All Energy Industry Council
20th February 2020
West Suffolk College, Bury St. Edmunds
In attendance:
Andrew Harston - Associated British Ports
Chris Starkie - New Anglia LEP
Colette Matthewman - UEA
Johnathan Reynolds - Opergy/ New Anglia LEP
Julian Munson - New Anglia LEP
Mark Goodall (Chair) - Aker Solutions
Maxine Narburgh - Greater South East Energy Hub
Michelle Burdett - Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Nikos Savvas - West Suffolk College (dialled in)
Paul Warmington - Suffolk County Council
Paul Wood - East Suffolk Council
Sherlyn Deguzman - Shell
Simon Gray - East of England Energy Group
Tom McGarry - EDF
Andy Holyland - ORE Catapult
Simon Cheeseman - ORE Catapult
Madeleine Coupe - New Anglia LEP
Shan Lloyd - BEIS
Victoria Sinclair - Scottish Power Renewables
Vince Muspratt - Norfolk County Council
Andy Paine - Vattenfall
Bill Cattanach - Oil and Gas Authority (dialled in)
Graham Hacon - 3sun
Konstantinos Chalvatzis - UEA
Martin Dronfield - James Fisher Marine Services
Stuart Rimmer - East Coast College
Stuart Smith - People with Energy
Richard Goffin - Peel Ports
Sheila Oxtoby - Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Exec Attendees:
Katie Snell - New Anglia LEP
Philippa Warren - East of England Energy Group
Welcome from the Chair
Mark Goodall (MG) welcomed everyone to the meeting, noting new participants including
Tom McGarry, Paul Warmington, Sherlyn Deguzman, substitutions f rom GYBC and UEA
and our guest speakers f rom ORE Catapult. No comments on previous minutes.
Actions still outstanding:
BC and JR to open discussions on synergies between SuNRISE coast bid /strength in
JR and BC
places and OGA initiatives.
Update f rom BC on OGA Energy Integration Interim Findings document
AEIC meeting will not be held at Adastral Park, but KS is organising an Innovation Forum
PWar and
event which f ocuses on ICT and Clean Energy. This event f orms a series of events f or
2020/21 and sits under the Innovation Forum. BT will be asked if AEIC can have a tour af ter
the event. The provisional date24th June doesn’t work well with other events by AEIC
stakeholders. KS and PWar to discuss suitable dates. KS will need to consider the ICT
sector also.
Local Industrial Strategy Deep-Dive on the Greater South East Energy Hub
Please refer to the attached presentation for more details.
There are 5 energy hubs across England, all supporting local authorities and LEPs with
energy strategies. The GSEEH covers a huge area and incorporates 11 LEP /Combined
Authority areas.
There are issues with our grid in terms of connection and capacity. There are 57 sites across
the whole GSEEH area where projects are being constrained, of which 23 are in our (NALEP)
How can we capitalise on the energy projects on our coast and realise that energy in
constrained regions? National Grid owns the grid, distribution is via UKPN, however major
developers own the connection up to the grid. The current regulatory model means that
DNO’s can’t create new substations ahead of demand.
You can by-pass the grid by ‘direct wiring’ to customers directly such as the community
generation projects.
Links between all interested stakeholders is very complicated with a lot of companies trying
to help raise awareness too. Sometimes companies are approached by multiple agencies all
wanting to help and it can b e conf using as to who can really make a dif f erence. Is there a way
to simplify the stakeholders and who do we need to contact or corral to make this happen?
An Introduction to the ORE Catapult - potential opportunities for the region
Please refer to the attached presentation for more detailed information.
An introduction to the Catapult network was provided and specif ically the ORE Catapult and
aims in the East of England now with base at Orbis Energy.
Catapult Energy Systems look at f uture energy connectivity issues. The Catapult as a whole
aims to support the supply chain and regional development, taking ideas f rom concepts to
market, quickly.
3 core f unctions of the Catapult: Testing & Validation, Operational Perf ormance and Research
& Disruptive Innovation.
Currently the ongoing Catapult initiatives include an O&M CoE in the Humber, a CoE for
floating offshore Wind, Tidal Stream Industry Energiser Project, SPARTA
offshore wind data collection) and E-Grid (grid emulation system).
