All Energy Industry Council
19th December 2019
Energy Skills Centre, East Coast College, Lowestoft
In attendance:
Andy Paine - Vattenfall
Bill Cattanach - Oil and Gas Authority (dialled in)
Chris Starkie - New Anglia LEP
Graham Hacon - 3sun
Johnathan Reynolds - Opergy/ New Anglia LEP
Julian Munson - New Anglia LEP
Konstantinos Chalvatzis - UEA
Mark Goodall (Chair) - Aker Solutions
Michael Gray - Suffolk County Council
Martin Dronfield - James Fisher Marine Services
Maxine Narburgh - Greater South East Energy Hub
Nikos Savvas - West Suffolk College (dialled in)
Patrick Phelan - Energy Business Catalyst
Paul Wood - East Suffolk Council
Richard Goffin - Peel Ports
Sheila Oxtoby - Great Yarmouth Borough Council (David Glayson represented)
Simon Gray - East of England Energy Group
Stuart Rimmer - East Coast College
Stuart Smith - People with Energy
Andrew Harston - Associated British Ports
Jim Crawford - EDF
Madeleine Coupe - New Anglia LEP
Shan Lloyd - BEIS
Sherlyn Deguzman - Shell
Victoria Sinclair - Scottish Power Renewables
Vince Muspratt - Norfolk County Council
Exec Attendees:
Katie Snell - New Anglia LEP
Philippa Warren - East of England Energy Group
Welcome from the Chair
Mark Goodall (MG) welcomed everyone to the meeting. No comments on previous minutes.
OGA UKCS Energy Integration - Interim findings
BC presented the slides from the OGA’s recent findings.
The report was based on work carried out by the OGA, BEIS, Crown Estate and Ofgem,
identifying 63 potential projects, with 12 viable projects in the SNS and East Irish Sea.
One Opportunity North East undertook pitching sessions from the most viable supply chain
projects, and this has led to some projects being awarded. Can a similar model be replicated
by EEEGR, with a funding role by the LEP and OGA? The East of England is well placed,
with the natural assets, to test new projects linked to the energy transition eg. Bacton,
Hydrogen, CCS etc.
The new government is likely to be interested in the energy transition, perhaps with a new
energy department. The north-east will be pushing ahead but our region must push to have
the involvement in some projects.
What are the next steps beyond this document?
BC to update
We need to decide as a region what our collective view on this piece of work is i.e. what are
group with
this region’s top 4 bullet points when discussing the energy transition. Perhaps the pitching
sessions as identified above. BC to update when more information is publicly available on the
12 viable projects.
Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) Interventions - a deep-dive - Increasing
Innovation and Productivity
CS gave an update on general IS and LIS progress.
Although submitted to Government in October, with a new Secretary of State, the timeline for
Government sign off and publication is unclear.
New Anglia LEP will be publishing it with Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited branding in January.
One of the interventions listed in the LIS for energy is to:
Develop an ambitious regional research and innovation programme that will build on our
existing clean energy research strengths across our regional universities, Cefas and ORE
Catapult’s new Lowestoft facility, working closely with industry to deliver increased innovation
and productivity, new research collaborations, and cross-sector translational projects.
PW to share
JR presented progress on this intervention with the SuNRISE Coast project. PW to share
presentation with the group - they are attachments to the pdf. minutes.
and briefing
note to group
AP asked whether a GAP analysis was done when the scoping of the SuNRISE Coast was
developed. JR answered that yes this was done, but the idea was to contextualise the
relevance and opportunities for Norfolk and Suffolk, building on strong themes within our
BC and JR to
cluster. BC identified some clear alignment with upcoming and ongoing OGA work. JR and
BC to discuss.
Are these the right priorities to work on? Commercialising research to fill the gaps in industry?
PP queried our strength as a region for research, aren’t we better at applying the knowledge
to real-world solutions? The group discussed the potential for our region to be a demonstrator
and exemplar in these areas.
