 .Successful applicants to GBF, SGS
and GPF will be speaking to the June LEP Board regarding their experiences.
Martin Williams (MW) queried how SGS grant awarded can be greater than the project costs. CD noted
and agreed that the column headings needed to be reversed which will be corrected.
Growth Deal: Croxton Road Cycle Link Virement
CD reviewed the paper as included in the report which would reallocate £450k from the existing transport
scheme towards the delivery of a cycle link within the area and noted that the overall allocation to the
project would not be changed.
This was agreed by the meeting.
David Ellesmere (DE) noted that the Committee had received several similar requests and asked if their
approval was required if the change was being recommended. He proposed delegating the approval of
such requests to the LEP Executive team.
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) advised that the rules of the LEP Assurance Framework meant that this
authority was not within its remit and suggested issuing a list of changes for the IAC when required rather
than a full paper. CD confirmed that the IAC had assumed the responsibility of the former Local Transport
Board, therefore for governance purposes needed to log a decision for such enquiries, however the LEP
Executive would look at a way of simplifying the action.
ACTION - Process for managing virements within approved local transport projects to be confirmed.
The Committee agreed
• To reallocate £450k from the existing transport scheme towards the delivery of a cycle link within the
• To receive details of the process for managing virements
Growing Places Fund: Loan request (Confidential)
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Growing Places Fund: Loan amendment (Confidential)
UEA Enterprise Fund Output Metrics
CD advised that it had been agreed in principal to approve this project at the Board with the condition for
the IAC to agree the metrics.
CD confirmed the match funding has been offered and the metrics provided.
CD reviewed the metrics & advised any repayments would be returned to the pot for future investment by
UEA and that a board member and a member of the LEP executive would be on the board to oversee the
The metrics were approved by the IAC
The Committee agreed
• To approve the metrics for the UEA Enterprise Fund
Any Other Business
Virements: CD noted the IAC had taken over some responsibilities from the Local Transport Board which
was why the requests were coming to the IAC.
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