New Anglia Audit and Risk Panel Minutes (Unconfirmed)
6th September 2018
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Norfolk County Council
Nikos Savvas (NS)
West Suffolk College
Holly Field (HF)
Suffolk County Council (Deputising for Accountable Body
S151 Officer)
In Attendance:
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Keith Spanton (KS)
New Anglia LEP
Marie Finbow (MF)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the Meeting
 Summary of the Panel discussion and recommendation on the appointment of auditors to be
circulated by email to Audit and Risk Committee members for agreement.
 RW to discuss recommendation on the appointment of auditors with Nick Banks, as chair of the
 Recommendation to appoint auditors for the LEP to be discussed with the Chair of the LEP Board
prior to ratification at the September LEP Board meeting.
 RW to develop a Forward Plan for the Audit and Risk Committee.
 Helen Wilton to arrange venues for meetings.
Welcome and Introductions
In accordance with the agreed Terms of Reference, due to Nick Banks being unable to attend this
meeting is not quorate. In which case, it was agreed that this meeting will operate as a Panel from the
Audit and Risk Committee specifically to interview shortlisted candidates for the appointment as
auditor for the LEP. Recommendations from this meeting will need to be agreed between all members
of the Audit and Risk Committee and the agreed recommendations will be discussed with the Chair of
LEP Board before recommendations are taken to the LEP Board for approval.
Nikos Savvas was appointed as Independent Chair for this meeting.
Nick Banks.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at 30TU
Andrew Proctor advised that Price Bailey sponsors Broadland DC Community at Heart awards.
Minutes from last meeting
The minutes were reviewed and agreed with the following amendment: Holly Field should be ‘Present’
not ‘In attendance’. With that amendment, the minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the
meeting and the Panel recommended approval to the Independent Chair.
All actions had been completed; notably:
 Since the last meeting New Anglia Capital has been independently audited (both for 2016/17
and 2017/18) and the audits were presented and approved by the New Anglia Capital Board on
4th September 2018.
 New Anglia Capital Board have discussed how to deal with any surplus made from
investments. It was agreed that this is part of the Exit strategy for New Anglia Capital and at
present there is no mechanism for funding to be extracted from New Anglia Capital. This will be
picked up with the auditors.
 The Strategic Report was updated and is included in the accounts.
 The process for obtaining Cyber Essentials accreditation is underway following the
appointment of Breakwater.
Keith Spanton advised the Panel that during analysis of the LEP’s accounts for the AGM it was
discovered that a payment made to Ipswich Winerack had been posted incorrectly as a grant, not a
loan. This has now been rectified and the LEP’s reserves have increased as a result. The Panel were
advised that this error had been rectified and the accounts adjusted before submission to Companies
Review of Auditors - Confidential
Agreed recommendation to be made via email which will be taken to the Chair of the LEP Board prior
to ratification at the September LEP Board meeting.
The LEP will reappoint auditors every year but best practice is to test the market every 3 - 5 years as
determined by the LEP Board.
Review of Corporate Risk Register
The Panel noted that no significant changes had been made to the Risk Register since the last
AP referred to the risk of Growth Deal slippage and asked that this is brought to the attention of the
LEP Board. RW responded advising that this is highlighted in the Growth Deal performance report
which will be considered by the LEP Board this month.
Any Other Business
RW will arrange for a Forward Plan to be developed for the Audit and Risk Committee.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
Proposed 9.00 am on 13 Feb 2019 in Suffolk - venue to be confirmed. NS offered West Suffolk
College as a venue when meetings are in Suffolk. Helen to arrange.