New Anglia Innovation Board
Tuesday 24 September, 14:00-16:00
Board Room, Norwich University of the Arts
David Carlin
Science Director
Maddie Coupe
Innovation & Sector Manager
New Anglia LEP
Prof. Mohammed Dastbaz
Dep. Vice Chancellor
University of Suffolk
Prof. Fiona Lettice
Pro-Vice Chancellor
University of East Anglia
Helen Lewis
Director of Research & Innovation Division
University of East Anglia
Julian Munson
Head Enterprise Zones & Innovation
New Anglia LEP
Vince Muspratt
Assistant Director, Growth & Development
Rep. Local Authorities
David Parfrey
Executive Chair
Howard Partridge
Regional Manager
Innovate UK
Lisa Perkins
Adastral Park & Research Realisation Director
Johnathan Reynolds (Chair)
Board Member
New Anglia LEP
Sarah Steed
Director of Innovation & Engagement
Norwich University of the Arts
David Tait
Hethel Innovation
Jack Weaver
Enterprise Zone Coordinator
New Anglia LEP
Vimmi Hayes
Economic Development Manager
Rep. Orbis Energy
Prof. Andrew Lovett
Professor of Geography
University of East Anglia
Lisa Robert
Head of Strategy
New Anglia LEP
Welcome from the Chair - Introductions, apologies & minutes
Johnathan Reynolds (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked NUA for hosting. The
meeting noted thanks to David Richardson for his contribution as the previous Chair of the group.
Minutes from the last meeting were confirmed as an accurate record- all actions picked up. Some
amendments to job titles and organisation names were requested.
Apologies were noted as above.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting, the group agreed to bring forward agenda item 4 to follow
on from item 2 as the two topics naturally interact. Hence accompanying papers numbered ‘3a, 3b’ etc
became ‘4a, 4b’ etc.
a) Introducing Norwich University of the Arts - Sarah Steed
Sarah welcome the board to NUA and gave a presentation on the universities work:
NUA work to combine innovation with the creative industries and make a significant contribution to creative
development in the area which in turn has a major impact on the economy of the region.
Sarah described how the university is different to ‘conventional’ universities in that they are a community of
creatives. Courses are about learning through real-life briefs. There are very few exams per se, and research at
NUA doesn’t look like traditional research at other universities. NUA are widely seen as being very innovative in
their approach to higher education. In one example of this they are pioneering the use of extended reality (XR)
in course delivery and are even partnered with not-for-profit AIXR, the government-backed body for immersive
In an exciting development, NUA have been nominated for the prestigious Guardian University Award in the
“Buildings that Inspire” category for their campus. In addition, a new teaching facility on Duke St, Norwich is
soon to begin construction. This is an exciting £10.5m development focusing on performing arts and digital
games industry. This is particularly interesting for this board as it connects well with the tech corridor.
Discussion Item: Climate Change
Professor Andrew Lovett from UEA gave a presentation on current and expected trends in climate change in the
East of England, and possible mitigation actions the board could explore. His presentation is complementary to a
broader climate change report published for New Anglia LEP in July 2019.
The full report can be viewed here.
Slide deck - Climate
change presentation -
Observed changes in climate from UKCP18 report coupled with new methodology allow us to look at climate
change in 30-year time periods, both in the past and currently, to examine climate variations down to 1km
spaces. It also enables new projections on the future.
In summary the most likely scenario is a 2.4 degree increase up to year 2100. Meanwhile greenhouse gas
emissions in Norfolk and Suffolk (as a contributor to national average) have actually gone up. In Norfolk this
equates to 5.4 tonnes per person and 5.6tonnes in Suffolk. To put this into context, the agreement reached at
the Paris Climate Change Conference and subsequent agreement is for no more than 1.7 tonnes per person.
In addition, 23% of greenhouse emissions in the region come from just 37 point-sources. These include expected
sources such as power generation, shipping, waste management etc. This shows the need for a truly
collaborative effort to reduce emissions.
