New Anglia LEP Skills Advisory Panel
Terms of Reference
Revised October 2019
The Skills Advisory Panel exists to support the growth of an inclusive economy with a highly
skilled workforce where skills and employment provision meets business need and the
aspirations of individuals. It oversees the development of a skills and employment system to
help enable business growth and enhance the employment and progression prospects for
individuals working and living in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Role of the Panel
The Skills Advisory Panels aim to bring together local employers and skills providers to pool
knowledge on skills and labour market needs, and to work together to understand and
address key local challenges. This includes both immediate needs and challenges and
looking at what is required to help local areas adapt to future labour market changes and to
grasp future opportunities. This will help colleges, universities and other providers deliver the
skills required by employers, now and in the future.
The Panel provides the collective leadership and a strategic steer for skills and employment
activity across Norfolk and Suffolk to deliver on this objective.
The Skills Advisory Panel:
• provides a strategic steer for the LEP Board on the employment and skills agenda
• develops and supports key skills and employment interventions with clear focus
areas to ensure post-16 educational outcomes meet business needs in the New
Anglia LEP region
• lobbies to achieve required freedoms, flexibilities and resources and raise the profile
of the New Anglia LEP region
• collaborates proactively to identify barriers and opportunities in delivering these key
• galvanises the wider employer base to be involved in skills development
• provides analytical evidence, evaluation and subsequent coordination across the
skills system in line with key strategies such as the Economic Strategy for Norfolk
and Suffolk & Local Industrial Strategy
The Skills Advisory Panel is chaired by a member of the Panel representing the private
The Skills Advisory Panel Chair is either a member of the LEP Board or reports directly to
the LEP Board through attendance at Board meetings at least every 6 months where a
formal report is given, subject to the ongoing focus of the LEP Board.
If a vote is required on any matter it will be decided on a simple majority with the Chair
having the casting vote.
The Panel will determine the frequency and timing of meetings according to the programme
of work required. It is anticipated that there will be 6 meetings each year.
Wherever possible the Skills Advisory Panel uses SMART targets to drive the delivery of key
A separate ‘Expectations’ document lays out anticipated conduct or panel members. This is
expected to be adhered to (see appendix).
Managing Conflicts of Interest
Members of the Panel will be asked to complete an annual declaration of their interests
(based on a financial year) which will be held on record.
At the beginning of each meeting Members are also required to declare to the Chair any
conflicts of interest specifically pertaining to the agenda items to be discussed.
The membership of the Skills Advisory Panel will be reviewed at a frequency of at least
every three years and as agreed by the Panel itself. Each review will lead to Private and
Voluntary Sector Skills Advisory Panel Members either being reappointed or relinquishing
their membership of the Panel.
A member can only stand for a maximum of two terms (six years).
Relinquish of membership should take place in writing to the Skills Panel Chair for members
other than the Chair. The Chair should write to the LEP Board Chair. A period of three
months notice is expected by the members to allow a suitable hand over period.
The outgoing Chair is expected to brief the new Chair. They will also be supported by the
Vice Chair when this position is filled.
At least half the Skills Advisory Panel members should represent the interests of private
sector businesses. This includes members from a range of sectors and business
types/sizes, and location.
It is expected that members attend meetings regularly. If members attendance drops below
50% in a 12 month period then the Panel Chair and LEP Skills Manager will consult with the
member as to whether their continuation on the panel is appropriate. (This does not apply to
the Post-16 Principals who attend on rotation as documented below).
Panel Chair - This representation will be an active member of the Private Sector in Norfolk
and/or Suffolk. (Voting member)
Panel Vice Chair (optional) - This representation will be an active member of the Private
Sector in Norfolk and/or Suffolk. (Voting member) The Vice Chair (or another panel member)
will stand in for the Panel Chair when they are absent from Skills Advisory Panel meetings.
Private Sector - At least nine representatives drawn from across Suffolk and Norfolk and
ensuring a spread of representation of our key sectors and varying sizes of employers.
Members are selected through an open call for nominations and a process agreed by the
Panel. In addition, both the Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of Small Businesses
are invited to nominate representatives. (Voting member)
Post 16 and Further Education - A maximum of 5 representatives are expected to attend
each Panel meeting comprising of 4 Post-16 Principals and a representative for independent
(private or VCS post-16 provider). Members are selected by the Norfolk and Suffolk
Principals Group and the New Anglia Learning Providers Group respectively.
