New Anglia Investment Appraisal Committee
Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
29th January 2020
Committee Members
Alan Waters (AW)
Norwich City Council
Sandy Ruddock (SR)
Scarlett and Mustard
David Ellesmere (DE)
Ipswich Borough Council
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
Dominic Keen (DK)
High Growth Robotics
Tim Whitley (TW)
Martin Williams (MW)
(By Phone)
In Attendance
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP
Iain Dunnett (ID)
New Anglia LEP
Welcome from the Chair
David Ellesmere welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Lindsey Rix
Declarations of Interest
Minutes of previous meeting (29 November 2019)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by the committee.
Growing Places Fund Horizon Paper (Confidential)
Iain Dunnett (ID) took the Horizon paper as read. The pipeline remains positive but projects do continue
to take time to mature sufficiently to require a funding decision by the IAC and/or LEP Board
Growing Business Fund Programme Performance Report
Growing Business Fund Project approvals
Small Grant Scheme project approvals
The monthly GBF report and accompanying appendices were reviewed by the Committee with no
CD noted that the GBF scheme remains quiet with few new applications coming forward. A reasonable
pipeline exists but with some technical issues to be resolved, including several requiring planning
permission before being considered for funding.
The SGS programme continues to perform well, with demand for grants of up to £25k remaining strong.
The programme continues to run around one quarter ahead of the forecasts.
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Innovative Projects Fund Performance Report
The quarterly IPF report was reviewed by the Committee with no questions.
CD provided a brief update on the 2019 IPF round, which had received 37 applications for funding
totalling more than £3m requested. Around 16 projects had been identified as supportable by both the
LEP Executive and the consultants on their initial review in terms of meeting the criteria and objectives of
the programme. The full review and appraisal of projects was underway in line with the timeline of the
projects being considered by the panel in March 2020.
Growing Places Fund Grant: L’arche- Confidential
ID presented a paper for a grant of £150k towards a project in Ipswich to support those with disabilities
back into employment.
IAC decision: Support grant request at £150-£200k.
Growing Places Fund Loan: Hempnall Housing- Confidential
ID presented the request for a loan for a housing development in Hempnall.
IAC decision: Decline request for loan funding of £1.85m
Growing Places Fund: Investment Introductory paper- Confidential
Iain Dunnett presented an introductory paper on a potential investment.
The IAC noted the content of the paper.
Any Other Business
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