A number of priority changes are recommended:
Adapting building stock - i.e. how we build new houses and how we make existing houses energy
A Large percentage of homes in the region are not on the gas network, so alternative heating options
that utilise this existing network will need some serious thought. For example, hydrogen fuel delivered
in high-pressure gas mains won’t (with current infrastructure) be an option for home needed that use oil
Transport - There is need to think seriously about the use of electric vehicles in public transport
Whilst the push for electrification of transport is positive, there is still an unaddressed problem with
charging infrastructure. This is particularly acute in this region and links to another change (below)
around high voltage capacity on the energy network.
Energy sector - The region has a very diverse offer in terms of energy resources and production
Despite a varied energy sector from wind, solar, nuclear etc, distribution of the energy produced is a
problem. In Norfolk for instance; outside areas in the very south of the county and those bordering
Cambridgeshire, the electricity network does not have a single high voltage connection.
Agricultural sector
Here we need to see better water management and enhanced carbon sequestration from existing
practices. In addition there is still huge scope for anaerobic digestion and bio-fuels.
Food processing
Despite improvements, fundamentally food production is still not very energy efficient.
In summary; all these priority changes interact with each other so any solutions need to address them in a
coordinated and collaborative way.
Discussion then followed on how the board could use this work:
On anaerobic digestion it was discussed that more progress could be made on a small farm scale although it was
noted that some large estates have made significant investments in this technology. Wider adoption depends on
incentivisation and support for farmers to invest, plus enabling a market. It was noted that both the affordability
of the capital outlay for the technology is important as well as the affordability for the consumer.
It was also noted that two of the big growth sectors in the LIS are the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases.
Therefore, there is a question for the group about how we match the desired growth and climate change issues
into a cohesive plan.
Send link to report and slides out with minutes - JW
Embed link to climate change report in the minutes and include presentation
Jack Weaver/Madeleine
slides when distributing minutes.
LIS - Update
Madeleine Coupe gave an overview of the LIS with all partners aware of the document in its draft form.
The LIS delivers on the place element of the national strategy. The latest draft has been circulated to partners
and it is now for government to review it. Publication of the New Anglia LIS is due end of October 2019.
The Board discussed future funding with a question on how the LEP will prioritise investment to deliver the LIS.
The LEP clarified that there is uncertainty around future capital funding for LEPs. New Anglia LEP has generated
revenue funding from its Enterprise Zones which it uses for programmes such as the Innovative Projects Fund.
s this is locally generated it doesn’t rely on Government.
Whatever the future landscape, it is a positive step to develop and agree an ambitious strategy which is
underpinned by set of investable projects. Once funding becomes available the region will have a ready set of
projects to bid for investment.
Conversation then moved to the issue of climate change specifically in the context of the LIS.
Whilst the LIS starts to identify options for new power generation in the region, we need to recognise where we
have less sway and need to mobilise others in other sector groups (building growth for instance) to look at
different models for development for example - energy efficient construction etc.
An example of the need for this mobilisation can be found in a current energy saving project. This multi-year
project saved 35,000tonnes of CO2. Whilst this is commendable and hugely important, the 37 point-sources in
the presentation account for 2,000,000 tonnes. There is a clear need for change en masse.
The group agreed that:
There is a need for the innovation board to not focus just on what is new, flashy and viewed as
innovative. Fixing existing problems to make a dent in the big numbers is more effective.
The other side of the energy challenge is the growing need for energy. Electric vehicles feature in the LIS
but infrastructure is lacking. Questions remain about how we reduce the demand from food, clothing,
vehicles, construction etc in a 24-hour consumerist society.
Cross-sector collaboration is crucial and the Innovation Board needs to be used effectively to bridge
sector gaps.
Madeleine to share UEA sustainability event details
Share details of UEA sustainability event with the group.
Madeleine Coupe
Innovation Board Activity Plan:
a) Governance Arrangements
No further comments/questions received from the group
b) Strategic Projects - Strength in Places Fund (Confidential)
The fund is a large UKRI opportunity on the translation of research into commercial opportunities. Wave 2 is
ongoing and UEA is leading a regional bid focused on regional energy coast. This is a circa £31m project with an
ask from UKRI of circa £20m.
