New Anglia Skills Advisory Panel Meeting
20th November 2020
Via Microsoft Teams
In attendance:
Richard Self, agricultural representative
Ben Miller, Konica Minolta (BM)
Bev Moxon, ESFA (BMo)
Tom Brown, Green Light Trust (TB)
Chris Gribble, Writers’ Centre Norwich
Viv Gillespie, Suffolk New College (VG)
Christine Futter, Norfolk and Suffolk Care
Support (CF)
Angela Berry, West Suffolk College (AB)
Claire Cullens, New Anglia LEP Board and
Celia Rose, Department for Education (CR)
SAP Chair (CC)
Ed Shorthouse, New Anglia LEP (ES)
Clarke Willis, Swallow Barns (CW)
Polly Bridgman, University of Suffolk (PB)
Cllr Mary Evans, Suffolk County Council
Simon Papworth, New Anglia LEP (SP)
Corrienne Peasgood, City College Norwich
Cllr Stuart Clancy, Norfolk County Council
David Gartland, Abbeygate 6th Form (DG)
Dayle Bayliss, Dayle Bayliss Associates
David Pomfret, College of West Anglia
Glen Todd, New Anglia LEP (GT)
Helen Langton (Professor), University of
Guy Hazelhurst, EDF (GH)
Suffolk (HL)
Jan Feeney, Norfolk County Council (JF)
John Dugmore on behalf of Suffolk
Jason Parnell, Steadfast Training (JP)
Chamber of Commerce
Judith Mobbs, Suffolk County Council (JM)
Karen Gibson, Norfolk County Council (KG)
Julia Nix, DWP (JN)
Karin Porter, Norfolk County Council (KP)
Lucy Walker, ESFA (LW)
Nikos Savvas, West Suffolk College (NS)
Michael Gray, Suffolk County Council (MG)
Peter Basford, BDO Group (PB)
Natasha Waller, New Anglia LEP (NW)
Stuart Smith, People with Energy (SS)
Nova Fairbank, Norfolk Chamber of
Tom Humphries, Norfolk County Council
Commerce (NF)
Richard Bridgman, Warren Services (RB)
Tracey Cox, ESFA (TC)
Seb Gasse, NCC (SG)
Vince Muspratt, Norfolk County Council
Stuart Rimmer, East Coast College (SR)
Yvonne Mason, The Mason Trust (YM)
Item 1: Welcome
Claire Cullens welcomed everyone to the meeting especially Celia Rose from the SAPs
Programme Team part of the Department for Education.
CC also announced that due to work commitments, both Lynsey Sweales and Peter Funnell
had stepped down from representing Norfolk Chambers of Commerce and Suffolk Chamber
of Commerce. Thanks were given for their commitment and involvement during their tenure.
Nova Fairbank was subsequently welcomed as the new representative for Norfolk.
The minutes were reviewed and approved.
Follow up on actions:
- CW/GT to arrange a meeting to discuss more EAN links to the Agri-Food sector - to be carried over
to January.
- Paul Gisbey to have a further conversation with JP and SP around training and productivity - SP has
had a number of conversations with DWP to gain a better understanding of their data and
- JP also to have a conversation with SR regarding work that Saul Humphries and others are doing -
to be carried over to January.
- CC and NW looked at overlaps with the different groups and arranged a meeting of the Champions
- CC informed members that any skills case studies should be sent to NW as the LEP Comms team are
looking for information they can use in the Local Skills Report and other press releases.
to review a shared comms resource for the SAP.
- CC responded to CW on his point on staffing within food production businesses alerting him
to the work that Chris Starkie and colleagues are carrying out with organisations such as
Public Health England with recruitment agencies to ensure professional practices were
currently taking place. This information should cascade to SAP members in time.
Item 2: LEP Board feedback
CC presented at the LEP Board in October 2020 and outlined our key projects and direction of travel.
They welcomed our progress especially during the challenges times due to Covid-19 and sent thanks
to members.
They raised queries about how are we keeping our ambitions and connecting to other groups within
sectors so that we remain moving forward.
