The Intermediary
Ambassador Network (IAN)
What is the IAN?
Intermediary Ambassador Network benefits
The Intermediary Ambassador Network (IAN) is a national
As an Intermediary Ambassador, you can:
community of inspired ambassadors who volunteer to
Be part of a national network of trusted and
champion apprenticeships, T Levels and traineeships
influential Intermediary Ambassadors.
by sharing the latest news and information with their
• Input to Department for Education skills plans and
members, partners and stakeholders.
• Have the first opportunity to shape and influence
What do Intermediary Ambassadors do?
new programme approaches.
Intermediary Ambassadors make a valuable contribution
• Expand your own networking and peer-to-peer
to the reputation of apprenticeships, T Levels and
support opportunities.
traineeships to be the chosen skills route by employers
• Join the LinkedIn group to further facilitate
and individuals by:
networking, share best practice and hot topics.
• Be an integral part of an annual intermediary
• Promoting technical education through employer
conference to share good practice, present, network
networks, members and to other intermediary
and hear topical speakers including Ministers.
• Input towards and influence our communications
• Sharing first-hand accounts and experiences of skills
via social media channels to support key messages
programmes to employers and other intermediaries.
and campaigns (e.g. National Apprenticeship Week)
• Showcasing examples of how employers have
and showcase your role as both a significant
achieved the benefits of technical education within
intermediary and ambassador.
their businesses.
• Use the Intermediary Ambassador logo, wear the
• Celebrating events and initiatives such as National
badge with pride!
Apprenticeship Week/Awards and WorldSkills Live UK
More information
IAN commitment
For more information about joining the Intermediary
Your work will make a huge contribution to the
Ambassador Network, please email:
reputation of the skills programmes. By becoming part of
[email protected]
the network, you will:
• Become an active member of the Intermediaries
“The Intermediary
Ambassadors are an
• Work with ESFA colleagues to receive and share
essential network
important and interesting news and information
made up of dedicated
about apprenticeships, Traineeships and T Levels,
and passionate
• Commit to a minimum of 1 day per quarter on
individuals who
ambassadorial activities.
have shown clear
• Provide quarterly reports and share insights that will
commitment to
impact and enhance the IAN
supporting employers
• Attend virtual meetings, biannual face to face
with apprenticeships,
meetings and ad-hoc calls.
Traineeships and T
• Help grow the number of Intermediaries
Levels alike.”
- Manuel Thompson-
Oloko, Chair of
the Intermediary
Ambassador Network