No further comments/questions received from the group
c) Investment Paper: update paper
Paper is an update on activities since the last board meeting with some progress made on proposed projects. LIS
has also been drafted since last meeting which picks up on some of the initiatives.
Lots of work has been done to identify companies who have accessed Innovate UK funding since 2004 This has
provided lots of intelligence on innovation-active companies are doing in the region. The future plan will be to
engage more with these companies so they can be advocates for the LEP.
R&D Task and Finish Group
The LEP put forward a proposal to develop at an innovation research and development task and finish group
which links to the Business Growth Programme Partnership Board.
Broad agreement in the proposal to form the group.
New Grant Scheme
This new scheme is designed to fill a gap in Innovate UK grants which start at £25k. Typically a space where SMEs
may otherwise struggle to find funding. The decision-making process will be within the remit of a grants panel.
Discussion followed around any work to map all the grant scheme awards. Businesses may not know where to
look for all the various funding available.
David Parfrey offered to sit on the grants panel. It was also suggested that the UEA funding team could be
Innovation mentoring programme
A proposal to develop a mentoring support programme through which businesses can access support in writing
innovation funding bids. Innovation Board agreed in principle for a bid to the innovative projects fund. The
group agreed that each would nominate a point of contact in their respective organisations to support and
advertise the programme,
Broad support for this programme from the group
Small business research initiative event
SBRI is about leveraging public sector resources to spend on research services from business to identify
problems and take solutions through to being viable.
Recently Innovate UK went to Norfolk County Council to a meeting with people with procurement budget
responsibility. The idea was to raise awareness of the initiative and it was generally positive. SBRI works very
well regionally so there is potential to look at how this can complement other funding/support schemes from
the LEP.
d) Innovation Forum - feedback and update paper
First innovation forum was held in June 2019. Feedback from this event has been distributed.
Future forums upcoming will be announced once the new Innovation & Sectors Coordinator is in place. In
addition to this there is potential for an event at the Innovate UK conference in March.
e) Innovation prospectus
The Innovation prospectus was an output of a previous innovation board meeting. This has been paused until
such time as the LIS and place brand are completed. Hence, the process of producing this can now be
LEP are looking to engage with all partners to develop this prospectus with a launch in March 2020. It was
confirmed that the Innovation Board will be developing this prospectus and have sign off
All agreed to endorse
Send LEP declaration of interest forms out to innovation board members
Madeleine Coupe
Raise new grants scheme with business contact
Innovation Board members
Send details of any organisations keen to be involved with the new task &
Innovation Board members
finish group to Madeleine Coupe
Distribute draft TORs of the new task & finish group to assist organisation
Madeleine Coupe
identification for action no.5
Circulate work done so far to map grant scheme awards
Madeleine Coupe
Nominate a contact within each organisation to support new mentorship
Innovation Board members
Nominate a contact within each organisation to support innovation prospectus
Innovation Board members
Innovation Board: Member update
Updates were provided as follows:
BT project to develop Adastral park campus has begun with an event planned for January time. Meanwhile the
first international conference on sustainability has been held in Ipswich. Interesting case studies came out of this
with a publication due in January.
Keen to speak to partners about the development of the Institute of Productivity. Planning to open in late 2020.
New strategy and vision for NRP has been launched and now into delivery.
Construction on new building is ongoing and on track. Hopefully moving in will begin in 6-weeks with a proper
opening ceremony in September 2020.
CEFAS is administering a Seafood Innovation Fund, a 3-year programme to support innovation in the seafood
Since the board meeting, CEFAS have provided the following update:
The current web link is , but we are currently building
a new site dedicated to the fund that will be a great platform for interested parties to access all the fund info in
one place. The new site is expected in November in advance of second call for the fund at the end of Jan 2020.
Innovate UK
Greenhouse gas removal demonstrator competition is opening on 30th September, details of which can be found
CEFAS to distribute info of seafood innovation fund
Distribute further information on the UK Seafood innovation Fund
David Carlin