CC has also met with the SAP Champions and skills officers to look at the delivery and workings of the
SAP projects. There has been some focused achievements and delivery although it is recognised that
most members are time poor.
CC acknowledged that there needs to be a balance between short term delivery and long term
strategy. We need to keep attached to the wider skills work, develop a clear message around our
achievements and stay fleet of foot.
CC is keen to evolve the plans, keeping with the thematic groups but move forward opportunities
supported by skills officers. This may mean amending members - some will focus on strategy, others
ACTION: Members to email NW with their thoughts on this proposal.
Item 3: The Current Landscape
SP gave an economic update highlighting the unemployment rate, number of universal credit
claimants, numbers receiving the business interruption loan and furlough rates.
Unemployment rates, although rising, are expected to peak later than originally predicted and not as
high but they will potentially remain high for a protracted period. UC claimants continue to rise.
Brexit will have additional implications on businesses but this is very difficult to model at this stage.
JN conveyed the wide range of sectors impacted by Covid-19 and the calibre of individuals registering
with Job Centres. Visitor economy and its supply chain is deeply impacted alongside finance, aviation,
non-food retail and the self employed. A Job Finding Support service is being rolled out in January
offering short, sharp interventions to turn people around quickly. Youth Hubs are also opening up in
Castle Quarter, Norwich and Long Stratton. SWAPs are also being well received.
JN did convey some of the challenges around Kickstart. She has seconded staff to support the
national team and will also support local gateways get established.
ACTION: JN to meet with members outside of the SAP (CC, NF & CG)
ES introduced members to the EMSI system and showed evidence of vacancy profiles over recent
months. Although numbers of vacancies have dropped, they are now increasing and the job profiles
(e.g. FT/PT) have not changed significantly. There has been an increase in Health & Social Work roles.
ACTION: ES to provide district and sector updates.
CP gave a FE update highlighting the change in teaching styles and disrupted delivery but learners
were generally remaining engaged with the learning process. NEETs levels are an issue but options
collectively are being worked through. There has been a greater amount of collaboration between
The Independent Commission on the College of the Future report has been launched in advance of a
Government White Paper on FE. This is currently being reviewed.
PB gave an update on universities - hybrid teaching is taking place with a mixture of online and face
to face delivery. Students are being given a travel window to return home for Christmas and by 9th
December, all teaching must be online. Mass Covid testing is taking place between 3rd-9th December
and UoS is part of a pilot and has a testing facility on site already. No guidance to date on students
JP spoke on behalf of the independent training providers. Online provision has dramatically increased
and there is greater support of the unemployed by many providers. Apprenticeships continue to
contract, particularly for the younger cohort and lower levels. Thankfully apprenticeship redundancy
levels are not as high as originally expected.
CC and many members thanked JN and the education providers for their hard work over recent
Item 4: SAP Objective Group updates
Representatives from the four objectives groups fed back on progress. Their reports are in the
appendix at the end of these minutes.
Item 5: AOB
CC thanked private sector members for their dedication over the year. She also thanked skills
officers and NW for bringing her up to speed and ongoing support.
Next meeting scheduled for January 21st at 10am.
Report to the New Anglia LEP Skills Advisory Panel
From the Sub Group: Equipping Young People for Success
12th November 2020 Update
The group has now met on three occasions and has developed the following plan for taking forward
the two priorities identified by SAP in February 2020:
Focus area
Maximising the impact from the work of the Enterprise Adviser Network. A series
Inspiration &
of communications/activities to ensure that Heads, CEOs and Governing Boards of those
schools and colleges engaged with the Enterprise Adviser Network are aware of the role
and workings of the programme. Alongside this, further support should be given to the
Enterprise Adviser Network team to review the current impact of the programme.
Approaches are different according to the Enterprise Adviser and the business networks to
involvement &
deliver the interventions, but some exemplar features could be identified for high and low
economy info.
impact interventions. This evidence could then be used to shape future developments and
investment proposals.
