Criteria for New Anglia Board Membership
Selection criteria for private sector business representatives
and a guide to the skills and competencies needed
New Anglia LEP ambition
New Anglia LEP drives growth and enterprise across Norfolk & Suffolk.
It is a unique business-led collaboration between the private, public sector and
education sectors.
Our ambition is to transform the local economy into a global centre for talent
and innovation.
Guidance to private sector business representatives
• Your expertise, skills and contribution will be vital to the success of the LEP
• Your primary role will be to represent the views and interests of private
sector businesses and in particular those of your sector, business size
banding and geographic area, whilst always ensuring that decisions are
taken in the best interests of New Anglia’s business community as a whole
• Appointments will be on merit
• Your role is not to represent your own business or personal interests
• Creating an environment where businesses flourish and sharing the
ambitions of New Anglia LEP should be the primary reason for your interest
in the role
• Representatives are welcome from for profit, not for profit and social
• The Board has 10 meetings a year. With additional sub-groups and other
commitments on behalf of the LEP - we would want you to commit to two
days per month
• We would expect board members to make themselves available to
represent the LEP in speaking and other external engagements for which
support will be provided by the executive team
Last updated 26.10.17
Skills and competencies
• Experienced person with at least three years in a senior appointment
• A successful individual
• Good standing in the business community
• Good team player
• Strong communicator
• Reliable, effective and efficient
• Good influencing skills
• Intelligent, clear thinking, active listener
• A logical approach to problem solving and able to demonstrate sound
• Has the interests of the New Anglia business community and Norfolk and
Suffolk’s economy at heart
• Has the time and the commitment to give to the LEP board
• Can bring demonstrable relevant skills and experience
• Can demonstrate a focus on growth and jobs
• Is making a difference to the New Anglia business economy now
Sector Coverage
Norfolk and Suffolk are home to world-leading centres for excellence and key
sectors that drive our economy. It is it is important to have business
representatives with experience of these sectors and who can represent the
interests of and engage with businesses within them. Good connections into
relevant networks will be an advantage. Key sectors we will seek to cover are:
• All energy sector and green economy
• ICT/Digital creative
• Advanced manufacturing
• Life sciences
• Tourism and cultural heritage
• Food and drink and agriculture
• Ports and logistics
• Construction
• Financial and business services
Last updated 26.10.17
Geographic Coverage
It is important that the make-up of the Board reflects the different business
communities and geographic areas in New Anglia and we will seek to appoint
business representatives from all areas.
This will enable each business representative to benefit the LEP by
representing their connections into relevant networks.
Business Size
The size of their business or the experience representatives have had in a
number of businesses will be an important asset for the LEP. The issues
facing the different sizes of organisation need to be understood by the LEP
Board. We will seek to cover the following size groups:
• Micro
0-10 employees
• Small
11-50 employees
• Medium
51-250 employees
• Large
251 + employees
Therefore in seeking replacement board members for those retiring the
existing balance of size of business, geography of business and sector of
business applicants represent should be taken into consideration.
Appointments will be for an initial period of one year, with the option of
remaining on the board for a further two-year term and then an additional
three-year term.
The Board positions are not remunerated. Reasonable travel expenses will be
reimbursed and all expense claims will be published in line with the Board’s full
transparency requirements.
Code of conduct
Board members are expected to adhere to the highest standards of
governance and propriety.
The New Anglia LEP has adopted the Nolan principles as the core of the code
of conduct, and board members are therefore expected to adhere these
principles, in addition to their responsibilities as company directors.
Last updated 26.10.17
The seven principles were established by the Committee on Standards in
Public Life, which provides independent advice to the prime minister on
standards of conduct of holders of all public office.
The seven principles are:
1 Selflessness
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They
should not do so in order to gain financial or material benefits for themselves,
their family, or their friends.
2 Integrity
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or
other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to
influence them in the performance of their official duties.
3 Objectivity
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments,
awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits,
holders of public office should make choices on merit.
4 Accountability
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the
public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their
5 Openness
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions
and actions they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict
information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
6 Honesty
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to
their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way
that protects the public interest.
7 Leadership
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by
leadership and example.
Last updated 26.10.17