New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 22 May, 10:30-12:30
Keplar Room, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath
Welcome from the Chair: Introductions, apologies and minutes
10:30 - 10:40
Innovation Board: Introducing CEFAS
10:40 - 10:50
David Carlin
Invest East
10:50 - 11:05
Saffron Myhill-Hunt
Innovation Board workplan:
11:05 - 11:45
Maddie, Bradley, Julian
a) Innovation Board: Terms of reference
b) Activity Plan: Board Champions
c) Investment in innovation
d) Innovation Forum & Ideas Foundation (LIS)
New place branding: Update
11:45 - 11:50
Sector Industry Councils: New structures being implemented
11:50 - 11:55
Innovative Projects Fund & Growth Fund: Updates
11:55 - 12:05
Julian and Maddie
Innovation Board: Member update
12:05 - 12:30
Hethel Innovation & Orbis Energy vacancies &
Innovation Board representation
Innovate UK
Personal statement from the Chair
David Carlin
Science Director
Madeleine Coupe
Innovation and Sector Manager
New Anglia LEP
Prof. Mohammed Dastbaz
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
University of Suffolk
Prof. Fiona Lettice
Pro-Vice Chancellor
Helen Lewis
Director of Research and Enterprise Division
Julian Munson
Head of Enterprise Zones and Innovation
New Anglia LEP
David Parfrey
Executive Chair of Anglia Innovation Partnership
Howard Partridge
Regional Manager
Innovate UK
Lisa Perkins
Managing Director, Research and Innovation, BT
Johnathan Reynolds
Board Member
New Anglia LEP
Prof. David Richardson (Chair)
Bradley Rowley
Innovation and Sector Development Coordinator
New Anglia LEP
Sarah Steed
Director of Innovation and Engagement
Norwich University of the Arts
Vimmi Hayes
Economic Development Manager
Rep. Orbis Energy
Saffron Myhill-Hunt
Innovation Funding Manager
Invest East
David Taitt
Chairman, Hethel Innovation
Rep. Hethel Innovation
Fiona Lettice
Helen Lewis
David Parfrey
Next Meeting: Tuesday 24 September, 14:00-16:00,
New Anglia LEP Innovation Board
Terms of Reference
Draft for Discussion - May 2019
To maintain strategic focus and thought leadership in innovation, on behalf of the main LEP
Board and to support the delivery of innovation activity outlined in the Economic Strategy &
Local Industrial Strategy
Strategic Objectives
The Innovation Board has four ambitions for growth, which relate to the Economic Strategy
for Norfolk and Suffolk:
Norfolk and Suffolk are recognised as a centre for pioneering ideas, meeting the
challenges we face globally
Innovation is a net contributor to the Norfolk and Suffolk economy
A highly skilled workforce equipped with the skills necessary to access the techniques
and business practices needed for innovation
Existing assets continue to strengthen and develop into a pan-regional innovation
The Innovation Board is a formal Sub-Board of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
The Innovation Board will:
Provide the leadership to ensure all partners make their contribution to delivering on
the high-level ambitions
Consider the ‘big picture’, providing strategic direction to the LEP Executive on
matters relating to innovation
Drive and coordinate activity which delivers the strategic objectives
Support the development of the Local Industrial Strategy, identifying actions and
interventions and best practice for the Ideas foundation of productivity
Stimulate greater levels of collaboration between university and businesses in the
Assess policies, projects and programmes of investment linked to innovation
regionally, nationally and internationally, providing guidance to the LEP on how they
relate Norfolk and Suffolk’s innovation assets and skills.
Work with and challenge other initiatives to provide input from an innovation
perspective, such as the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor, New Anglia LEP sub
Develop links to other LEP areas with similar capabilities and help to instigate
constructive collaboration
Champion and provide input into strategic projects and game changing opportunities
Commission task and finish groups where appropriate and where no other sub-board
or committee can fulfil the task.
Connect to and collaborate with regional and national stakeholders that play a role in
delivering innovation, continuing to identify gaps and opportunities.
Membership and Appointment
The Innovation Board will be chaired by a member of the LEP Board and will consist of the
leaders of the five main Innovation hubs and universities in Norfolk and Suffolk:
Adastral Park
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)
Hethel Innovation Centre
Orbis Energy
Norwich Research Park
University of East Anglia
University of Suffolk
Norwich University of the Arts
A representative from Innovate UK will attend Board meetings as an observer.