To support the First Priority Area in addition to the Subgroup Meetings, Karin Porter, Ben Miller
and Glen Todd will be meeting fortnightly to review progress.
a) Enhancing communications with key educational influencers:
Who to
Develop differentiated messages to pre and
G Todd with
Ongoing. Messages to be
post 16 providers
support from this
reviewed at next working grp
Direct mail school governors via NCC and SCC -
K Porter & J Mobbs
Ongoing. Some Governors
Send G Todd details of communication
contacted and attended CPD
channels to governors for Norfolk and Suffolk
Direct mail college governors abouts EAN via
G Todd
Ongoing - three Governor
college principals
CPD sessions delivered to date
with the last Weds of each
month given to a Gov CPD
Write directly to all CEOs of academy trusts to
G Todd
Ongoing - Head Teacher
raise awareness of EAN and highlight online
Ambassador identified to
seminars planned for October
support with EAN promotion.
Develop a communications plan for EAN to
G Todd with
Ongoing, EAN Ambassadors
ensure timing of comms to schools/colleges is
support from this
identified and case studies
well targeted and undertaken by those best
being collated.
placed to do so. As part of the action plan:
Consider ways of getting more leverage with
heads/CEOs e.g.
By linking to Ofsted priorities
Supporting learning providers to
better prepare their students for
changed circumstances due to
Using head who is actively
engaged with EAN to send out
Provide schools/colleges with case
studies demonstrating impact
Extend number of EAs representing the agri-
Refer to SAP for
tech employers
wider discussion
and support
b) Review the impact of the current EAN Programme
Who to action/support
Develop a robust QA/impact framework
G Todd with support from
Ongoing - G Todd to
for EAN for 2020/21
this group
liaise with M Ruff on
Timeline and Criteria for framework to be
24th Nov regarding
Impact Data. Also, to
What steps do we need to
include LEP Skills
take to achieve this?
Understand what data is
available and evaluate
c) Exploring how we support the EAN to develop the virtual work inspiration offer
Who to action/support
Workshop delivered to scope the
G Todd with support from
Completed 12/11.
objectives of the work inspiration offer.
this group
Review progress of objectives at further
G Todd with support from
Subgroup meetings.
this group
Raise awareness to business of
the opportunity for VWEX.
Connect businesses to schools to
support with VWEX.
WEX audit across schools.
Support to ensure VWEX is
meaningful and inclusive.
Implement the lessons learnt
from employers who have
successfully run VWEX in Norfolk
and Suffolk.
Evaluate and monitor impact.
Assess inclusiveness and
demographics of students.
Focus area
Highlighting & developing a suite of activity programmes across Norfolk and
young people
Suffolk that aim to give young people confidence and resilience, particularly
with the
targeting disadvantaged young people. These are likely to be outside the school day,
confidence and
possibly involving the voluntary sector, and will ideally signpost activity that is being carried
out currently and enhance the offer. It could build on the Government’s recent Essential
Life Skills Fund model. Examples of current activities that could inform this are the Creative
Computing Club in Ipswich and the National Citizenship Service.
Ben Miller, Judith Mobbs, Karen Porter and Tom Brown to have a deep dive meeting to assess the
objectives and actions of this priority.
Target group for this offer agreed to be those aged 16-25 years who are not engaging in education,
employment, or training.
Following discussion, the group agreed that the first step was to consult young people and frontline
staff to highlight where the gaps were in the current support for those aged 16-25 who were NEET to
develop their confidence and resilience. The following outline approach was agreed for consultation.
Next step is for officer team to develop this plan further, identify resources and timescales.
Who to action /
Identify existing forums of young people that could be used e.g.
Karin Porter
Broadland Youth
Youth Advisory Boards
Judith Mobbs
Board consulted
Tom Brown
Identify ways of getting views of NEET young people
Tom Brown
Ben Miller
Consult with front line workers
Karin Porter
Judith Mobbs
Ben Miller/Tom
questions for yp
Brown with
support from
format (focus groups/individual discussions)
Identify existing programmes
Melvyn Ruff
Identify latest impact of NEET research
Melvyn Ruff
New Anglia Skills Advisory Panel
Champions Meeting Feedback Form
Date of Meeting: 5th November 2020
Champion: Nova Fairbank
Objective: Providing Agile & Responsive Training Provision for Key Sectors
Priority: Tutor shortages in key sectors
Key discussion points
Louise Aitken from South East LEP gave a summary of the work that they had been
doing to attract more people into the FE sector including developing a website with
useful information, video and vacancies. They are also funding some training costs.
