Norfolk & Suffolk Agri-Food Industry Council
Terms of Reference
September 2019
Purpose & Principles
To provide strong and clear leadership for the industry to drive forward the aspiration to be
recognised as the UK’s leading region, the Norfolk & Suffolk Agri-Food Industry Council will
• Clear Leadership - demonstrating strong and clear leadership for the industry
• Communication - enhance strong and clear communication to speak with one voice
• Collaboration - instilling a spirit of cooperation and collaboration to strengthen
industry-government-education strategic partnerships for the benefit of the whole
industry sector
• Coordination - improving the coordination of activity and initiatives to promote
growth, add value, enhance service delivery and knowledge transfer
• Capability - building knowledge, intelligence and expertise to help strengthen
capability and capacity within the cluster
• Competitiveness - driving innovation and productivity improvements to help drive
down costs, enhance efficiencies and boost global competitiveness for export and
Strategic Objectives
Ensuring all partners play a part in delivering the ambitions of the sector and the Economic
Strategy for Norfolk and Suffolk, the Council will drive forward a set of strategic objectives
aimed at fostering economic growth:
1. International Trade - Branding and marketing the area and cluster to national and
global audiences. Proactively promoting the offer to attract global investment and boost
exports across the sector.
2. Lobbying and Regulation - strengthening links with Government and other bodies to
attract support and investment and improve regulations.
3. Supply chain development - strengthening the sector, helping businesses work with
each other, including tier one corporates, and maximising export and investment
4. Innovation support - helping businesses improve their performance and enabling
them to enter new markets, develop new products, enhance processes and improve
5. Skills development & labour supply - overseeing the skills sector plan, connecting
employers with providers and responding to industry demands in developing the skilled
workforce of tomorrow.
6. Infrastructure - attracting investment to enhance and build the infrastructure required
to support the growth of the industry and improve connectivity and business
• Act as the LEP sector group for agri-food, considering the bigger picture and providing
strategic direction in delivering the aspiration to be recognised as the UK’s leading Agri-
Food region.
• Drive and coordinate activity which delivers the ambitions to develop the sector
• Act as clear and coherent reference point for dialogue with Government, being a single
point of contact.
• Support the development of the Local Industrial Strategy, identifying actions,
interventions and best practice.
• Engage with relevant national Sector Deals to ensure our ‘place’ is appropriately
• Commission task and finish groups where appropriate and where no other sub-board
or committee can fulfil the task.
• Connect to and collaborate with regional boards and committees that play a role in
delivering the ambitions for developing the Agri-Food sector, continuing to identify gaps
and opportunities.
• Influence stakeholders and government - to coordinate resources and investment to
the deliver the objectives.
Membership and Appointment
The Industry Council will comprise of around 25 members - the Chair, up to 8 sector
champions, a minimum of 2 educational representatives, 10 companies (SME and LE), Norfolk
and Suffolk County Council, and New Anglia LEP representatives. The Board will include at
least one LEP Board member, providing the link back to the LEP Board and as ambassadors
for the Economic Strategy. One seat will be reserved for a Government official.
Board membership will be for a period of three years initially, with an option to be re-appointed.
No more than a third of the board will stand down on an annual basis. Board members will be
responsible for attending at least two meetings a year. Members failing to take part in at least
two successive meetings will have their membership revoked. In line with LEP policy, Board
members are not able to nominate a substitute if unavailable to attend the meeting.
Board members, including co-opted members, or additional observers, are selected by
nomination; at least two Board members and the Chair are required to nominate a Board
member or observer and final decisions will be made by a majority vote of the Board. Decisions
will be based on how well nominated individuals can represent their sector and on ensuring a
balance of representation across the Board by geography, size of businesses and sector.
Decisions on co-opted members, observers and working party membership will be based on
the specialist advice, knowledge and networks required.
The Board may co-opt up to three specialist advisors to support specific project development
and delivery.
The Board may invite observers from other LEP groups or interested parties, on a reciprocal
basis and for a fixed period of time.
Attendance of non-members at meetings
Members of the LEP executive team, sub-boards and committees may also be invited to attend
meetings where appropriate.
Meeting Frequency
Meetings will be held bi-annually at a minimum and scheduled to avoid clashed with the dates
of other LEP Board meetings. The frequency of meetings could change to quarterly if the Board
decide it is more appropriate once it is established.
Delegated Authority
Can hold other groups including Delivery Groups, to account. It has the authority to task a sub-
board, group or committee to deliver action within the deliver plan.
Standards of Conduct
Council members are expected to adhere to a Standards of Conduct Policy, which can be
viewed here. The policy requires Council members to declare their interests and any gifts or
hospitality received in connection with their role in within the LEP. A declaration of interest form
is provided for this purpose and will be held by HR at New Anglia LEP.
Reporting procedures
The minutes of meetings will be circulated to all members of the Board and published on the
LEP website. The Norfolk & Suffolk Agri-Food Industry Council will be required to report
annually to the main LEP Board on progress.
Secretariat will be provided by Agri-Tech East, which from January 2020 will be known as Agri-