Other national OREC programmes include: Launch Academy
(market readiness),
Fit4Renewables (stamp of approval for companies entering into the industry), Offshore Wind
Growth Partnership, Of f shore Wind Innovation Hub and OREC ‘Powered By’ (endorsement).
They help disseminate inf ormation such as the f ree-to-access reports on the ORE Catapult
Qx. How are we going to approach LIS target to decarbonise ports? Ore Catapult is working
with Maritime UK, who are working with KTN (who also have an ongoing port initiative).
The Regional Opportunity:
There are a lot of good energy transition projects that are happening in isolation. Can we
take a dif f erent approach and reduce the levelised cost of energy and look at an all -energy
picture? Can we instil an ethos of sustainable production and the wise use of energy?
The onshore capacity cannot handle of f shore production at present we need to look at:
• Battery Storage
• Hydrogen Production (and the uses of the bi-products)
• Offshore ‘Ring-Main’ / Interconnector with connectivity for Gas Operators too
• Carbon Capture and Storage
• Using old platforms for Hydrogen production
• Plugging in Nuclear, solar, biomass and offshore wind to the big energy picture
The inf rastructure onshore really needs look at consumption but also the production potential.
Link to this the grid and we need to look at:
• Batteries
• Hydrogen storage and the use as a fuel
• HGVs and Vessels
• EV charging and infrastructure
• Heating and cooling (residential and commercial)
• Energy monitoring systems and smart controls
TM noted that bef ore moving ahead this is an enormous project that will need the support of
communities, the media but most importantly UK Government to support and drive forward
what will be a number of nationally signif icant energy projects.
MN - The region will need to be ‘bid -ready’ if they want to access some of the InnovateUK
f unding streams that may support this type of project.
In terms of regional geography this group and NALEP covers Norf olk and Suf f olk, but we
need to work with other partners in other regions and collaboratively with other LEPs to
achieve this. But the result could be a model that could be replicated, and we would be the
AH to update
ORE Catapult to scope out what’s next and update at the next meeting. It was agreed at this
stage that the concept should not be disclosed to any stakeholders outside of the AEIC.
Workgroup Progress
Building on World class Research - group agreed that ref erence to the Strength in Places bid
needs to be made, with discrete projects f rom this group f unded prior to the bid decision.
Capability Matrix - group liked the progress so f ar. AH to send PWar the EIC matrix.
Joined up Marketing Message - audiences need to be clearly defined and messages tailored
accordingly. CM added that the UEA may be able to help as they have a team working on
public perception at present.
Work identif ied by this subgroup will f eed into the new Marketing Manager who will soon be
in post. This post will f ocus on all energy and f its in with the activity undertaken by EEEZ.
PWar to
External marketing consultants will be engaged to support this activity. All partners including
EEEGR, LAs and LEP will jointly take forward this work and report back to AEIC.
Slides to be circulated for comment and SOW to be written for each of the pieces of work.
Developing Norfolk and Suffolk Investment Plan information.
Your help is needed to identify and develop the interventions that will be part of the
Investment Plan. The Investment Plan will capture the interventions that will deliver the
ambitions and goals in the Economic Strategy and Local Industrial Strategy - projects,
programs and initiatives - which require f unding.
The purpose of the Investment Plan is to enable the LEP and partners to be in a positive
position to secure future funding when opportunities arise. It will enable the AEIC to be
proactive in seeking f unding and will ensure investment is made in interventions that will
deliver the desired impact rather than f unding projects just because they are ‘shovel ready’.
The attached guidance note provides details on the approach to develop the Investment plan
and outlines what we need to do should we have an intervention we would like to be
considered for inclusion.
The Investment Plan will be a living document, this is the start of a new way of working. To
develop the initial Investment Plan that the LEP Board will sign of f in July we are seeking
submission of expressions of interest by 20th March 2020. But we are looking f or
partners and groups to continue to consider interventions in the coming months and as and
when new ideas are developed submit an EoI to the LEP f or consideration.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this with one of the team please send an
Date of next meeting 30th April 2020, PM - venue TBC.