New Anglia Audit and Risk Committee Minutes (Unconfirmed)
28th June 2018
Nick Banks (NB)
Scrutton Bland
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
Niko Savvas (NS)
West Suffolk College (By Phone)
In Attendance:
Paul Briddon (PB)
Lovewell Blake (For Item 5)
Steven Scarlett (SS)
Lovewell Blake (For Item 5)
Holly Field
Suffolk County Council (Deputising for Accountable Body
S151 Officer)
Marie Finbow (MF)
New Anglia LEP (For Item 6)
Keith Spanton (KS)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the Meeting
Investigate whether NAC should be independently audited
NAC to include a discussion on dealing with any surplus made from investments on their
next agenda
The Strategic Report to be updated according to comments and the draft returned to
Lovewell Blake.
Details of the running costs of NAC to be confirmed as detailed in earlier LEP Board
Investigate the process for obtaining Cyber Essentials accreditation
To start the process for tendering for new auditors
Proposed dates for the next committee meeting to be circulated to committee members
Welcome from the Chair
Nick Banks (NB) welcomed everyone to the first Audit and Risk Committee Meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at .
It was agreed that these only needed to be declared if relevant to an item on the agenda.
Terms of Reference
The committee confirmed the Terms of Reference previously agreed by the LEP Board.
Holly Field (HF) requested clarification on whether she was able to deputise for Louise Ainsley. It was
confirmed that this was acceptable as she represented the Accountable Body and not a Local
The Committee agreed:
To confirm the Terms of Reference
Financial Statements - Confidential
Corporate Risk
Marie Finbow (MF) joined the meeting.
MF reviewed the LEP’s approach to managing risk and advised the meeting that the LEP
manages risk at a corporate, operational and project level. The LEP has minimal influence
over risks at a project level, as these are managed by the projects themselves. For these
risks, the LEP operates a Red Amber Green rating to help identify difficulties, risk and issues
which can or will have an effect on delivery, cost or expenditure and intended outputs.
Operational risks are LEP programme level risks and there is a risk register for each of the
different LEP programmes which deliver the economic strategy. Operational Risks and project
risks are reported to the Management Committee.
Corporate risks are reported to the Audit and Risk Committee. These are risks which could
have a significant impact on delivery of the LEP’s ambitions.
The meeting was advised that each risk is allocated a risk owner and risk owners are
responsible for reviewing and updating their risks on a monthly basis. MF reviewed the
current risk register highlighting current keys risks.
MF reviewed the risk footprint which is a more visual way of highlighting the changes made to
the register during that month.
It was noted that Project underspend was a key risk and Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) reviewed
the actions in place to mitigate that risk and the risk raised by the changes to the GDPR
Attendees were advised that a GDPR Action group had been set up to ensure compliance
and that all staff had undergone training.
NB suggested the LEP gain accreditation the Cyber Essentials accreditation. KS confirmed
that this had already been investigated and that he would progress this further.
NB expressed his thanks for the work that has been carried out so far and clarity of the
The Committee approved the Risk Management Process and the register
AP queried the process for updating the committee on risks.
NB proposed that committee members be advised when the risk moved to a score of 9 or
This was agreed by the meeting. In addition the risk register would be reviewed at each bi-
annual meeting.
MF left the meeting.
The Committee agreed:
To approve the Risk Management Process and the risk register
To receive details of new or existing risks should their score reach 9 or above
To review the full risk register at each meeting.
Review of Auditors
The meeting discussed the proposed tender for auditors.
AP queried the process for going out to tender.
NB proposed that suitable companies be identified and invited to tender.
Those firms identified would be invited to tender to the committee before a recommendation
was to the LEP Board.
The Committee agreed:
To start the process of inviting companies to tender for the role as auditor
Meeting Schedule and Dates
It was agreed that Helen Wilton (HW) would circulate potential dates for the next meeting in
late August / early September along with the draft committee minutes.
Any Other Business
Next meeting: