New Anglia LEP Innovation Board
Terms of Reference
Agreed June 2019
To maintain strategic focus and thought leadership in innovation, on behalf of the main LEP
Board and to support the delivery of innovation activity outlined in the Economic Strategy &
Local Industrial Strategy
Strategic Objectives
The Innovation Board has four ambitions for growth, which relate to the Economic Strategy
for Norfolk and Suffolk:
Norfolk and Suffolk are recognised as a centre for pioneering ideas, meeting the
challenges we face globally
Science and innovation are net contributors to the Norfolk and Suffolk economy
A highly skilled workforce equipped with the skills necessary to access the techniques
and business practices needed for innovation
Existing assets continue to strengthen and develop into a pan-regional innovation
The Innovation Board is a formal Sub-Board of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
The Innovation Board will:
Provide the leadership to ensure all partners make their contribution to delivering on
the high-level ambitions
Consider the ‘big picture’, providing strategic direction to the LEP Executive on
matters relating to innovation
Drive and coordinate activity which delivers the strategic objectives
Support the development of the Local Industrial Strategy, identifying actions and
interventions and best practice for the Ideas foundation of productivity
Stimulate greater levels of collaboration between university and businesses in the
Assess policies, projects and programmes of investment linked to innovation
regionally, nationally and internationally, providing guidance to the LEP on how they
relate Norfolk and Suffolk’s innovation assets and skills, and identifying any gaps in
Work with and challenge other initiatives to provide input from an innovation
perspective, such as the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor, New Anglia LEP
Develop links to other areas with similar capabilities nationally and internationally and
help to instigate constructive collaboration
Champion and provide input into strategic projects and game changing opportunities
Commission task and finish groups where appropriate and where no other sub-board
or committee can fulfil the task.
Connect to and collaborate with regional and national stakeholders that play a role in
delivering innovation, continuing to identify gaps and opportunities.
Membership and Appointment
The Innovation Board will be chaired by a member of the LEP Board and will consist of the
leaders of the five main Innovation hubs and universities in Norfolk and Suffolk, plus two
members from local authorities:
Adastral Park
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)
Hethel Innovation Centre
Norwich Research Park
University of East Anglia
University of Suffolk
Norwich University of the Arts
Norfolk County Council
Suffolk County Council
A representative from Innovate UK will attend Board meetings as an observer.
The board will be supported by the LEP executive.
Board membership will be for a period of three years initially, with an option to be re-
appointed. No more than a third of the board will stand down on an annual basis. Board
members will be responsible for attending at least three meetings a year. Members failing to
take part in at least three successive meetings will have their membership revoked. If unable
to attend, Board members are only able to nominate a substitute with prior agreement from
the Chair, and by exception only.
In line with LEP policy, Board members are not able to nominate a substitute if unavailable
to attend the meeting.
Board members, including co-opted members, or additional observers, are selected by
nomination; at least two Board members and the Chair are required to nominate a Board
member or observer and final decisions will be made by a majority vote of the Board.
Decisions will be based on how well nominated individuals can represent their sector and on
ensuring a balance of representation across the Board by geography, size of businesses
and sector. Decisions on co-opted members, observers and working party membership will
be based on the specialist advice, knowledge and networks required.
The Board may co-opt up to three specialist advisors to support specific project development
and delivery.
The Board may invite observers from other LEP groups or interested parties, on a reciprocal
basis and for a fixed period of time.
If a vote is required on any matter it will be decided on a simple majority with the chair
person having the casting vote.
Operations and reporting
The LEP will provide secretariat support for the Innovation Board. Minutes will be circulated
and published in the LEP website no later than two weeks after the meeting has taken place.
The Board will determine the frequency and timing of meetings according to the programme
of work required.
Attendance of non-members at meetings
Members of the LEP executive team, sub-boards and committees may also be invited to
attend meetings where appropriate.
Delegated Authority
Can hold other groups - including Task and Finish groups - to account. It has the authority
to task a sub-board, group or committee to deliver action within the deliver plan.
Innovation Forum
The Innovation Board will convene an open Innovation Forum bi-annually to bring together
regional partners.
The Forum will provide wider engagement and constructive feedback to the Innovation
Board helping to set the strategic objectives and focus.
Managing Conflicts of Interest
Members of the Board are all representatives of their industry sector or community of
interests and have a responsibility to act on behalf of their wider constituency at all times in
relation to the work of the LEP Innovation Board. Members of the board will be asked to
complete an annual declaration of their interests which will be held in a register at the LEP
office and members will be asked at the beginning of each meeting to declare any conflicts
of interest pertaining to the agenda items to be discussed.