She is also looking to build in a section on End Point Assessors due to the shortage of
these in some areas.
James Williamson, LEP Engineering Success Project Manager also updated us on the
NAAME Talent Sharing Platform and how in 2021 we could pilot some
engineering/tutoring job secondment roles.
James is also keen for the sector to continue to offer real life projects and opportunities
for students to engage with.
Wrap around support is needed for new members of staff to ensure they understand
the requirements of teaching including the Ofsted framework. Keeping up with sector
developments and skills is also vital to ensure the lecturers remain current.
How are you going to achieve it and what are your milestones?
- Review and share some of the SELEP videos on the Employment Opportunities page
of the LEP website by end of November.
- AB and NW to arrange meeting with Andrew Wheeler at WSC to involve Place 21
students in developing additional video content by end of November.
- AB to speak to WSC HR department and senior managers about developing
curriculum administrators for FE staff by end of November.
- Develop a communication plan to promote opportunities with education, particularly
around FE lecturers. Include in the January Job Support Programme campaign on
- Pilot sharing of member of staff from industry, potentially in construction/engineering
sector from Spring/summer 2021.
- Dayle to inform DfE and the Institute for Apprentices and Technical Education about
some of the issues that are being faced by the FE sector at her next meetings.
Are there any barriers?
Lack of engagement with FE colleges.
Who else would you like in the group?
- College HR manager
- New lecturers
- Additional SAP private sector member(s)
Links with the other SAP objectives
Driving Skills Progression
Equipping Young People for Success
How are you planning to involve beneficiaries in the design of the project?
Involving new lecturers and also working with the sectors more closely to help solve
the issues.
What data requirements will you need?
SELEP will provide data on the uptake and success of their project.
Key posts/curriculum area where there is a current or known future shortage.
How are you embedding some of the golden threads - clean recovery/growth,
productivity, place and mental health?
Construction, Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing are all key shortages which
are needed for clean recovery/growth. Addressing some of these issues will support
this area.
The pilot is initially likely to focus on one or two colleges but could be expanded if
successful thus making them more productive.
Getting motivated, well trained, fully staffed and supported college departments will
reduce the need for additional teaching cover thus hopefully reducing the negative
impact on mental health and subsequent time off sick.
New Anglia Skills Advisory Panel
Champions Meeting Feedback Form
Date of Meeting: 18th November 2020
Champion: Nova Fairbank
Objective: Providing Agile & Responsive Training Provision for Key Sectors
Priority: Training Providers response to the sector skills plans
Key discussion points
- Curriculum needs to constantly evolve to support the sector/employers needs now
and in the future. It must be self-reflecting.
- Needs to accommodate new entrants, upskilling and reskilling.
- Support careers inspiration - showing a direction of travel that those in pre-16
education can follow plus those adults who are reviewing their career plans.
- We need to influence funding decisions to ensure funding supports the vision of the
SAP and key economic/strategy documents for Norfolk and Suffolk.
- We need to develop ‘layers’ of statements to reflect the audience,
e.g. High level - Principals, vice chancellors, senior managers & heads of sectors
Middle level - Curriculum managers, Heads of department, business engagement
officers, economic development officers, chamber officers, middle managers in
businesses, HR & sector skills plan group members.
- Needs to address approach to collaboration (education to
education) plus address local, national and international ch
- Also give expectations of partners
How are you going to achieve it and what are your milestones?
- develop draft vision statements in December 2020
- decide on ‘toolbox’ of documents for each layer
- test on 3-4 appropriate stakeholders, e.g. sector skills plan lead, business
engagement lead in December 2020
- wider engagement in January/February 2020
Are there any barriers?
Engagement levels
Who else would you like in the group?