CS clarified that the UKRI aims to rebalance the national research picture, not to just continue
funding Oxford and Cambridge. MG agreed and reminded the group it’s not just research but
also demonstrators, pilot projects and challenge funds.
MG identified that there is 20-21 months before a decision on winning projects will be made.
Will the proposed projects be taken elsewhere or already be underway by then? JR clarified
that the bid was made on the current situation, but this sector is developing at a fast pace.
KC agreed that even if projects start now, they won’t have any meaningful results in less than
2 years, but that we can build on anything that has already been started.
AP asked how the bid aims to engage industry. JR suggested that this group would be the
best way forward to confirm what is already being done in the industry and to confirm what
industry needs to refresh the landscape and shape priorities.
JM asked that if we commit to this, in the meantime, will we have enough additionality to
warrant us being awarded? KC suggested that these projects are such good ideas that either
way they will get picked up and ‘run with’ by businesses, which is a great position to be in.
MG suggested that the great research that was identified when the SuNRISE Coast was being
scoped out, should be mapped to help educate this group and a wider audience of what the
region is currently doing and is capable of. SR agreed but we should also map innovation and
the skills landscape too as they are intrinsically linked and show where we as a region are
having an effect nationally and internationally.
SG asked should we be approaching developers and operators as private SEED funding
opportunities to help us prove to government what we are capable of. Not just with cash but
also ‘in-kind’. AP suggested that industry will have more traction with ‘in-kind’ involvement.
MN identified that there is a lot being done in energy data mapping - mostly onshore, but
there is an opportunity for offshore. JR suggested that ORE Catapult Sparta project does
currently capture this from developers directly.
MG reiterated that we should map out the regional picture as we can’t shout about what we
PW to set up
don’t know! This work has already presented an opportunity to map out our research and
meeting at
capability in one place and also aligns with the work led by the LEP’s Innovation Board on a
Adastral Park
regional innovation prospectus.
It was agreed that stronger links across the other Industry Councils, particularly digital ICT,
will be important to improve knowledge and help identify cross sector opportunities. PW to
set up a meeting at Adastral Park.
Feedback from the idea generation session
PW presented feedback from the project voting. Projects were scored 1-14 with 1 being
participants favourite projects to be undertaken. Based on the scoring system the projects
with the lowest scores are the most popular among the group. The following were the most
A Cohesive Marketing Message
Energy Capability Matrix
Building on World-Class Energy Research
It was clarified that the 14 projects presented weren’t the only ideas to be generated but were
the initial ideas that came to the fore. Once the most popular projects have been completed,
we can re-evaluate a list of further projects to undertake.
MD identified that we need to flush out what will/won’t be done by each workgroup and this
should be undertaken at an initial workgroup scoping meeting. SR suggested that we identify
what projects we will have oversight on, be influencers of, or actively be working on.
LIS pillars
SR identified we need to consider heritage and tell the story of connected competence. AP
and Sector
agreed but also suggested we connect these to the sector deal objectives too. JR suggested
Deal to be
that the 5 pillars of the LIS should also be mapped to.
referenced at
PW to set up groups based on initial preferences for working.
Meeting Summary and AOB
SG gave an update on the recent Offshore Wind Cluster Meeting. The squeeze on the supply
chain has been identified. There is a target increase on UK content proposed (from 50% to
60%). OWGP Business Programme and Sharing Growth Programme had very few
applications from our region. Andy Macdonald has challenged us to present to them, what we
want from OWGP. AP suggested we do a ‘deep-dive’ on the OWGP and Catapult.
MG asked the group, what we need to do to engage MP’s now. CS suggested that we also
need to engage the cabinet and remind them of their local regions - perhaps some events to
help engage them.
RG let the group know that Siemens manufacturing base announcement was made for La
AP and MD both had recently seen instances where international stakeholders have been
instructed to not talk to BEIS or the UK supply chain because of BREXIT.
Date of next meeting 20th February 2020, PM - venue TBC.