New Anglia LEP Remuneration Committee
11th April 2018 - MINUTES
Doug Field (DF)
Mark Jeffries, Chairman (MJ)
Andrew Proctor (AP)
Jeanette Wheeler (JW)
In attendance:
Charley Purves (CP)
Actions from the meeting:
1. Charley Purves to share the job descriptions for CEO and COO with the committee.
2. Doug Field to work with the CEO on updating the objectives as discussed.
3. Charley Purves to provide further details of the 360-degree assessments from Eras.
4. Charley Purves to liaise with the LEP Network to obtain salary information from other
1. Minutes of the last meeting (15.12.17)
1. Mark Jeffries and Charley Purves have reviewed the Terms of
Reference which have been approved by the LEP board.
2. Charley Purves provided the committee with details of the difference in
pay between Heads of Departments and Chief Operating Officer.
3. Details of the 360º appraisal are provided to the April meeting.
4. People HR system is not compatible at this time for 360º appraisals.
5. Future meetings booked in March and October 2018.
The committee agreed the minutes were a true reflection of the meeting 15th
December 2017.
2. Matters arising: COO Recruitment - CONFIDENTIAL
3. CEO objectives for 2018 - CONFIDENTIAL
360-degree feedback
New Anglia LEP has signed up to take part in Best Employers Eastern
Region. One of the benefits of this is that the LEP has the opportunity to
use the 360-degree feedback from Eras.
The committee agreed that this would be used in the first instance with the
CEO in August 2018. With the potential for using this further in October
2019 with the CEO and COO if it is found to be beneficial.
The committee agreed that DF and JW should agree competencies and
questions, as well as who will be reviewing i.e. 4 stakeholders, 4 board
members, 4 team members. The CEO will suggest reviewers and DF will
CP will provide the committee with more detail about the 360-degree
assessments, including cost going forward and getting a steer from Eras.
Review of committee’s duties (paragraph 5 Terms of Reference)
MJ queried bullet 3 under Responsibilities and whether DF needed any
further support with this. There are currently no performance related pay
schemes operating at New Anglia. DF is not looking to introduce any at this
time but will be looking to bench-mark the CEO and COO roles against
similar. CP to liaise with the LEP Network to obtain salary information, pay
benefits and schemes, from other LEPs.
The Remuneration Committee approve the CEO and COO remuneration
and then provides guidance on the wider team. Clarity was required around
the ‘Senior executive officers’; these include Heads of Departments i.e.
Head of Communications, Head of Strategy, Head of Enterprise Zones and
Innovation, Head of Programmes and Financial Controller.
DF confirmed that the CEO has authority to approve standard pay
increases, however committee would be required to review extraordinary
Any other business
The committee agreed the following agenda items for the next meeting:
• Review of 360-degree feedback
• Performance related pay - LEP Network
• Public sector pay lift
• Progress of CEO objectives
• Progress of COO
It was agreed that the following meeting would be in early March 2019 to
allow for the pay review due by April 2019.
Next meeting - Thursday 4th October 2018 - 9.30am-11.30am - Birketts