Sector skills leads, business engagement staff
Links with the other SAP objectives
Driving Skills Progression
Equipping Young People for Success
How are you planning to involve beneficiaries in the design of the project?
Engage in focus groups to test concept
What data requirements will you need?
Share skills core indicators at next meeting.
ew Anglia Skills Advisory Panel
Champions Meeting Feedback Form
Date of Meeting: 11th November 2020
Champion: Christine Futter
Objective: Driving Skills Progression for the Workforce
Priority: High Levels of Employer Led Upskilling/Development of the Workforce &
Clear Pathways to enter/progress and move between key sectors
Key discussion points
Briefly recapped and reaffirmed the relevance of the ‘vision’ that sits alongside
this objective
“All those in work having the incentive, opportunity and support to progress within
employment, acquire additional skills, generate greater productivity and reduce
reliance on working age benefits”
Briefly considered continued relevance and suitability of the priorities as
confirmed at previous meetings
Agreed that that the main points raised in previous meetings have ben captured
in our working documents - an action plan, a draft communications plan, a draft
research specification and a barriers log. The 6 workstreams included in the action
plan are
o Communications plan
o Additional research
o Upskilling support and funding
o Messaging within the priority statement (primarily being taken forward by
flexible and responsive training group)
o Identifying and logging further barriers to develop further actions
o Expansion of the group (as required)
Questioned and discussed how the work of this group cuts across the work of
the sector skills groups, how we can link in with them, ensure we understand how
high on their priority list the upskilling of the workforce is and what ask we may have of
the sector skills groups - e.g. to play a key role in the dissemination of key messages.
Example given of the work being undertaken by the Agri-Hort Skills Group to
create and establish a professional Institute to support and develop lifelong
learning in agriculture and horticulture
The timing of the work was discussed
Some consideration as to when the right time would be for both the main
communication messages and the launching of any new funds
Some concern that a generic message about upskilling to all businesses would
not land well or have great traction in the current context
Clear however that upskilling in some areas is critical now - such as digital
across many sectors (e.g. the requirement of a smaller retailer to have some
form of online presence to continue trading during restrictions) as well as HGV
and fork lift drivers
Acknowledged that there is a variety of support for adult training and upskilling
being developed (e.g. the Lifetime Skills Guarantee and the National Skills
Fund) and therefore have to guard against using or assigning local funding and
resources to purposes that will be addressed by other schemes. Timing
therefore key as well as building in flexibility into our plans.
Further development of the priorities
• Looked back at previous discussion and looked to take forward by identifying
the most pertinent points that would need to be embedded into activity. Added to
the 4 ‘important building blocks’ of ‘digital skills’, ‘adult inspiration’, ‘proactive
approach’ and mentoring across businesses - a key 5th point is around
maximising the potential of all schemes and support being delivered in Norfolk
and Suffolk to raise upskilling - e.g. highlighting to businesses how they can
best use schemes such as the Kickstart scheme as a key driver of their
workforce development (can develop both the individuals on placements but
also look to support others in the current workforce to upskill alongside them).
Given earlier discussion about the impact of a generic message - discussed the need
to better identify and target areas (sectors, specific businesses, key skillsets etc.) to
Question raised as to how well we understand local economy and the
employers that would provide the most benefits from upskilling - in order to
target those with the most potential to create innovation and productivity we
need to identify them - suggestion that we know less than we need - Agri
sector recently commissioned a piece of work to identify top 200 employers.
Suggestion that this groundwork is essential prior to further funds for driving
skills progression to be allocated.
Discussed the upcoming funding coming into the area to be used for this
Supply Chain Skills Development Fund - targeting specific local supply
chains where a key opportunity for growth, diversification or innovation has
been identified and providing relevant local SMEs with a package of
information about the opportunity, the competencies and capabilitites needed
to capitalise on it, the provision on offer that can help and funding to offset the
cost of workforce development.
Sector Skills Call - proposal being developed to create a ‘Pathways Fund’ -
the groups ‘important building blocks’ for an impactful scheme have been
incorporated into the development of the proposal.
How are you going to achieve it and what are your milestones?