The board will be supported by the LEP executive.
Board membership will be for a period of three years initially, with an option to be re-
appointed. No more than a third of the board will stand down on an annual basis. Board
members will be responsible for attending at least three meetings a year. Members failing to
take part in at least three successive meetings will have their membership revoked. In line
with LEP policy, Board members are not able to nominate a substitute if unavailable to
attend the meeting.
Board members, including co-opted members, or additional observers, are selected by
nomination; at least two Board members and the Chair are required to nominate a Board
member or observer and final decisions will be made by a majority vote of the Board.
Decisions will be based on how well nominated individuals can represent their sector and on
ensuring a balance of representation across the Board by geography, size of businesses
and sector. Decisions on co-opted members, observers and working party membership will
be based on the specialist advice, knowledge and networks required.
The Board may co-opt up to three specialist advisors to support specific project development
and delivery.
The Board may invite observers from other LEP groups or interested parties, on a reciprocal
basis and for a fixed period of time.
If a vote is required on any matter it will be decided on a simple majority with the chair
person having the casting vote.
Operations and reporting
The LEP will provide secretariat support for the Innovation Board. Minutes will be circulated
and published in the LEP website no later than two weeks after the meeting has taken place.
The Board will determine the frequency and timing of meetings according to the programme
of work required.
Attendance of non-members at meetings
Members of the LEP executive team, sub-boards and committees may also be invited to
attend meetings where appropriate.
Delegated Authority
Can hold other groups - including Task and Finish groups - to account. It has the authority
to task a sub-board, group or committee to deliver action within the deliver plan.
Innovation Forum
The Innovation Board will convene an open Innovation Forum bi-annually to bring together
regional partners.
The Forum will provide wider engagement and constructive feedback to the Innovation
Board helping to set the strategic objectives and focus.
Managing Conflicts of Interest
Members of the Board are all representatives of their industry sector or community of
interests and have a responsibility to act on behalf of their wider constituency at all times in
relation to the work of the LEP Innovation Board. Members of the board will be asked to
complete an annual declaration of their interests which will be held in a register at the LEP
office and members will be asked at the beginning of each meeting to declare any conflicts
of interest pertaining to the agenda items to be discussed.
New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 22nd May 2019, 10:30-12:30
Keplar Room, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath
Agenda Item 3.b
Activity Plan: Board Champion
Authors: Madeleine Coupe
This paper summarises the progress on the Innovation Board activity plan and sets out the
proposal to nominate a Board Sponsor for each workstream.
At the last Innovation Board meeting, the Board approved the proposed new structure,
membership, purpose and workstreams. It was agreed that proposals for each workstream
would be presented in turn at the Innovation Board to refine and identify activities. This will
help to define a delivery plan the Innovation Board. The first workstream to be discussed will
be Investment in Innovation (Item 3.c).
To ensure effective delivery of the workstreams and defined activities, the role of a ‘Board
Champion’ is being proposed. A Board Champion would take ownership of a specific
workstream, providing feedback and input into activities. Champions will, with support from
the executive team, report back to the Board on progress, challenges and opportunities at
the quarterly Board meetings.
Develop the evidence we have about innovation
Evidence Base
activity and its contribution to Norfolk and Suffolk
Improve the innovation infrastructure in Norfolk and
Strategic Projects
Investment in
Increase public and private investment in innovation
Assist and develop the best talent for delivering
Skills for Innovation
innovation at the scientific, technical and business
Support a range of coordinated activities which
create-grow-develop-sustain innovation capacity
Catalyse collaborations and consortia for innovation
Community Building
The Board is asked to:
• Approve the proposed concept of Board Sponsor
• Nominate a Board Sponsor for each workstream
• Agree which workstream to be proposed at the next meeting
New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 22nd May 2019, 10:30-12:30
Keplar Room, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath
Agenda Item 3.c
Investment in Innovation
Authors: Bradley Rowley and Madeleine Coupe
This paper outlines proposals for activity which supports the Investment in Innovation
workstream to increase the amount of public and private sector innovation in Norfolk and
Suffolk. This paper looks specifically at public sector funding and potential interventions
which could form part of the Board’s activity plan.
At the last meeting, the Innovation Board approved the proposal to develop a set of five
workstreams and requested a proposal on the Investment in Innovation workstream.