Higher Education - 1 representative. Nominated by the three HEIs within Norfolk and
Suffolk. (Voting member)
Voluntary Sector - 1 representative who will convey the views of the sector in Norfolk and
Suffolk plus equally relay information from the Skills Advisory Panel to the sector. (Voting
Local Authorities - 1 Councillor each from Suffolk and Norfolk County Council. Nominated
by the respective authorities. (Voting members)
Enterprise Advisor Network Manager - 1 representation (Non-voting member)
Job Centre Plus - DWP District Manager. (Voting member)
Government Agencies - support for the Panel provided by Government departments such
as the Education Skills Funding Agency and BEIS. (Non-voting member)
LEP - Skills Manager and Enterprise Advisor Manager. These are non-voting members.
Quoram - It is expected that at least 5 panel members from the private sector and voluntary
sector membership should be present where votes are required.
Officer Support - support for the Panel is provided from the LEP Executive Team, Suffolk
County Council and Norfolk County Council. Officers are non-voting members. No more than
two representatives from each council are expected at each meeting unless by invitation.
Secretariat - this will be provided by the LEP with support from NCC/SCC where needed
Links to other skills groups - It is expected that members are likely to sit on task and
finish groups set up to look at certain interest areas from that come out of discussions at the
Skills Advisory Panels. In addition, there are other groups linked formally to the LEP or
through invitation. Details of these are found on the LEP website.
The Chair’s role is not necessarily filled by the existing Vice Chair at the end of their term.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Advisory Panel
Member Agreement
The Skills Advisory Panel exists to support the growth of an inclusive economy with a highly
skilled workforce where skills and employment provision meets business need and the
aspirations of individuals. The Skills Advisory Panel aims to bring together local employers
and skills providers to pool knowledge on skills and labour market needs, and to work
together to understand and address key local challenges.
As a member of the Skills Advisory Panel I understand that I have a duty of care to always
work in the best interests of the industry, sector or community of interest which I represent, a
duty of loyalty to put the good of the region first and avoid any conflicts of interest and a duty
to be faithful to the central goals of the panel and follow its governing arrangements.
Expectations of Members
In order to effectively fulfil my role as a Skills Advisory Panel member, I will endeavour to:
fully prepare for, attend and participate in panel meetings, sub-group meetings and
any related special events
strive to keep abreast of all relevant trends, issues and skills policy developments to
enable informed discussions at each meeting.
represent a wide industry area or community of interests - not only my own individual
report back to the panel from any associated group or forum that I am linked or
assigned to
provide accurate information in a declaration of interests form and abstain from any
decision in which I may have a conflict of interest.
fully engage in panel discussions and, where relevant to my specialism, volunteer to
take a lead for the panel on certain areas of work.
take collective responsibility for decisions made by the Skills Advisory Panel.
represent the Panel in a positive and supportive manner at all times
work collaboratively with staff and other panel members as partners towards the
achievement of our goals.
strictly maintain the confidentiality of all privileged or sensitive information provided to
me to safeguard the reputation and integrity of the Panel, as well as the privacy rights
of individuals connected to the Panel.
If I do not or am unable to fulfil these commitments, I understand that this may trigger a
discussion with the Panel Chair to determine my suitability for continuing as a Skills
Advisory Panel member.
Expectations of Panel Support
In turn I expect the Skills Advisory Panel secretariat and supporting officers (provided by the
LEP Executive Team with support from Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils) to:
provide an induction meeting to all panel members that request one
provide agendas, papers and reports that provide members with an understanding of
the performance of the skills and employment system in Norfolk and Suffolk and the
strategic objectives of the panel
regular policy updates between skills advisory panel meetings
respond to panel requests
update a simple dataset of key skills indicators on a regular basis
circulate LEP related skills and employment news before it is published
highlight opportunities to develop solutions (funding pots etc.)
provide a clear forward plan for skills advisory panel meetings
work with me in good faith towards achievement of our goals
If the support provided does not fulfil these expectations, I can call on the Panel Chair to
discuss the suitability of the level of support provided.
I certify by my signature that I understand the expectations outlined above and that I will do
my best to fulfil them as a member of the Skills Advisory Panel.