We have now developed an action plan to keep on track setting out the
purpose, what we are trying to achieve and the key next steps against each of
the workstreams. All members are contributing to this. As part of this we are
now working on the key next steps including:
o Identifying all known support coming forward from Govt. and
organisations across the region that could comprise a ‘higher level
version of SSW’ and could feasibly be provided to local employers as a
package. Will help us consider what opportunities can be and should be
maximised more, and where there is a genuine need to scale up support
to address gaps.
o Continuing to develop a list of key audiences, messages and actions as
part of a draft DSPftW comms campaign - would obviously welcome and
invite discussion around whether this should be part of a wider
communications plan across the SAP as a good next step. This includes
messages for both employers and individuals - e.g. benefits of growing
your own, skills development as an investment not a cost, the need to
enhance individual resilience and adaptability etc. The messages in this
plan intended to be embedded into other comms activity being
undertaken across a wide range of Norfolk and Suffolk partners - not
just a stand-alone plan to be delivered by SAP members or the LEP.
o Producing a draft specification around the data requirements to take the
development of these priorities forward.
o Populating a barriers log with an initial list of reasons and risks as to why
upskilling and development levels are not higher than they are. This will
be reviewed as a standing item at further DSftW meetings. This includes
barriers previously identified in our first session included in the following
cell (not changed from first session). To be shared at the next SAP
Are there any barriers?
In addition to barriers highlighted at previous sessions - i.e.
• Lots of people on furlough will be made redundant - priority is going to be
redeployment and support of those people - have to ensure they are going into
employment with progression, not just any job.
• In new labour market climate businesses will find it easier to find ‘new’
employees so not as incentivised to invest in own workforce.
• Concern that businesses will not invest when economy is so uncertain.
• Employer and individual engagement - group still thinks this could be much
slicker in this region - we need better, clearer means of accessing support and
information (e.g. from the Growth Hub)
• Lack of HR capacity in some SMEs to develop a culture of continued
professional development.
• People may be more content to progress more slowly than would otherwise
have been the case pre-COVID-19 - ‘happy to have a job’.
…we have also highlighted difficulties in knowing what support is going to come
through from Government and ability to target funds and resources hampered by levels
of understanding as to where action can be most impactful.
Who else would you like in the group?
No further discussion on this occasion so following still stands…
Additional standing members only considered if essential as believe the size of the
group as currently is conducive to action.
Representation and involvement in particular workstreams will therefore, as and when
required, be sought from others including:
• Chambers of Commerce
• Growth Hub
• Providers
• Adult Learning Representatives
• Communications Expertise
Links with the other SAP objectives
Continue to need a clearer line of sight to the work of the other groups - is there some
way this can be facilitated beyond updates at the SAP main meeting?
Of immediate need is to liaise with all other objective groups on the communication and
research requirements the other groups may have.
How are you planning to involve beneficiaries in the design of the project?
As per previous notes…
• Beneficiaries are employers and employees (training providers could also be
included here)- will look to utilise small focus groups but approach will need to
be involve more than this. Will be confirmed as activity becomes more defined.
• Already have representation of these beneficiaries in the groups.
What data requirements will you need?
As per our draft research specification…
How comprehensive is the support already available? Are we aware of both the
cross-cutting support on offer and the industry specific?
What are likely to be the ‘origin’ (declining, contracting or requiring less of a
workforce due to changing methods/tech) sectors and skillsets that individuals
are likely to need to move from and the ‘destination’ sectors and roles that
individuals could move to?
What additional competencies, qualifications or experience might an individual
need to convert their skillsets to facilitate progression from a specific origin to a
What are the right type of higher level skills and competencies likely to be
needed by the Norfolk and Suffolk economy moving forward?
What information is available and how is it accessed to support adult inspiration
and informed choices?
What depth and level of understanding do we have of local employers - doe we
truly have a comprehensive database of industry contacts available - is this
enough to target proactively or is more work needed?
How are you embedding some of the golden threads - clean recovery/growth,
productivity, place and mental health?
As per previous note..
• Clear link between mental health and having the ability and opportunity to
• Could look to encourage development of a management and leadership
provision with a focus on mental health and wellbeing of employees.