Innovation is a key driver to growth and productivity, and for the purposes of this paper a
brief high-level overview of innovation funding in Norfolk and Suffolk has been sought,
drawing on a variety of sources. Although Norfolk and Suffolk have world-class innovation
assets, as we’ve known for some time the data suggests that organisations are either not
applying for external funding or their applications have not been successful.
Potential Interventions
Working with colleagues across the LEP Executive, a set of potential interventions have been
proposed to stimulate greater levels of applications for innovation funding. These will support
and enhance the High Growth Programme, Innovation Forum and R&D grants scheme already
being delivered.
1. Developing an innovation supply chain: identification and consortium building
Identification: In order to successfully support and develop an ‘innovation supply chain’ the
LEP needs greater levels of engagement with innovation active businesses in the region.
Building on the Growth Hub’s High Growth Programme which has identified a list of companies
who are high growth/ scale up - a database of businesses who are either experienced at
building successful projects or innovation ready could be created.
This database will:
• Expand the LEP’s knowledge about the innovation ecosystem
• Enable the LEP and Growth Hub to target any interventions with the group of
businesses most likely to be successful.
• Speed up the development of any LEP or partner funding bids in response to specific
calls, such as Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.
Consortium building: The next stage would be to build capacity within the innovation supply
chain through facilitating greater levels of collaboration. Partnering businesses who have been
successful at securing funding and have the necessary skills and confidence with those who
are identified as innovation ready would enable the ‘upskilling’ of an additional cohort of
businesses. These in turn could go on to collaborate with another cohort of businesses. The
LEP and Growth Hub have a clear role to play in facilitating these interactions.
In addition, approaches could be made to funders regarding the development of a pilot
initiative to partially replicate the Partnering Service currently offered through Enterprise
Europe Network. As the UK exits the EU, it is unclear whether this service would be accessible
in the future. The Norfolk and Suffolk pilot would promote innovation projects, and potentially
included as a part of the LEP’s place branded website, currently in development. If successful,
this facility could be white labelled and used on partner websites.
2. Upskilling businesses: funding workshops
New Anglia LEP and Growth Hub are already active in promoting funding calls from national
funders including UKRI, raising awareness of opportunities. However, a more involved
approach is needed to stimulate greater levels of bids from our region.
The Growth Hub has in the past organised workshops in partnership with EEN. These were
conducted as a presentation during a general event and provided a good way to stimulate
interest in funding opportunities.
Working with the Growth Hub and EEN, the proposal would be to design an ongoing series of
intensive workshops purely focussing on the application process. This would be with a group
of businesses selected from the innovation database (outlined above). The workshops would
enable businesses to gain the basic skills and terminology necessary to be successful and
could be held at the main innovation hubs and tailored to the sectors they represent. Linking
with programmes such as EIRA, specific workshops could be held on obtaining funding in
collaboration with academics and researchers.
3. Joining up the support offer and communication
The innovation ecosystem in Norfolk and Suffolk is supported through a number of
programmes offering business support and grants. These programmes target different priority
areas and can make interventions at different points on a business’s innovation journey.
Consideration could be given to ensure all are aware of each other and the services and funds
they provide. Cross referrals and targeted activity could be promoted as a result.
The Innovation Forum would be an ideal vehicle to instigate and promote this activity and to
identify any gaps in provision.
4. Building the evidence: innovation spend capture
As innovation funding cannot clearly be evidenced, there is the need to capture this
information locally where possible.
Consideration could be made to ensure business facing organisations capture innovation
spend (including claims) during any diagnostic. The New Anglia CRM currently has the facility
to collect this information, and working with Growth Hub, thought should be given as to how
best to capture this data,
The Board is asked to
• Note the contents of the paper and provide any ideas and feedback on the
potential interventions, including identifying any they would specifically like to be
taken forward.
• Ask the LEP Executive to expand and develop the interventions with support from
the identified Board Champion in order to develop an activity plan for this
New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 22nd May 2019, 10:30-12:30
Keplar Room, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath
Agenda Item 3.d
Innovation Forum: Ideas Foundation of Productivity
Authors: Madeleine Coupe and Bradley Rowley
This paper outlines the proposals for the Innovation Forum set to take place on 17th June 1-
4pm at John Innes Conference Centre. The June forum will support the Ideas Foundation
of the Local Industrial Strategy by exploring the key issues and identifying opportunities
relating to innovation in Norfolk and Suffolk. This will form part of a wider programme of
engagement for the LIS development.
At the last meeting, the Innovation Board approved the proposal to set up an Innovation
Forum and tasked the LEP executive with developing proposals for the first forum.
The Innovation Forum
The Innovation Forum is to be a bi-annual facilitated session which brings together regional
partners to discuss key issues and opportunities. The forum will be used to capture the
insights of a group of innovative individuals, and business facing stakeholders across Norfolk
and Suffolk. Outputs from the Innovation Forum will be presented to the Innovation Board for
discussion and will help shape and inform the Innovation Board’s priorities and activity.
The Innovation Forum will consider subjects relating to the Innovation Board workstreams:
Evidence base
Strategic projects
Investment in innovation
Cluster and community development
Skills for innovation
In addition, the Forum will consider regional and national programmes such as Local
Industrial Strategy, Sector Deals, Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund etc.
Membership of the Forum
It is anticipated that there will a core membership from a range of business facing
stakeholders, and businesses, such as the Growth Hub, KTN, Enterprise Europe Network,
Universities and Innovation Hubs. For each session, additional invitations will be sent out
dependent on the topic being explored.
The Forum will provide the structure through which to engage with the work of the new
Industry Councils (Energy, ICT and Agri-Food), Sector Groups as well as other innovation
stakeholders and programmes.
Local Industrial Strategy: Ideas Foundation
New Anglia LEP is working with Government to develop a Local Industrial Strategy for
Norfolk and Suffolk. A number of engagement events will be taking place over the summer in
order to help develop the actions and investments needed to maximise our region’s
economic opportunities.
One of the national Industrial Strategy’s five foundations of productivity, Ideas looks at how
innovation can transform the economy. The Strategy identifies four barriers to innovation
which is limiting productivity nationally:
1. Investment: the UK invests less in R&D than competitors, greater levels of private
and public sector investment is needed.
2. Commercialisation: the UK has world class science and research but needs greater
levels of commercialisation to capture the full economic value.
3. Ecosystem: barriers to growth in specific clusters, highlighted by the Science and
Innovation Audits need addressing in order to create strong innovation ecosystems.
4. Competitiveness: the UK needs to retain its leading position in science and
innovation, continuing to attract talent from around the world and international
Key policies:
• Raising R&D investment to 2.4% of GDP by 2027
• Increasing the rate of R&D tax credit to 12%
• Investing £725m in new Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund to help deliver the
Grand Challenges:
o Clean Growth
o AI and Data
o Ageing Society
o Future of Mobility
• Develop a ‘Strategic Priorities Fund’ with UKRI to invest in multi and
interdisciplinary research
Norfolk and Suffolk’s innovation hubs together with region’s universities have clear strengths
that cut across the Grand Challenges and can help to deliver them. Given this important
topic so closely aligns with the priorities of the Innovation Board, the first Innovation Forum,
taking place on 17th June will explore the Ideas Foundation.
The session will focus on how - collectively as a region - we can better leverage our local
assets to make the conditions right for innovation. The purpose of the session will be to
identify game changing interventions which can be included in the LIS. The session might
pose questions linked to the 4 barriers to innovation:
Investment: the region has a key challenge to address and is often in the lower percentile of
LEP areas in innovation rankings: How can we improve the amount of private and public
sector investment in innovation?
Commercialisation: Norfolk and Suffolk world class science and research at our innovation
hubs and universities. How can we facilitate more connections between business and
academia and fully capture the economic value of this research through commercialisation?
Ecosystem: A strong ecosystem will support an idea through a network of regional
organisations, allowing it to develop into a new technology or service, bringing economic
growth to a region. Factors relating to a place’s ecosystem are generally easier for local
actors to influence. The region has many of the components of a strong innovation
ecosystem such as a robust research base, vibrant business networks and innovation
infrastructure. How can we create the conditions for greater levels of innovation?
Competitiveness: For a place to compete internationally, attracting greater levels of talent
and investment, its capabilities and competitive advantages need to be understood and
communicated. How can we as a region be recognised as a centre for pioneering ideas, and
meeting the challenges we face globally?
Next Steps
The first Innovation Forum will be held on 17th June and the outcomes of the session will
help to shape and inform the Local Industrial Strategy.
A full report and evaluation of the event will be presented at the next Innovation Board with a
proposal for second Forum’s topic. The second Forum will be held in autumn.