• Productivity - considered in discussion around targeting businesses that would
have the biggest impact on creating productivity and inclusive growth.
• Clean recovery/growth - promoting skills that enable cleaner ways of working.
Could be embedded in training to facilitate progression towards utilising ‘cleaner’
methods and technology.
New Anglia Skills Advisory Panel
Champions Meeting Feedback Form
Date of Meeting: 20/11/020
Champion: Guy Hazlehurst
Objective: Tackling Barriers to Employment
Priority: Pathways into employment for the economically inactive
Key discussion points
Supporting Young People - Utilise Young SZC Development Platform
• Young SZC is a contact and keep in touch programme aimed at 16-21-year olds,
modelled on the successful web and database platform at HPC aimed at inspiring
young people, it acts as a bridge into jobs and apprenticeships for the project or the
region and EDF brought forward their investment in the system to align with
objectives/deliverables of this group .
• Young people need to nominate themselves to become a member, it takes inspiration
into action, young person receives updates, on events, support, employment
opportunities, work experience etc which match their profile (created and updated by
the registrant)
• Development team, want to align with existing activity in the region and strengthen the
infrastructure of support for young people
• Three development sub groups have been formed - all meeting weekly and with strong
regional stakeholder input.
30-40 young people have signed up to the system to pilot. East Coast College have
also offered a cohort of young people
• The platform once launched will be able to promote regional jobs and support
mechanisms how do we engage and link with local employers and supply chains
Restart (for the over 50s)
• Part of an ESF bid in development (NCC and SCC) and possible pilot project being
developed with Suffolk County Council and DWP
• Incentives for SME and Micro businesses to offer employment support for over 50s
returning to work (currently out of work).
• Mirroring the kickstart scheme, £500 - 1,000(TBC!) grant will be paid directly to
employer who offer job placements.
• Participants will undertake placements - including work experience, mentoring and
interview experience.
• Placements should last up to 8 weeks, and normally be expected to work between 25
and 30 hours a week to continue receiving JSA or Universal Credit.
• Restart will empower and support individuals to progress through a placement into full-
time employment inc. apprenticeships.
• Participant IAG and ongoing support delivery.
How are you going to achieve it and what are your milestones?
Young SZC -
• Launch date 25th November at EEEgR Skills for Energy digital event
• Early in 2021, As the system becomes more mature how can we promote: for example,
via schools, EAN, SAP members and kickstart placements and what else
• engage and link with local employers and supply chains
Restart Pilot
• Developing pilot project with SCC and DWP Nov/Dec
• Aim to launch pilot early in 2021
Are there any barriers?
Restart Pilot
• Building the funding package with different criteria and constraints on individual pots of
Who else would you like in the group?
Young SZC
• Lynne Matthews and Chris Young join the group as appropriate to provide progress
update and to seek feedback
Links with the other SAP objectives
Young SZC link with the work of the Equipping Young People for Success
Restart Pilot possible link with Agile and Responsive Training in responding to tutor
shortages as this could create a fantastic opportunity for those wishing to explore teaching
How are you planning to involve beneficiaries in the design of the project?
Young SZC - young people are taking part in testing and trialling, providing feedback that will
help to influence and shape the platform
Restart Pilot - Consider how we educate employers on the benefits of taking on older
workers Research what else we could do to support this group what are the barriers and what
else can we do to help tackle them
What data requirements will you need?
Young SZC - Nothing specific at this time
Restart Pilot - Unemployment stats for client group with trend data
How are you embedding some of the golden threads - clean recovery/growth,
productivity, place and mental health?
Young SZC - Linking Young People to new opportunities and roles in the Green Recovery
and to jobs in the renewables sector. Providing and signposting young people to support /
outreach in addressing concerns and anxieties about the current economic situation and their
own futures. Developing a strong sense of place through pointing to opportunities ‘in area’
sustainable opportunities.
Restart Pilot - Mental Health will be an important consideration in supporting those who are
seeking to return to the labour market and mentoring will form part of the intensive IACG
package that will be offered to participants