The Board is asked to
• Note the contents of the paper and provide any ideas and feedback
• Endorse the proposal for the first Innovation Forum.
New Anglia Innovation Board
Wednesday 22nd May 2019, 10:30-12:30
Keplar Room, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath
Agenda Item 6
Capital Growth Fund and Innovative Projects Fund
Authors: Madeleine Coupe
In October 2018, the LEP announced two calls for projects:
1. Capital Growth Programme: £19m (capital) call for projects with a focus on skills,
innovation and productivity. This funding has been secured as part of New Anglia
LEP’s £290m Growth Deal with Government.
2. Innovative Projects Fund: £0.5m (revenue) call for innovative projects which support
the Economic Strategy. This revenue funding has been generated through the
Enterprise Zones.
After independent appraisal using a comprehensive range of criteria and decision by the
LEP Board and Investment Appraisal Committee, the successful projects were announced in
March 2019.
This paper provides further detail on the successful projects.
Capital Growth Fund
The projects which secured funding through the Capital Growth Fund are:
1. University of Suffolk: Digital Skills & Innovation Accelerator.
£6.497m. Establishment of a new, nationally significant ICT research and training
centre, combining high quality academic capabilities, world-leading industrial
research and development. 1,600 m² of space focussed on education and growth in
the regional digital economy to enhance productivity in sectors which use ICT as a
key enabler. The centre will leverage the capabilities of the University of Suffolk, BT
and the Adastral Park tech cluster. Projected outputs: 520 new learners (level
6+),145 apprentices (level 6+), 36 new jobs.
2. City College Norwich: Digi-Tech Factory. £6.098m. A 2,780m² building to be
focussed on education, with innovative workshops and IT facilities, enabling a
number of interconnected Digital Technology, Engineering and Design Courses to
come together in a purpose-designed building. The project has been designed to
enable students, apprentices and local SMEs to increase their digital capability.
Projected outputs: 477 new students,100 new apprentices, 6 FT and 2 PT new jobs.
3. Suffolk New College: Digital & Technology Skills Hub. £1.6m. To provide new
skills for local SMEs seeking to increase their digital capability. The Hub will offer a
range of courses and also provide the building blocks for individuals to progress into
Higher Education and Higher-Level Apprenticeships. A new 462m² building will be
located near to the College’s current campus in Ipswich and so will benefit from the
existing support services in the College. Projected outputs: 264 new students, 28
new apprentices, 7FT and 5PT jobs.
4. Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils: Norfolk & Suffolk Innovation Network.
£440,000. To create a network across Norfolk and Suffolk to enable private, public
and educational sector organisations and the public to explore, trial and implement
Internet of Things (IoT) technology. This is a network that can send and receive low
power signals from digital sensors used in a wide variety of sectors, including flood
and traffic management, agri-tech etc. Projected outputs: 75 new jobs, 40 new
products developed, increased efficiencies & improved productivity in the ICT sector.
Innovative Projects Fund
Three projects in the Visitor Economy and Offshore Energy sectors will receive a share of
£230,000, with further projects in the pipeline to receive funding in the future should they
secure the required match funding. The successful projects are:
1. Norfolk County Council - Building Supply Chain Capacity in the Offshore
Industry: £22,000 (overall project cost: £59,000). Delivered in conjunction with
offshore energy company Vattenfall and Norfolk Chamber of Commerce, this project
seeks to alert SMEs to supply chain opportunities in the offshore energy industry and
get ready to bid for them. Supporting the creation 15 full time high value jobs, 47
learners and 40 apprenticeships.
2. Visit East of England - Growing the Year-Round Economy: £110,000 (overall
project cost: £180,000). To establish an online booking service and develop an
itinerary planner to encourage increased visitor stay time and spend. Using data
collected on the region’s existing tourism offer, it will confirm tourist hot spots,
concentrated visitor time frames and popular activities. The booking service would
generate a sustainable revenue stream for Visit East of England, which in turn would
help generate increased tourism activity of £1m per annum. The project will create 4
full time positions.
3. Great Yarmouth Borough Council - Norfolk and Suffolk Offshore Wind
Programme: £98,000 (overall project cost: £300,000). To create a branding and
marketing campaign to establish Norfolk & Suffolk as a world leader in offshore wind
with visibility to Government and potential investors, both domestically and globally.
Forecast to create 24 businesses.
The Board is asked to
• Note the contents of the paper